Notes For Lesson 2 - Empowerment

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The security requirements triad is a three- Hackers: Hackers are system intruders who typically consists of three parts:

three parts: the infection

part model used to ensure that security use various techniques to gain unauthorized mechanism, the trigger, and the payload.
requirements are adequately addressed access to a system. They use software and
Infection mechanism: This refers to the
when designing a system. The three other tools to exploit system vulnerabilities
method by which the virus infects a
components of the triad are confidentiality, and gain access to confidential data or
computer or network. Some common
integrity, and availability. Confidentiality perform malicious activities. Examples of
infection mechanisms include email
ensures that information is only accessible to hackers include black hat hackers, script
attachments, infected websites, software
authorized individuals or entities. Integrity kiddies, and cyber criminals.
downloads, and USB drives. The virus may
ensures that information is accurate and
Clandestine Users: Clandestine users are exploit vulnerabilities in the operating system
complete. Availability ensures that
system intruders who attempt to gain access or other software to gain access to the
information is accessible to authorized users
to a system without being detected. They system and replicate itself.
when needed. Together, these three
use techniques such as hiding their identity,
components form the foundation for a secure Trigger: The trigger is a condition that must
using proxies, and using encryption to
system. be met for the virus to activate or execute.
remain undetected. Examples of clandestine
This can be a specific date and time, the
TYPES OF SECURITY INTRUDERS users include spies, terrorists, and corporate
presence of certain files or data on the
espionage agents.
Masqueraders: Masqueraders are system infected system, or a user action such as
intruders who attempt to gain access to a opening a particular file or running a specific
system by posing as a legitimate user. They program. Once the trigger is met, the virus
use stolen credentials or fake identities to will begin to execute its payload.
gain access to a system. Examples of A computer virus is a type of malicious

masqueraders include identity thieves, software (malware) that can replicate itself

phishers, and social engineers. and spread from one computer to another. It
Payload: The payload is the harmful or stages can be broadly categorized into four Execution phase: In this phase, the virus
unwanted effect that the virus is designed to phases: dormant phase, propagation phase, executes its code and performs its intended
achieve. This can include stealing sensitive triggering phase, and execution phase. malicious activities. This can include deleting
information, deleting files, corrupting data, files, stealing sensitive information,
Dormant phase: In this phase, the virus is
displaying unwanted messages, or turning corrupting data, displaying unwanted
dormant or inactive and does not perform
the infected computer into a botnet or messages, or turning the infected computer
any malicious activities. It may be present on
zombie that can be controlled by the into a botnet or zombie that can be
a computer or network, but it does not
attacker. controlled by the attacker.
execute its code or cause any harm.
It's worth noting that not all viruses follow this
Propagation phase: In this phase, the virus
exact sequence of stages, and some may
In summary, the infection mechanism is how spreads or propagates to other computers or
have additional or different phases
the virus spreads, the trigger is the condition networks. This is typically achieved through
depending on their specific characteristics
that activates it, and the payload is the the virus's infection mechanism, which may
and design. However, understanding the
harmful or unwanted effect it causes. involve exploiting vulnerabilities in software
general stages of a virus can be helpful in
Understanding these parts of a virus is or hardware, infecting files, or tricking users
developing effective strategies to prevent,
essential for developing effective strategies into executing the virus.
detect, and mitigate the damage caused by
to prevent and mitigate the damage caused
Triggering phase: In this phase, the virus malware infections.
by malware infections.
waits for a specific trigger or event to occur
before it activates. The trigger can be a
certain date and time, a user action, the
presence of specific files or data, or other
A computer virus typically goes through conditions.
several stages during its lifecycle. These
EXAMPLE This action causes the virus to execute its
code and start replicating itself.
The "I Love You" virus, also known as the
Love Bug, is a computer virus that caused Execution phase: In this phase, the virus
widespread damage in 2000. It is an carries out its malicious activities, including
example of a virus that follows a specific overwriting files on the victim's computer,
sequence of stages, including: stealing passwords and other sensitive
information, and downloading and installing
Dormant phase: The virus arrives on a
additional malware.
victim's computer as an email attachment
with the subject line "I love you." When the The "I Love You" virus is notable for its
attachment is opened, the virus enters the effective social engineering tactics, which
dormant phase and does not immediately tricked victims into opening the infected
cause any harm. email attachment. It also highlights the
importance of user awareness and education
Propagation phase: The virus starts to
in preventing malware infections. Overall,
replicate itself and send copies to the victim's
understanding the stages of the "I Love You"
email contacts, spreading rapidly across
virus and other malware can help individuals
networks and causing significant damage. It
and organizations develop better strategies
also overwrites files on the victim's computer
to protect their computer systems and data
and may download and install additional
from cyber threats.

Triggering phase: The virus is triggered

when the victim opens the email attachment.

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