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Therapist explored discrepancies in [parent]'s statements around maintaining sobriety.

Client will provide a safe, stable, nurturing home environment.

Client will learn and implement Circle of Security Parent education.

Client will learn and demonstrate developmentally appropriate parenting skills.

Client will learn developmentally appropriate expectations for children's behavior and will demonstrate
developmentally appropriate parenting skills.

Client will make child centered decisions to ensure child safety and wellbeing with regard to partners, friends and
family members.

Client will maintain clean and sober lifestyle. Client will have access to relapse prevention and recovery support
services as needed.

Client will establish a clean and sober lifestyle. Client will actively engage in chemical dependency treatment and
be in full compliance with treatment protocols.

Client will engage in mental health treatment and will actively participate until discharged with treatment goals

Client will engage in domestic violence survivor services and will establish and maintain appropriate boundaries
with perpetrator.

Client will ensure that children's mental health needs are appropriately met.

Client will ensure that children have access to appropriate medical and dental care and will follow all treatment

Foster parent(s) will demonstrate sensitivity to child's developmental and cognitive delays secondary to child's
trauma history and will demonstrate developmentally appropriate parenting skills incorporating high nurture/high

Client will learn and implement household and money management skills.

Parents will learn and demonstrate trauma sensitive parenting skills.

Therapist explored discrepancies in [parent]'s statements around maintaining sobriety.

Therapist centered conversation on what [parent] would like to see different about their current situation in order
to gain a better understanding of their motivation for change.

Therapist provoked extremes when discussing [parent]’s continued use of substances.

Therapist focused on supporting [parent] when discussing [parent]’s resistance to engaging in treatment.

Therapist evoked change talk by looking forward to what [parent] would like their family to look like in two years.

Therapist assessed [parent]’s confidence in their ability to change by having them rate their confidence on a scale
of 1-10. Therapist centered conversation on how to move client from (current number) to (desired number.)

Therapist assessed [parent]’s view on the importance of changing by having them rate the importance on a scale
of 1-10. Therapist centered conversation on how to move [parent] from (current number) to (desired number.)

Therapist utilized decisional balance worksheet to evaluate the pros and cons of continuing substance use.
Therapist addressed [parent]’s ambivalence to change using a decisional balance worksheet.

Therapist assessed [parent]’s readiness to change using a change ruler.

Therapist observed [parent] to be in the precontemplative state of change based on their report that they do not
view their substance use as a problem.

Therapist observed the [parent] to be in the contemplative state of change as they were able to articulate the pros
and cons for making a change.

Therapist observed [parent] to be in the contemplative state of change as they participated in completing a
decisional balance worksheet.

Therapist observed [parent] to be in the contemplative state of change as they were open to discussing the
possibility of change, but presented as ambivalent.

[parent] is currently in the preparation stated of change, as they have created a plan of action in making a change.

[parent] is currently in the action stage of change as they have recently become sober, but are currently at risk of
relapse due to___.

[Parent] is currently in the action state of change, as they are maintaining sobriety, however the change is still new
and has not yet become a habit.

[Parent] is currently in the maintenance stage of change as they have identified strategies to maintain change.

Therapist supported [parent] in moving from (stage 1) to (stage 2) utilizing (motivational interviewing technique).


Therapist engaged in a phone call with client. Client reached out for support regarding established intervention
goals, and requested information around relevant community resources to address these goals and increase their
natural support system.

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