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Iberian Peninsula

Common Traits:

- Subtropic climatic zone

- Naval and colonial superpowers in the early Modern Period
- Poor countries till 80s of 20th century
- Developed agriculture: olives, citruses, almonds, grapevine
- Romance languages: Spanish, Portuguese
- Countries dependent on tourism
- Islands and archipelagos: Spain - Balearic Islands ( Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza ), Canary Islands-
volcanic origin
Portugal - Madeira, Azores
- Friendly, hot-headed people


- Natural border with France - mt.range Pyrenees

- Plateau Meseta
- Mt. range Sierra Nevada (the highest peak Mulhacén – 3478 m)
- Coastal plains, the largest Andalusian in south
- The only desert in Europe – Tabernas
- Subtropical climate
- Very hot and arid summers (influence ĺifestyle - siesta during lunch, people are awake longer
during the night)
- Rivers: Tajo, Duero, Ebro, Guadiana, Guadaljivir (Andalusia - Sevilla)
- Agricultural soil (meadows, orchards, wineyards)
- World leader in subtropical crops production
- Citruses (mostly oranges), olives, grapevine, vegetables (in large greenhouses– south Almeria)
- Cattle grazing, sheep and goats grazing (arid meadows and hills)
- Natural resources: mercury, pyrite, iron ore
- Most resources are imported
- Doesn’t not have sources of energy resources
- Energy production in solar power plants
- Food industry (processing agricultural products of the country) – olive oils, ham
- Mechanical engineering (automotive industry SEAT, ship writhing)
- Spanish telecommunication brand - Telefónica (in Slovakia - O2)
- 46 mil. population
- Spanish, Basques, Catalonians, Galítians (speaking different languages)
- country is divided into so called autonomous communities
(e.g. Andalusia, Catalonia, Valencia ) - majority of population -
- Two cities in Africa – Ceuta and Melilla are part of Spain.
They border Morocco and are divided from it by a wall
(because they are part of EU). Both cities are important
- Capital: Madrid, seat of the king (Phillip VI.) :
- Located in central meseta
- 3. largest city of EU after Paris and Berlin
- international airport connecting the rest of the world
- world- renowned museum and gallery Prado
- Barcelona:
- NE coast of Spain (Catalonia)
- hub of culture and entertainment
- still unfinished cathedral Sagrada Familia
- well known buildings of architect Gaudí
- Sevilla:
- centre of Andalusia
- former richest city of Europe (starting point of Spaniards sailing to colonies)
- birthplace of dance Flamenco
- one of the biggest arenas for bullfighting in Spain (toreadors)
-Beautiful beaches (Mediterranean coast (Costa del Sol, Costa Brava), Canary and Balearic
- Mountains (also ski resorts in Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada)
- Customs, traditions, cuisine (tapas, gaspacho, paella...)
- La Tomatina
- Pilgrimage rout - Santiago de Compostella


- one of the smallest countries in Europe located between Spain and France in
- majority of population lives in one valley where capital Andorra la Vella
- Principality, official head of state is French president alongside with Spanish
- Pop. up to 80 000., most of the people speaks Catalan and so called „Andorran“
- Tax paradise – thousands of tourists coming here for cheap products
- Tourism is the most important sector of economy (ski resorts, hiking)


- 10 mil. pop.
- country of tiles
- language: Portuguese (6. most widely used language in the world – 240 mil. speakers)
- approximately half of the population lives in 2 cities (capital: Lisbon - city of hills and bridges ,
- Economy dependent on tourism: region Algarve
- World producer of cork, Port winte
- fishing
- The highest peak of Portugal - Mt. Pico (Azores)
- Fatima – one of the most important pilgrimage places of Christianity

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