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Below are some popular questions that you might see:

1.What were the rooks doing when the bulldozers came?
The rooks were building egg baskets.
2. What does the phrase ‘egg baskets’ refer to?
3. What were the green flies doing?
They were sizzling by the pond.
4. Where were the green flies at?
by the pond.
5. What was the cold-eyed toad doing?
Waiting to eat the green flies.
6. What were the squirrels doing when the bulldozers came?
They were scattering up the tree trunks and branches.
7. Why were the squirrels scattering?
They were afraid of the bulldozers.
8. What happened to the tree branches?
They were knocked down by the bulldozers.
9. What was the fox doing when the bulldozers came?
The fox was sleeping.
10. Why did the fox think he was safe?
Because he was down in the Earth and he though the bulldozers could not reach him.
11. Why was the ground trembling?
The bulldozers were working on the ground.
12. What do you think will happen to the fox?
The fox might get killed.
13. Name two lessons that we can learn from the poem.
a) We should protect our nature (flora and fauna)
b) We should be alert to any threats and changes around us.
14. Do you think the bulldozers should stop what they were doing? Why?
Yes, because we might lose our precious flora and fauna if development continues.
15. What do you think the bulldozers are doing?
They are clearing the forest to build new constructions.
16. How can we make sure that the animals are safe?
We can reserve some part of the forest to make sure they have a home.
17. If you were the fox, what could you do to prevent a disastrous ending?
Run away before the bulldozers came.
18. How can we continue developing out cities while still make sure that the nature is taken care of?
Allocate some reserved forest to make sure that the nature is protected.
19. Do you agree that the bulldozers were to be blamed? Why?
Yes. If the bulldozers did not go to the forest, the animals would not have lost their home.  
20. Development is harmful to the environment. Do you agree? Why ?
Yes, because if development continues to happen without control. Animal will lose their home. Forests will disappear drastically.  

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