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x Changelog
- 40.2.0 Mark 1.18.2 Recommended Build 2

- 40.1.93 Fix mob block breaking AI when chunk 0,0 is unloaded Fixes #9241 (#9250)
- 40.1.92 [1.18.x] Make check tasks fail and report errors (#9228)
* Make check tasks fail and report errors
* License header and sas
- 40.1.91 [1.18.x] Make Util.memoize thread-safe (#9166)
* Make Util.memoize thread-safe
* Add the forge marker present in the PR
- 40.1.90 [1.18] Improve extensibility of DetectorRailBlock and PoweredRailBlock
* Improve extensibility of DetectorRailBlock and PoweredRailBlock
* Add missing license header to BlockGrowFeatureTest
- 40.1.89 [1.18.x] Add supplier to FlowerBlock so it works with custom MobEffects
* add supplier to FlowerBlock so it works with custom MobEffects
* address comments by @Matyrobbrt
* address comments by @ChampionAsh5357
* fix missing exc entry
* remove null check and rename constructor parameter
- 40.1.88 [1.18.x] Backport grindstone event from 1.19 (#9090)
* Backport grindstone event from 1.19
* Fix several bugs in the original PR related to canceling the event
Fix canceling the event not clearing the result item, causing it to dupe
whatever the result with the previous item was
Fix canceling the event running vanilla behavior if vanilla behavior ran
at all since the menu was opened and no other listener changed the XP
* Add comments to the test mod explaining the expected behavior
* Clarify docs on behavior of the XP
Makes it clear XP is ignored in on place if the output is empty or the
event is canceled
* Fix broadcast changes not being called if the event overrides
grindstone behavior
Not sure its strictly needed, but every vanilla branch in the function
calls it and its a trivial change.
* Add enabled flag to the test mod
* Improve javadocs
(cherry picked from commit e12c849cc0f4e1a031c06be9cb6489d21e4b1685)
* Formatting fixes
* Apply javadoc suggestions from review
Co-authored-by: matyrobbrt
* Correct capitalization in event name
* Javadoc improvements
Remove some redundancy in certain javadoc comments
Add @see to the header
Inline single line javadocs
* Add some funny curly brackets next to returns
Seems the kids these days have invented a new way to write return
statements in javadocs
* Remove extra dots and capital letters
The return tag apparently puts more dots at the end, and having two dots
on each sentence is not in the budget. Have also reached the capital letter quota
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-authored-by: matyrobbrt
Co-authored-by: ferriarnus
Co-authored-by: matyrobbrt
- 40.1.87 [1.18.2] Fix compatibility checker task configuration (#9229)
- 40.1.86 Enable additional build types to handle pull request validation. (#9160)
- 40.1.85 [1.18.x] Improve logging of missing or unsupported dependencies (#9108)
- 40.1.84 [1.18.x] Make LivingSetAttackTargetEvent compatible with the
Brain/Behavior system. (#8918)
- 40.1.83 [1.18.x] Backport recipe grouping feature to 1.18. (#8984)
- 40.1.82 [1.18.x] Invalidate lazy optionals properly (#9082)
- 40.1.81 [1.18.x] Fix NPE when feeding cats and wolves (#9075)
- 40.1.80 Revert "[1.18.x] Backport: Cache resource listing calls in resource
packs (#8868)" (#9026)
This reverts commit 4df024ef43524d8ec48928c70f561903f7a8e184.
- 40.1.79 [1.18.x] Backport #8981 ("Add event to growing fungus") to 1.18 (#8998)
- 40.1.78 LTS Backport of ModMismachEvent (#8989) (#9010)
- 40.1.77 LTS Backport of #8927 (#9012)
- 40.1.76 Backport Reach Distance fix (#9008)
- 40.1.75 Backport version-checker user-agent changes to 1.18 (#8975)
- 40.1.74 Fix circular dependency in static init of RecipeBookRegistry (#8996)
- 40.1.73 Backport: Load custom ITransformationServices from the classpath in dev
- 40.1.72 [1.18.x] Backport: Cache resource listing calls in resource packs
- 40.1.71 Backport: Re-add PotentialSpawns event (#8944)
- 40.1.70 [1.18.2][Backport] Let isRemotePresent check minecraft:register for
packet ids from other mod loaders (#8943)
- 40.1.69 Fix crossbows not firing ArrowLooseEvent (#8888)
- 40.1.68 [1.18] Allow blocks to provide a dynamic MaterialColor for display on
maps (#8855)
- 40.1.67 [1.18.x] Add RenderLevelStageEvent to expand on and replace
RenderLevelLastEvent (#8603)
- 40.1.66 [1.18] Fix EnumArgument to use enum names for suggestions (#8746)
Previously, the suggestions used the string representation of the enum
through Enum#toString, which can differ from the name of the enum as
required by Enum#valueOf, causing invalid suggestions (both in gui and
through the error message).
Using Enum#name fixes this discrepancy, so now the suggestions are
always valid inputs regardless of the return of Enum#toString.
Fixes #8618
- 40.1.65 [1.18] Add MC-105317 fix into patch to rotate entities in structures
properly (#8793)
- 40.1.64 [1.18] Update to the latest JarJar (#8848)
- 40.1.63 [1.18.x] Fix a weird interaction between shulker boxes and hoppers.
- 40.1.62 [1.18.x] Implement full support for IPv6 (#8376)
- 40.1.61 [1.16] Make tryEmptyContainer respect doDrain (#8318)
- 40.1.60 Jar-In-Jar (#8657)
* Jar-In-Jar
* Change to use the custom 4.x SPI.
* Bump JarJar to fix some version range selectors.
* Address requested changes.
* Mark the JiJ locator as a locator.
* Remove the unused imports.
- 40.1.59 Fix static member ordering crash in UnitSprite (#8839)
The previous ordering caused LOCATION to be null during the construction
of the UnitSprite INSTANCE, leading to errors as the atlas location for
the sprite would be null.
Fixes #8795
- 40.1.58 Backport: ForgeChunkManager ticking ticket fixes. (#8784)
- 40.1.57 Delete (#8734)
- 40.1.56 Use stack sensitive translation key by default (#8674)
- 40.1.55 Add callback after a BlockState was changed and the neighbors were
updated (#8617)
- 40.1.54 [1.18.x] Allow safely registering RenderType predicates at any time
* Allow safely registering RenderType predicates at any time
* Requested changes
- 40.1.53 Add Filtered Message to ServerChatEvent
- 40.1.52 [1.18] Make ConfigValue implement Supplier. (#8777)
- 40.1.51 Make IVertexConsumers such as the lighting pipeline, be aware of which
format they are dealing with (#8665)
Also fix Lighting pipeline ignoring the overlay coords from the block
- 40.1.50 Revert "TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project:
build features of 'Build' build configuration were updated"
This reverts commit 0cc85bc314c8c90f1bdb24d77c7035bb09150489.
- 40.1.49 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: build
features of 'Build' build configuration were updated
- 40.1.48 [1.18.x] Fix #8530 (Banner Pattern) NPE (#8666)
- 40.1.47 Revert "[1.18.x] Enable the Forge light pipeline by default (#8629)"
- 40.1.46 Fix eager loading of model loaders during datagen causing NPE (#8659)
- 40.1.45 [1.18.x] Fix 2 crossbow animations not applying to custom variants
- 40.1.44 [1.18.x] Added new Disconnection screen to display better
channel/registry mismatch information (#8402)
Co-authored-by: Curle <>
- 40.1.43 [1.18] Avoid exclusive synchronisation in block render type lookups
- 40.1.42 [1.18] Fix command redirects by replacing Commands#fillUsableCommands
Commands#fillUsableCommands does not handle redirect nodes properly. It
blindly pulls from the cached node map for a redirect node, which may
have no result because the target node of the redirect has not been
visited yet.
CommandHelper#mergeCommandNode is better in this regard, because it
visits the target node of the redirect instead of blindly pulling from
the node map.
Fixes #7551
- 40.1.41 [1.18] Fix tags command suggestion to include dynamic registries (#8638)
Manually entering the names of dynamic registries work as expected. The
suggestions for registries didn't include dynamic registries because
they queried the static registries rather than querying all registries
from the server's `RegistryAccess` (which includes both static
registries and dynamic registries).
- 40.1.40 Low code language provider (#8633)
Co-authored-by: Curle <>
- 40.1.39 [1.18.x] Add checkJarCompatibility task (#8644)
- 40.1.38 [1.18.x] Fix Banner Patterns not being extensible (#8530)
Co-authored-by: Curle <>
- 40.1.37 1.18.x Port BiomeDictionary over to biome tags (#8564)
- 40.1.36 [1.18.x] Enable the Forge light pipeline by default (#8629)
- 40.1.35 [1.18.x] Allow Modders to add custom data-pack registries through
RegistryBuilder (#8630)
Co-authored-by: Silverminer007
Co-authored-by: Curle <>
- 40.1.34 [1.18] Allow custom rarities to directly modify the style (#8648)
- 40.1.33 [1.18] Fix reload listener registration in ModelLoaderRegistry (#8650)
- 40.1.32 Fix wrong position in Level#hasChunk() call in IForgeBlockGetter (#8654)
- 40.1.31 Add ItemStack context to Enchantment#getDamageBonus (#8635)
- 40.1.30 Fix attack cooldown bar showing when out of reach of target. Closes
#8639 (#8640)
- 40.1.29 Improve TagsUpdatedEvent by adding update case information. (#8636)
- 40.1.28 Deprecate patched-in Style methods for removal, vanilla variants exist.
- 40.1.27 Add pack-type-specific format versions in pack metadata. Fixes #8563
- 40.1.26 Catch and aggregate exceptions during NewRegistryEvent (#8601)
- 40.1.25 Added removeErroringEntities config option (#8627)
Counterpart to removeErroringBlockEntities
- 40.1.24 Add missing patches for not lowering mipmap level for small textures
- 40.1.23 Make TransformType enum extensible, includes the possibility to specify
a fallback type for cases where models don't specify the transform explicitly.
Makes it possible to add new perspectives.
- 40.1.22 Fix CheckSAS to actually validate that the SAS line will do something.
This removes all method level lines as they are not necessary now.
- 40.1.21 Add Attack Range attribute and Update Reach Distance (#8478)
- 40.1.20 Implement PlayerNegotiationEvent (#8599)
- 40.1.19 Fire EntityTravelToDimensionEvent in all expected cases (#8614)
Fixes #8520
- 40.1.18 Fix isEdible crash (#8613)
Fixes #8602
- 40.1.17 Fix typo in Snow Golem patch causing them to destroy blocks they
shouldn't. Closes #8611
- 40.1.16 Re-introduce an attribute for entity step height in a non-breaking way
- 40.1.15 Revert step height attribute (#8604)
- 40.1.14 [1.18.x] Fix ContextNbtProvider serializing the wrong name (#8575)
- 40.1.13 Let BaseRailBlock decide if the calculated RailShape for placement or
connection to neighbors is valid (#8562)
- 40.1.12 Fix shears not playing a breakage sound (#8600)
- 40.1.11 Update IExtensionPoint javadoc to be correct (#8568)
- 40.1.10 Fix IDs of Multi-part entities being desynced across client and server.
- 40.1.9 Expose ICondition$IContext to modded reload listeners. (#8596)
- 40.1.8 Fix undead causing chunkloading leading to extensive lag (#8583)
- 40.1.7 Accomodate Bukkit-like Servers not sending Command Args (#8582)
Note to modded server devs:
Please, please, please implement full compatibility with [Brigadier]
( instead of hacking around it.
- 40.1.6 Restore translation key comments to ForgeConfigSpec (#8584)
- 40.1.5 Fix entity parts being ignored when collecting entities in an AABB
Previously entity parts are only taken into consideration when the
parent entity is in a chunk that intersects with the AABB
- 40.1.4 Fix EntityInteraction event running twice on client side (#8598)
- 40.1.3 Introduce an attribute for step height additions (#8389)
- 40.1.2 Fix shears passing on a client when interacting with a shearable entity
Caused the offhand item to also interact with the entity, possibly
sending a packet to the server causing both hands to interact
- 40.1.1 Allow Exception passed through CommandEvent to propagate (#8590)
- 40.1.0 Mark 1.18.2 Recommended Build.
Co-authored-by: sciwhiz12 <>
Co-authored-by: Marc Hermans <>
Co-authored-by: Curle <>
Co-authored-by: SizableShrimp <>
Co-authored-by: David Quintana <>

- 40.0.54 Add event for hooking into StructuresBecomeConfiguredFix Fixes #8505
Pass-through unknown structure IDs with "unknown." prefix
This avoids the fixer throwing an exception due to the unknown
structure, which causes the chunk data to be dropped (and freshly
regenerated later). The deserializer logs and ignores the unknown
structure ID, avoiding full chunk data loss.
- 40.0.53 Fix missed patch for loading modded dimensions on Dedicated Server start
- 40.0.52 Fix potential concurrency issues with BiomeDictionary. Closes #8266
- 40.0.51 Fix debug text being rendered slightly wrong.
- 40.0.50 Fix intrusive handlers on dummy objects.
- 40.0.49 Amend license header to include contributors and apply to FML
subprojects (#8525)
After internal discussion, it was decided that we need to include
"contributors" to the license header. This avoids claiming that the
Java source files are under the exclusive copyright ownership of Forge
LLC, which excludes contributors that still hold copyright ownership
over their contributions (but is licensed under the LGPLv2.1 as stated
in the Forge CLA).
- 40.0.48 Add modern implementation of the Slider widget and deprecate the old one
- 40.0.47 Implement ItemStack and LivingEntity sensitive method to get the
FoodProperties for an Item (#8477)
- 40.0.46 Add use context and simulate flag to getToolModifiedState, enabled
HOE_TILL action. (#8557)
- 40.0.45 Remove bad patch for AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity (#8561)
The patch prevented the entity from being marked as changed when an
item finished smelting.
- 40.0.44 Fix issues with custom forge ingredients causing sub ingredients to be
prematurely and invalidly cached (#8550)
Add config option and skip checking for empty ingredients in shapeless
recipe deserialization
- 40.0.43 Add EnderManAngerEvent to make it possible to prevent endermen getting
angry at a player based on more then their helmet. (#8406)
- 40.0.42 Fix misaligned patch in
- 40.0.41 Expose `getHolder()` method on RegistryObject, as helper for when
absolutely necessary to pass into Vanilla code. (#8548)
It is recommended you avoid if you can.
- 40.0.40 Fix return value of Recipe#isIncomplete being inaccurate for empty tags
- 40.0.39 Simplfy default behavior of isSimple (#8543)
isSimple should only return true if the ingredient is any more sensitive
then JUST itemA == itemB
It used to take metadata and damage into account, but that was removed
in the flattening.
Also prevents fetching tag values too early, as tags are not ready
during the ingredient constructor
- 40.0.38 Implement IPlantable in BambooBlock (#8508)
- 40.0.37 Fix compiler error in eclipse, bump MCPConfig for FF/Record fix.
- 40.0.36 Fix TagEmptyCondition by passing tag context into conditional and recipe
deserializers. (#8546)
- 40.0.35 Allow using DeferredRegisters for vanilla registries (#8527)
Catch and aggregate exceptions when applying object holders
- 40.0.34 Remove cut copper from copper storage blocks tag. Closes #8403 (#8539)
- 40.0.33 Fix brewing stand input placement not auto-splitting stackable potions.
- 40.0.32 Fix lost validation of registry data on singleplayer world load (#8533)
Fix some leftover 1.18.2 TODOs
- 40.0.31 1.18 Allow mod menus to have their own recipebook (#8028)
- 40.0.30 [1.18.x] Add 3 new ingredient types, and make existing ingredients
compatible with datagen (#8517)
- 40.0.29 [1.18.x] Add the projectile search event. (#8322)
Co-authored-by: noeppi_noeppi <>
- 40.0.28 Allow confirm-and-save of the Experimental Settings warning. (#7275)
- 40.0.27 Add hook for powdered-snow shoes (#8514)
- 40.0.26 Add some helper Access Transformers (#8490)
- 40.0.25 Fix incorrect method used in getStream (#8532)
The original correct method is getPath, but the patch uses getLocation.
The former is the actual resource path to the sound OGG file, while the
latter is the sound's location.
Fixes #8531
- 40.0.24 [1.18] Make it easier to register custom skull blocks models (#8351)
- 40.0.23 Rework fog events (#8492)
- 40.0.22 Update Forge Auto Renaming Tool to the latest version (#8515)
- 40.0.21 Add patches to enable MobEffects with IDs > 255 (#8380)
- 40.0.20 Allow sound instances to play custom audio streams (#8295)
- 40.0.19 Fix NPE caused by canceling onServerChatEvent (#8516)
- 40.0.18 [1.18.2] Fix tags for custom forge registries. (#8495)
Tag-enabled registries must now be registered to vanilla's root
registry. See RegistryBuilder#hasTags.
Modded tag-enabled registries have to use the format
This format is to prevent conflicts for registries with the same path
but different namespaces
EX: Registry name `examplemod:shoe`, tag name `blue_shoes` would be
RegistryEvent.NewRegistry has been moved and renamed to
RegistryBuilder#create has been made private. See
Created new ITagManager system for looking up Forge tags. See
Add lookup methods for Holders from forge registries. See
- 40.0.17 Lower custom item entity replacement from highest to high so mods can
cancel it during a specific tick (#8417)
- 40.0.16 Fix MC-176559 related to the Mending enchantment (#7606)
- 40.0.15 [1.18.x] Allow blocks to hide faces on a neighboring block (#8300)
* Allow blocks to hide faces on a neighboring block
* Allow blocks to opt-out of external face hiding
- 40.0.14 [1.18.x] Fix FMLOnly in forgedev and userdev (#8512)
- 40.0.13 Clear local variable table on RuntimeEnumExtender transformation (#8502)
- 40.0.12 Pass server resources to reload listener event (#8493)
- 40.0.11 Use UTF-8 charset for Java compilation (#8486)
- 40.0.10 Use wither as griefing entity when it indirectly hurts an entity (#8431)
- 40.0.9 Provide access to the haveTime supplier in WorldTickEvent and
ServerTickEvent (#8470)
- 40.0.8 Fix durability bar not respecting an item's custom max damage (#8482)
- 40.0.7 Add event for controlling potion indicators size (#8483)
This event allows forcing the rendering of the potion indicators in the
inventory screen to either compact mode (icons only) or classic mode
(full width with potion effect name).
- 40.0.6 Introduce system mods to mod loading (#8238)
Core game mods are mods which are required to exist in the environment
during mod loading. These may be specially provided mods (for example,
the `minecraft` mod), or mods which are vital to the framework which
FML is connected to (for example, Forge and the `forge` mod).
These core game mods are used as the only existing mods in the mod list
if mod sorting or dependency verification fails. This allows later
steps in the which use resources from these mod files to work correctly
(up to when the error screen is shown and the game exits).
- 40.0.5 Add missing module exports arg to server arguments list (#8500)
- 40.0.4 Fixed swim speed attribute (#8499)
- 40.0.3 Fix incorrect movement distance calculation (#8497)
- 40.0.2 Add support to Forge registry wrappers for new Holder system. Closes
Fix TagBasedToolTypesTest not generating needed data correctly.
- 40.0.1 Fix JNA not working at runtime and causing issues with natives.
- 40.0.0 Update to 1.18.2
Co-authored-by: sciwhiz12 <>
Co-authored-by: Marc Hermans <>
Co-authored-by: LexManos <>
Co-authored-by: Curle <>

- 39.1.2 1.18.x Omnibus (#8239)
- 39.1.1 Bump modlauncher and securejarhandler version (#8489)
- 39.1.0 Update license headers to compact SPDX format.
License has not changed, this is just more compact and doesn't include
Bump version for RB.

- 39.0.91 Remove - from allowed characters in mod ids.
The Java Module System does not allow them in module ids.
Closes #8488
- 39.0.90 Fix static initializer crash when loading BakedRenderable.
- 39.0.89 Fix regressions for onAddedTo/RemovedFromWorld and related events
- 39.0.88 [1.18] Integrate the gametest framework with Forge (#8225)
- 39.0.87 Re-add missing Shulker patch for EntityTeleportEvent (#8481)
- 39.0.86 Fix entity type in conversion event to Drowned (#8479)
- 39.0.85 Add VanillaGameEvent to allow for globally listening to vanilla's
GameEvents (#8472)
- 39.0.84 Provide damage source context to Item#onDestroyed(ItemEntity) (#8473)
- 39.0.83 Add missing shear and elytra game events (#8471)
- 39.0.82 Fix comment for permission handler config setting (#8466)
- 39.0.81 Apply nullable annotations to LootingLevelEvent (#8422)
- 39.0.80 Fix Mob Spawner logic with CustomSpawnRules. Closes #8398
- 39.0.79 Fix LivingDropsEvent not having all drops for foxes (#8387)
- 39.0.78 Add missing Locale parameter to String.format calls, Fixes
getArmorResource functionality on some locaales. (#8463)
- 39.0.77 Allow items to hide parts of their tooltips by default (#8358)
- 39.0.76 Prevent 1.x Branches being treated as Pull Requests. (#8443)
- 39.0.75 Fix RegistryObject not working if created after registry events (#8383)
- 39.0.74 Add support for tagging StructureFeatures (#8408)
- 39.0.73 Re-added the patch for LivingExperienceDropEvent and enable it for
dragons (#8388)
- 39.0.72 Implement getPickupSound on ForgeFlowingFluid (#8374)
- 39.0.71 Add getCodec method in ForgeRegistry (#8333)
- 39.0.70 Fix #8298 (MobBucketItem) and add test mod (#8313)
- 39.0.69 Deprecate IForgeAbstractMinecart::getCartItem (#8283)
- 39.0.68 Fix HoeItem patch incorrectly applied during migration. (#8384)
- 39.0.67 Fix issues with client only commands in combination with server only
commands not using MC's command system. (#8452)
- 39.0.66 Fix FoliagePlacerType and TreeDecoratorType registry (#8394)
- 39.0.65 Fix PlayerChangeGameModeEvent (#8441)
- 39.0.64 Fix comparison of custom ParticleRenderTypes leading to broken particle
effects. (#8385)
- 39.0.63 Fix cases where null is potentially sent to Screen events. Closes #8432
- 39.0.62 Ensure ScreenEvent doesn't accept null screens (#8296)
- 39.0.61 Update cobblestone tags (#8292)
- 39.0.60 Prevent release of custom payload packet buffer on the server side.
- 39.0.59 Make `MinecraftLocator` respect non-`MOD` FML Mod Types Fixes #8344
- 39.0.58 Fix vanilla worlds being marked experimental (#8415)
- 39.0.57 Simplify usage of IItemRenderProperties::getArmorModel (#8349)
- 39.0.56 Hide mod update notification while screen is still fading in (#8386)
- 39.0.55 Revert "Hooks to allow registering and managing custom DFU schemes and
types. (#8242)"
- 39.0.54 Provide NPE protection against out of order init of the TYPES and REF
- 39.0.53 Add ShieldBlockEvent (#8261)
- 39.0.52 Add renderable API to allow easier rendering of OBJ and other custom
models, from Entity and BlockEntity renderers. (#8259)
This is a redesign of a discarded section of my initial model system
rewrite, back in 1.14.
In order to use it with the OBJ loader, you can use
OBJLoader.INSTANCE.loadModel to get the OBJModel, and then call
OBJModel#bakeRenderable() to get a SimpleRenderable object to render with.
The SimpleRenderable support animation, by providing different
transformation matrices for each part in the MultipartTransforms.
Additionally, a BakedRenderable helper exists to turn an arbitrary
BakedModel into a renderable.
After trying to get the B3D loader to work, I decided it wasn't worth
the trouble and marked it for removal instead.
- 39.0.51 Merge values of defaulted optional tags, Fixes issue where multiple mods
declare the same optional tag. (#8250)
- 39.0.50 Added new 1.18 biomes to the BiomeDictionary (#8246)
- 39.0.49 Hooks to allow registering and managing custom DFU schemes and types.
- 39.0.48 Ping data compression (#8169)
- 39.0.47 Expand the LevelStem codec to allow dimension jsons to specify that the
dimension's chunk generator should use the overworld/server's seed (#7955)
- 39.0.46 Add Client Commands (#7754)
- 39.0.45 Remove references to the now-broken `BlockEntity#save(CompoundTag)`
method (#8235)
- 39.0.44 update McModLauncher libraries to newer versions...
- 39.0.43 add extra keystore properties
- 39.0.42 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.41 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.40 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.39 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.38 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.37 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.36 fix crowdin key
- 39.0.35 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.34 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.33 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.32 fix secondary branches builds
- 39.0.31 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: parameters
of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated
- 39.0.30 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots
of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated
- 39.0.29 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots
of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated
- 39.0.28 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots
of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated
- 39.0.27 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: parameters
of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated
- 39.0.26 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: parameters
of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated
- 39.0.25 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: VCS roots
of 'Build - Secondary Branches' build configuration were updated
- 39.0.24 Remove primary branches from building on secondary branch configuration
and publish crowdin data. (#8397)
* Remove the normalized branch names also from the filter.
* Add the additional publishing arguments to get the crowdin
* TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
* Fix the configuration.
* Remove the required patch and use the base script.
* Make a note about the reference.
Co-authored-by: cpw <>
- 39.0.23 TeamCity change in 'MinecraftForge / MinecraftForge' project: project
parameters were changed
- 39.0.22 Correct the build configuration to support a setup. (#8395)
* Add a setup task and publish the correct versions.
* Reconfigure build task and disable the normal build and test cycle on
everything but pull requests, run an assemble there.
* Fix the derp in the build configuration.
- 39.0.21 Enable the TeamCity CI pipeline (#8368)
* Setup the build.gradle
* Setup the teamcity toolchain.
* Revert the usage of the local build of GU.
* Automatically add it now, it will always exist and is added to maven
automatically by GU.
* Implement the branch filter and move the constant for the minimal
changelog tag to a constant in the extension.
* Adding the JDK and Gradle version to the build script.
- 39.0.20 Fix and improve Ingredient invalidation (#8361)
- 39.0.19 Rework world persistence hooks to fix the double registry injection when
loading single player worlds. (#8234)
- 39.0.18 Update tags for new 1.17 and 1.18 content (#7891)
- 39.0.17 Fix TerrainParticle rendering black under certain conditions (#8378)
- 39.0.16 Allow modded tools to work on glow lichen (#8371)
- 39.0.15 Fix custom climbable blocks not sending a death message (#8372)
Fixes #8370
- 39.0.14 Provide access to the blockstate in BucketPickup#getPickupSound for
multiply-logged blocks (#8357)
- 39.0.13 Fix clients being unable to deserialize tags for custom registries
- 39.0.12 Fix particles going fullbright for a few frames when first spawning
- 39.0.11 Also create parent directories when creating config files (#8364)
- 39.0.10 Fix crash with PermissionsAPI (#8330)
Fixes a crash in singleplayer, when the internal server didn't shut down
correctly between world loads.
- 39.0.9 Re-add missing default spawn lists in features (#8285)
Fixes #8265
Fixes #8301
- 39.0.8 Fixed incorrect generic in PermissionAPI (#8317)
- 39.0.7 Redo of the whole PermissionAPI (#7780)
Co-authored-by: LexManos <>
- 39.0.6 Fix misplaced patch in SpreadingSnowyDirtBlock.
Fixes #8308.
- 39.0.5 Add RenderArmEvent to make overriding just the arm rendering not require
copying nearly as much vanilla code (#8254)
- 39.0.4 Add MobEffect tags (#8231)
- 39.0.3 Log missing or unsupported dependencies (#8218)
- 39.0.2 Fix datagen test for sounds definitions provider (#8249)
- 39.0.1 Fix wrong stage being declared in transition to common (#8267)
- 39.0.0 Update to 1.18.1
Co-Authored by:
- Curle
_ Orion

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