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Pre-Board II Examination (2022-23)

English Language

Reading Time: 15 Minutes

Writing T ime: 2 hours M.M: 80

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes

Attempt allfive question

The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets
You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in

answering Question 2.

Question 1
(Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.)
Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of thec following: 20
1) Write an original story beginning with the line "We are about to land on the moon in five minutes..
11) You and your father went to visit an animal farm. At night you went for a stroll and noticed fow goats, sheep
and cows sitting around a bonfire, As you moved towards them you heard them talking about human cruelty
towards them. You hid behind a bush and listened to their conversation. Describe what you over heard and

why their thoughts changed your approach towards animals.

views either Jor or against this statement.
ii) "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" Expres your
Time paswed while you were sitting in an isolated room
iv) You went to a library to work on a school project,
While you were deeply engrossed in your work,the lights
referring to books, journals and the internet.
to come out of your room, you noticed it was 11p.m and the
went off. By the time you could manage
dark library. Narrate how you spent the entíre night in the
library had closed. You were all alone in the
horifying surrounding
Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your
v) Study the picture given below.
of the picture or you may take suggestions from it: however, there
composition may be about the subjcct
must be a clear conncction between the picture and your composition.

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Question 2
(Do not
spend more than 20 10
minutes on this
Select any
one of the
i) You recently watched a
movie adapted from the
to your cousin play "The Merchant of Venice".
telling him about the movie and which Write a letter
ii) While travelling to a tourist character fascinated
airline staff. This led to lot of you noticed that two of your suitcases were
you the most.
trouble for
complaining about the same and requesting you. Write a letter to the misplaced by the
Director of
compensation for the discomfort it the airline
caused to

i) Your school is
organising a *Career
students of classes IX to XII. Write a Counselling Session" by a renowned counsellor for the
notice to be put up on the
students to attend. notice board inviting the
ii) Write an email to a
renowned Career Counsellor of
your city requesting him/her to
Career Counselling session in conduct
your school. a

Question 4
Read the follo wing passage
carefully and answer the questions that
Sir Alexander Heathcote, as well as
being a gentleman, was an exact man. He was
and a quarter inches tall, rose at o' exactly six feet three
seven clock every morning, joined his wife at
boiled egg cooked for precisely four minutes, two break fast to eat one
pieces of toast with one spoonful of Cooper's

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marmalade, and drink one cup of
Cadogan Gardens at cxactly China tea. He would then
again on the stroke of 8:20 and arrive at the hackney cariage from his

six o'clock. Foreign Officc at promptly home in

8:59, returning home
Sir Alexander had
been exact from an carly age, as became the
tather,he chose to serve his qucen in the only son of a
from a shared desk at the diplomatic service, another exacting general. But unlike his
n Vienna, to first Foreign Office in Whitchall to third calling. He progressed
secretary in Rome, to deputy secretary in Calcutta, to second
Peking He was delighted when Mr. ambassador in Washington, and secretary
hadfor some considerable time takenGladstoneinvited him finally to
minister in

more than
represent the government in hina as
This crowning appointment in his an amateur interest in the art of the ne
distinguished career would afford him what until then he dynasty.
considered impossible, an opportunity to observe in would have
paintings, and drawings he had their natural habitat
some of the great statues,
previously been able to admire only in books.
When Sir Alexander arrived in
months, he presented his seals Peking, toafter a journey by sea and land that took his party nearly two
patent the Empress Tzu-hsi and a
reading from Queen Victoria. The personal letter for her private
dressed from head to toe in white and
new ambassador in the throne room empress,
of the gold, received her
while Sir Alexander remained Imperial Palace. She read the letter from the British monarch
contents to the new
standing at attention. Her Imperial Highness revealed
minister, wishing him only a successful term of office nothing of its
moved bher lips slightly in his appointment. She then
up at the corners, which Sir Alexander
audience had come to an judged correctly to mean that the
endAs hewas conducted back through the great halls of the Imperial Palace
bya mandarin in the long court dress of black and
gold. Sir
takingin the magnificent collection of ivory and jade statues Alexander walked as slowly as possible,
scattered casually
much the way Cellinis and Michelangelos today lie stacked against one another around the building in
in Florence.
As his ministerial appointment was for only three years, Sir Alexander took
no leave, but
use his time to put the embassy behind him and travel on preferred to
horseback into the outlying districts to learn
more about the
country and its people. On these trips he was always accompanied by a mandarin from
the palace staff who acted as
interpreter and guide.
On one such journey,
passing through the muddy streets ofa small village with but a few houses, called
Ha Li Chuan, distance of some fifty miles from Peking, Sir Alexander chanced on an old craftsman's

working place. Leaving his servants, the minister dismounted from his horse and entered the
ramshackle wooden work shop to admire the delicate pieces ofivory and jade that crammed the shelves
from floor to ceiling.
Pointing a finger to the back of the shop, he beckoned the two important visitors to follow him. They
did so and entered a veriable Aladdin's cave, with row upon row of beauti ful miniature emperors and
classical figures. The minister could have settled down happily in the orgy of ivory for at least a week.
Sir Alexander and the craftsman chatted away to each other through the interpreter, and the minister's
love and knowledge of the Ming dynasty was soon revealed. The little craftsman's face lit up with this
discovery, and he turned to the mandarin and in a hushed voice made a request. The mandarin nodded
his agrecment and translated. "I have, Your Excellency, a picce of Ming myself that you might care to
see. A statue that has been in my family for over seven generations."

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"I should be honoured," said the minister.
"Itis I who would be honoured, Your Excellency," said the Iittle man, who
ofthe back door, nearly falling over a stray dog, and on to an old thereupon sea
workshop. The minister and the mandarin remained in the back room, for house a few
man would never have considered
Sir Alexander knew
inviting an honoured guest into his humble
known each other for many
years, and only then after he had been
home until h
first. A few minutes invited to Sir
passed belore the litle blue figure came Alexander'h
down on his shoulders, Ile was trotting back, pigtail bouncing home
clinging to something that from the very un and
his chest, had to be a he held it
treasure.)The craftsman passed the piece over for the minister close to
Alexander's mouth opened widé, and he could not hide his to
study, Sir
six inches in
height, was of the Emperor Kung and as excitement. The little statue, no more than
seen. Sir Alexander fine an
feltconfident that the maker example of Ming as the minister had
was the
emperor, sothat the date must great Pen Q who had been
have been around the
blemish was that the ivory base on turn of the fifteenth patronized
by the
which such pieces century, The statue's only
protruded from the bottom of the usually rest was missing, and a small stick
from its overall imperial robes; but in the eyes of Sir
beauty. Although the craftsman's Alexander nothing could detract
his guest evinced as
he studied the lips did not move, his eyes
ivory emperor.
glowed with the pleasure
"You think the statue is
"It's good?" asked the craftsman
magnificent," the minister replied. "Quite through the interpreter
"My own work is not magnificent,"
worthy to stand by its side," added the
"No, no," said the minister, craftsman humbly.
kind, for Sir Alexander was though truth the little craftsman knew that the

old man had for the holding the ivory statue in a way that great man was only being
piece already showed the same love as the
The minister smiled
down at the craftsman as
he handed back
perhaps the only undiplomatic the Emperor
spoken thirty-five years Kung
words he had ever and then he uttered
country in
of serving his
"How I wish the queen and
piece was mine."
Sir Alexander
regretted voicing his thoughts the moment he
he knew only too well
the old Chinese tradition heard the mandarin
that if an honoured
translate them, because
will grow in the
eyes of his fellow men by guest requests something the giver
A sad look came
over the face of the
parting with it
little old craftsman as he
"No, no. I was only handed back the
You would dishonour
joking," said Sir Alexander,
quickly trying to return the figurine to the minister.
my humble home if you did not piece to its owner.
man said
anxiously, and the mandarin gravely nodded histake the emperor, Your Excellency," the old
The minister remained agreement.
silent for some time, "I have
looked toward the dishonoured my own home,
mandarin, who remained inscrutable. sir," he replied, and
(Adapted from "The Chinese Statue'
by Jeffrey Archer)
i) For each word
given below choose the correct
options provided. meaning (as used in the
passage) from the
1. ramshackle

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a) dilapidated
b) decorated
c) charming
d) sublime

2. veritable
a) truly
b) imaginary
c) modern
d) obscure

3. blemish
a) broken
b) flaw
d) preserved
ii) Answer the following questions briefly, in your own
Trace Sir Alexander Heathcote's growth till he finally became a minister in Peking. 2
a) [1
b) Why was Sir Heathcote happy when he was chosen to bea ministerin
c)What did Sir Heathcote do once his meeting with the Empress was over? 2
Heathcote admired the Ming
d) Whatdid the little craftsman do after knowing that Mr.
dynasty? from
to the old man's house? What did the old
man bring
e) Why was Mr. Heathcote not invited 131
later and why?
his house? What did Sir Heathcote regret
describe why the author called Mr. Heathcote exact
an man.
ii) In not more than 50 words briefly

Question 5
the correct form of the word given in the brackets.
i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with to the blank
correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate
Do not copy the passage but write in
Example: ual
Tom (0) (lie) thinking.
Answer: 0 - lay xa
him that he wished he was sick. e (2)
Presently, it (1) (occur) to
imagined he wa
found. He 3detect) with colicky
(examine) his system. No ailment was

symptoms. But they soon D (4) (grow) feeble. He A O(5) (reflect) further.
One of his upper front teeth A (7)
Suddenly he diswmiul6) (discover) something. his wOu_(8)
when it occurred to him that aunt
(be) loose. He was about to begin to groan
(pull) it out, and that would hurt. ul

words: 141
ii) Fill in the words with appropriate
1. The bank robbers are s t i l l a t large
2. She lives her pen.

anxiety _hw_the safety of her students who went on a trip.

3. The teacher had great

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4 Her grandfather is aflicted m a life threatening disease.
5. Consuming alcohol is harmful your health.
The chair gave way nhW the weight of the fat man who sat on it.
7. The innocent man could not see
hLOWthe clever plan of his rival.
8 The maid was instructed to dispose the garbage.

ii) Join the following sentences to make one complete

the correct option. sentence without using and, but or so. Chons
1. A good education is the best road to success in
life. We believe this.
a) It is believed that a
good education is the best road to success in life.
b) We believe that a good education is
the best road to success in life.
c) We believe that a
good education in life is the key to success.
d) We should believe that a
good education is the best road to success in life.
2. The child is bent on mischief. It is known to us.
a) We had known that the child
was bent on
b)We know that the child is bent on mischief.mischief.
c)Everyone knew that the child is bent on mischief.
d) That the child is bent on mischief
is known to everyone.
3 There should be no
spelling mistakes in your answer.
Always remember this.
a) You should remember that there
should be no spelling mistakes in
b) Always remember that there your answer.
should be no spelling mistakes in
c)Spelling mistakes in your answer are not
your answer.
d) You must remember never to
make any spelling
mistake in your answer.
4 She has joined a coaching institute. She wants to crack the entrance test.
a) A coaching institute will help her
crack the entrance test.
b) As she aims to crack the entrance
test, she must join a
c)She has joined a coaching institute to crack the entrancecoaching institute.
d) To crack the entrance test she had test.
to join a coaching institute.
Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other
changes that may be necessary, but do not change the
correct options. meaning of each sentence. Choose the
1 His voice is too
rough to attract listeners. (Remove: too)
a) His voice is so rough that it does not
attract listeners.
b) His voice is rough
enough to attract no
c) His voice is rough so cannot attract
d) His rough voice distracts listeners.

2 He worked hard but he did not

succeed. (Begin: In
a) In spite of hard work he did not spite of

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b) In spite of his doing hard work, he did not succeed.
c)In spite of working hard, he did not succecd.
d) In spite of his hard work he failed.

He is the tallest ofall in his family. (Begin: No one_

a) No one in his family is tall as he is.

b) No one in his family is tall enough as heis.
c) No one in his family is as tall as he is.
d) No one is taller than him in his whole family.

4. He finished his work and went to play. (Use: having')

he went to play.
a) Having finished his work,
finished his work.
b) He went to play after having work.
c)He went to play having finished his
he went out to play.
d) Having done his work,
our Diwali presents.
(Begin: No s0oner
the sales began, bought
As soon as our Diwali presents.
we bought
s o o n e r the sales began,
a) No our Diwali presents.
did the sales begin, than we bought presents.
b) No sooner
our Diwali

s o o n e r do the
sales begin than we bought presents.
c)No our Diwali
we bought
thesales began when
d) No sooner

become rich. (Begin: Who

wishes to rich?
Everyone should become
6. wish that he
Who does not
a) to be rich?
does not want
b) Who become rich?
Who does not wish to
c) to be rich?
Who is there
that does not like
had arrived. (Use: arrival)
me that his parents
He informed informed to me.
of his parents
a) The arrival val.
informed me of
his parents' arri
b) He
to me about
his parents' arrival.
He informed
c) informed me about the arrival of his parents.
d) He had
Had Obelix)
have lost all the money. (Begin:
had not helped me, I would
If Obelix have lost all my money.
8. Obelix not helped me, I would
a) Had have lost all my money.
me, I would
b) Had Obelix helped not have lost all my money.
been helping me, I would
c) Had Obelix not
have lost all my money.
me, I might
d) Had Obelix not helped

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