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AGC 8.7 Settings and Libpatch HELP (ONLY FOR AGC 8.


Disclaimer: This document is made from information collected from various sources (Some Tutorial posts already
on Telegram and shared, as well as inputs from various members on/from Various Channels/Groups, and also
read/updated from various information available from the Internet, and from ChatGPT.
Big Thanks:

Inputs taken from the information posted by João (@JoaoNetoGB) on gcambrasil site (
8-4) and also used content/information from Celso site (
bsg/help/1/ “and”, and used that information to
compile a consolidated document for AGC 8.7.
Consolidated/Compiled by: @IamVamsiK

Thanks to: @bigkaka, for Great Mod, and also creating a Great Team with Great Drive and Passion

@jaywehosl (Encyclopedia of GCam. ☺, always helps), @ArcideMusic (Always First to help. Tuning PRO), @md_shamim12 (Young Talented Dev,
very Passionate), @tommyhellatigr (Thanks to Tiger for introducing me to behind the scenes of GCam Development), @Rivington (For Patcher
Inputs), User_X (for GCam Inputs)

Others who helped me on the way (Testing, Info, Development, tuning, or from their XMLs, etc.,): @hanx13, @anamajah, @Madieljf,
@Sking1989, @H1T4M, @BSG19071979, @isaacpains, @wclearse, @meto35, @istrind, @Giardie, @Ar_saikat, @Nitzchiaa, @whyl0ve, and
many more (apologize, if I missed few, don’t indend to miss anyone, just forgot to update)
Item Description Remarks
Sharpness A Adds Sharpness to Image Processing
Higher values – High Sharpness, but also higher Noise
Lower Values – Soapy, but lesser Noise
Sharpness B Fine Sharp (more depth with high radius sharpening)
Higher values – refined Sharpness, but also higher Noise
Lower Values – Soapy, but lesser Noise
Chroma A Chroma is Color Noise. Too high reductions can cause blurring, mistaking element depth lines
for shadows.
Chroma B Chroma is Color Noise. Too high reductions can cause blurring, mistaking element depth lines
for shadows. Chroma B is Chroma “FINE”, manages Chroma (color noise) on finer details
Denoise Reduce Noise, and smoothen imperfections and reduce grain. Higher Values cause soapy
Spatial A Spatial Noise reduction. The lower the value, the more noise reduction, very low values ruin
the structure of the photo. Kind of also adds blur effect to Objects in Background. Higher
Negative values, less detail is captured
Spatial B Finer Details. Similar as above, but adds radial blur around the subject as well
Luma A Manage “luminous” brightness level. Too high values make the image too smooth
Luma B Helps manage Luminous TONE differences (Finer). Too high values make the image too smooth
Temporal A for close-up photography and captures sharper images with more detail. The strength of
temporal noise reduction for multi-frame stitching. More value - more soap and less noise
Temporal B wider field of view and is ideal for landscape and zoomed out shots. The strength of temporal
noise reduction for multi-frame stitching. More value - more soap and less noise
Lumanoise Helps improve the quality of photos taken in low-light or nighttime conditions by reducing
graininess, which can be caused by high ISO settings or poor lighting conditions. The lower the
value causes greening at the edges of the photo, especially in dark areas
Saturation The higher the more vibrant the colors
ISO In Extended HDR caps max ISO, ZSL corrects light without capping ISO
ISO (ISO and light sensitivity of the sensor)
InitParams Execute CPU vs Hexagon.

Selecting the Hexagon option saves battery power. Hexagon DSP is a specialized processing unit
found in some Qualcomm Snapdragon processors and is designed to perform certain
operations (such as audio and video processing) more efficiently than the main CPU
Noise Model Unblock Unlocks the selected noise model
RAW Compress RAW Compression
Blur Preview Blur the photo until the HDR finishes processing. Blur preview ON means gcam isn't putting low
res image as the RAW preview. Have no effect on the resulting photo in GCam, but may have
VERY VERY MILD benefit on Processing Speed/Load, on heavy number of Frames. Also helps
avoid low res RAW preview images.
Sun Fix Fixes Crashes in Bright light, taking shots against Bright light or with heavy sunlight in

Sun fix is the default setting that applies standard exposure compensation to images captured
in bright sunlight, and appropriately increases exposure compensation to produce brighter
images, while sun fix2 applies even more exposure compensation to capture extremely bright
Sun Fix 2 Fixes Crashes in Bright light, taking shots against Bright light or with heavy sunlight in

Sun fix2 applies even more exposure compensation to capture extremely bright scenes.
Sun Fix ZSL May be helps Highlight/Brighness Fix, in ZSL Shots??
Skip MetaData Check Fixes crashes on some phones when the iso is too low (same as sunbug fix).
Also, when SKIP is enabled, helps GCam to process frames with missing or invalid meta data
such as exposure, sharpness, depth data, scene info, blurr etc. This way one can get most
frames merged without losing frames due to any missing meta data.
FIX RAW16 Merge Fixes the merge bug on Raw 16 devices. When enabled, helps reduce noise, improve dynamic
range, and achieve better low light performance when capturing images. When enabled, it also
increases the filesize of each image to allow for greater image detail
Hard JPG Quality Higher the value, higher the quality with much less compression artifacts, but also increases
the size of the file. Ideal to use between 97 to 99%
Lut Noise Fix By definition, helps reduce Noise and Artifacts, using standard LUT Based method
Shasta Force Force the use of Shasta. Shasta Force feature makes use of multiple shots taken quickly in
succession (bracketing) which are then merged together to create one final image with greater
detail, brightness and sharpness
Shasta Factor Shasta factor, fixes green noise (best for use in astrophotography)

By definition, Shasta Factor influences, adding brightness and detail to the images, without
introducing too much noise or artifacts. By creating high quality images with a single click, it
takes photos from dark to light and smooth
Resampling Selection for different image processing algorithms/filters to improve quality of photos:

Lanczos - interpolation method used to resize images while maintaining their sharpness and
Raisr2020 - create high-resolution images from low-resolution photos (Rapid and Accurate
Image Super Resolution.. Raisr)
Lancet - Filter based algorithm, reduces noises and sharpened details in low light captures
Downsample Factor (Processing) Amount of Downsampling applied to Image, resulting in a reduced size and also reduced
Higher values – aggressive downsampling, low size and low quality
Lower Values – Higher quality and Higher sizes
Downsample by 2 before merge reduces the resolution of the images taken by half before merging them which effectively
increases the dynamic range of the final image. Mostly used in low light, and this helps in gather
more information, better image quality with less noise and improved dynamic range
ISO Max ZSL Analog helps adjust the maximum ISO in ZSL, and impacts shutter speeds as well, thus helps reduce
noise, in low light captures. Higher values --> More light, Lower Values --> less light
DiscardFramesWithTETMismatch Discard frames taken with incorrect exposure settings. improves quality/clarity and prevents
over/under exposures
DiscardDissimilarPSLFramesForNightSight Discard dissimilar Positive Shutter Lag Frames in NS
DiscardFramesBaseFrameSharpnessThreshol Determines the image sharpness threshold for retaining or discarding extra frames in HDR+
d mode (which generally have multiple images with varying exposures and sharpness levels).
Higher the threshold value, the more images with lower sharpness will be discarded, leading to
a faster capture speed and less noise in the final image
MAX Relative TET Factor Total Exposure Time (TET) divided by the ISO sensitivity of a captured image, calculates the
amount of light that reaches the camera's sensor and affects the overall exposure of the image,
mostly in low light captures
Sabre Motion Fix (Merge1 only) Reduces Motion Blur
Bracketed Sharpness Threshold

Sharp Depth 1 Allows you to get more details and sharper images. Also helps add highly detailed bokeh effect
in the background

Sharp Depth 2 Same as above. Also helps to change the intensity of blur while preserving detail in both
foreground and background

Sharp Mini Sharpness adjustment for small details (in low details of image). It increases clarity but can
reduce quality if set too high
Sharp Macro (big Sharp) Adjusts sharpening for medium detail elements of an image, such as text or objects. Setting
this too high can also lead to reduced quality. Very high values leave light edges
Soft Sharp The higher the value, the more sharpness without compromising noise reduction, very high
values make the photo look like an oil painting

Sharp Distrib.rad.1 Sharp Distribution “Radially” 1. Helps control Strength of sharpening around edges
Sharp Distrib.rad.2 Sharp Distribution “Radially” 2. Helps adjust softer blur around edges
Sharpness for the noise model (no sabre)
Zipper 2/Coef.spatial 1 More Sharper images
Zipper 3/Coef.Spatial 2 Probably as above
Sharp Gain
Sharp Gain Macro
Sharp Gain Micro
Sabre Sharp Helps add edge contrast, to make images look sharper. Too high values make the edges clear,
too low values make the photo blurry
Sabre Sharp 2 Same function as Sabre Sharp, but with more contained results
Sabre Sharp 3 Even more contained than the previous ones
Sabre Contrast – Sharp Results equivalent to Saber Sharp 2, but also helps enhance vibrancy and depth of colours
Sabre Texture Tuning sabre contrast sharp 2

Exposition (Max HDR Ratio) Helps determine amount of high dynamic range that will be applied. Higher the ratio, the more
dynamic range and better exposure of both very bright and dark areas
The higher the value, the fewer the highlights. High values are recommended for photos in
strong lighting. Low values are recommended for low-light photography.
Exposure 5 (Independent, Universal) Helps adjust exposure values, such as shutter speed and ISO sensitivity, based on lighting and
settings. Actively adjusts the brightness of the photo. The higher the value, the clearer the
photos will be. There is no default, each scene can behave differently.
Darken Light (ISO Limiting) Limits Max ISO. Lower values darken the photo drastically, can be used as contrast
ISO/Exposure Tuning Helps adjust the ISO and exposure time independent of automatic exposure settings
Exposure Darker Control the intensity of the dark areas of the photo. The higher the value the deeper the black.
Dramatically reduces highlights at high values. Interesting for nightly XMLs, it should be used
together. Adds bit of creativity as well
Exposure Darker2 Similar to the above. More effect

Merge Method Override (Merge) Weiner Filter - noise Reduction and smoother images
Sabre - Sharpness and Denoised results
Spatial Bayer - capture light and reconstruct it into an image. Helps capture more information,
so more better details
spatial RGB - color information as separate red, green, and blue channels (RGB). Gives more
better Colors
Merge method auto let's gcam use whatever set in developer settings (Starting with
Sabre_Allowed, wiener_force, spatial_rgb_enabled, Spatial_rgb_force, etc.,)
SABRE 1 Saber and the SuperResZoom method, High Resolution Zoom. In this tool, the smaller the value,
the more sharpness there is, good for circling letters and numbers with zoom applied, it doesn't
cause impact without zoom. Probably sensor and processor should be compatible with Saber
Sabre 1 is low light
SABRE 2 Saber and the SuperResZoom method, High Resolution Zoom. In this tool, the smaller the value,
the more sharpness there is, good for circling letters and numbers with zoom applied, it doesn't
cause impact without zoom. Probably sensor and processor should be compatible with Saber
Sabre 2 is medium light
SABRE 3 Saber and the SuperResZoom method, High Resolution Zoom. In this tool, the smaller the value,
the more sharpness there is, good for circling letters and numbers with zoom applied, it doesn't
cause impact without zoom. Probably sensor and processor should be compatible with Saber

Sabre 3 is bright light??

Sabre Burst Merge 1 Helps to reduce noise. Sabre Burst Merge 1, the app can merge multiple images into a single
image with more detail and clarity
(Other additions in future) Sabre Burst Merge 2, motion blur is reduced from moving objects,
such as cars or people.
Sabre Burst Merge 3, the app can reduce noise from low-light photos
Smoothing the Sabre (Sabre Denoise) Helps to reduce noise and sharpen images while keeping details intact. Reduces pixel-level
Sabre Denoise Control (-31 turns it off) (Sabre Helps to reduce noise. Helps control amount of denoising applied to photos. -31 will turn off
noise Artifacts) denoising completely and give images with more natural looking details
Better Color Weiner Sabre Helps enhance the colors. Helps increase the saturation of reds, greens, and blues to make
colors look more vibrant in your photos
Savannah Merge2 Chroma Denoise Helps reduce noise levels due to color shifts in low light images to get sharper pictures with less
VAMSI--Compress Merged DNG Uncompressed format that retains all of the image details captured by the camera's sensor, but
higher file size.
Compressed format reduces file size at the expense of details loss.

Noise Processing When set to ON, smooths out texture noise and speeds up image processing. With value OFF,
more details are preserved, noise is uniform over the entire area, but significantly overloads
image processing due to which glitches can be observed in the application in night mode, with
a large number of frame stitching, on devices that support high resolution. Also, the image
processing process with the value “OFF” noticeably longer

Fix Noise Sabre Splits the noise evenly over the area and reduces image artifacts caused by low-light and high-
contrast shooting conditions
Fix Shasta Merge When using Shasta, use this option at -31
reduce noise and increase dynamic range in photos (combines multiple exposures taken at
different exposures into one image)
Volume Processing 1
Volume Processing 2
Hot Pixel Suppression Helps remove hot spots (bright dots in photo, especially in NS) on photo
Hot pixels appear as bright spots on photos and are caused by areas of the chip receiving too
much heat

Noise Reduction
Smoothness The lower the value, the smoother the image is, in the first tests lower values had an excellent
skin texture. Controls smoothness. Higher values reduce the structure of sharpening the
Chroma Noise/Smoothing 1 Helps reduce unwanted noise and artifacts in photographs. It works by analyzing the color of
neighboring pixels to determine how similar or different they are. It then smoothes out the
edges of the differences so that they blend in with each other more naturally, creating a
smoother overall look.
Spatial Coef./Smoothing 2 Helps control how much smoothing will be done to an image. Increasing the value of this setting
will make images appear more smoothed, while decreasing it will cause images to appear
Smoothing New (Smooth Micro) High values smooth the photo, low values cause noise
Noise Reduction Adjust (Opacity) Very high values increase clarity and add characteristic Saber noise. Helps reduce the overall
noise present in an image while keeping details intact.
Radius Temporal The higher the value, the less crisp the image, very high values tend to photos with low noise
level. Does not lose sharpness, only works when Merge is at 0 or 3. The higher the value, the
less artifacts in the photo. Completely removes noise. Most powerful noise reduction tool.

In Definition: Radius Temporal determines the size of an area around the point of focus for
which the camera takes multiple images and uses them to reduce blurring and noise when a
picture is taken. The bigger the Radius Temporal value, the larger area around the point of
focus will be used to take multiple pictures which helps create smoother visuals at the cost of
longer processing time.
Bayer Noise Model Halide1 Helps to reduce noise in low-light photography (This model employs a pixel binning technique
that takes data from four adjacent pixels and combines them into one pixel, thus reducing the
noise by a factor of two)
Bayer Noise Model Halide2 Helps to reduce noise in low-light photography (This model employs a pixel binning technique
that takes data from four adjacent pixels and combines them into one pixel, thus reducing the
noise by a factor of two)
Bayer Noise Model Halide3 Helps to reduce noise in low-light photography (This model employs a pixel binning technique
that takes data from four adjacent pixels and combines them into one pixel, thus reducing the
noise by a factor of two)
Shot Noise Factor Shot noise factor determines and overrides gcam metering engine to set how much image is
noisy (even if there's no noise at all) to start applying denoisers

Higher values can boost denoisers to work the whole time and give a clean pictures at some
cost of resolution and color loss due to luma/chroma applying

Light and Shadows

Dehazed_Expo Affects image contrast, higher values show deeper black. Lower values have a kind of fade in
the black areas. Helps to reduce the effects of fog, haze and other atmospheric conditions when
you take a photo. It also reduces noise in low-light settings or photos taken at night.
Clarity Enhances the detail and sharpness of a photo. Helps reduce noise, increase contrast, and create
an overall sharper image. Too high values take away the details of the photos
Contrast 1 Help adjust picture brightness and contrast. This feature can help to enhance the appearance
of images by making them appear brighter, or give the photo a deeper look by increasing the
contrast. Lower values leave the photo with weaker black, more subtle tool than dehaze. Higher
values make photos lighter, but excessive values cause light blur in dark areas. Lower values
decrease photo clarity.
Set Gamma Factor: 1/x (Contrast 2) Color contrast, lower values show smoother, flatter photos (?????It works on the vibrancy of
colors, higher values result in a higher color contrast. More vibrant colors, lower values, more
washed colors????)
Dehazed Regulator 2 Helps to adjust the Clarity and Refined Sharpness by removing haze from the image by
increasing contrast and definition. This is especially useful for shooting in hazy or foggy
conditions, as it can help make otherwise muddy looking photos crisp and vibrant.
Contrast Black Higher values intensify the black, making the image darker, good for controlling noise in the
dark areas of the photo. Increases or decreases the intensity of colors by adjusting the black
levels. Increasing the contrast can give photos more punch, while decreasing it can make colors
look softer and more muted.
Highlight_compensation Controls photo highlights, too extreme values cause purple artifacts. Helps to balance out the
exposure of an over-exposed photo, making brighter areas visible without totally washing out
the other parts of the image.
Lighting Similar to shadow and light intensity from GCAM 8.4
HDR Range – HDR Range - will underexpose it to even out the shadows
The lower it is, the more it brightens the shadows, if set above 0, then it starts to darken the
image to a black square, at -30 you get ultra HDR without shadows
HDR Range + HDR Range + will overexpose your image to even out the highlights
The higher it is, the darker the shadows, if reset to zero, the shadows disappear completely
HDR Overall Lightness Very sensitive tool, controls overall exposure. Less is less HDR effect. adjusts the overall
brightness of the image, from LOWER (darkest) to HIGHER (brightest)
HDR Effect Intensity Controls the intensity of the HDR. Adjusts the degree of contrast, color and texture adjustments
that are applied to the image when HDR is enabled. LOWER (minimum effect) to HIGHER
(maximum effect).
HDR Ratio Limit Override Helps adjust RANGE of Exposure differences captured in image, for more dynamic/vibrant
White Level This setting adjusts the lightness of an image. It controls the brightness and overall luminosity
of the photo by increasing or decreasing the highlights. Very extreme values cause artifacts
Shadow Tuning Adjusts the amount of light in areas of a photo that are normally in shadows or too dark. Too
high values cause bugs
Brightness Intensity Helps change the overall brightness of photos. The higher the value, the stronger the highlights,
it may blow out the Color highlights. Controls the highlights in a subtle way. Higher values result
in smaller, very subtle highlights
Tuning ColorSatParams Light This parameter helps tune CG/CG color settings in 8.4 Version, but in 8.7 Version, as CG/CF
parameters are Obsolete, Tuning ColorSatParams Light just helps in adding Brightness to the
image, and doesnot interfere in any Color Tuning (as in the case of 8.4 Version)
Tuning ColorSatParams Shadow This parameter helps tune CG/CG color settings in 8.4 Version, but in 8.7 Version, as CG/CF
parameters are Obsolete, Tuning ColorSatParams Shadow just helps in adding more Darkness
to the image, and doesnot interfere in any Color Tuning (as in the case of 8.4 Version)

Sabre by RAWToYuv Sabre rawtoyuv makes gcam engine to merge processed by sabre1/2/3/noise/noise fix/noise
gradient methods shots

If 0, then it merge frames with applying only base denoisers like luma/chroma/smoothing and
Sharp Legibility

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