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Global inequality refers to difference in income between all individuals in the world rather than
inequalities between countries.

The Bottom Billion- Paul Collier coined this term as to those poorest billion people in the world. Africa
has the vast majority (70%) of the people and countries who were in the bottom billion and most of the
rest were in Central Asia.

Migration is the movement of people from one area to another.

South-to-South migration: Movement of people from poorer Southern countries to somewhat better-
off Southern countries.

Electronic waste (E-waste)- discarded electrical or electronic devices and products that are destined to
be reused, refurbished, or recycled.

Basel Convention (1992) designed to regulate the traffic in hazardous waste and to bar its shipment from
developed to less developed countries, such shipments continue to occur even though they are illegal.

Global digital divide refers to the inequality in terms of access to (people’s ability to get their hands on
the technology), and use of (once people gain access, their ability to operate the technology), the Internet,
as well as, of course, computers, to say nothing of other digital technologies

Race: Defined on the basis of real or presumed physical, biological, or phenotypical characteristics.

In American context, White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska native, Hawaiian or
Pacific islander, Asian, Latino, and some-other races are the different race defined by society.

Ethnicity: Large group of people who have the same, racial, or cultural origins, or state of belonging to
such a group.

Ethnic group: Social group defined on the basis of some cultural characteristics.

Racism: Belief in the inherent superiority of one racial group and the inferiority of others.

Ethnicism: Belief in the inherent superiority of one ethnic group and the inferiority of others.

Xenophobia: Beliefs, attitudes, and prejudices that reject, exclude, and vilify groups made up of
outsiders or foreigners.

Pluralism- the idea and fact that different races and ethnic group can live together, can coexist.
Resistance- the idea that racial and ethnic minorities must resist discrimination and its deleterious effect.
Genocide- acts committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.
Ethnic cleansing- various policies of forcibly removing people of another ethnic group–expulsion.

Ways of Expulsion
1. Minority ethnic groups forcibly ejected by the majority through military and government action
2. Minority group can leave voluntarily because it is being harassed, discriminated

Gender- differences between males and females based on social definition and distinction
Sex- refers to the physical differences between males and females
Feminization of labor- increasing participation of women in the formal and informal global paid labor

Export Processing Zones (EPZs)- independent area controlled by corporations and free of national

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