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I understand why most of you comply with slavery.

You have no other choice.

You're stuck in one location on one passport.

Your income is limited to just one source.

So when they say mask up and stay inside, you say "yes master".

This is the reality for 99% of the world.

BUT for the few of you who are sick and tired of this mess. I am going to tell you how to break

Protesting in the streets is pointless. They simply don't televise what's happening.

AND most people get tired after a week.

When you work a job, you don't have time to sit in the streets.

Your only option is to EXIT the Matrix.

Today you're either going to wake up or stay a slave.

1) You need at least 2 passports.

If you've just got 1 passport, you're fucked.

I've been in situations where they deny my UK passport. So I simply switch to another one and
they let me through.

You NEED the ability to get through any border.

The EU preventing you from entering?

No problem, here's my Spanish passport.

The US preventing you from leaving?

No problem here's my UK passport.

Listen -- you need another passport for what's coming.

2) Be on MANY Grids.
Losers tell you to go off the grid.

They'd rather live in the woods surviving off the land. This works until the gov't sends in the

An actual SOLUTION is to be on as many grids as possible.

More than one passport.

Multiple driver’s licenses.

Bank accounts in Singapore, London, NYC, Madrid, and Bogota.

And money coming in from multiple directions.

I'm untouchable because I've spent a decade spreading myself into MANY grids.

You don't need to be at the extreme level I am...but you need an escape plan.

This is more powerful than you understand.

3) Multiple Sources of Income.

You must comply because you've got a job. If you get out of line, they simply turn off your

I've seen it happen to many good people.

Their income, passport, everything -- taken for disagreeing.

It is your DUTY to build multiple sources of income.

One of anything is a step away from nothing.

4) Exit the Matrix.

Follow this list and you will exit the Matrix.

Nobody will be able to cancel you, you're on too many grids.

And when (not if) things get worse in the West, you'll simply leave. With money, opportunities,
and a network abroad.

Stop wasting your time arguing and waiting for change.

Get rich, connected, and EXIT.

There's no other option.

- Tate

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