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Finding social media accounts with Sherlock

In order to find social media accounts with Sherlock we must first understand how Sherlock works. We

type commands into the terminal and then the username to find all the websites that use that

username. You must first go to Google Cloud Shell and sign in with your email address, but if you do not

have an email address you can make one. Now that you have signed into Google Cloud Shell click on the

Go To Console blue button. From there it will take you to the dashboard, where you can see the terminal

command prompt at the bottom. It is called cloudshell x. Now we must type the commands into the

terminal, but we first must know what the commands are. Go to the website GitHub (sherlock):, scroll down to installation. You must first type in the commands to install Sherlock

onto the terminal. The commands are shown under the installation heading, and they are (python3 -m

pip install -r requirements.txt). After typing that or copy and pasting the Sherlock will successfully

download to the terminal. After that you must activate the Sherlock by typing cd sherlock and clicking

enter. Now that Sherlock is successfully activated you can now find anyone’s social media accounts with

just their username. You do this by typing python3 sherlock username, and it will continue to bring up

every website that username has been ever used on. It could also use people's email addresses to find

every time that email address was ever used. If you would also like to learn more about the

fundamentals of Sherlock, you can go back to dashboard and scroll down to usage. There it tells you all

the commands you can type into terminal and how you can also type help into terminal to help with

confusion on a command. For example, (python3 sherlock –help) and right under this text it tells you

what the terminal text will be if you typed it in correctly.

What surprised me about Sherlock is that it brings up old websites, back from 1999 and how many

people have used the same username as you before, and how you can find these old websites through

Sherlock but cannot find them on a regular search engine. I also noticed how my email address was used

on various websites, that I never signed up for. Some of these websites were old and properly had the

same email address I have back in 1999. Also, Sherlock is so explicit that if you used your email just once

onto a website it finds it immediately. You would not believe how easy Sherlock can find your email

addresses and all the usernames you ever used. Overall using Sherlock was an educational experience

that everyone should try.

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