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Benefits of helping immigrants to integrate into their local communities.

People are always moving abroad to find new opportunities in life, from starting over to being hired
on a company that need people from abroad.

Firstly, thanks to the internet, a major quantity of employers make their research about who to hire
in a easier way. They normally use Linkdn or Indeed, which are the best platform that people can go
to find a job and upload their CV. In this case, when a company wants to hire someone from aboard,
they set what type of skills they want from them and, of course, they want to know their speech
level. Sometimes they set up exams or tasks that has to be filled up in a required time or they call on
a specific date to see the level of that person in that language.

Secondly, some people move to a new different country just so they can learn the native tongue in a
better way. For example, many restaurants and shops provide jobs for immigrants whose interest is,
work, of course but also stay there for a short period of time and learn the dialect. The best way to
improve your language skill on a different country is by studying abroad in any kind of study level,
either schools, academies or universities. This way, you will practise it almost every single time
since you are “pushed” to do it and learn it.

To conclude, I think that setting up exams to ensure that people know the language, or, providing
temporarily jobs for those who need to practise their skills, is a good idea.

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