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2023 清华大学外籍教师自主科研国际合作专项项目征集通知

Notification of Proposals Collection for 2023 Tsinghua University

International Cooperation Special Project of Initiative Scientific
Research Program for Foreign Faculty Members


We explore to develop the International Cooperation Special Project

of Initiative Scientific Research Program for Foreign Faculty Members
(hereinafter referred to as the “Program”), starting from this year, and
allocate earmarked funding from the International Cooperation Special
Project of Initiative Scientific Research Program to support outstanding
projects collected under the Program. These aim to encourage our foreign
faculty members to carry out Initiative Scientific Research Program
activities, promote innovation in academic cooperation between Chinese
and foreign faculty members, and further strengthen the cooperation
between Tsinghua University and international first-class universities as
well as scientific institutions. The specific requirements are as follows:

一、整体目标 Overall Goal


The Program mainly supports full-time foreign faculty members in

Tsinghua University, together with Chinese faculty members to make use
of the advantages of resources, carry out scientific research cooperation
with overseas high-level universities or scientific institutions, and expand
and deepen collaboration on sino-foreign joint research with a focus on
climate change, energy security, biosecurity, outer space use, etc. This aims
to explore joint scientific research with foreign countries, promote
international cultural and academic exchanges, push forward the building
of high-level subjects, and deepen the cooperation between Tsinghua
University and international first-class universities as well as scientific

二、资助方案 Sponsorship Plan

1. 项目资金来源:自主科研国际合作专项经费;

Source of fund: Funds for the International Cooperation Special Project

of Initiative Scientific Research Program;

2. 视申报情况,计划资助 3-6 个优秀项目,单个项目原则上资助不超

过 15 万元人民币,项目周期为一年;

Depending on the applications, we plan to subsidize 3-6 excellent

projects, with a subsidy of no more than RMB 150,000 for each project
in principle. The project term is one year;

3. 资助经费用于支持入选项目与境外合作方的学术交流互访、科研

The subsidy is used for supporting the selected projects, academic

exchanges and visits with overseas partners, and the organization of
scientific research activities, etc. It cannot be used for paying wages or
scholarships. The International Cooperation Special Project of Initiative
Scientific Research Program may further subsidize the projects that can
form long-term and stable high-level scientific cooperation.

三、申请要求 Application Requirements

1. 项目申报主体应为我校正式在岗的外籍教师,校内主要参与人必
队核心人员优先考虑 40 周岁以下优秀青年教师;

The project applicant shall be the full-time foreign faculty members in

Tsinghua University. And the main participant must cover the full-time
Chinese faculty members in Tsinghua University, in order to better
assist the implementation of the project. Priority shall be given to
selecting outstanding young faculty members under the age of 40 as the
core personnel of the project team;

2. 项目合作方原则上要求具有较高的科研学术水平,其所在单位必

The project partner should have a high level capacity of scientific

research. The partner institution must be the overseas university or
scientific institution;

3. 重点支持气候变化、能源安全、生物安全、外层空间利用等领域研

The project is mainly focusing on climate change, energy security,

biosecurity, and outer space use. Priority shall be given to cross-
disciplinary and multi-disciplinary projects;

4. 项目申请人在申请本计划前应与合作方有一定研究交流或合作经

The project applicant shall have research exchange or cooperation

experience with the partner before applying for this Program; priority
shall be given to the project with supporting fund provided by the
partner institution;

5. 项目启动时间(计划):2023 年 6 月 1 日
项目终止时间(计划):2024 年 5 月 31 日

Project start date (tentatively): June 1, 2023

Project end date (tentatively): May 31, 2024

6. 申报成功本项目的项目负责人,在本项目结束日期前,原则上不可

The Principal Investigator who has been supported by this Program, is

in principle not allowed to apply for other International Cooperation
Special Project of Initiative Scientific Research Program before the
ending date of this Program.
四、预期成果 Expected Outcomes

1. 参加年度汇报会(科研院组织),并于项目终止日期后 1 个月内在
info 系统线上提交项目结题报告;项目立项及结项线上填报系统须使

Participate in the annual review meeting (held by R&D Affairs Office), and
submit the final research report on the info system online within one month
after the date of project termination; the online application system for
project establishment and closure is in Chinese, and attachments uploaded
can be Chinese or English;

2. 实现以下成果中的至少两项:

At least two of the following outcomes needed to be achieved:

a、 基于合作项目内容至少联合发表 SCI、EI、SSCI 国际期刊文章

二篇(项目负责人或项目核心人员为文章第一、第二或通信作者) ;
或联合申请国际专利二项(清华与合作单位为联合专利申请人) ;

At least two articles in SCI, EI, and SSCI shall be jointly published
based on the content of the cooperative project (the principle
investigator or project core member shall be the first, second, or
corresponding author of the article); Or two international patents
(Tsinghua University and the partner institution are joint patent
applicants) shall be jointly applied for; Or at least one article shall be
jointly published in SCI, EI, and SSCI and one international patent
shall be jointly applied for;

计 3 个月以上;

Foreign researchers or master/doctoral/postdoctoral researchers from

partner institution shall carry out scientific research in Tsinghua
University for more than 3 months in total;

c、外方科研人员到我校进行专业授课 6 次以上;

Foreign researchers from partner institution shall give more than six
specialized lectures in Tsinghua University;


Obtain the follow-up scientific research cooperation funding for the

cooperative research from the third party;


Participate in the International Big Science Research Plans and Projects

based on the content of the cooperative project;

f、 研究成果实现示范工程、对外许可等商业化成果。

Achieve the commercialization results like demonstration project,

license-out, etc.

五、申报提交 Application Submission

1. 申请人以电子邮件方式提交 《外籍教师自主科研国际合作专项申
请表》 (word 文档,中文或英文填报)

The applicant shall submit the Application Form for the International
Cooperation Special Project of Initiative Scientific Research Program for
Foreign Faculty Members by e-mail in Word document format. The
applicant shall fill in the Application Form in Chinese or English;

2. 文件命名格式为:外籍教师自主科研国际合作专项申报表+院系+

Name the above-mentioned Word document “Application Form for the

International Cooperation Special Project of Initiative Scientific Research
Program for Foreign Faculty Members + Department + Applicant Name”;

3. 邮件命名格式为:外籍教师专项+院系+申请人姓名。

Name the above-mentioned e-mail “Special Project for Foreign Faculty

Members + Department + Applicant Name”.

4. 申请截止日期:2023 年 4 月 28 日(周五)下午 5 点(以收到电子


Deadline for applications: 5:00 p.m. April 28, 2023, Friday (The date of
receiving the electronic version of the application materials shall prevail
and overdue applications will not be accepted)

5. 申报提交邮箱地址;


6. 联系人:张焓,, 62795236;

Contact: Hannah Zhang., 62795236.

六、申请结果公布:项目申请结果经评审委员会评议后,计划于 2023
年 5 月 19 日前通知申请人。获批项目在校内公示无异议后,由申请

Publication of Application Results: The applicant will be notified before

May 19, 2023 tentatively, after a review of the application by review
committee. If there is no objection against the approved program during
the publicity period, the applicant will officially submit it and sign the
Contract for Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program
for project establishment.


Appendix: Application Form for the International Cooperation Special

Project of Initiative Scientific Research Program for Foreign Faculty

Overseas R&D Affairs Office
April 6, 2023

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