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Patented May 30, 1939



Harold F. Schaefer, Alton, Ill., assignor to West
ern Cartridge Company, East Alton, Ill., a cor
poration of Illinois
No Drawing. Application January 6, 1936, Se
rial No. 57,763. In Great Britain January 2,
12 Claims. (C. 52-13)
This invention relates generally to explosives In accordance with the present invention, gen
and particularly to the manufacture of spherical erally stated, while the globules of smokeless pow
grains of Smokeless powder and a method of con der base lacquer are dispersed in a non-solvent
trolling the gravimetric density of such grains.
5 In the manufacture of propellent powder grains in thethe
medium and globules thus hardened to form
manner described in said copend 5
grains in accordance with the processes described ing application of Olsen, Tibbitts and Kerone,
in the copending application of Fredrich Olsen, and while some non-solvent may be contained
Gordon C. Tibbitts, and Edward B. W. Kerone, within the globules of such lacquer, the physical
() now Patent No. 2,027,114, and Serial No. 57,662, properties of the non-solvent medium within and
filed January 6, 1936; in which a lacquer is made without the globules are differentiated So as to
from a Smokeless powder base and solvent, the cause relative
lacquer being distributed in a non-solvent me in the globulesmigration of the non-solvent with
dium in the form of globules, and the globules globules. For instance, in case the without
and the non-solvent
hardened to form spherically shaped grains,
there is often a tendency for the non-solvent me been first formed in the presence of the non
solvent vehicle, such as Water, in the manner 5
dium in which the globules are suspended to dif described under the heading "Distributed Solvent
fuse into the globules of lacquer or even become process' in said application of Olsen, Tibbitts
emulsified therein. Consequently assuming the and Kerone, Serial No. 598,332, some Water is
non-solvent medium to be water, it will be under emulsified within each globule so that the glob
stood that as the solvent is evaporated from the ules, instead of being composed entirely of Smoke 20
globules of lacquer some water may remain there less powder base lacquer, are indeed an emulsion
in. This results in the final grains having in of water in smokeless powder base lacquer. NOW
teriors of porous structure while the exterior is when the globules of Smokeless powder base lac
a continuous substantially impervious surface. quer containing the non-solvent such as water are
The degree of porosity existing in such pro hardened by heating while suspended in a non 25
pellent powder grains is to some extent deter solvent vehicle having the same, physical proper
mined by the Solvent employed in making the ties as that emulsified within the globules (i. e.,
lacquer. For instance, with a given series of water), it will be understood that the globule
Solvents, such for instance as the acetates (e. g., may be completely hardened to form a grain be
30 ethyl, isopropyl, butyl), the degree of the porosity fore the water in the interior thereof is removed. .30
of the powder grains will generally parallel the Now in accordance with the present invention
boiling temperature of the solvent, that is to say, the non-solvent vehicle employed as the continu
the emulsification of water within the lacquer is ous phase of the system in which the globules are
easier with the solvents of lower boiling point hardened has different physical properties than
in a given series, and hence when grains of high the non-solvent medium within the globules. In 35
density are desired, solvents of the higher boiling the case of water the change of physical proper
points may be employed. ties may be brought about by the addition of a
The object of the present invention, generally solute. The result may even be obtained by
stated, is to provide a propellent powder grain emulsifying distilled water within the globules
40 of the type referred to wherein the porosity or
gravimetric density of the grain may be con while the continuous or external phase is Com 40
trolled. posed of undistilled or untreated water.
. A great variety of Substances may be employed
Another object of the invention is to provide as the solute to be added to the water. For in
a process of controlling the porosity of powder stance, sodium sulphate, barium nitrate, and
45 grains made according to the processes re
ferred to. potassium nitrate, are particularly suitable, but 45
any substance which actually dissolves in the
A more specific object of the invention is to non-solvent
provide a process of making powder grains its physical medium, such as water, and changes
wherein globules of smokeless powder base lac be suitable. properties, for instance, sugar, may
50 quer are Suspended in a nonsolvent medium and Likewise, it will be understood that entirely
hardened, and wherein the action of nonsolvent different
medium. Within the globules is controlled. . non-solvent media may be employed,
that is to say,
Other objects will become apparent to those may be a different the non-solvent within the globules
skilled in the art when the following description tutes the continuous one from that which consti
55 is read: system. or external phase of the
2 2,360,323
While in the foregoing general description and Went contained within the globules, definite con
in the specific embodirinent to be describald here trol of the action of the non-solvent medium
inafter, reference is particularly made to the Within the globules, and hence control of the
addition of solutes to the continuous or external porosity of the resulting grains is made possible.
phase of the system in which the globules are The amount of a particular Solute to use in order
hardened, it is to be understood that this is the to produce powder grains of a given porosity or
procedure which is followed when dense grains, gravimetric density is dependent upon many fac
that is grains or low porosity are desired. It is tors whichand
may be encountered in commercial
to be understood, however, that the solute may be operation hence simple experimentation will
be necessary in each instance in order to deter 10
added to the non-solvent vehicle which becomes
emulsified within the globules and omitted from nine the amount of Solute necessary to accom
the continuous external phase in order to cause plish the desired result. When once obtained,
a diffusion of the water from the external phase however, for specific Operating conditions pow
into the globules during hardening, thus to pro der grains of uniform porosity may be expected,
duce a grain of high porosity. Of course, the Other things remaining the same. 5
Solute need not be entirely omitted from the Water While in the foregoing description and the
of the continuous phase, it being understood that specific illustrative embodiments which have been
control of the degree of porosity is made possible given, nitrocellulose has been taken as the Smoke
by the addition of varying a mounts of solute to less powder base, it is to be understood that the
the non-Solvent vehicle within or without the present invention is not limited to the treatment 20
globule. of nitrocellulose powder but is applicable to the
When ethyl acetate is used as the solvent, as treatment of other smokeless povyder bases, such
described under the heading "Distributed solvent; as nitrocellulose-nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose
process' in said Oiser, bbitts and 3erone pat and deterrents, nitrocellulose-nitroglycerine with
5 ent and the non-solvent Inedium within and with deterrents, etc. 25
Out the globules has the same physical properties, From the foregoing description it will be ap
powder having a gravimetric density between parent that the present invention accomplishes
0.250 and 0.350 nay be expected. By the addi its objects and provides its propellent powder
tion of a solute, for example % of sodiurn sul grain of controlled porosity whereby, although
phate (Weight of nitrocellulose), to the water the exterior surface of the grain may be imper 30
constituting the continuous phase of the system. vious, the internal voids or porosity is so con
the gravinetric density of the powder gains is trolled as to achieve the desired gravimetric den
increased to about 0.800, other conditions remain sity. Vioreover, in accordance with the present
ing constant. invention powder grains having higher gravl
35 netric densities. than have
When isopropyl acetate is used as the solvent tained heretofore eer at
in Said "Oistributed solvent process' glad the may be produced.
2O2-80iven vehicle within agad writica, the Siance it is agoparent that there are various fea
grains has the 82ne physical properties, initro tres of the present invention which inay be
cellulose grains having 2 gravinetic density of utilized aid applied independently of other fea
0. about 0.500 may be expected. Sy the use of tures axis without reference to the specific ex 40
Solutes in accordiacace with the present invention eanpies hereinoefore given, it is to be distinctly
the gravimetric density (may be controlled within inderstood that the invention is not limited to
Wide li?ts. For exagnole, other conditiox3 re the specific encodinez's hereinbefore set forth.
in2iniBig const83a, the addition of (.3% of sodium Warious ircd.ifications of the grocedure Wiii pre
Saigaste (ogy weigkai, Gi initigocelioge) is erective Seat, herselves to those skiied in the art and,
033.a33'e28S $2.8 g.'...wixietric censity of the powder While the present, inventor is particularly ap
50 6,875; 6.2% of 3Cfaitain Salgaie increases the plica Role to the nanufacture of spherically shaped
3,32. 3t: 3 (eEasy :O (p.26); (0.4% of sodiu in Sun grains in accordeace with the processes of said
93.23 increages the graviraetric degasty co O.830; Olgen, Tipits aid 3erosae applications, it is not
Agended to ignit, his invenior thereto. It is to 50
50 0.6% increases he graviaetric cleansity to 0.850. Rice distinctly understood, thereofc3e, that such
. These gravineric densities may be further lie nodiacatio gag &nd the 23Se of Su2 individual fea
Crea:3d toy sagicace treating yika Initroglycerine, & Ares aga: StoecoEasthaios of features &S Ray
for 3:Asta...ace, the growder havizag a grivinetric present Reiga geives a tincse sigiled in the art
density of 0.350 vyi i ready ske up enoaga Kai 55
tEcglycerine to reach a grayiiraatric decay of Withou; Separting soia the Spirit of his in Venn
0.850. Axewise by he sa oil large 33rogats tion are, 3.nough no spacifically described here
of solate, ga'a Vitaetic deKnsities as higa &S 3.5 Ara, coEnea agated Roy and WikiR he scope of the
3Aay 3 obtained. Corraparallie resultg 3e ci 3.3223 dad 32aixas.
t&raed by the use 0 other Solities in CaC23&S de Eaving has 333 Sci the invention, "That is 60
30 pending upon the erec, Igor ae physical pop (23aned 33:
erciés of the water. For instaince, 25% eggs gre . In the art of Eaking eigliosives the process
in nitrate then sodiurn staplete is required to congris Ag, dispersing globules of Snokeless pow
give congparable results. der oase solution coxtaining uid non-solvent in
Sylhether the rests achieved by the age of & fluid non-solvent, oath, the non-solvent within
30lutes are attributable to an os(Enotic action, a the globuies having physical properties differen 85
differential of vapor pressure, or other pha: One tiating from those of the non-solvent of the
IRO3) OE a, combination of their is not deterrained 8th so as to cause relative Amigration of the non
&nd hexace no theory of action is proffered herein. solvent within the globules and the non-solvent of
While the scientiaic reasons for the action of the the bath, and hardening the globules while the 70
solutes as above described are largely uncertain, dispersion is maintained.
it is definitely established that when the physical 2. In the art of making explosives the process
properties of the non-solvent Gaedium constitut comprising, forming a lacquer from nitrocellulose
ing the exteriaal phase of the system in Which and a solvent, agitating the lacquer with a fluid
the globules of lacquer are hardened, are differ vehicle which is substantially insoluble with the
75 ent from the physical properties of the non-sol solvent but which is emulsifiable within the
2,160,626 3
lacquer until some of the vehicle has emulsified
within the lacquer, dispersing globules of the lac water
into the globules, and hardening the glob
while the suspension is maintained.
quer emulsion in the fluid vehicle, changing the 7. In the art of making explosive the process
physical properties of the fluid vehicle of the comprising,
continuous phase so as to cause relative migration powder baseforming a lacquer from a smokeless
of the vehicle within the globules and the con with a fluid vehicle which isagitating
and a solvent, the lacquer 5
emulsifiable Within
tinuous phase, and hardening the globules while the lacquer, dispersing the lacquer in the form of
the dispersion is maintained.
3. In the art of making explosives the process globules in a fluid vehicle having physical prop
10 comprising, forming a lacquer from nitrocellulose erties differentiating from those of the first
and a solvent, agitating the lacquer with a ve vehicle so as to cause relative migration of the O
non-solvent within the globules and the non
hicle which is substantially insoluble with the Solvent of the bath, heating the mixture to
Solvent but which is emulsifiable within the lac harden the globules, and surface treating the
quer until some of the vehicle has emulsified hardened globules with nitroglycerine.
5 within the lacquer, dispersing globules of the lac
quer emulsion in the vehicle, adding a solute of solidified droplet ofpowder
8. A propellent grain composed of a
gelatinized Smokeless pow
Such a nature to the vehicle of the continuous
phase so as to cause migration of the vehicle der base having a gravimetric density in excess
from the globules to the continuous phase, and of9.0.500. A propellent powder grain composed of a
20 hardening the globules while the dispersion is
maintained. solidified droplet of gelatinized smokeless powder
4. In the art of making explosives the process base havingsurface,
a porous interior and a Substantially
comprising, forming a lacquer from a smokeless impervious treated with nitroglycerine
powder base and a solvent, agitating the lacquer and 0.950.
having a gravimetric density of at least
With a fluid vehicle which is emulsifiable Within 10. A propellent powder grain composed of a 5
the lacquer, dispersing the lacquer in the form of solidified droplet of gelatinized Smokeless powder
globules in a fluid vehicle having physical proper
ties differentiating from those of the first vehicle base having a porous interior and a substantially
so as to cause relative migration of the non impervious surface, and having a gravimetric
30 solvent within the globules and the non-solvent density of 0.675 to 0.950, the degree of porosity
of the
the bath, and heating the mixture to harden varying
inversely as the gravimetric density.
11. In the art of making explosives, the process

5. In the art of making explosives the process comprising, dispersing globules of smokeless pow
comprising, emulsifying a fluid non-solvent in a der base solution, containing occluded fluid, in a
35 Solution of a smokeless powder base, and remov fluid external phase which differentiates from
ing the solvent from the Solution in the presence the the occluded fluid to cause relative migration of 35
of a fluid non-solvent having physical properties phase entrapped fluid and the fluid of the external
differentiating from those of the non-solvent globules. through the globules, and hardening the
which is emulsified within the solution so as to 12. In the art of making explosives, the proc
40 cause relative migration of the non-solvent
within the globules and the non-solvent of the ess comprising, dispersing globules of Smokeless 40
bath. w powder base solution, containing occluded fluid,
6. In the art of making explosives, the process in a fluid external phase, one of the fluids con
comprising, emulsifying water containing a solute taining sufficient of a solute of such a nature as
45 in a solution of a smokeless powder base, suspend to cause relative migration of the entrapped
ing globules of the emulsion in water the nature fluid and the fluid of the external phase through 45
of the solute being such as to cause migration of the globules, and hardening the globules.

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