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narrow-minded: poc criteri, mente estrecha, intolerant
mouth-watering: delicios
Brand-new: para estrenar
Ribs: costelles
Unthinkcable: inconcebible
Life-theatening: peligro de vida

Well-behaved: bon comportament

Narrow-minded: mente estrecha

Ground-breaking: inovadora

High-pitched: agut

Dead-end: callejon sin salida

High-heeded shoes: zapatos de tacon alto

Labour-saving device: dispositivo de ahorro de trabajo

Life-changing experience: experiencia que canvia tu vida.

we get along: nosaltres ens portem bé

Keen : interesat
Afterwards mas tarde, después
Beyond: mas alla de..
Reach: alcanzar
to keep an eye on: echarle un ojo

feels stuck: se siente atascada

my share: mi parte

to squirrel away

to lose their cool: perder la calma

beyond belief: increíble

behave: comportarse

go through: atravesar, sufrir

to seek: buscar
dwindling: gradually diminishing in size, amount, or strength.
damning report informe condenatorio
ownership propiedad
survey encuesta, estudio
goes on; sucede

whether ya sea
allotted asignado

Rather: bastante

Hire contratar
 Merely: simplemente
 Effort esfuerzo
Among: entre, en medio
Allows permitir

Summarise : Express the most important facts or ideas about something or

someone in a short and clear form. 
Clarify: Make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a
simpler explanation. 
Simplify Make something less complicated and therefore easier to do or
Paraphrase Repeat something written or spoken using different words, often in a
simpler and shorter form that makes the original meaning clearer. 
Translate Change words into a different language. 
Adapt Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify. 

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