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Story Synopsis: Kekkai Sensen (Blood Blockade

This story is set in a world where humanity now lives with aliens and supernatural beings, due
to a great catastrophe that occurred years ago. The protagonist is a Leonardo Watch, a young
man who obtained the eyes of God on the day of the great catastrophe. However, by obtaining
that power he made his sister completely blind, sacrificing herself for him. Therefore, Leonardo
went in search of help to New York joining a group called "Libra" to be able to restore his
sister's eyes.

The story will continue with the day to day of Leonardo, in the group "Libra" who have
supernatural powers, in search of information to restore his sister's sight. The story will get
quite complicated because the eyes of God is something highly coveted between humans and
aliens, however, Leonardo Watch despite having the eyes of God, is someone common and
weak, so the organization will have to help him while he also helps them with some mysteries,
taking advantage of the power of God, which is to be able to see something that ordinary eyes
cannot see.

Later, after a long journey, Leonardo sees that vampires exist and that they are the most
powerful beings in existence. Also, he finds out that someone else also has the eyes of God,
but these are artificial who ends up kidnapping his sister. It is a tough competition for Leonardo
since he is constantly being watched and he cannot count on the support of the Libra group
forcing himself to lie to them, and they cannot know who the enemy is and who has god's
eyes. The events continue and Leonardo confronts whoever has kidnapped her sister, puts her
in a safe place and just as she was about to sacrifice herself, the pound group arrives to save
him since they trusted Leonardo and saw that he was acting strange. They eliminate the
kidnapper and discover several mysteries regarding the God's Eyes. Although the sister does
not want her brother to continue his journey, Leonardo will not give up until his sister makes a
full recovery.

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