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J.King Saud Uni!' .. YoL8. Computer & Infonna/ion Sci., pp.I-19 (A.

H 14(6/1996)

Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to Automating

Program Formation

Pavol Navrat
Computer Science and Engineering Dept., Slovak Technical University
Iikovicova 3, 812 19 Bratislava, Slovakia

(Received, 06 Sept. 1993; accepted for publication, 20 June 1994)

Abstract. The paper presents a critical overview of the development in the area of
automating the program formation. seen in a broader perspecti ve from automatic program
synthesis to computer aided software engineering. The fundamental problems are identified in
the area of automatic program synthesis, intelligent support of software development,
computer aided software engineering. The trends in related fields, e&pecially in artificial
intelligence are surveyed and the possible influence is evaluated. Need for urgent development
of theory of programming is recognised. In parallel, knowledge engineering methods should
be considered because they allow building models of the respective domain.


Practiclly as soon as people started to use computers an effort originated to include

computer in the process of programming it. People experienced how difficult task it is
to write a program that describes how to solve the given problem by a computer. But
they very soon realized that computer is indeed an extremely powerful tool and as such it
can be helpful also in the process of fanning a program. In a more ambitious wording,
researchers discussed as early as in 1954 the topic of" Automatic Programming" [1].

The motivation for automating the programming or more general the software

2 Pavol Navrat

development process is twofold: to improve quality of software and to improve quality

of the process of its development. Of course, the notion of quality is understood here in
quite a general sense, encompassing many dimensions: efficiency, correctness,
reliability. etc.

The reason why it has been so often very difficult to achieve an acceptable level of
quaJity is the great complexity of the programming task and the insufficient human
ability to cope with it.

The vision of automatic synthesis of programs is based on an assumption that we

can separate what is the problem from how it can be solved. What is to be solved is
expressed in a problem specification. How it can be solved is a matter of

Of course, to expect from the computer to devise an algorithm for the given
problem completely by itself is a very optimistic vision. There have been several other
more realistic directions of research, ranging from automatic programming language
translation to non automatic computer assistance to various software engineering tasks.

Similarly to shifting attention from automating entirely the problem solving

process to providing support to it as we witnessed in artificial intelligence, notably in
fonn of "expert systems", there has also been taking place a shift in the program
development process from automating it to providing support to it. Of course, there
have been other research directions besides on automatic program sysnthesis before and
this should not be understood in such a way that recently this research direction has been
abandoned entirely. In fact, there is quite a lot of work done in very different directions,
all of them aiming to provide support to the entire software development porocess. Even
the more traditional approaches like computer aided software engineeing (CASE) seek
progress in incorporating knowledge based techniques e.g., [2J.

There are several directions of research all within the general endeavour to create
methods and tools to support the software development process in a form of computer
assistance to humans. The research directions can be classified according to different
criteria, but we have adopted for the presentation the methodology based on focusing on
the human-computer interplay. In the fundamentals of this aspect is the amount of
automation, i. e. to what extent the human not only plans and devises the formula
manipulating operations in the widest sense in the program fonnation process, but also
Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ...... . 3

actually performs them. Our hypothesis is that it is not necessary for the human
actually to perfonn all the operations. After having programmed them, the computer can
perform them with the possible gain in efficiency, reliabillty etc. This is quite obvious
for such operations with programs as program translation, optimisation and other
transformations. In this paper, we would like to concentrate more on forming a
program. We shall show that also in the process of program formation there is some
automation possible, but shall critically review such auempts. We shall survey briefly
the area of automatic program synthesis in part 2.

On the- other side of the spectrum of possible approaches there are techniques
which limit the use of computer to storing, bookkeeping, and other program
manipulation operations all of which are transformations that are algorithmically
defined. Being consistent with our survey focus, we shall not discuss these approaches
to support program formation. they are extrenmely useful in practice but the automation
takes place on a relatively low level. Rather we concentrate on those which attempt to
provide the support on a possibly higher level of automation. Approaches to such
" intelligent" support to software development are surveyed in part 3.

From both the above parts it will become evident that the crucial concept is that
of knowledge. The more human knows about how to solve some class of problems, the
more he/she can shift onto computer, provided the knowledge can be suitably represented
and the operations for its manipulation can be fonnulated. As a consequence for program
fonnalion, any progress can only be achieved if we can come to a deeper undestanding of
it. Again. the work towards this goal proceeds in several directions, most notably
perhaps within studies of the theory of programming, but from our point of view
attempts to capture the programming knowledge in a way that would allow using it for
a computerized support to progr:un fonnation are most interesting. We identify the work
being done within the area of learning programming of special importance here,
precisely because both programming knowledge and programming supporting tools are
the main focus. A short survey is given in part 4. For a more detailed elaboration of all
these questions, see [3} .

Automatic Program Synthesis

The task of automatic program synthesis essentially means solving automatically

a specified problem in such a way that the solution is comprehensible to the computer,
4 Pavol Navrat

i.e. it is a program. It is often considered as a very promising area in computer science,

if for nothing else so because it has fonnulated such an ambitious taks. It is closely
related to artificial intelJigence because they both share a common task - to automate
certain creative human activities. The dose relation is often responsible for utilising
similar methods to fulfil similar tasks. As an example, in certain automatic program
synthesis methods heuristic search is employed in very similar way to that of using
heuristics in automatic problem solving. On the other hand, automatic program
synthesis maintains also a close connection to the methodology of programming
because both study the process of program construction. We cannot automate the
process of program construction if we do not understand how to program deeply enough
to be able to formalise our knowledge. And again on the other hand, an effort to
automate programming can bring us to new programming methods which might
supersede the traditional methods of manual programming in the future. This might be a
useful side-effect of the endeavour to automate construction of programs even if the
complete automation would never be reached.

A word of caution in this connection need not be superfluous, however. The area
of automatic program synthesis cannot be believed to be the only candidate for providing
a cure to all problems that have been arising in the field of software engineering. In fact,
it has been quite clear to the researchers in this area that their goal is a very challenging
one, and perhaps too ambitious at the same time.

One very serious difficulty is connected with the form in which specification is
expressed. There are various ways to specify a program. As far as the contents are
concerned, the problem specification describes how the program output should be related
to the program input. OOOOAs far as the fonn is concerned, the problem can be specified
by a set of examples of input/output pairs or by a set of examples of its computation
traces. Both of these ways are essemtially incomplete because the set of examples does
not, of course, include all the possible inputs and the corresponding outputs. The other
fonn of specification, which consists of the input and output conditions expressed as
fonnulae of the first-order predicate calculus is complete to serve as a starting point of
an inference process of the program. The task of automatic program synthesis can be
viewed on lhis level as the one of proving a theorem.

for all x, there exists y sllch that: lnput(x) -> Output(x,y)

in a constructive way, i.e. as a function f such that

Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ...... . 5

for all x: Input(x) -> Output(xJ(x))

Usually, however, more practically suitable languages are involved. Frequently,

the specification has two parts, headed by the words COMPUTE and WHERE for the
output and input conditions, respectively. In general. any specification language based
directly on predicate calculus inherits from it its accuracy and elegance which are without
doubt important properties of any document involved in program synthesis. The big
difficulty is, of course, that it is still quite unusual to specify real problems in the
language of predicate calculus formulae. to say the least. It is perhaps more realistic to
acknowledge that this is extremely rare. We should note, however, that there have been
investigated also other formal approaches and devised other formal languages, besides the
pure predicate calculus. Let us note at least the Z language [4]. There have been reported
works where quite realistic size problems were attempted to be described in that
specification language [5].

Another important issue connected with writing a specification of "the given

problem is that it is a problem solving process in itself. Stated in other words, it is too
idealistic to assume a complete problem specification can be written in a single step,
before the actual problem solving begins that would eventually lead to forming a desired
program. It is much more realistic to recognise that the specification will be developed
gradually and it may be incomplete at least initailly. The process of creating it should be
considered a part of the problem solving process [6].

Several methods trying to automate the programming task entirely were published
in the seventies. They are capable of automatically synthesising programs of the size
not exceeding several lines of text. The methods use different forms of program
specification and they also employ different problem solving approaches. Synthesis of a
program from a few or just one example of its intended behaviour must rely on some
generalisation ability, perfonned usually by means of induction [7] ; [S]. Synthesis of a
program from a formula specifying the general form of its input and the corresponding
output by inferring it using suitable rules was clearly a case of deducation [9] or of its
special kind, transfonnation [101.

Although induction and deduction are general problem solving principles and
using them has been appropriate, the way they were fonnulated and used was too general
to provide for effective construction. Most of the specific knowledge, used by a human
programmer when constructing a program, was overlooked by the "automation"
Pavol Navrat

attempting to construct program automatically [II]. This was identified as perhaps the
principal difficulty with all the above methods. The cure was proposed in abandoning
the requirement of the synthesis to be fully automatic and seeking an advice from the
programmer in two ways: on-line. during the synthesis process. viewing it as a
continuous interaction with the human programmer assisting the system to overcome
the most difficult parts of the synthesis by giving experienced hints or advices [12], and
off-line. by preparing bases of formally expressed patterns of programming.
programming skills and techniques and bases describing the domain of the problem
being solved II3]. Incidentally, this approach was in accord with development in related
areas of automatic problem solving. where the shift from general problem solvers
toward specific problem solvers relying on specific expert level knowledge gave rise to
the so called expert systems. The need of expressing knowledge used in the solution
searching process explicitly became clear [14].

It is perhaps worth noting that the issue is in fact of deeper nature. We can
explain it by drawing our attention to a similar task of automatic theorem proving.
Many methods are based on the resolution principle. They perform a proof by refutation
in a way which allows quite efficient mechanisation. On the other hand, such procedures
are quite unnatural for humans when proving theorems. Humans do natural deduction
more often. But if we tried to mimic the human behaviour when proving theorems, i.e.
to mechanise natural deduction methods, we would not be able to take advantage of the
particular properties of the resolution method which manipulates formulae in a special
clause form. Although the above argument is somewhat simplified, it presents the basic
question for artificial intelligence. Is its aim achieving "intelligent" behaviour regardless
of the underlying method, which can be totally different from the one used by humans?
or, is its aim much more studying human intelligence e.g. by building appropiate
models which would describe the so caJled "intelligent" behaviour and allow
experimenting with them on computer? We shall not enter here into such a fundamental
discussion for the field of artificial intelligence. We note, however, that it has
methodological implications for any attempt to automate creative human activities.

If we wished to discuss what are the actual theoretical techniques concepts in the
background of all these apparently differing methods, we would find - after having
abstracted from a sufficient amount of detail - that the basis for a]] of them is search.
Indeed, search is one of the fundamental concepts studied in the theory of cumputation,
and from a different corner also in the artificial intelligence. All the methods are very
specific instances of searching because not enough information is available to fonnulate
Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ______ _ 7

an algorithmic solution. Hopefully it is clear, that this part of the discussion refers to
the meta - level of program formation. This (meta -) problem is not algorithmical1y
solvable in a general case. On the other hand, exactly the opposite is assumed on the
object level, viz. the object level problem is algorithmically solvable. Otherwise, there
would not in general exist the program to be fonned.

In the area of automatic programming, -no significant breakthrough can be recorded

in generaL It has, however, produced various results in specific areas e.g., [15]. (We
have also made several attempts in this direction, e.g., [16,] ; [17pp139-1461 ;
[18,pp412-423] ; [19]), Also, there have been achieved interresting results in various
related areas which are often remarkable and surprisingly close to the goal of automatic
programming, even if not intended or brought in connection as automatic programming
aides explicitJ y. Computer access has become, mainly due to widespread use of personal
computers and networking, possible to millions of non-programmers wishing to solve
their problems, but lacking in programming "literacy" . When restricted to specific kind
of problems from specific problem domain, most solutions can be pre-programmed in
one way or the other, so taht forming the ultimate program in man-machine interaction
becomes possible. Typical examples are problems concerned with processing large
volumes of data. The tools to be named here are fourth generation languages,
spreadsheets, hypertext and multimedia processors, and of course various database
systems, providing not only database management, but also support for fonning
procedures of required data processing_

Automatic program synthesis research continues with many lessons learned. [20]
have published an interesting method very recently. They propose the following
approach to manage the complexity of the search. Synthesis must be confined to a
single domain, which allows extensive use of domain-spefific knowledge. Moreover,
design space must be separated into smaller problems using abstraction. Knowledge
must be used to prune the design space and hence the complexity of design. They
developed an automatic program synthesis prototype that integrates domain-specific
knowledge with a variety of automatic program synthesis techniques, called ELF, and
concentrates on knowledge representation and reasoning issues. The domain chosen is
CAD tools that route the paths for wires in VLSI circuits, and printed circuit boards.
Typically, such tools are programs of complexity of 1000 to 2000 lines of C code.
Comparing with many previously published works on the automatic program synthesis.
this research is an example that demonstrates usefulness of its results in solving real
engineering problems.
8 Pavol Navrat

As another fruitful direction of research, program formation based on reuse of

existing software is to be mentioned. Indeed, it is very likely that the largest body of
programming know~how is embodied in the already existing and running software. Also
similarly to other branches of engineering, a situation when a completely new solution
is devised from scratch, is in fact very rare. An in al1, rather than attempting to solve
each new problem anew, as much of the existing software should be reused as possible.
The idea can certainly be accepted on such an abstract level. but on more concrete levels,
many practical difficulties arise. Reusing any existing program requires understanding it,
which is of course much more difficult on an operational level of the concrete
programming language, than on a level of high level specification of what it does.
Formation of software from reusable components studied e.g., [211. Formation of a new
program that reuses an existing one (or more of them) relies on similarity of
specifications, which allows the reuse. But similarity is not identity, so formation
includes modification as it involves more precisely speaking only partial reuse. Again,
modification on a concrete language level is much more difficult than on .an abstract
level. And rather than reusing the result of program development, it may be more
fruitful to reuse (replay) the development itself for different but similar problem. Even
before the actual reuse, there is perhaps the most difficult problem to be mastered: how
to retrieve the approapriate existing suitable software (development) and establish the
proper correspondence, which amounts to recognising similarity. The problem of
program development based on reuse was studied e.g .• [22]. Synthesis of programs
using derivational analogy is presented e.g., [23,pp7-55].

To conclude the critical discussion on automatic program synthesis and related

approaches, the question does not seem to be how to automate (fully) the program
formation process, but rather how high can be raised the level on which the human
participates in the process. Abandoning the dream of a full automation. the approaches
to a more "intelligent" computer support to program fonnation are a more realistic
alternative, as we shall see in the next part.

Intelligent Support for Software Development

The progress in software development methodology has been sought in at least

two directions. The "classical" line originates from the developments of more systematic
analysis and design methodologies and their possible support by various tools, and could
be covered approximately by the CASE umbrella. The "sci-filt line originates in the
automatic programming endeavour which was trying to eliminate any direct presence of
Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ...... . 9

a human programmer in the program fonnation process. So, while the latter attempted
to restrict the role of a human to that of specification source (and originally, of course,
creator of automatic programming procedure), the former did not attempt to see the role
of a machine any bigger than that of a tool, restricted to realise some non-creative tasks
in a passive way. Seen from such a perspective, it is most likely that none. of these
lines has utilised, or not even attempted to utilise all available potential. Of course,
there exists a wide range of possible research directions which combine ideas from both
these lines. Among those who were able to identify the crossroad and outline a realistic
vision, we find the work of [11] of much importance. The vision of an intelligent.
interactive software development tool (they call it the Programmer's Apprentice) which
will assist software engineers in all phases of the programming process has proved to be
a very fruitful ambition.

We should always have in mind that the range of methods and tools offering
computerised support to software developers covers also many very practically important
achievements. They may have been presented with less scientific ambition, but their
value is in their wide everyday use. From the process of program formation, not only
translation of its high language formulation into an executable code, but also creating
the program text, manipulating with stored form in the computer, maintaining it. etc,
were automated. Such is a notion of a syntax directed editor e.g., [24,pp125-136]. These
services were made available not only by "stand alone" general tools like editors, but
also in a more or less intergrated form centred usually around a specific programming
language, like Basic or Lisp. The case of Lisp was especially significant. The very
nature of Lisp as a functional language implemented via interpretation defined in Lisp
itself allows for relatively easily defined and implemented manipulations of Lisp
language texts, including its evaluation in special modes. There were sophisticated
utilities included in such Lisp programming systems, as e.g., INTERLISP [25]. By
providing access to tools supporting virtually all the routine, non-creative parts of the
programmer's task in a uniform manner, such systems were becoming programming

Recently, an outcome of the work on the Programmer's Apprentice project, a

prototype knowledge representation and reasoning system called Cake has been described
[26]. It serves in support of developing knowledge-intensive, evolutionary, intelligent
assistants for software development. (It is thus a meta development tool).

The original vision remains as for today, more than fifteen years later, still a
10 Pavol Navrat

vision to be fulfilled. And this despite the fact, that there were made numerous other
attempts along the suggested lines, many of them not less important or innovative than
the one mentioned above. Indeed, we see incomparably more works reported on the
subject than let's say fifteen years ago. Obviously, the problem is approached from
various corners. Some rely almost entrirely on artificial intelligence techniques, e.g.
[27] ; [26], others use AI techniques to cope with certain issues [2] and still others do
not explicitly usc any AI techniques at all [28,pp180-188] ; [29,pp257-271].

It is important to identify basic orientations in the field of knowledge based

software engineering. Besides the aforementioned shift in emphsis from automatic
programming to" augmenting human as a basis in building human-computer cooperative
problem soLving tool, [30] put stress on domain orientation. They hope domain
orientation would allow to reduce the large conceptual distance between problem-domain
semantics and software.

In the area of computer aided software engineering (CASE). much research is

oriented toward taking into account the recent developments in knowledge engineering.
[2] presented work named 'the project ASPIS' which is based on an idea of explicit
representation of the methods employed (the meta level knowledge) as well as of the
domain knowledge (the object level knowledge).

There are other projects. on the other hand. which do not make an explicit
reference to any special artificial intelligence technique. Project PROSPECTRA [31,
pp 187-190] is based on a rigorous methodology for developing correct ADA Programs
are developed from an initial fonnal requirements specification in a process of step by
step transfonnation. Because the specification is expressed fonnally, correctness of the
design can be verified during the whole process. The aim of the project is to make
software development an engineering discipline. The project hopes to provide not only
coherent methodology, but also comprehensive support system.

Currently, a strong shift toward domain specific knowledge seems to be dominant.

While its importance is clearly beyond doubt, we should nevertheless like to stress a
need for balance here among different kinds of knowledge. In particular, programming
knolwedge, or more generally knowledge on software development, plays equally
important role in our opinion. It is embodied in all systems presented implicitly as the
supporting tool iteslf. An important exception which we should like to mention, is the
Programmer's Apprentice project [26]. It uses the programming knowledge expressed
Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ...... . 11

also explicitly, providing special representation formalism for that. Indeed, there is no
reason why this kind of knowledge ought to be excluded from the use in the reasoning
process. On the contrary. there are good reasons for incorporating such knowledge e.g.,
in design. implementation, or debugging phases, for explanation or justification
purposes, in guiding the development process.

In providing intelligent support, besides especially tailored knowledge based tools

like those above, there could be found useful also results from kngwledge engineering
aiming to devise more general tools. For our attempts in that area, cf., [31, pp] 87-190]
; [32. pp351-360] ; [33. pp65-73].

On the other hand, a critical discussion should not avoid the fact that by taking
simply the methodology of knowledge based systems and using it to fulfil some of the
tasks in the software development process a substantial progress is hardly to be
expected. In the heart there is the problem of building bases of explicitly represented
knowledge. Rather than concentrating solely on that, more emphasis should be given to
techniques of supporting reuse of software. In order to create software that allows easy
reuse, special languages and methodologies should be sought, perhaps in the direction of
"object oriented" ones.

Support to Learning Programming

One of the crucial problems connected with use of knowledge ba<;ed approaches is
capturing the knowledge involved. This includes not only choice and availability of
informed knowledge sources (e.g., domain experts, literature, experience), but also
method of acquiring it. Besides the traditional way of asking human experts to formulate
their know-how as knowledge pieces in a knowledge representation language. there are
attempts to elicit them from examples or other information automatically in a process
of machine learning.

Once a base of knowledge relevant to a certain problem is created and it is

sufficiently complete in some suitable sense, it can be considered a model of that
domain. As such, it can serve as a source of knowledge for those who do not know
about it much and/or wish to learn about it. Now, the situation is reversed comparing to
the one above: human learning is the issue.

In the fonowing, we whould like to concentrate briefly or the question of support

12 Pavol Navral

to learning programming or software development. Of course, in some sense we can

consider any tool used by the pupil during programming attempts as providing support.
This, of course, is too broad a definition for the specific purposes related to the learning
process. Indeed, there are several research directions which concentrate on following
special questions, among others:

1- what knowledge (languages, skills, methods) should be chosen to be acquired

by the learner (the contents)
2- what representation of the knowledge is suitable for acquiring by the learner
(the form)
3- what approach should be taken to the learning process (the method)

There have been a lot of work in the indicated areas. Psychological aspects of the
learning process are studied by [34] ; [35] investigated knowledge involved in learning
elementary programming. [36] seek an alternative method to the more' traditional' rule
based approach to learning. stressing active problem solving involvement of the learner
from the beginning.

From among the several more recent research projects aiming LO develop
intelligent tutoring systems for learning programming, there are at least the foI1owing
ones to be mentioned: The Lisp Tutor [37] for learning introductory programming in
Lisp and PROUST [?8] for the problem of program analysis which is however based on
inferring a plausible design process.

PROUST [38] is a system that analyses novices' Pascal programs which can
contain "bugs" Programs are supposed to be from a limited class given implicitly by the
available knowledge. The analysis is based on reconstructing intentions from the
problem specifications given to the programmer and from the analysed program itself.
The system derives automatically a non-algoriLhmic description of the program. The
description is based on so called plans and strategies. The analysis is then in fact a
comparison of intended functions and structures to actual ones.

The knowledge base on programming includes the following main kinds: goals,
plans, and code. Goals arise from the problem specification. Plans describe how to
achieve them. To get the actual program code, transfonnation rules and also so called
"bug rules" (explaining known bugs) are applied. So the system "knows" about the
usual ways novices make errors when solving the specified problem. Using the described
Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ...... . 13

knowledge, PROUST searches for implementations of the given specification for which
there is evidence in the actual program. It can then not only recognise a bug occurring in
the program, but also provide a hypothesis on the programmer's misconception that led
to it.

The Lisp Tutor [37] follows the student during forming a program step by step.
So contrary to PROUST which gets a syntactically correct complete program, ignoring
the actual intennedicate steps but having to reconstruct them, Lisp Tutor is present at
and aware of every step that has led to the final program. Each step is in fact an
application of a rule. This comes from an assumption of the underlying theory of
cognitive psychology [39] that cognitive functions can be represented as sets of
production rules. Lisp Tutor has available a fairly large base on programming
knowledge expressed as rules. It closely monitors every student's action during the
program formation process and intervenes as soon as it identifies an error. To be able to
do so, it has available also "buggy" variants of the rules. Further research related to this
project's results has been done e.g .• on using analogy.

It should be noted, however, that no matter how appealing appears to be the idea
of expressing programming knowledge in form of plans as employed in e.g., PROUST,
there are several questions open. Some of them were discussed very recently in [40}.
They note that e.g., the process of programming is in fact more complex and besides
programming plans, strategies of their use must be taken into account. There is also a
question whether any 'sufficiently complete' knowledge base, taken as externalisation of
the programming theory, would be suitable for learning programming, without being at
the same time an implementation of a sound psychological theory of skill acquisition.

An interesting framework for learning programming techniques provides

programming in Prolog. As a logical programming language, it facilitates reasoning on
a high level of abstraction. Work on teaching prolog techniques, similar to
programming plans, is reported [41}.

One of the central underlying concepts in acquiring and representing knowledge

seems to be the one of programming plan. A more critical look allows us to recognize
finer categories of this rather fundamental concept. Besides the already mentioned
programming techniques, researchers study also semantically augmented programming
primitives [42], programming cliches [26] and units [43].
14 Pavol Navrat

Of course, research in the area of supporting learning programming has attracted

many other researchers, as well. To name just one more example, architecture and
knowledge representation of an intelligent environment for learning programming has
been described in [44, ppI14-124]. For ourselves, methodological aspects were our
concern e.g., [45, pp149-152] ; [3] • architectural aspects of the supporting too] e.g.,
{46, pp375-379] ; [18] ; [32J. the programming knowledge itself in e.g., [31] ; [47].


We can recognise the steady progress in the endeavour to incorporate the computer
In the task of programming. Our common everyday experience provides engough

evidence about the difficulty of the programming task. We understand now that the
reason lies in the complexity of the task and immaturity of the field. On the other hand,
the same experience shows us many fascinating possibilities hidden in computer use. Is
has been only natural to try to use computer in the task of programming it. There have
been achieved results on many fronts. In fact, the area has become very broad,
encompassing attempts of full automation as well as tools not attempting automation
of any but routine, mechanical manipulations; or methods completely relying on
artificial intel1igence techniques as well as such which reject any explicit influence of
artificial intelligence.

Looking back, it is indeed fascinating to see the wealth of various methods

aiming to incorporate the computer into the process of program formation, that were
developed over nearly four decades.

It appears that this particular area has put too much stress on automation. The
original motivation might have been at least partially a selfish one, i.e. programmers
who by writing programs made available the computer's powerful support to users from
all kinds of different fields, should at least attempt to make the computer to support
them in their own program-fonning task. It was perhaps not very fortunate to give such
endeavour the name of automatic programing. Being imprecise and sounding too
ambitious. its only advantage has been that it was sufficiently attractive to serve as a
challenge to many researchers. In this sense, the name experienced a similar fate to that
of artificial intelligence. The field with such name has become vulnerable to
misinterpretations of its fundamental aims. In [48]. automatic programming was
described as a contradiction in terms, because he sees programming as human symbol
manipultion contrary to computing seen as mechanized symlx>l manipulation. However,
Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ...... . 15

it is not clear why humans, once they realize the potential of the mechanism they have,
i.e. its capability to manipulate symbols without errors and efficiently at the same time,
should not use it to support them in their own symbol manipulations

There can be made several conclusions on the background of the survey given
1- Further development of the theory of programming is urgently needed. It
should give uniform formalisation of the process e.g., [49], providing basis
for construction models of the process and investigating its properties, as well
as proposing methods to achieve desired properties e.g., [50]. Especially.
methods of combining different theories should be sought. This is extremely
important because in the process of program derivation. there are frequently
several theories involved: one decribing the programming language level,
another describing the problem domain, yet another describing the solution

2- Formalisation allows devising formal methods and formal methods allow

possible automation e.g., [51] ; [52].

3- There are imposed different important requirements on software construction,

be it concerned with the process itself, like efficiency of using resources
including proggrammer(s), or be it concerned with result of the process, Le.
the program constructed like its correctness, relaibility, efficiency. If it is to
meet them, it must follow more elaborated methods which would free the
programmer from tasks which are mechanical, non-creative, clerical and which
guide him/her through the whole process in such a way that meeting the
requirements in not only possible, but guaranteed.

4- Besides purely theoretical approaches, more practical (engineering) approaches

to constructing model of the programming process must be tried as well.
Here, it is advisable to make use of knowledge engineering methods, and of
artificial intelligence in more general terms. However, it should be understood
that these approaches do not present a fundamentally different alternative, but
rather an attempt to propose more suitable ways of representing the axioms,
therorems and inference rules. and techniques of organizing the inferences. The
engineering is concerned with both the suitability to human ( in the above
sense) and the suitability to increasing the efficiency of processing.
16 Pavol Navrat

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Survey of Knowledge Based Approaches to ...... . 19

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