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Structure of light fields in natural scenes

Alexander A. Mury,1 Sylvia C. Pont,1,* and Jan J. Koenderink2

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Landbergstraat 15,
2628 CE Delft, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and
Computer Science, Mekelweg 4, 2828 CD Delft, The Netherlands
*Corresponding author:

Received 21 November 2008; revised 17 August 2009; accepted 23 August 2009;

posted 24 August 2009 (Doc. ID 104366); published 25 September 2009

Light fields [J. Math. Phys. 18, 51 (1936) ;The Photic Field (MIT, 1981)] of natural scenes are highly
complex and vary within a scene from point to point. However, in many applications complex lighting
can be successfully replaced by its low-order approximation [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18, 2448 (2001); Appl. Opt.
46, 7308 (2007)]. The purpose of this research is to investigate the structure of light fields in natural
scenes. We describe the structure of light fields in terms of spherical harmonics and analyze their spatial
variation and qualitative properties over scenes. We consider several types of natural scene geometries.
Empirically and via modeling, we study the typical behavior of the first- and second-order approximation
of the local light field in those scenes. The first-order term is generally known as the “light vector” and has
an immediate physical meaning. The quadrupole component, which we named “squash tensor,” is a use-
ful addition as we show in this paper. The measurements were done with a custom-made device of novel
design, called a “Plenopter,” which was constructed to measure the light field in terms of spherical har-
monics up to the second order. In different scenes of similar geometries, we found structurally similar
light fields, which suggests that in some way the light field can be thought of as a property of the
geometry. Furthermore, the smooth variation of the light field’s low-order components suggests
that, instead of specifying the complete light field of the scene, it is often sufficient to measure the
light field only in a few points and rely on interpolation to recover the light field at arbitrary points
of the scene. © 2009 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 120.5240, 150.2950.

1. Introduction illumination shading gradients are much more gra-

The quality of the light field, i.e., the directional dual and much of the shading is actually due to vig-
properties of the illumination, strongly affects the netting. The surface structure of rough surfaces gives
appearance of an object positioned at that point rise to texture in the case of collimated illumination,
[1–6]. For instance, in fully diffuse illumination even whereas it is hardly evident in the case of diffuse il-
a specular metallic object looks rather matte. Diffuse lumination. The light fields of natural scenes are of-
illumination can very well have directional proper- ten highly complicated functions; in general, the
ties, for instance, the illumination from an overcast angular variations can be almost arbitrary, ranging
sky is directed vertically downward. However, the from smooth (such as under an overcast sky) to very
properties of diffuse and highly directional (colli- spiky (such as on a sunny day on the beach or the
light patches in a forest) [7–11].
mated) illumination are very different. In collimated
Because surface elements of a convex object are il-
illumination, the shading is dominated by the pre-
luminated from half spaces, the surface irradiance is
sence of body and cast shadows, whereas in diffuse
typically fairly smooth, even if the angular distribu-
tion of the radiance is spiky [1,2]. If the primary and
0003-6935/09/285386-10$15.00/0 secondary light sources are relatively distant from
© 2009 Optical Society of America the region of interest, the spatial variations of the

5386 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 48, No. 28 / 1 October 2009

angular distribution will be minor over that region. which is a function of five independent variables, not
Indeed, we have shown that although high-order three. Is it not possible that a more satisfactory the-
properties of the light field vary rapidly over the ory of the light field could be evolved by use of mod-
scene (due to specularities, albedo variations, and ern tensor methods in a five-dimensional manifold?
so on), the low-order properties of the light field (am- We must look to the mathematician for any such de-
bient light, degree of diffuseness, primary direction velopment” [13]. In this paper we develop an intui-
of light, or what some artists call the “quality of tive notion of the quadrupole field as the “squash
light”) stay rather constant as long as the geometry tensor” taking a first step in such a development.
of the scene does not change much [12]. The monopole contribution describes a constant il-
Gershun has introduced the very useful and intui- lumination from all directions. This is usually known
tive notion of “light field” [13]. The light field is just as ambient illumination in computer graphics [16],
the radiance as a function of location and direction. or Ganzfeld illumination in psychology. Formally,
In computer graphics it is known as the plenoptic the monopole contribution at a given point is simply
function [14]. At any point in space, the light field the average radiance over all directions. From a
is a function of direction (spherical function). The ra- physical perspective, it describes the local volume
diance can be an almost arbitrary function of location density of radiation, measured in terms of photon
and direction. Of course, it is nonnegative through- density or total ray length per unit volume. An opera-
out. Another constraint is that in empty space the tional definition simply uses a spherical photocell or
radiance in a certain direction does not change as a translucent spherical shell with a photosensor in
one moves in that direction. In this paper, we are pri- its interior [13]. Light fields in which the monopole
marily interested in the illumination of diffusely contribution dominates are rare in nature. An exam-
scattering surfaces. The implication is that only ple is an overcast sky over a snow cover, giving rise to
the low-pass structure of the radiance is of impor- “polar white-out.”
tance [15]. This suggests that the Fourier description The dipole contribution describes a unidirectional
might be useful. For a spherical function, such as a light field. Because the radiance is nonnegative, pure
light field, this comes down to spherical harmonics. A dipole fields cannot be implemented. The combina-
simple demonstration shows that the low orders of tion of a monopole and a dipole term yields what is
light fields in natural scenes change rather smoothly known as the “point source at infinity with ambient
and systematically over the scene: if we take a matte term” of computer graphics [16]. Formally, the light
convex object and move it around the scene, its ap- vector describes the net transport of radiant power
pearance changes slowly except for points that are [13]. Thus, the transport of radiant power can be vi-
close to large objects (like a wall) or that occlude a sualized by way of the field lines of the “light vector.”
large part of the primary illumination. In this paper These field lines do not coincide with the light rays,
we address the question of how the structure of the for instance, they can be curved and even closed. In
light field varies over the scene and what the relation empty space, the light field has zero divergence. The
is between the scene geometry and the quality of light vector can be measured by way of a back-to-back
light in that scene. sandwich of two planar photocells. Their difference
We analyze the structure of light fields in terms of signal yields the component of the light vector in
spherical harmonics and consider the structural the direction of the surface normal. A natural light
properties up to the second order. It has been shown field that approximates a dipole dominated light
that this allows sufficiently accurate quantitative field is the overcast sky. A simple approximation that
description of the shading of Lambertian surfaces is often useful is the hemispherical diffuse source.
[15]. For heuristic purposes, it is useful to consider The quadrupole contribution transforms as a sym-
the qualitative structure of the zeroth-, first- and metric traceless tensor. An operational definition
second-order terms in the spherical harmonic devel- similar to the photocell sandwich suggested by Ger-
opment individually. The spherical harmonic de- shun for the dipole component can be based on a cube
velopment is usually known as a multipole develop- with flat photocells as faces. To measure the quad-
ment in physical context. The zeroth order is repre- rupole one has to search for the canonical orientation
sented by the monopole (a scalar) and describes the (see below). A simpler way to measure the quad-
“ambient light” of computer graphics. The first order rupole tensor involves radiance measurements for
is represented by the dipole contribution. The dipole a larger number of directions. In that case, the
transforms as a vector, it is the light vector as defined instrument can be used in any orientation. We de-
by Gershun. The light vector describes the transpor- scribe such a instrument in this paper. Quadrupole
tation of radiant energy through surface elements. dominated light fields occur in the case of ring
The second order describes the quadrupole contribu- sources or two-point sources at opposite sides of the
tion. Gershun does not explicitly discuss this order of region of interest [17,18]. We refer to the quadrupole
approximation. The translators of Gershun’s classi- field as the squash tensor [12], which describes the
cal paper, Moon and Timoshenko, already mentioned geometry of these configurations.
“The light field considered in this book is a clas- The light field at a certain location in a scene de-
sical three-dimensional vector field. But the physi- pends both on the location, magnitude, and direc-
cally important quantity is actually the illumination, tional properties of the primary light sources and on

1 October 2009 / Vol. 48, No. 28 / APPLIED OPTICS 5387

the geometry and scattering properties of the envir- through openings in the foliage, and therefore the lo-
onment (for examples see Fig. 1). The influence of the cal light fields are very “spiky.” The high orders vary
geometry is twofold. One important effect is the ob- a lot over such a scene, however the low-order proper-
struction of the primary illumination. In highly di- ties are rather stable (these properties of course de-
rectional light fields, one speaks of body and cast pend on the weather condition and the density of the
shadows, in more general cases, in which sources can foliage)—the dominant illumination direction is pri-
be partially occluded; the effect is known as vignett- marily from above, and the ambient component does
ing. The other effect is due to multiple scattering be- not change much either. Urban scenes in general are
tween different, even remote, parts of the scene. This more structured. However, one can distinguish cer-
effect is sometimes known as “interreflection” or tain patterns of geometric layouts, which are very ty-
“reflexes.” Both vignetting and interreflections de- pical, for instance, wall, street, and, for indoor scenes,
pend strongly on the geometry of the scene. Since room profiles. In these cases, the primary illumina-
the radiation balance is described by a linear inte- tion is due to the visible part of sky, which varies sys-
gral equation of the Fredholm type [19], the vari- tematically with the location in the scene. The
ance effects can be decoupled. The so-called pseudo- regularity in geometry suggests that the low-order
facets depend only on the scene, not on the primary components of the light field would vary in a sys-
sources. In some cases the resulting light field is al- tematic manner as well. The reflective properties
most purely due to the geometry. An example of a of materials present in the scene define scattering
geometry-dominated effect due to vignetting is the and interreflections. The exact angular distribu-
general low irradiance of surfaces inside concavities, tions of the material reflectances are less important
for instance, the eye sockets in a face illuminated by (though the albedos are). Taking into account the ma-
an overcast sky are usually dark. An example of a jor role of scene geometry and smooth variation of the
geometry-dominated effect due to interreflection is low orders, we expect that in scenes of similar geo-
the integrating sphere. The light field in the interior metric layouts one should expect to find qualitatively
will be monopole-dominated irrespective of the pri- similar low-order light fields. In that sense, the light
mary sources. The contribution of the reflected light field can be thought of as a property of the geometry.
to the global light field is usually less significant than To test our hypothesis, we measured low-order
the primary illumination (due to the fact that albedo components (light density, light vector, and the
in natural scenes is rather low, and besides, the ma- squash tensor) of light fields in natural scenes. We
terials in natural scenes are mostly matte, therefore considered simple and frequently found in nature
the reflected light is rather diffuse) but still yield a street, wall, and room geometries in different illu-
noticeable effect. mination conditions. We also developed simple mod-
The global layouts of the scenes can vary a lot de- els of these scenes and found a strong correspondence
pending on the environment. A generic example is an between real measurements and our simplified
open landscape, which is also the simplest one—the models.
light field consists of the primary illumination, which For measurements, we used a custom-made device
is coming from the upper hemisphere and constant which we named a “Plenopter,” which is designed to
everywhere over the scene (due to the absence of ob- measure light fields up to the second order in terms
jects that may occlude the primary light), and a dif- of spherical harmonics. To the best of our knowledge,
fuse reflected beam from the ground, which can vary the light measuring devices currently available on
over the scene due to albedo variation. The light field the market are capable of measuring the structure
in such a scene is almost constant everywhere. A of local light fields only up to the first order. Measur-
more complex type is the forest scene—here the pri- ing light fields up to the second order is a useful ad-
mary illumination is due to the light that comes dition in the analysis of the structure of light fields,

Fig. 1. From left to right, a matte convex object under a collimated source from above on a black, absorbing ground (vertically oriented
dipole) and on a white ground causing a secondary source from below (combination of vertically oriented dipole and quadrupole). Next the
object was illuminated by collimated sunlight from the left plus ambient light (monopole plus almost horizontally oriented dipole) and with
a white screen at the right causing a secondary source from the right (monopole plus almost horizontally oriented dipole and quadrupole).

5388 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 48, No. 28 / 1 October 2009

because the squash tensor is a significant character- der represents Gershun’s scalar field and the first-
istic of natural light fields. Therefore, we believe that order Gershun’s vector field. Any order l can be re-
our measurement device forms a major innovation in presented as a list of corresponding coefficients
this field. In addition to the main goal of this inves- SH l ðf Þ ¼ ff l;−l ; f l;−lþ1 ; …; f l;l g, and the representation
tigation, we summarize the technical details of the of the entire function is a combination of the orders,
design of our measurement system. i.e., SHðf Þ ¼ fSH 0 ðf Þ; SH 1 ðf Þ; SH 2 ðf Þ; …g.
The monopole pffiffiffi component, that is the zeroth-order
2. Theory
term M ¼ f2 π f 0 g, corresponds to Gershun’s “den-
sity of light” or “space illumination.” It is essentially
The concept of “the light field” was introduced by the average radiance. The monopole term is a funda-
Gershun in the 1930s. Gershun considers the scalar mental property of the light field that describes the
field of radiation volume density and the vector field overall illumination at a point, i.e., how much radi-
of net flux propagation. Gershun’s “light vector” D ance arrives at a point from all directions. From a
is defined such that, for any oriented surface ele- computer graphics point of view, the zero order term
ment dA, the net flux dΦ ¼ D · dA, where the sign can be thought of as an “ambient component.”
indicates the direction of net flux propagation. The The dipole component, that is the first-order term
formal properties of Gershun’s light field were D ¼ ff 1;−1 ; f 1;0 ; f 1;1 g transforms as a vector. This vec-
further developed by Moon and Spencer [20]. In this tor corresponds to Gershun’s “light vector”—the di-
paper, we extend the formalism to include second- rection of maximum energy transfer at the point
order properties of the light field. under consideration. The projection of the light vec-
The light field is defined by Gershun as essen- tor on any direction results in flux density in that di-
tially a low-order approximation to the radiance. The rection. Rotating the dipole in such a way that it is
radiance is a function of position and direction that aligned with the z axis, it canqbe represented ffi as
completely describes the luminous environment. pffiffiπ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Gershun’s scalar field is the zeroth order and Ger- D rotd
¼ f0; 0; vg, where v ¼ 2 3 f 1;−1 þ f 21;0 þ f 21;1 is

shun’s vector field the first-order approximation to the magnitude of the light vector. From a computer
the radiance. This is essentially the initial part of a graphics point of view, the first-order term can be
development of the radiance in terms of spherical thought of as a diffuse directional beam.
harmonics. The quadrupole component, that is the second-
order term Q ¼ ff 2;−2 ; f 2;−1 ; f 2;0 ; f 2;1 ; f 2;2 g, consists of
A. Second Order Properties of the Light Field five basis functions. Under rotations, these compo-
The local light field at a fixed point in space is a sphe- nents transform as a symmetric tensor of trace zero.
rical function (radiance as a function of direction) We refer to it as the “squash tensor.” By a suitable
f ðϑ; φÞ and can be represented as the sum of its har- rotation, any quadrupole can be represented as
monics: Qrotq ¼ f0; 0; qþ ; 0; q− g. The two coefficients qþ and
q− represent basis functions f 2;0 and f 2;2 and comple-
∞ X
l tely describe the structure (quality) of the squash
f ðϑ; φÞ ¼ f l;m Y l;m ðϑ; φÞ: ð1Þ tensor.
l¼0 m¼−l By a suitable rotation of the axis, the spherical har-
monic development can be reduced to a convenient
The real-valued basis functions are defined as canonical form. We consider two possibilities. In case
8 pffiffiffi the dipole dominates the squash tensor (the generic
2K l;m cosðmφÞPl;m ðcos ϑÞ;
< pffiffiffi m > 0; case), a convenient canonical form is
Y l;m ðϑ; φÞ ¼ 2K l;−m sinð−mφÞPl;−m ðcos ϑÞ; m < 0;
K l;0 Pl;0 ðcos ϑÞ; m ¼ 0; SH rot
2 ðLFÞ ¼ fM ;D ;Q g
d d d d

ð2Þ ¼ ffd0 g;f0;0;vg;ff d2;−2 ;f d2;−1 ;f d2;0 ;f d2;1 ;f d2;2 gg:

where the Pl;m are the associated Legendre polyno- ð4Þ

mials and K l;m are normalization factors.
Spherical harmonics form an orthonormal basis on In this case we require seven coefficients. The re-
the unit sphere. Coefficients f l;m can be calculated as maining two degrees of freedom are absorbed by
Z Z the rotation of the axes. In case the squash tensor
2π π dominates the dipole (at singular points of the vector
f l;m ¼ f ðϑ; φÞY l;m ðϑ; φÞ sinðϑÞdϑdφ: ð3Þ field), it is more convenient to use the canonical
φ¼0 ϑ¼0
One has l ≥ 0 and −l ≤ m ≤ l. Thus, order l consists of
2l þ 1 basis functions. In the rotations of the coordi- rot
nate system, the coefficients transform for each order SH 2 q ðLFÞ ¼ fMq ; Dq ; Qq g
individually, that is to say, the orders do not “mix.” ¼ ffd0 g; ff q1;−1 ; f q1;0 ; f q1;1 g; f0; 0; qþ ; 0; q− gg:
Therefore, the radiance can be represented as a sum
of its components of different orders. The zeroth or- ð5Þ

1 October 2009 / Vol. 48, No. 28 / APPLIED OPTICS 5389

In this case, we need only six coefficients, the remain-
ing three degrees of freedom being absorbed by the
rotation of the axes. Of these six coefficients, only
the three that define the monopole and squash tensor
will be significant and f q1;−1 , f q1;0 , and f q1;1 will be close
to zero. The structure can be represented graphically
as shown in Fig. 2.
B. Physical Interpretation of the Squash Tensor
The monopole component d0 , the dipole component
v ¼ ff q1;−1 ; f q1;0 ; f q1;1 g, and the squash tensor compo-
nent specified by qþ and q− are rotationally invariant
descriptors of the structure of the light field. The
physical meaning of the squash tensor component
is most easily grasped in the case that the light vec-
tor vanishes. Because the radiance is a nonnegative
function of direction, the monopole component is
always necessary. There are two qualitatively differ- Fig. 3. Special cases of light fields due to the squash tensor: (a) a
light clamp and (b) a light ring. The light vector is assumed to be
ent configurations for such a pure quadrupole field.
One is the “light clamp” (therefore “squash tensor”),
which corresponds to the light field between two
identical light sources opposite to each other. The A. Short Description
other configuration is that of a “light ring” (Fig. 3). The second-order development in spherical harmo-
nics contains nine free parameters. The simplest
3. The Plenopter
regular polyhedron with nine or more faces is the
dodecahedron, which has 12 faces. The sphere of di-
We have constructed a device that makes it possible rections was divided into 12 mutually congruent pen-
to measure the light field up to (and including) the tagonal solid angles. The photocells collect radiation
second order as a single observation. The device is from these apertures, which have a diameter of 2×
roughly spherical with a diameter of 20 cm. It can ea- 74:75°. Diaphragms and a diffuser were placed
sily be taken outdoors to do measurements in a nat- so as to uniformly integrate over the aperture. The
ural environment. Instead of using cameras with photocells were Siemens BPW21 silicon photodiodes
fish-eye lenses, we used a number of photodiodes. (sensitive from 350 to 820 nm) connected to logarith-
This greatly expands the dynamic range at the cost mic amplifiers followed by an AD converter. We ob-
of spatial resolution. We took our inspiration from a tain a dynamic range of about seven decades. A
number of devices proposed by Gershun. Gershun’s single observation thus yields 12 radiance samples.
device for the observation of the light vector consists From this overdetermined sample, we find the coef-
of a sandwich of photocells in a back-to-back config- ficients of the spherical harmonic development by
uration. This device is very similar to ours except for means of a least squares method. Currently the re-
the fact that Gershun divides the sphere into two, maining three degrees of freedom are discarded.
while we divide into 12 congruent apertures.
B. Basic Data Conversion
A single plenopter measurement yields 12 values cor-
responding to the 12 photocells. The photocells have
a certain angular sensitivity profile Sj ðθ; ϕÞ as a func-
tion of the direction of the incident light LF j ðθ; ϕÞ.
Pj ¼ Sj ðθ; ϕÞ · LFðθ; ϕÞdΩ; j ¼ 1; …; 12; ð6Þ

where Pj is the output value corresponding to cell j.

Fig. 2. Schematic graphical representation of the second-order The photocells’ angular sensitivity profile was
light field. The SH coefficients are presented on the left side. measured and decomposed to spherical harmonics,
The mutual orientation of the components D, qþ, and q− is shown so it can be represented as
on the right side. The length of the light gray arrow corresponds to
the value d1 (strength of the light vector), the lengths of the dark X
gray and black arrows correspond to values qþ and q−. Note that Sj ðθ; ϕÞ ¼ sjl;m ϒl;m ðθ; ϕÞ þ εj : ð7Þ
these dark gray and black arrows are perpendicular to each other lm
and that there are always two dark gray and two black arrows op-
posite each other, together representing a quadrupole (two positive The shape of the sensitivity profile is the same for
and two negative poles perpendicular to each other). all photocells (but may differ by a scaling factor), so

5390 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 48, No. 28 / 1 October 2009

once the profile for one of the cells has been mea- — the precise geometry of the apertures of the
sured, all the others can be achieved by rotation and subsystems;
scaling. Furthermore, we can describe the radiance — possible issues of optical and electrical
in terms of spherical harmonics as cross talk.
LFðθ; ϕÞ ¼ cl;m ϒl;m ðθ; ϕÞ þ ε: ð8Þ We used standard methods to investigate these
lm possible issues. We find a mixture of minor sys-
tematic and random errors. In the final analysis,
In the sequel, we neglect the errors ε. Then, alto- the instrument can be said to yield correct results
gether, this results in within about 5% if no special corrections are applied.
Z X This was judged to be sufficient for the current
X application.
Pj ¼ ½ sjl;m ϒl;m ðθ; ϕÞ½ cl0 ;m0 ϒl0 ;m0 ðθ; ϕÞdΩ
lm l0 m0
The sample frequency is at least 100 Hz. The
X Z experiments reported here were essentially static
¼ sjl;m cl0 ;m0 ϒl;m ðθ; ϕÞϒl0 ;m0 ðθ; ϕÞdΩ ð9Þ though.
ll0 ;mm0

4. Empirical Light Field Studies

and, due to orthonormality of spherical harmonics
basis functions In the general introduction, we hypothesized that the
Z light field can be thought of as a property of the scene
geometry. Here we describe empirical studies in
ϒl;m ðθ; ϕÞϒl0 ;m0 ðθ; ϕÞ ¼ δl;l0 δm;m0 ; ð10Þ which we tested this hypothesis by modeling and
measuring light fields of a few canonical scene geo-
we finally end up with metries. For negative edge (a long street) and step
(a long wall adjacent to a large square) geometries,
X j
Pj ¼ sl;m vl;m ¼ ð~
sj ;~
cÞ: ð11Þ we compared measurements at several points along
lm and across the streets and walls. We did measure-
ments in three typical narrow streets and one square
If we renumber the coefficients and limit the in the old part of Utrecht. The streets were about
spherical harmonics approximations to the second 10 m wide, and the buildings alongside the street
order (i.e., l ¼ 0; ::; 2, m ¼ −l; ::l altogether nine co- and square were about 10 m high. Measurements
efficients), we get a system of 12 equations with nine were taken with a step size of approximately 1 m at
unknowns, ck : a height of 1:5 m. We tested under clear sky and
under overcast sky conditions, so the primary light
sources were the Sun (if not occluded) and the visible
Pj ¼ sjk ck : ð12Þ part of sky (which forms a stripe). If our hypothesis is
right, the measurements along the streets and walls
The system is overdetermined, and an approxi- should be constant up to minor nonsystematic
mate solution can be found by means of a least differences, while those across the streets and walls
squares technique [21]. The plenopter is 120° rota- should change systematically and smoothly. Second,
tion symmetric, therefore we can get more data for we modeled these qualitative aspects of the second-
that system rotating the plenopter around its verti- order approximations.
cal axis. The angular sensitivity profiles for the cells To demonstrate the influence of albedo we also
in their new orientations can be achieved rotating compared measurements and models for an indoor
the spherical harmonics description Sj ðθ; ϕÞ. Each ro- scene with a black and with a white wall. For this
tation adds 12 more equations to the system provid- purpose, we used a laboratory room 6 × 5 m with a
ing more data. window on the wide side and matte black side walls
and ceiling, facing North. So, here the primary light
C. Calibration and Tolerances source was only the part of the sky that was visible
The basic photoelectric calibration was done in a through the window. We considered two situations:
calibrated solar simulator using a set of calibrated the long wall opposite the window was covered by
neutral density filters. white or black paper. Measurements were taken over
There are many processes that lead to systematic a 3 × 3 points grid at a height of 1:5 m, 1:5 m apart in
and random errors. We investigated the following: one direction and 1:25 m apart in the other direction.
A complete set of measurements took about 15 min
— thermal properties, drift, offset, etc., of the 12 per scene. The coefficients of the second-order sphe-
photoelectric subsystems;
rical harmonic approximations (SH2) were estimated
— deviations from a curved logarithmic response
by the overdetermined system described in Section 3,
for the individual subsystems;
— the spectral sensitivities of the subsystems; via least squares optimization.

1 October 2009 / Vol. 48, No. 28 / APPLIED OPTICS 5391

Fig. 5. Schematic descriptions of the scenes: (a) wall, (b) street,
and (c) room.

The primary illumination in our scenes was due to

the Sun and sky. For the description of the radiance
distribution from the sky and Sun, we used Inter-
national Commission on Illumination (CIE) stan-
Fig. 4. Our custom-made light measuring device which we dard models [22]; in the case of a clear sky we used
named “Plenopter.” the “CIE standard clear sky, low illuminance turbid-
ity,” and in the case of an overcast sky model, the
“overcast, moderately graded and slight brightening
A. Models towards the Sun” model.
For the street and wall scenes we made schematic Taking into account the low spatial resolution of
representations; see Fig. 5. The width of the street the second-order light field [12], we assume that
and the height of the walls were measured in the real their properties can be sufficiently captured by very
scenes where the measurements were taken. The simple models. A second-order approximation can be
walls were assumed to be uniform and infinitely long. thought of as a low frequency filter which filters out
The position of the Sun and the orientation of the high frequencies introduced by specularities and
street with respect to the Sun were looked up on small albedo variations. Therefore, the material
the basis of the geographic coordinates and measure- properties do not have to be specified in detail. For
ment times and dates. simplicity we assume them to be Lambertian and

Fig. 6. Comparison of models (left) and measurements (right) for street scene configurations, for three streets (a), (b) and (c) in (1) clear
and (2) overcast sky conditions. The vectors represent the light field up to the second order (see Figure 2). We considered from seven to nine
points per scene (depending on the scene dimensions).

5392 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 48, No. 28 / 1 October 2009

Fig. 7. Measurements of second-order light fields for the wall scene in the case of (a) a clear sky and (b) an overcast sky. The Sun was not
visible in either case.

Fig. 8. Measurements for the room scene: (a) and (b) white wall; (c) and (d) black wall; (a) and (c) view from above; (b) and (d) view from a

1 October 2009 / Vol. 48, No. 28 / APPLIED OPTICS 5393

uniform with albedo 0.1, which is an average albedo
for urban scenes [23] (note: the models were found to
be robust for small variations of the albedo).
The models were implemented in Mathematica
5.2. We took into account up to two interreflections.
B. Results
The second-order light fields for the street geome-
tries are shown in Fig. 6. On the left side, we show
the predictions from the models, on the right side the
actual measurements. The spherical harmonics coef-
ficients for each point were normalized (scaled) by
the DC component at that point to allow comparisons
between points and between models and measure-
ments. The results for the three streets (a), (b),
and (c) in clear sky (1) and overcast sky (2) conditions
are depicted in different rows. In (b,1) the Sun was
directly visible from points 6–9. In all other cases
the Sun was occluded either by clouds or by build-
ings. In Fig. 6 we clearly see that, first, the mea-
surements change smoothly and systematically as
Fig. 9. Room scene: At the left we show the vector representa-
a function of position in the scene; second, the global tions for the points near the wall for the white and the black cases.
structures of the light fields are similar for the At the right we show the ratios of the magnitudes of the mono-, di-,
measurements and simple models; third, the global and quadruples with the monopole.
structures of the light fields are similar for the differ-
ent streets.
Figure 7 shows the measurements for the wall geo- these results are in line with our hypothesis that
metry. The top row shows results for a clear sky; the in scenes of similar geometrical layouts one should
bottom row for an overcast sky. The Sun was not di- expect to find qualitatively similar low-order light
rectly visible in neither cases. Here we also see fields and, in that sense, the light field can be
smooth and systematic behavior of the light field. thought of as a property of the geometry.
In Figs. 6 and 7 we can see a clear difference between Although there are some deviations between our
overcast and clear sky conditions. Under a clear sky simple model predictions and the actual measure-
the light vector is stronger and aligned with the po- ments, the correspondence between them is evident.
sitive component of the quadruple, whereas the ne- The main difference concerns the negative compo-
gative component of the squash tensor is quite nents of the –approximately horizontally oriented–
small. However, in the case of an overcast sky the ne- quadruples which tend to be larger in the theoretical
gative component of the squash tensor becomes lar- predictions than in the measurements for the wall
ger (the light field is more diffuse). and street scenes. This may be due to the fact that
Figure 8 shows the measurements for the room in the models we assumed the materials to be Lam-
scene of which the wall opposite to the window bertian and uniform, while real materials may
was matte white [(a) and (b)], or matte black [(c) scatter light in different ways. For example, back-
and (d)]. In the left half, we depicted views from scattering of rough surfaces [24] or (off-)specular
above [(a) and (c)], and in the right half side views scattering tends to result in angular distributions
[(b) and (d)] of individual measurements. The win- of the scattered radiance that are centered around
dow was located near points 1–3. The results for the illumination direction and specular direction,
the white and black walls look very similar, however respectively. In combination with a primary light
the magnitudes of the light vectors and the squash source from above, this may result in a relatively
tensors show clear and systematic differences, espe- smaller contribution from reflections of the walls
cially at the points that are closer to the back wall; and therefore smaller quadruples.
see Fig. 9: the absorption of the black wall results in a The measurements in the room scene (Fig. 8)
relatively stronger dipole component.
confirm that the secondary light sources are much
less significant than the primary illumination and
5. Discussion geometry. The main differences between the white
The measurements clearly indicate that, in scenes of and black wall conditions concern the points that
similar geometry, the light fields demonstrate char- are just next to the wall. Note that in real scenes al-
acteristic variations of the light vector and the bedo variations usually are much less extreme. Thus,
squash tensor over the scene. This happened despite the smooth and systematic behavior of the low orders
the fact that the streets possessed different reflective over the scene suggests that similar patterns may be
properties and even were differently oriented with found in any other scene with a similar geometry (as-
regard to the primary light sources (the Sun). So suming the light comes only from the window).

5394 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 48, No. 28 / 1 October 2009

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