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English Literature

‘’Tales from Shakespeare”

“The Tempest”

Question Answers

Q.1) What did Prospero do with his magical books and wand? Why did he do it before leaving the

Ans: The three things that Prospero did before leaving the island was: he buried his books of magic deep
in the earth ,along with his wand , and set Ariel free. He would not need to use his magic power
hereafter because he obtained all that he wished for. He had brough his brother and king of Naples to
repentance .

Q.2) What happened when Ferdinand drew his sword to resist?

Ans: Ferdinand drew his sword but Prospero, waving his magic wand, fixed him to the spot where he
stood, so that he had no power to move.

Q.3) What strange things Ariel had caused the king of Naples and Antonio? What was his intention?

Ans: Ariel left them half-dead with hunger and weariness . It reminded them of their evil treatment to
Prospero and told them they were being punished for the sin they had done. Hearing this, they repented
for their wicked deeds .

Q.4) What made Ariel ashamed when Prospero reminded him of his past?

Ans: When Ariel asks Prospero for freedom, Prospero reminds Ariel of how he saved him from the witch
Sycorax and then issues this threat. And then Ariel felt ashamed and apologized.

Q.5) What “rich amends” did Prospero make after using Ferdinand “too severely”?

Ans: Prospero tells Ferdinand that | have given you severe punishment, in order to test and get the
rightful husband for my daughter. Later on, Prospero compensates Ferdinand by giving his daughter to

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