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1. How many prime numbers are there from 1 to 50? 15

2. How many hundreds are therein 496, 732? 4, 967
3. The sum of 21 and 15 is subtracted from the product of 12 and 8? 60
4. If 1 is excluded how many common factors are there in 120 and 180? 8
5. How will you write 18 tens, 9 ones, 17 hundreds as one number? 1, 889
6. Arman went to a farm and saw cows and chicken. He counted 29 heads and 88
legs. How many cows are there in the farm? 4
7. What is 16 ÷ 4 x 11 – 23 + 9 ? 30
8. How many 25 cm blocks can be cut from a 5 m wood? 20
9. Which is bigger 5/18 or 6 /9? 6/9
10. How many fifths are there in 9 ¾ ? 48 ¾
11. What is the product of the highest two digit prime number and highest three digit
number? 96, 903
12. Arnold spend one – third of his weekly allowance for snacks and transportation
and one – fifth for school materials. He save the rest of his money, How much of his
weekly allowance goes to savings if his allowance is Php 300? Php 140.
13. Noel reads a story book for 15 5/6 minutes and did his assignment for 2 1/5. How
many more minutes does he spend reading story book than doing assignment?
16 19/30
14. The length of a rectangular garden is 12 m more than the width. The perimeter is
100 m. Find the length and the width of the rectangular garden? Length = 31 m and
width = 19 m
15. The product of two whole numbers is 10, 000. If neither number contains zero
digit. What are the two numbers? 625 and 16

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