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| | | | ‘ | I Mopute Two: SamPLine AND DN MCN IN cm Eee) STATISTICAL THINKING WILL ONE DAY BE ‘AS NECESSARY FOR EFFICIENT CITIZENSHIP ‘AS THE ABILITY TO READ AND WRITE! (HG. Wells) Ethical Standards in Research Determining Sample Size Margin of Error ‘Sampling Techniques Data Gathering Techniques Statistical Research Proposal Learninc Ossectivi At the end of this module, you are expected to: 1. define research 2, discuss ethical standards in doing research 3. determine the sample size ‘n’ from a given Population *N" 4, explain the meaning of margin of error used in research 5. perform sampling from any target population 6. differentiate probability from non-probabllity sampling 7. differentiate biased from unbiased samples 8. use the different data gathering techniques Se This module is @ discussion on sampling in research, This is designed to equip beginners with knowledge of the general issues on sampling, the purpose of ‘sampling in research, the dangers of sampling and hhow to minimize them, the types of sampling, and uides for deciding the sample size. For a clear flow ‘of ideas, a few definition of the terms used are given, Let us begin with the definition of research, ‘Wuat ts Research? According to Webster (1986), to research is to Search of investigate exhaustively. it Is @ careful ‘or diligent search, studious inquiry or examination ‘especially investigation or experimentation almed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of ‘accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or Practical application of such new or revised theories oF laws, it can also be the collection of information about a particular subject. Research is information gathering, and it is having information which allows us to make informed Gecisions. In doing research, researchers should ‘adhere to standards and should follow the existing laws of the place where research will be conducted. Ethics should be applied on all stages of research, such as planning, conducting, and evaluating a research project. ‘Adanted from Responsible Conduct of Research (2009) by Adil E. Shamoo and David Resnik, below ‘are some ethical standards that a researcher should adhere to: Hones: Strive for honesty in all scientific communications. Honestly report data, results, ‘methods and procedures, and publication status, Do ‘ot fabricate, falsity, or misrepresent data. Do not deceive colleagues, granting agencies, or the publi. Osiectviy: Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, ‘and other aspects of research where objectivity is ‘expected or required. Avoid or minimize bias or selt- deception. Disclose personal or financial interests that may affect research, lneerimy: Keep your promises and agreements. ‘Act with sincerity. Strive for consistency of thought and action, Careruiness: Avoid careless errors and negli: ence. Carefully and critically examine your own work and the work of your peers. Keep good records of research activities, such as data collection, research design, and correspondence with agencies or journals. OPENNess: Share data, results, ideas, tools, resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas. Respect For InTeLLecTuat PROPERTY: Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual Property. Do not use unpublished data, methods, or Tesuits without permission. Give credit where credit, 's due. Give proper acknowledgment or credit for all contributions to research. Never plagiarize. Conrivenraumy: Protect confidential commu: nications, such as papers or grants submitted for Publication, personnel records, trade or military Secrets, and patient records, Responsiete Pusuicanion: Publish in order to ‘advance research and scholarship, not to advance Just your own career. Avoid wasteful and duplicative publication Respect For coLLEAGUES: Respect your colleagues ‘and treat them fairl. Social. RESPONSIBILTY: Strive to promote social ood and prevent or mitigate social harms through Fesearch, public education, and advocacy. Now-Discriinarion: Avoid discrimination against, colleagues or students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors that are not related to their scientific competence and integrity. Competence: Maintain and improve your own profesional competence ond. expertise though iMelong education and learning Take stops to fn competence in science as a whole, Ps *° Promote LecAurr: Know and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental polio ‘Anita. Cane! Show pe animals when using them benetits and burdens of research fair. 'deally, research must follow all follow all regulations, and researchers should also anticipate possible ethical Droblems in their research, Marain oF Error Oftentimes, results of surveys are reported in the Newspapers like “The SWS said it surveyed 1,200 adults, and the results have @ £3% margin of error” The percentage defines the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval. Here, we indicate how Much error can we live with and try to ensure that ‘ur sample estimate doesn't differ from the true population by more than this percentage. Itt does, then there might have been a sampling evr. Margin of error can be interpreted by the use of ideas from the laws of probability. In reality, the ‘margin of error is what statisticians call a confidence Interval, The math behind it is much like the math behind the standard deviation. So you can think of the margin of error at the 95% confidence interval as being equal to two standard deviations in your polling sample. Surveys are usually designed to provide an estimate of the true feelings, views or characteristics of a population at a given time. Like the headline, “If election is held now, Candidate A will beat all his opponents, says SWS". The samples in this pre election survey are registered voters. Thus surveys are regarded as the best indicators of the public attitudes or beliefs about a certain individual or issues of general interest. The following table is an example of pre-election Survey of presidential voting preferences of Filipinos in the past election. Table 2a: Pre-election Survey j CANDIDATE Dec, 27-28 | Candidate A 4am Candidate M 33% Candidate & 1% ‘Sample size (7) 2.100 Margin of Evor (e) 22% ‘The survey was conducted by Social Weathe, Station during the month of December. Table 2a shay, the votes of the top three candidates for president, ‘The slides below discuss the roles of margin of en, inthe above survey results, ‘Anat ofthe votes for Conddates A an M in the Dec. 27-25 survey using 2 sample of 2,100 anda mata of enc of 425, Given these figures, wil Candidate M ha 2 ‘hance of wiorng ver Candidate A? Exlin ‘To deepen your understanding of margin of ener ‘and sampling error in research, please answer the ‘questions in the box below. © Sampuing Enron Suwruine Eton means thatthe resuts in te sangle ile rom the target population because of he "uck of caw Votes for: Dee 27-28 survey using a samale of 1200 vas 44%. Ms Imples that Inthe population the ves for A | ccuts range trom 42%-46% if election Is hed cn Dec 27-28. (Questions I duting ection, the vets for A + Is 45%, was there a sampling ror? + is 40%, was there 3 samoing ero? + 6s SOS, was there a sampling ero? sia ora Bay ‘The following discussions show findings in the Research Article "Most Pinoys Believe in Love at First ‘Sight’. Please answer the question using the election example 8s your pattern. ost Pinoys Balove in Love at First Sight (Source: Pitppine Daly iqulre, February 3, 2012) ‘Sw found that 70% of Fipino men have experienced falling in fve ot fot sight, a5 compared to only 58% of Filpino women, The survey used £3% margin of emor and surveyed 4,200 aout [WHAT DOES THIS IMPLY? ‘check your answert Siurte raWOOM SAMPLING: A members ofthe popuation have a chance of being neuded inthe samale Example: Lottery sampling and using the tbie of random numbers ‘SreTEMAT SAMPLING: It selects every Kth member of ‘the ponultion ith the starting point determine at random, Example: Selecting every ath member of N= 300 with 5 random as 8 random start gives us: 5,9,13, ‘Stearrico ANCOM SAMPUNG! This is used when the population can be subdwved into several smaller sae Nae os Ene (70ups or strata, and then samples ae randomly selected from each stratum, class A 1,000 (GlUSTER SANPUNG: This Is sometimes called area sampling. ti usualy used when the ponuation Class 8 1,500 Is very very large. In this technique groups or clusters instead of Individuals. are randomly Class C 2,500 N=5,000 Fa ‘SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING 41. Supposed your group is going to randomly choose 100 students from your schoo! to participate in Your research regarding the new dress code policy ‘of the College. How will you choose the 100 samples randomly? 2,What do you think is the danger of random selection? ‘STRATED RANDOM SAMPLING This method is used when the population is too big to handle, thus dividing N into subgroups, which are called strata is necessary. Samples per stratum are then ‘randomly selected, but considerations must be given to the sizes of the random samples to be ‘selected from the subgroups. There are two ways to et the number of samples from the subgroups: PROPORTIONAL ALLOCATION: This process chooses ‘sample sizes proportional to the sizes of the different subgroups or strata. Equa ALLocanon: This process chooses the ‘Same number of samples from each group regardless ofits size. ‘Example: A survey 10 find out if familes ining in 2 certain "uniialiy er in avr of Charter Change wil be conducted. Toensure nat al income groups are represented respondents willbe divided into nigh income (Class A), middle (Class 8) ‘and owinceme (Class €) groups. Below is the cistrbution of Income groups. Table 2b: Distribution of income Groups Table 2c: Number of Samples per Income Groups 1, (NO. OF SAMPLES) | ¥, (NO. OF SAMPLES) ‘Strata, Niet oF nee] (PROPORTIONAL (EQUAL ALLOCATION) a {0. auocanon) | [370 + 3 crours Class A 000 | 4200 = 0.2000020% | 0.2 (370) 123 Class B 1,500 43 ~ 0.3000 or 30% 123 Class 2,500, 0.5 (370) = 185 123 N= 5,000 370 = 309 41. Using a 5% margin of error, how many families should be included in the samples? Solution using Slovin’ formula: 7 3,000. T+ NO ‘should be included in the survey Tene a 4479 » thus at least 370 families 2. Using proportional allocation, how mary from each {group should be taken as samples? Please see solution in Table 2c, 3. Using equal allocation, how many from each group, should be taken as samples? Since 370 samples should be taken, then: 370 sample a Fee samples should be assigned to each group. 23. Therefore, 123, ‘Thus, using proportional allocation, 74 samples should be taken from high income group, 1:12. from the middle income group and 185 from the low income group, for a total of 370 samples, While using. ‘equal allocation, 123 samples will be taken from each group. However, the total samples are just 369 which Is below the suggested 370, so you may get 124 per class for a total of 372 samples. "Custer sauPuns This is sometimes called area sampling because “this is usually applied when the population is large. In this, technique groups or cluster instead of dividuals are randomly chosen. Recall that in the imple random sampling, we select members of the “samples individually In’ cluster sampling, we will "draw the members of the sample by group or cluster "and then we select @ sample from each group or Diese or Interview method Indivest or westionnalre method Elementary Statstex To illustrate its use, for instance, we want to etermine the average daily expenses of families living in Quezon City. Let us assume that there are. 300 barangays in Quezon City. We can draw a random, Sample of 30 barangays using simple random Sampling and then a certain number of families from each of the 30 barangays are chosen, [Do WORKSHEET 2c.) Types oF Non-PROBABILITY SAMPLING Convenience sampuina This type is used because of the convenience it offers to the researcher. Example: Gathering of data through telephone. You would like to know the average income of some community and you decide to use the telephone rumbers to select a sample of the total population in a locality where only the rich and middle class households have telephone lines. You will end up with high average income which will lead to the wrong, conclusions about the population, Quota Sampuns This type is very similar to the stratified random ‘sampling. The only difference is that the selectionofthe ‘members of the samples in stratified is done randomly Example: To get the most popular noontime show, each field researcher is given a quota of 200 viewers, per area, Purposive samPiine This type involves choosing the respondents on the basis of pre-determined criteria set by the researcher. Example: The research is all about the level of maturity of teenage parents in a particular school. Of ‘course, only teenage parents in that school will be the respondents. [Do WORKSHEET 24.) Eee Registration Experimental Saves ard : wos conteioncn 5 renee ab con goto sans secasy ane | sunberot amples” are cesersven ——y ‘can be reached Semnes ke I ae rote | [omemmrw | [imcrenw | connie mae west ited sora ear it te comets ay asia Eber Bly Dara GaTHERING TecHNIQUES Now that you know already know how to get the septable number of samples from the target pepulation, your next step 1s to focus on how to Bethe the information or data which you need from fetr samples oF from your subject of research ‘See the diagrams on this page for the four popular data gathering techniques and their advantages and Gisadvantoges. For further clarification, each of the method is discussed in the succeeding pages. The slides show Sample application of each technique. © Dara Garuening Tecunigues 4 Twe Dineor on HereRnew Met#00° tn this method, the researcher has © dvect contact wih the respondents, Ifthe direct method is used, the researcher an get more accurate answers Since cltiation can be made thelnterviewse does nat understand the question. ‘ample: A researcher would interview respondents regarding their stand or view on 3 parteuar issue, Worn ‘ns method is costy and Ue consuming, © Data Garuening Tecunrgves 2. The Inownecr oR Quesmonnaine MeTW00/SuRVEY: If this method is used, the researcher can save a Iotoftime and money in gathering the information ‘needed because questionnaires can be given 0 ree numberof people atthe seme time either ty personal delivery or by mall Example. A researcher makes a survey regarding the ‘opinion of students on the implementation of the new Warning! Te researcher cannot expect ‘that all distributed questionnires can be retrieved because some respondents simpy ignore them. © Dara Garuzning Trounsgues 3. Twe Reoistearion Memon: This method of eatherog datas governed by ows ‘example. f 9 researcher wants to snow the of regstered car, 6/he just have to gO to Transportation Ofice; the lt of rejstred voter In the Priippines is found atthe COMELEC: et. Take Nott Tne method of eotecting dota Is the most reliable tecaue this I: enforced Dy laws. ‘Ie registration methed Is the most reliable since Rf governed by laws. However, data are Iimited to wnat are listed in the document. © Dara Gatuening Tecunigues 44, Tae Exeermmensas Merioo: This method of gathering Geta Is used to find out cause and effect felatonships. Researchers using this method ‘can go beyond pain desertion of data. But this hhas many threats to interal/external valty Example. The researcher nants to know f Oiine Statistics wil Increase the academic performance ofthe student. ‘What s/he has to co Is to get two Statistics classes of equal intetigence. Give ordinary classroom lecture in one group while the other wil be enrolled online. At the end of the term, give the seme test to both groups, compare thelr scores, and by the use of some statistical tools, find out If there Is significant diference on their ‘academic performance. Your statistical research paper is purely descriptive in nature, Thus, a brief discussion of descriptive research design and two research methodologies are done in the succeeding pages. Tue Research Desicn You, like all other people, are engaged in actions or activities which have the semblance of a research, although perhaps we are not aware of it. When you observe, analyze, question, investigate, hypothesize or evaluate, you are unintentionally doing research. a The following are simple research undertakings which you have probably done in the past. ‘© Comparing travel time from home to schoo! Using the old route and a newly found route ‘© Experimenting on which scheme will gle ‘more savings—that of buying prepaid cards or paying a monthly subscription fee * Trying to find out if there is 9 relationship between the length of time spent in studying and the grades received * Investigatingwnichofthe foodconcessionaires in XYZ College renders the fastest and the ‘most efficient customer services ‘Theseactionsare simpleinquiriesorinvestigations Which when done carefully and systematically under ‘some conditions are called "Scientific RESEARCH”. DescRIPTve RESEARCH DESIGN describes a given state of affairs as fully and carefully as possible, In this ‘ype of research, the usual methodology is the survey. This is when the researchers summarize or describe the characteristics (abilities, preferences, opinions, Perceptions, etc.) of individuals or groups which are under study. There are two popular research methodologies Under this design, You can use either of the two for your final output. A. Descriprive-compararive: This method involves: Comparing two or more known groups to determine Possible differences in characteristics, attrioutes or views regarding a particular issue or topie of interest. Examples of titles which fall under descriptive- ‘comparative: 1. Education in XYZ College according to the RegularPaying Students and the Grantees 2. The level of Teaching Expertise of Male and Female Teachers in Delata University 3. Level of School Pride between the Students of the School of Management Information Technology (SMIT) and the School of Hotel, Restaurant and institution Management (SHRIM) 4, The Degree of Satisfaction of MMA and CA Students Regarding their Teachers’ Teaching, Expertise 5, Stress Management Practices between Male and Female Graduating Students, B, Descriprive-conReLaTIONAL: This method seeks to investigate whether a relationship exists between two or more variables. It enables you to make more inteligent predictions. Examples of titles which fall under descriptive: correlational 41, Selfconfidence in Learning Mathematics and Grades in Mathematics Elementary Statistles 2. Sense of Urgency and Timeliness in the ‘Submission of Outputs 3. Level of Motivation to Finish College and Number of Absences 4, Seltesteem and Length of Time to Finish a Degree 5. Degree of Leamer-centeredness among Uni versity Teachers and the Level of Students’ Intrinsic Motivation to Learn Twe QuesTioNNaiRE In most instances, the authenticity of the data gathered through the indirect or questionnaire method depends on the questionnaire. The key to effective questionnaire design is knowing exactly what you want to find out. The purpose and structure of the questionnaire are important, as in wording of the questions, Therefore, questions must be carefully worded, ree trom ambiguity, and must be designed to achieve the objectives. ‘A seltmade questionnaire by the researcher should be content validated by experts, as well as be tested to respondents with parallel characteristies as the samples in ones study. On the other hand, Permission from the author should be sought if a validated questionnaire will be used. Following are some of the characteristios/ features of a good questionnaire: 4. It should contain a short letter to the respon. dents which states: 2) the purpose of the survey ») an assurance of confidentiality ©) the name of the researcher or writer of the ‘questionnaire (See the following example) oar stasis stugent elcome t Elementary The folowing assessment has been developed to fing out ff antine Tearing & possible for you. Please ‘answer honesty, Msi nota test, and therefore there | no wrong answer Thank you very much Sincere yours, ‘an De ta Cruz sla bre ay 2, There is a descriptive title/name of the ques: Lionnaire Example: “Time Management Practices Survey” 3, Ibis designed to achieve objectives, Questions should be asked to answer the objectives (statement of the problems) of the research. Thus, questions which are Inrelevant to the purpose of the study should be discarded. 4, The directions are clear, Example: Please indicate in peso value how you spend your regular one-day schoo! allowance. {food expenses transportation/gas expenses 5, is designed for easy tabulation, 6. It avoids the use of double negatives. Example: Don't you think it is not proper to enforce dress code? 7. Italso avoids double-barreled questions, Example: Online enlistment is practical and beneficial for the students. 4. It phrases questions well for all respondents. ‘TPes oF QUESTIONNAIRE: 41. Open - This type has an unlimited responses, 2. Closed ~ This type limits the scope of responses, 3. Combination ~ This type is a combination of open {nd closed types of questionnaire, Types oF Questions: 4. Multiple choice - allows respondent to select answer/s from the list 2, Ranking ~ asks respondent to rank the given items 3, Seales ~ asks the respondent to give his/her degree of agreement to a statement 4) Likertscale: [strongly agree, agree, neitheragree Nor disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree), The reliability and consistency should be tested by getting Cronbach's Alpha. According to Glien & Glien (2003), Cronbach's Alpha (a) is a test reliability technique that requires a test administration to provide @ unique estimate of the reliability fot a given test. itis the average value of the reliability coefficients one would obtained for all possible combinations of items. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient ranges between 0.0 0 1.0. The closer Cronbach's alpha Coefficient to 1.0, the greater the internal consistency/ reliability of the items in the scale. The table at the upper right shows the range of alpha and its interpretation. a Table 2d: Cronbach's Aipha Interpretation 5 renwal eet Consistency/ Reunaury a> 09 Excellent 08Sa<08 Good O.7sa<08 ‘ceptable O6sa<07 [Questionable 0550x086 Poor e<05 Unacceptable Glien & Glien (2003) Ian item is poor, remove or change it, while ‘questionable item can be revised or improved, ‘iter the revisions, have it tested again until you obtain all acceptable items, For validated attitude scale you can go to: /ntp:// Belietn-PersonatControtScale-BPCS 4. Open-ended ~ Essay Type, Single Line Input, etc, Minute Papen: 1. Have you ever wandered uty most preelaton survey, oll bodies the SWS and Pulse Asa usualy used 2.200 ‘tps? Do you think his sample is enough to make ‘rele rection of ne rests ofthe stay? aaa aa Se 2.Can you contsenty discuss wih your Dad/Mom the moaning of margin of erro}? 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ae Renee ' Se RU a ' 1 ‘Again, using @ sample in research saves mainly on money and time, it a suitable sampling strategy 's used, appropriate sample size is selected and necessary precautions taken to reduce on sampling ‘and measurement errors are done, then @ sample Should yield valid and reliable information, Next are sample statement of the problems, the Statistical hypotheses to be tested and the survey Questionnaire intended for a research which tries to find out if the students in a certain college are ready for Oniine Learning. Sample survey questionnaires for election and smoking are also given, Elementary Statistics Tm: ONLINE LEARNING: ARE XYZ COLLEGE STUDENTS READY? ‘STATEMENT OF THE PRoBLEM. The aim of this research projer ct is to find out if Statistics students in XYZ College are ready to take the course online. Specifcal iy it will ry to find out {he proportion of students who are comfortable with computers, emall, and Internet Statistics students’ best learning moments: alone, with a group, of with the teacher Statistics students’ color preference: light, bright, or mixed Statistics students’ need for teachers’ feedback: right away, within few days, or within few weeks 5. the proportion of students who have home access to Internet the proportion of students who think computer can help them in learning 7 the Proportion of students who think learning can take place without faceto-ace interaction with the teacher 8. the proportion of students who are comfortabl 9. the proportion of students who enjoy reading 20. the proportion of students who are self-motivated and selt-isciptined 11, Statistics students’ level of confidence that they will learn the subject, 12, the perception of Statistics students about the subject 13. if the proportion of students who are most percent 14. if there is a significant difference in the lev between male and female students le communicating in writing 'y1o succeed online is greater than seventy ‘el personal confidence in learning Statistics The hypotheses to be tested and level of significance: ‘The fol 1,13 The proportion of students who are most likely to succeed onlin is equal to 70%, owing hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. H,,: There is no significant difference in between male and female students {he level of personal confidence in learning Statistics asia Ebora Bly Program/Course: Mi i Regular Twegular Part |. Put a check mark cera ‘ark (7) to your answer/s to the following questions. More than one answer is Ta era tan coo wn eco at a: ( Jomen Cie (_ ) Internet, jaan My best learning moment occurs when: tread a tester : | nes teachers comments on my (tance tee assignments/tests {am wth he teocher { }win few ys (within @ few weeks Fart Il, Put @ check mark (¥) to your answer/s to the following questions. Only one answer is vali Do you have home access to Internet? (yes )No Do you think the computer can help you in learning? (Yes No Do you think learning can take place without having face-to-face interaction with the teacher? Yes )No Are you comfortable communicating in writing? des No Do you enjoy reading? des )No |. Are you self-motivated and self.disciplined person? yyes )No Part Il, Please tick (¥}) your answer: ‘SA Strongly agree (5) N~ neutral (3) ‘80 ~ Strongly Disagree (1) A~ Agree (4) = Disagree (2) [ ‘Statements, TL. | am sure that | can learn Statistics. 2. 1think | ean handle difficult lessons in Statistics 3B. [ean get good grades in Statistics. 4. think Statistics Is a worthwhile, necessary subject, 5. Iwill use Statistics in many ways as a professional . Fl need a good understanding of Statistios for my research work 7. would like working with computers. I think working with computers would be enjoyable & stimulating. 9, Once Istart to work with the computer, | would find it hard to stop. >) ELECTION SURVEY ear Sic/Madam: As part We are students of Elementary Statistics at the volers regarding the of out requirements in this course, we need to auney at forthcoming election. gee We are therefore asking for your help inthe completion of ear err aig fr or heb eetion ofthis statistical research project by being Thank you very much and we assure you that all answers will be taken with utmost confidentiality Respectfully yours, ———__________- chet teamer (Leader) ——_ Wee chief Learner (coteader) Recorder/ Reporter (Secretary) Analyzer (Critic) Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible: election? Please tick one, 4. Who will you vote in the coming Tal Lt 0 et ial o) [ ]. Others (PIs. write his/her name): 2. What do you think is your candidate's chance of winning the presidency in the election? Please tick only one answer. [ ] 4~Sure Winner [ ] 3~Good chance of winning [ ] 2~50/50 chance of winning J 1-Slim chance of winning [ ] O~No chance of winning 3. Please indicate your degree of agreement/disagreement to the following statements. Your choices are: SA~ Strongly agree (5) _N-neutral(3) SO ~ Strongly Disagree (1) A~ Agree (4) D - Disagree (2) Statements 7, My candidate can eradicate graft and corruption in government. | a 2. My candidate can alleviate poverty 3. My candidate can restore trust in government, ‘4.My candidate can improve the economy. 5, My candidate can solve the insurgency. Noted by: —_——______ Thank youu very much and God bless! Teacher SURVEY ON SMOKING Dear Sir/Madam: We are students of Elementary Statistics at the [As part of the fequirements in this course, we need to conduct a survey on at least 200 persons regarding, SMOKING. We would like to solicit your help in the completion of this statistical research project. by being a respondent in this survey. We assure you that all answers will be taken with utmost ‘confidentiality. Thank you very mucht Respectfully yours, Group: ——____ Chief Learner (Leader) Vice-Chief Learner (Co-Leader) Recorder (Secretary) Analyzer (Critic) Prompter (Prodder) Noted by: Schoo! Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible: 1. Are you aware of the dangers of smoking? 2. Do you smoke? ()¥es (No ILvour answer in #2 is YES, please answer numbers 3, 4. 5.and 7. 3. At what age did you start to smoke? 44. On the average, how many sticks do you smoke a day? ae 5. Do you have any plan to quit smoking? Ces (No Ityour answer in #2 is NO. please answer numbers 6.and 7. 6, Will you ever smoke? ( }¥es ( )Maybe ( ) Never 7. Please Indicate your degree of agreement/disagreement to the following statements. Your choices are: SA~ Strongly agree (5) A~Agree (4) N~ Neutral (3) D - Disagree (2) SD - Strongly Disagree (1) ‘Statements: S]4]3[2]2 7, | will not encourage my relative/friend to smoke. 2. will persuade my relative/Triend who smokes to stop smoking, 3, leondemn people who encourage youngsters to smoke, Z| pity people who learn to smoke at an early age. 5. | support government efforts to stop smoking. Thank you very much and God bless! Noted by: ——————— Review 0 far, some activities which you will need in your research project have been tackled. Do you remember the following? Determining sample size using Slovin's formula: " "Tone ‘© Margin errr "@” to be used in your statistical research paper is 5% © The suggested sampling technique appropriate for your research project: Stratified Random Sampling and simple random sampling © The datagathering technique to be used in your research project: Indirect or questionnaire method * Designing a questionnaire Research design to be used: Descriptive ‘comparative or descrptive-correlational [Are you now ready to formulate a research topic? ‘The Statistical Research Paper does not include the Review of Related Literature. Emphasis is given on presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. Below are the objectives of the Statistical Research Project which you are about to begin. Objectives of Statistical Research Project: Each ‘group is expected to: 41. formulate a research problem relevant to your ‘school or to ones field of specialization or a research on the most timely issue 2. be able to apply sampling techniques and use Slovin's formula to get the required number ‘of samples ‘3, make sound description of the characteristics of the population/ sample by the use of tables, graphs, and some descriptive statistical tools, "such as the measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), measures of variability (range, variance, standard deviation) 4, formulate research hypotheses based on the © research problems 6. use any ofthe test statistic appropriate to test the given hypotheses | 6.draw informed conclusions based on the results of hypotheses tests ‘make sound inferences, decisions, and recom: ‘mendations based on the conclusions k ‘Sccono Weex Oureur You are now ready to submit a research tile for your final project. But your group must be formed first. The group will have a maximum of 5 members. Each member assumes a role and has the following responsibility: Chiet Learner — leader V.Chiet Learner — coleader Recorder — secretary ‘Analyzer — critic Prompter — prodder Each group should have a GROUP NAME! ‘Tne Ourpur: Each group will submit a research tite due next meeting. ‘L. Write @ one paragraph rationale for choosing the topic ** Why did you choose the topic? * Is itimportant in your program? * Whouwill benefit from it? 2. Identify the target population and then get its actual number (N), 3. Compute for the number of samples (n) to be used Using Slovin’s formula and a 5% margin of error. 4. Identity the sampling and data gathering techniques to be used 5. Identify the research design * descriptive-comparative © descriptivecorrelational sta oor BOY Rusric FoR SEcoNo Week Ourrut ‘The title and rationale for choosing the topic rationale for choosing the topic is not so clearly stated; no beneficiary of the research is identified. choosing the topic is. not so clearly stated; only one beneficiary of the research is, identified ‘Secon Weex Ourrur (4-2 powrs) (3-4 pownrs) (5 rows) The title is so The ttle Is timely and The ttle is relevant: | common; rationale for | relevant; rationale for ‘choosing the topic is clearly stated: at least 2 beneficiaries of the research are identified. ‘Target population and sample Exact number and sources of target population are not Stated; number of samples is incorrectly computed; margin of error and formula Used not given Exact number and sources of target population are stated; number of samples is incorrectly computed; ‘margin of error and formula used not given Exact number and sources of target population are stated; number of samples is, correctly computed; margin of error and formula used are ave Sampling and data ‘gathering techniques Sampling and data gathering techniques are not appropriate to the topic and not clearly explained, Sampling and data gathering techniques are appropriate to the topic but not clearly explained, Sampling and data ‘gathering techniques ‘are appropriate to the topic and clearly explained. Research design Design is not appropriate to the title; groups to be ‘compared are not Identified or variables to correlate are not ‘mentioned. Design is appropriate to the tite; groups to bbe compared are not Identified or variables to correlate are not mentioned. Design is appropriate to the ttle; groups to be compared are identified or variables to correlate are ‘mentioned. Format Format is not followed with at least three parts missing, Format is not strictly followed with at most 2 parts missing. Format is strictly followed. Promptness The group submits, the output one or more weeks after the deadline. The group submits the output the following meeting after the deadline. ‘The group submits, the output on time. Total Points: 30 2

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