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Topic:- Bone Fracture Detection Through the Two-stage System of

Crack-Sensitive Convolutional Neural Network
Team Members:-
Sr no. Name Roll No.
1 Sahil Singh 19030141CSE066
2 Adarsh Kumar 19030141CSE015
3 Mumuksh Nayak 19030141CSE007

Problem Statement:-
Fractures often occur in human’s arbitrary bone due to accidental injuries such as
slipping. In fact, many hospitals lack experienced surgeons to diagnose fractures.
Therefore, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) reduces the burden on doctors and
identifies fracture
Software Requirements:-
1) Python Notebook
2) Operating System
3) Online tools
Technology Using:-
1) Blockchain
2) Machine learning
3) Front End Development
4) API
5) Smart contract programming language

Literature Review:-
AI-generated smart contracts reveal that these contracts have the potential to
revolutionize the way contracts are executed and enforced, by reducing the need for
intermediaries and increasing the speed and efficiency of contract processing.
Research has focused on the development of machine learning and NLP algorithms
that can accurately interpret the language of the contract and automate the execution of
the contract terms on a blockchain network. However, challenges still exist in ensuring
the accuracy, reliability, and security of these algorithms, and in ensuring that the
contracts are legally enforceable. Future research will need to focus on developing
more advanced algorithms, as well as on exploring the legal and regulatory
implications of AI-generated smart contracts.

1. Requirements analysis: The first step is to gather and analyze the requirements
for the smart contract. This involves identifying the contract terms and
conditions, the parties involved, and the expected outcomes.
2. Contract design: Once the requirements have been analyzed, the next step is to
design the smart contract. This involves defining the logic and rules of the
contract using smart contract programming languages such as Solidity or Vyper.
3. Machine learning development: The machine learning algorithms used to
automate the execution of the contract terms are developed and trained using the
information extracted from the contract analysis.
4. Testing and verification: The smart contract and the machine learning
algorithms are tested and verified to ensure that they function as intended. This
involves testing the code for errors, vulnerabilities, and security flaws, as well as
verifying that the contract can be executed correctly.
5. Deployment: Once the smart contract has been tested and verified, it can be
deployed on a blockchain network, such as Ethereum.
6. Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance of the smart contract may be required to
ensure that it continues to function as intended. This may involve updating the
code to fix bugs or security issues, as well as monitoring the contract's
performance over time.

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