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Helm Wildan £hia Sahpotte 22080101742. Paenaey 1. Activity 4 4) (2.1) Listen to the news broadcast. UNUSUAL WEDDINGS 2. Activity 2 Choose the correct answer for these following questions. a. Where did they get married? eenseone b. Who was Darrel Hammer? he GrooriyThe Pastor— c. When did the couple meet? terdaylFour years aG0/ 4d. How many jumps have the couple made? 30 jumps/more than 30 jumps e. How did they get married? fier jumping 3. Activity 3 Now listen again and write T (True) and F (False) for these following statements. ‘a. The unsual wedding happened four years ago. (F) b. They got married in the air. (1) c. The couple have been members of the jumping group for a year. (+) d. Reverend Martinez has experienced this kind of wedding before. (=) fe. The couple liked to do something new and challenging. (1) 4. etivity 4 4) (2.2) Listen to these people’s opinions about the best time to marry and choose the correct statements. Amir (Iran) Women should get married before 30 years old. Men should get married before 30 years old, Pre-Intermediate ENGLISH 3 ‘Shugen!s Bo2k Lori (Canada) get mario Early age is the best tine (e io Age doesn't really mater a Tong 8 YOU have found t he O76, Eoin (England) ‘ou eneuld enjoy your fe ist and discover wha YOu 8/0, thon got married. tb. You should get married when you're young Aki (Japan) a. She is 27 and she's married alroady, K@ Marrying at the late age is better Chris (England) arrying when you'r older is bottor because you will get wiser Marrying at young age is a vory bad thing. Maiko (Japan) nn She got married at young ago. She got married at late ago. / 5. Activity 5 : 4) Listen again and choose the correct answors. } 1) Amir says_ got married late, 4) AKI thinks lator is better because yous a) he and hi ife Q his parents @ have more experiences his friend b) save more money 2) Lori says you should . ©) find the perfect person 8) get mamed early 5) Qhris thinks marry young __— get married late is usually a bad thing marry the right person b) can bo a good thing ©) loads to divorce 3) Eoin thinks itis best to marry i 8 cat 6) Maiko marrying young is bate ‘ate thinks q c) anytime b) used to think | ¢) has never thought oO Pre-Intermediate ENOLISH 3

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