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How does informal education (things taught outside a school, coaching, or training

environment) influence individual development?

Should all students be required to learn a foreign language? Why or why not?

Name at least two problems you see in traditional education in Slovakia. How could these
problems be mitigated?

Discuss the pros and cons of extracurricular activities. 

What are the one or two most important changes that technology has wrought (caused) in
education in the past decade? 

Is it important to keep learning after you have established yourself in a career? Why or why

How do you, personally, study? 

Name three pros/cons about traditional or online learning.

Name one or two jobs that are typically held by someone of a certain gender. Why is this the

When you finish your education, what will you look for in a job? 

Name two challenges young people face in finding a job.

Name two pros/cons in gig work. Would you like to work gigs?

How important is it for you to work in the field you trained for?

Do you think there should be a required age people should retire? Why or why not?

In what ways has technology changed the way people look for jobs?

Discuss some of the sacrifices people might make for a job. 

How do trade unions (like a teacher’s union) benefit workers?

How has globalization impacted the Slovak economy?

How does unemployment affect the economy?

What is the government’s role in stimulating the economy?

In what ways is urbanization a beneficial process? In what ways does urbanization cause
harm? Give three examples for each category.

What is the role of the state in the protection of the environment? Give at least three specific

Should the state charge for entry to national parks? Reason.

What is the impact of climate change on household economy?

Being a local forecast anchor, what vocabulary would you find useful for reporting about rain,
wind, and general weather?

What might be classified as nature-related crime? In other words, what human activities
bring about imbalance or disasters to nature, natural habitats, and the environment?

Recycling should be taught at school. Give a short for/against defence, weighing in on both

Art is a non-essential part of life. Reason.

How has your creativity been challenged in the school setting? What would you desire to do
more of?

Introduce two or three deciding factors that led you to your intended career and/or the choice
of your future academic institution.

Lectures, addresses, and other non-fiction are sensible ways to discuss worldviews. Discuss
whether there should be more room made for these in the curriculum.

Discuss a piece of literature you’ve read that affected you. In what ways were you, your
thoughts, emotions, or set conceptions challenged, shaped, or shaken?

If you could get a do-over in your life, what would you do differently and why? What has
changed / has prompted you to act or deal with a situation differently?

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