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Vaping, also known as e-cigarette use, is a relatively

new trend that has gained popularity in recent years.

Vaping involves inhaling aerosols produced by heating
a liquid, also known as "e-juice," that often contains
nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. While some
people believe that vaping is a safer alternative to
smoking traditional cigarettes, research shows that
vaping can have negative effects on health,
particularly for teenagers.

The effects of vaping on teenagers can be significant.

Nicotine, which is present in many e-juices, is highly
addictive and can harm the developing brains of
teenagers . This may cause teengers lack of
concentration on studies. Also, will be a massive
impact on their academics. Vaping has been linked to
an increased risk of respiratory problems, including
coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Some
studies have also suggested that vaping can increase
the risk of heart disease and lung cancer. This is why
the younger generation should be more concerned on
avoiding vape.

There are several reasons why teenagers may be drawn

to vaping, including peer pressure, curiosity, and the
perception that it is less harmful than smoking
traditional cigarettes. Teenagers should realize that
sometimes their surroundings such as classmates, best
friends could influnce them to use vape. It all may start
with a small trial but in the end it can be an addiction.
In conclusion, vaping is a trend that has gained
popularity in recent years, particularly among
teenagers. While some people believe that vaping is a
safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes,
research shows that it can have negative effects on
health, particularly for teenagers. To prevent the usage
of vaping among teenagers, it is essential to educate
them about the potential risks of vaping, as well as
implementing regulations that restrict the sale of e-
cigarettes to minors and limit the marketing and
advertising of e-cigarettes to young people

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