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My Short Epic

The hot sunlight beams on Ryan’s face

Flying in the sky like a bird
To get away from a lion’s grasp of the government
The lion can’t see Ryan
He vanishes from their sight in Central Park
Running through the trees, the lion loses its prey

The lion wants to play with the prey

Government is ready to test
Ryan doesn’t want to share his superpower
His superpowers made him invisible
The government chased him for 3 years
They think they can’t catch him with weapons
The new weapon has a superpower
Ryan feels at home everywhere
When he can’t be seen he feels cozy

Ryan is frustrated of running away

He feel like he is a criminal
His like a prey so he can’t stay still
Ryan is hiding in the cave
Ryan can hear the steps

Ryan decided to fight

Suddenly the laser beam hit ryan
The lion has a superpower
The fight of God has been started
Ryan is like top predator
But the government is too strong

The lion caught its prey

Lion want to play with the prey
The government is testing Ryan
Eventually Ryan is dead by the test

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