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Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Worth, Graham

Innovative potential of 3D software applications in fashion and textile design

Original Citation

Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Worth, Graham (2003) Innovative potential of 3D software
applications in fashion and textile design. Digital Creativity, 14 (4). pp. 211-218. ISSN 1462-6268

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Digital Creativity
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Innovative potential of 3D software applications in
fashion and textile design
Andrew Taylor; Ertu Unver; Graham Worth

To cite this Article: Taylor, Andrew, Unver, Ertu and Worth, Graham , 'Innovative
potential of 3D software applications in fashion and textile design', Digital Creativity,
14:4, 211 - 218
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2003, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 211–218 © Swets & Zeitlinger
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Innovative potential of 3D
software applications in fashion
and textile design
Andrew Taylor1, Ertu Unver2 and Graham Worth1
The Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
The University of Huddersfield, UK

Abstract 1 Introduction
Advanced cloth simulation plug-in tools are increas- This paper discusses PhD research work in
ingly being used by designers in movies, television, progress at the Manchester Metropolitan
advertising and computer games, to take the strain University and the University of Huddersfield
out of creating and simulating realistic cloth effects into 3D computer graphics software and 3D
for dressing virtual characters. This paper describes CAD software for designing textiles and
experiments into designing textiles and clothing clothing. The aim of the paper is to test 3D
using 3D graphics software and a digital cloth dy- computer graphics applications and a digital
namics plug-in, which are an integral part of PhD cloth dynamics plug-in for their effectiveness in
research in progress. The methods used in testing enabling 3D digital cloth to be simulated and
the 3D software and the cloth dynamics plug-in clothing to be created in a 3D environment.
illustrate the experiences of a designer/learner. The The main contribution of this work is the
results identify designer/learner needs and expec- development of new methods in 3D design,
tations for the further educational development of construction and movement for application in
the research and use of cloth simulation tools in fashion/textiles learning and teaching environ-
textiles/fashion design in the near future. ments. The structure of the paper is as follows:
section 1 defines the aim and introduces the
Keywords: cloth dynamics, fashion design, plug-in, paper; section 2 outlines the important physical
simulation, 3D software reality of fashion and textiles design relative to
3D graphics clothing design, discusses current
3D graphics software research and explains the
function of the plug-in; section 3 describes the
different aspects of the experiments, software
applications and the construction of the test
objects, sections 4 and 5 describe the methods
and analysis of the results of the two digital
cloth experiments; section 6 concludes the paper
and provides details of future work.

2 Background
2.1 The physical reality of textiles and fashion
This research into digital cloth simulation
combines the established, traditional skills of the
fashion/textiles designer, with the new digital
Taylor, Unver and Worth
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Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

methods of 3D graphics technologies. There- As a result of this research, advanced

fore, it is essential to emphasise the importance cloth simulation plug-ins have been developed
of the established skills in textile/fashion design, over the last six years, and there is now a wide
as these traditional skills are integrated into the selection of quality cloth dynamics plug-ins
outcomes of the experiments and the educa- available that are compatible with the high
tional focus of the PhD research project. All specification 3D modelling and animation
textile products have character- software applications (Wentzel
istic behaviour based on the 2002). A plug-in is a small
construction and properties of software program that is
their material content …specific textile written for, and runs inside of,
(Wingate 1970). Woven or another host application to
knitted structures create the data and ‘intel- help enhance its functionality1.
dimensional stability or the The additional plug-in
handle of the fabric. The
ligence’ needs software program provides the
overall effect of these structures
often changes when reacting
to be written generic software program with
extendable architecture,
with a printed pattern or into plug-ins… although several recently
embroidered textural effect updated versions of 3D
applied to the structure or modelling and animation
surface of the cloth. The fact that the cloth packages now include cloth simulation tools as
moves around in space, often colliding with standard. Plug-ins are seen as essential creative
itself and the body, is a hugely significant factor tools, with which artists, designers and anima-
in the success of any textiles and clothing design tors can customise and ‘supercharge’ their
(Braddock and O’Mahony 1998). software to produce tricky visual effects more
effectively and increase their productivity when
2.2 3D graphics software working within the structure of a core program.
The use of 3D graphics software applications as The plug-in used in the experiment
tools for modelling, rendering and animating provides extendable menu tools in the interface
product ideas in three dimensions is an essential to allow association of advanced soft-body and
everyday aspect of most industrial design rigid-body dynamics, free-form deformations,
activity (Sener and Wormald 2001). The fashion cloth, and rope simulation properties on to the
and textile industries are currently experiencing 3D model/object. Real world dynamics simula-
a phase of digital change, as they react positively tion tools in the plug-in enable the variable
to the challenges of ever increasing research into density of a 3D object to be altered to simulate
the areas of 3D graphics simulation technology. different physical properties. Natural forces such
3D computer graphics software presents these as wind and gravity can be applied to the 3D
industries with new and innovative possibilities models/objects.
for 3D design and virtual sampling of clothing
products (Wentzel 2002). Since the mid 1980s 3 Preparation for the digital clothing
research groups have been developing diverse experiments
approaches to modelling and simulating digital
cloth for an array of digital clothing projects 3.1 3D graphics software applications used in the
(Bhat et al. 2003, Cordieret al. 2003, Huanget experiment
al. 2003, Stylios et al. 1995, Volino et al. 1998, The main software used throughout the experi-
Weil 1986). ment was 3DS Max v 4.2, which combines

Innovative potential of 3D software applications in fashion and textile design
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Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

advanced tools for 3D modelling, animation attempts at modelling the fitted top became
and visual effects production. Poser 4 was chosen problematic and time consuming. Firstly, even
to generate the human body to use as a model though 3DS Max contains very advanced
for the cloth simulation experiments. Poser 4 is a modelling tools there were difficulties with
3D character design and animation software modelling the top object to fit the female Poser
application, which provides moveable figures character. Secondly, testing the different cloth
from a library of male, female and child human parameters values using two objects in the cloth
body shapes. The 3DS Max animation modifier simulation slowed down the rendering time too
tool, called Flex, was initially tested to establish much during repetitive simulations. 3D male
the potential of 3DS Max software to simulate figures will also be used in future research work,
cloth without the use of specific cloth plug-in as there are challenging 3D design and fit issues
software. Subsequently, the real world dynamics in the construction of men’s trousers, which are
plug-in software called Reactor, from Havok, the often worn differently, for example, higher or
game and animation dynamics developers2, was lower on the waist of the male body (Anon
selected from the list of plug-in software being 2003).
evaluated in the research project. An unclothed female character was
selected from the Poser library for use as a model
3.2 3D design of digital clothing in the experiment. The female character was
2D womenswear illustrations (Figure 1) were exported into 3DS Max from Poser 4.
used as working drawings in an attempt to To be able to manipulate the female
accurately model a fitted top and skirt in a 3D Poser character in 3DS Max, each of the body
graphics environment. During the cloth parts were linked to each other and then
simulation experiments, only the 3D skirt was grouped together using the appropriate tools in
used to provide a test object for simulation, as 3DS Max. The skirt was modelled within the

Figure 1.
2D fashion
illustration of
collection. The
University of
Final Year 2003
BA Fashion
Design student

Taylor, Unver and Worth
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Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

3DS Max environment using 3DS Max tools.

Following extensive experimentation with
different modelling techniques, several skirt
shapes were created using Non-rational Uniform
B-Splines or NURBS, which are the best
method for modelling irregular surfaces3. Several
circular NURBS were created, to provide a mesh
structure that could be easily manipulated
around the female Poser character. A NURBS
surface was generated to connect a surface to the
skirt mesh structure, and a printed fabric texture
sample was scanned and added to the surface
using the materials mapping browser function in
3DS Max.

4 Experiment 1: cloth simulation using

the Flex modifier tool in 3DS Max 4
The Flex modifier in 3DS Max was initially used
Figure 2. Poser character wearing a 3D top
to test the potential of 3DS Max to simulate
and skirt modelled in 3DS Max using NURBS
cloth without a dynamics/cloth plug-in. The and the Flex modifier. Andrew Taylor 2003.
Flex modifier simulates soft-body dynamics via
virtual springs between the object’s vertices. The During the play back of the simulation
spring stiffness can be set to actively influence the skirt model was fragmenting in the wind. To
vertices to stretch, or move apart or together. At adjust this, force intensity was reduced from 1
a more advanced level, the Flex modifier can also to 0.5. Collision quality between skirt and the
be used to control the sway, or how much the Poser character was improved by adjusting the
spring angle can change the movement of a 3D deflectors. Figure 2 shows the outcome of the
object. At its simplest, this tool causes vertices to experiment, setting a space warp to generate a
lag behind an object as it moves. Flex works low intensity directional wind that creates
with NURBS and can be combined with space colliding movement in the soft body object (the
warps such as gravity, wind, push, and motor to skirt) worn on a female Poser character.
add realistic physically based animation to an
object. In addition, variable deflector tools can 4.2 Analysis of Experiment 1
be applied to soft-body objects to simulate The outcome of Experiment 1 tested a method
collision effects between the skirt and the for designing, constructing and simulating an
character. object into behaving similarly to cloth using
3DS Max. Although the deflectors were acti-
4.1 Method of Experiment 1 vated, adjusting the wind parameters to a
The modelled skirt was converted to a NURBS stronger force seriously affected the stability of
surface, attached to the model’s waist and the the skirt object as it moved and collided against
Flex modifier applied to the skirt object. The the body. This provided valuable insight into the
simulation was set up and played to visualise the difficulties of simulating independent objects
cloth behaviour of the skirt under the test with very different properties in a dynamic 3D
conditions. animation.

Innovative potential of 3D software applications in fashion and textile design
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Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

Figure 3.
Cloth simula-
tion sequence
of 3D skirt
using 3DS
Max and
Reactor plug-
in. Andrew
Taylor 2003.

test the Reactor plug-in software with 3DS Max.

The experiment established that specific
Reactor is a dynamics extension to 3DS Max
textiles parameters for assessing or varying the
tools which enables the use of more specific
properties of a cloth object are not available in
tools to simulate soft-body and rigid-body
3DS Max 4. Also, as a result of difficulties
dynamics, free-form deformations, cloth, fluids,
encountered with fitting the top object to the
and rope simulations whilst working inside the
female character, it was found that specific
3DS Max software. Reactor contains a specific
clothing design construction tools for learning
menu within its interface for cloth dynamics,
how to solve fit problems are not included in
providing adjustable parameter dials to alter the
3DS Max 4’s extensive modelling tools. Apply-
properties of a 3D object created in 3DS Max.
ing the Flex modifier gave unacceptable results
as a realistic cloth simulation, although as an
5.1 Method of Experiment 2
aesthetic simulation to indicate the flexibility of
The Reactor plug-in associates specific physical
the object in an animated 3D scene, the Flex
properties to different bodies or objects by
modifier is a satisfactory tool. It is clear from
including them in soft, rigid, cloth and rope
this result that specialist plug-ins like Reactor,
entity collections. The Poser character was
which include specific textile parameters in their
selected and added as a rigid body and the skirt
range of dynamics tools, need to be tested to
mesh was assigned as a cloth body into collec-
evaluate how they can support the accurate
tions. To ensure the skirt was attached to the
design, construction and simulation of 3D
Poser model during simulation all the vertices
digital clothing.
were selected except the top edge, which
effectively became the waistband. The physical
5 Experiment 2: cloth simulation using properties parameter dials available in the
Reactor plug-in with 3DS Max 4 Reactor menu are mass, elasticity, friction,
buoyancy, compressibility, damping, mesh
This section describes the second experiment, to

Taylor, Unver and Worth
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Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

smoothing, fold stiffness, spread angle, and air 6 Conclusion and further developments
resistance. Each of these parameters was experi-
mented with in order to test the effectiveness of The experiments discussed in this paper demon-
the Reactor plug-in for associating different cloth strate the potential of 3D digital tools for
characteristics to the 3D skirt object. creating and simulating fashion and textiles
design. 3DS Max computer graphics modelling
5.2 Analysis of Experiment 2 and animation software and Reactor dynamics
At the beginning of the test the cloth weight simulation plug-in were tested for their effec-
parameter dial was set at the lowest weight level tiveness in enabling 3D digital clothing to be
(0.1 grams) to register a movement in the skirt created in a 3D graphics environment. Applying
object. On this setting the properties of the the software combination of 3DS Max, Reactor
cloth object behave in a similar way to light, dynamics plug-in and character software such as
floaty materials such as a silk. By increasing the Poser 4 offers very exciting possibilities for
parameter dials in increments of 0.5 the stiffness fashion/textile designers to enable them to create
of the skirt developed noticeably heavier handle and conceptualise innovative designs without
qualities in the resulting simulations. Adjusting incurring material costs.
the levels of fold stiffness was an additional However, the experiments showed that
method used for adding stiffness to the skirt. there are currently some limitations to using
The setting for fold stiffness controlled the these software tools to achieve accurate cloth
degree to which a cloth was able to bend, simulation for fashion and textiles designers. In
affecting how it folded and moved against itself. Experiment 1, applying the Flex modifier in
Using this parameter extended options for 3DS Max gave unacceptable results for use as a
simulating heavier materials such as wool or 3D fashion/textile design simulation tool,
linen. Altering the value of the air resistance largely due to lack of accurate cloth behaviour
parameter created the added effect of weight tools in 3DS Max. In Experiment 2, the Reactor
into the cloth, by simulating some drag in the plug-in interface provided more specific tools
skirt object. for solving the problem of simulating cloth in a
A significant, yet problematic result 3D digital environment. When linked to 3DS
occurred repeatedly in each running of the cloth Max and Poser 4, the Reactor plug-in allows the
simulation. During the digital cloth simulation designer to vary physical parameters such as
the mesh of the skirt object collided against mass, elasticity, friction, buoyancy,
itself and the Poser character, causing intersec- compressibility, damping, mesh smoothing, fold
tions or overlaps in the vertices of the mesh. stiffness, spread angle, and air resistance to
This deficient cloth-to-cloth response is the achieve cloth type properties on the 3D mod-
most serious shortcoming of most cloth simula- elled skirt. However, as a result of extensive
tion systems (Baraff, Kass and Witkin 2003). parameter adjustment and simulation it was
Selecting the parameter setting called ‘avoid established that 3DS Max tools and Reactor only
intersections’ failed to improve the skirt collision simulated extremes of cloth weight and handle,
outcome, making it impossible to successfully for instance floaty, light, medium or heavy and
create a complete digital cloth skirt. Figure 3 did not associate accurate cloth quality and
shows four selected images from 10 seconds (10 behaviour to the 3D skirt. The results also show
x 25 =250 total frames) of the animation that during the simulation, when a directional
sequence. wind effect is applied, the cloth collides against
itself and the character, causing intersections in
the mesh of the object and the skirt to

Innovative potential of 3D software applications in fashion and textile design
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Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

deconstruct in places where the mesh combines. Applications 23(1) 38–50. Available from http://
Successful cloth simulation methods must deal
with collisions between cloth and non-simulated research_papers.cfm
objects like characters and props as well as Huang, G., Metaxas, D., Govindaraj, M. (2003) Feel
collisions of cloth with itself (Baraff, Kass and the ‘fabric’: an audio-haptic interface. Proceedings
Symposium on Computer Animation. ACM
Witkin 2003). The results of testing the 3D
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics, pp. 52–61.
software tools indicate that for textile and
Sener, B. and Wormald, P. (2001) The future of
fashion designers to effectively learn to design, computer use in product design. Proceedings
construct and then simulate cloth/clothing Computers in Art and Design (CADE 2001)
accurately, specific textile data and ‘intelligence’ Glasgow School of Art and Design, pp. 1–6.
needs to be written into plug-ins or included in Available at
the 3D modelling software applications. Further conf2001.htm,
developments in the PhD will test the use of 3D SenerWormald.pdf
graphics software and cloth simulation plug-ins Stylios, G., Wan, T.R. and Powell, N.J. (1995)
for the design and construction of textiles and Modelling the dynamic drape of fabrics on
clothing in learning and teaching environments. synthetic humans. International Journal of Clothing
Science and Technology 7(5) 10–25.
Volino, P., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., Jianhua, S. and
Thalmann, D. (1996) An evolving system for
Notes simulating clothes on virtual actors. IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications 16(5) 42–50. Available
1 from
2 research_papers.cfm
index.html; Weil, J. (1986) The synthesis of cloth objects.
products/reactor Computer Graphics 20(4) 49–54.
3DS Max v4.2 Software User Reference, Wentzel, B. (2002) The shape of things to come.
Fashion Business International 28–29.
NURBS concepts.
Wentzel, B. (2002) Revolutionary vision. Fashion
Business International 30.
Wingate, I. B. (1970) Textile fabrics and their selection.
References 6th Edition. Prentice-Hall, London.

Anon (2003) The body electric. ‘Sky’ Delta Airlines

travelling magazine July 34–36.
Baraff, D., Kass, M., and Witkin, A. (2003) Untan-
gling cloth. ACM Transactions on Graphics 22(3)
862–871. Andrew Taylor graduated from Manchester
Bhat, K.S., Twigg, C.D., Hodgins, J.K., Khosla, P.K., Metropolitan University with a BA (Hons) in
Popovic, Z. and Seitz, S.M. (2003) Estimating Textiles/Fashion, and has since worked in many
cloth simulation parameters from video. Proceedings textile and fashion product areas. He is a
Symposium on Computer Animation. ACM lecturer at the Batley School of Art and Design.
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics, pp. 37–51. His PhD research, titled 3D software tools in
Braddock, S.E. and O’Mahony, M. (1998) Techno Fashion and Textiles education, focuses on
textiles: revolutionary fabrics for fashion and design. developing new methods of learning and
Thames and Hudson, London.
teaching using 3D scanning, 3D graphics
Cordier, F., Seo, F., Magnenat-Thalmann, N. (2003)
software and 3D CAD/CAM applications.
Web graphics: made-to-measure technologies for an
online clothing store. IEEE Computer Graphics and

Taylor, Unver and Worth
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Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

Ertu Unver is senior lecturer in 3D design at the

University of Huddersfield, School of Design
Technology. He studied at the University of
Cukurova in Turkey, completing his MSc in
1990 and PhD in 1994. Dr. Unver has lectured
at international universities on engineering,
computing and design. His current research
interests include 3D modelling, animation,
programming, interactive 3D content develop-
ment for web, CAD CAM, and applications of
laser scanning techniques.

Graham Worth is senior lecturer in textile

design at the Manchester Metropolitan Univer-
sity Textiles/Fashion Department. He was
educated at the High School of Art, Manchester
and Winchester School of Art. Before taking up
his post at Manchester he was design manager
for Deryck Healey International, responsible for
a number of clients in the U.K. and abroad. His
current research interests include textile design
consultancy, the preservation and documenta-
tion of textile pattern books and Computer
Aided Art and Design. He completed his PhD
in 1998.


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