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Hello everyone!

In today's presentation, I will discuss how to set academic goals and why it is so
important to set them. Sometimes, when you have a goal. It will be difficult to accomplish the
goal, and when you try but fail, you may feel frustrated. SO, I will be teaching you how to set a
goal that could help you achieve it. To help you set a good goal, I will first explain the
importance of setting goals in your life before I explain how to set them.

Setting goals whether it is academic, social or behavioral is extremely important as Firstly,

setting goals allows you to focus and achieve specific goals during a given period of time.
Secondly, setting goals will enable you to manage your time and resources more effectively. In
addition, by referring to the goals, you will gain motivation when you lack motivation or simply
want to give up.

Now, I will explain how to set good goals. First of all I will want you to consider applying the
BRAIN method when you are setting goals. What is BRAIN? BRAIN is an acronym for
Brainstorm, Realistic, Achievable, Identify the obstacles and Never give up.

“B” is for “Brainstorm.” Brainstorm is asking yourself big questions: What is the purpose of
achieving this academic goal? What will I gain from this? Where will I be able to use this
academic goal to benefit myself? Also,when you are brainstorming, you should use the 5W1H.

“R” is for “Realistic.” Realistic is whether the academic goal you are setting is possible or
impossible like if you are setting an academic goal and on a recent test you scored a 55 but the
next test you want to score a 95. This will be an unrealistic goal as it is very difficult to improve
by 40 marks so it is practically impossible to achieve it.

“A” is for “Achievable.” A goal should be Achievable. An example of this is “I would like to
improve my english essay from 20 to 26 marks, and I can achieve this goal by making small
improvements in my grammar and spelling.”

“I” is for “Identify the obstacles.” You should attempt to identify your obstacles in your goals
when you are setting your BRAIN goals so that later on when you are on your way to achieving
your goal you will not encounter any obstacles and slow down your progress for achieving your
goal. An example is having your studying material ready and having a neat study space
whenever you are studying to keep yourself focused and motivated. The obstacles here is not
being able to focus and since you identify it and keep yourself focused by having a good
studying environment

“N” is for “Never Giving up.” You should always persevere to the end to achieve your goals even
when things get complex. You can give yourself a reward when you reach a milestone so that
you will be motivated and not stop halfway through and ruin your progress.

Now, I will share an experience of mine where I used the BRAIN goal to achieve my academic
goal. Last year, I had a crucial examination at the end of year that will determine the school I will
be enrolled into. My weakest subject is english. Frequently scoring around 68, mostly because
of my English composition. So I will tell you how the BRAIN method helped me in my
examination. At the start of last year, My goal was to score at least 30 for my Preliminary
examination by reading model composition, using some good phrases and also using show not
tell as this will benefit my composition skills and I can use the knowledge from my preliminary
examination and apply it in the year end crucial examination and also indirectly help me enrolled
into a school that I desire to be enrolled in. I also rewarded myself with some breaks after a long
continuous studying time to keep myself motivated.

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