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Good morning to Mr. Ahmad Kamal bin Abdul Khalip, our honourable headmaster, dear
administrators, teachers and fellow students. 

Recite Prayer (Doa)

Before we begin our assembly, we shall call upon _______________to recite the prayer.

Everybody will recite the prayers

Singing Song and Rukun Negara

To continue our assembly today, with due respect, dear teachers and students of SK Padang
Changkat shall stand straight and together and sing three songs, which are the national anthem,
Negaraku, the State song and the school song.

(Everybody will sing)……………………….

Thank you all . Now please welcome the head prefect

___________(name)_______________ to recite the Rukun Negara

(Everybody recite Rukun Negara)

Following that, I shall invite the teacher on duty to give a speech. With due respect teacher
__(name)_________ is invited to the stage.

(Read the report)

Thank you teacher___(name)_______

Without further ado,  Now I shall continue our assembly by inviting our honourable headmaster to
share a few words with our dear students. With due respect our headmaster Encik_____________ is
invited to the stage.

(headmaster speaks)


With this, we have come to the end of our assembly for today. We hope all  the information gained
will be beneficial for us and we will be able to take the appropriate actions. 


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