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Ppyrerrcenntsets EVENTS PLATFORMS SERVICES 40 yeorsof top knowledge ana vatnng RESEARCH CONFLICTANDFRAGILITY OP-ED EYE OF THE STORM: ETHIOPIA AMID MIDDLE EASTERN CONFLICT BACK TO OVERVIEW ‘The state of conflict n the Middle East is depressing and frightening atthe same time talso harbours significant indirect risks for Ethiopia. The Middle East's bloodiest civil war -in Syria -islikely to continue for some time. President Assad has ‘won’ the war by not losing it. But he has neither re-established his hold over the populous region of lib nor a number of ll and gas fields in the east. Yet, these are essential to financing the countrys reconstruction. tis also in this area ‘that geopolitical competition between Iran and the United States (US) is fiercest [Ac the same time, the civil war in Iraq may re-ignite. The Islamic State fs almost defeated, but the recent Kurdish referendum for independence has thrown upa new challenge. Skirmishes between Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi units have already occurred around the city of Kirkuk. Lebanon's political criss also endures ‘with Saul Arabia and tran sponsoring different political factions. This gives them _an opportunity to meddle in Lebanon itself, but also in Syria and Palestine given the many refugees and transnational actors like Hezbollah Meanwhile, more than twenty years after the Oslo Accords, the Israeli= Palestinian conflict continues due to Israel intransigence and Palestinian division. Ina volatile region, its injustices and discrimination serve as powerful beacons for violence and radicalisation. Adding to this is Turkey's anti-insurgeney ‘campaign against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) thats further dividing the country and corroding ts democracy, while the socio-economic siege of Qatar by its fellow members ofthe Gulf Cooperation Council continues apace as wel ZINi iN EXPERT ‘The products and services that we offer range from trend analyses that are part of ‘our Clingendae! Strategic Monitor, to high ‘quality in-depth analyses, scenario-building, horizon scanning and alerts specifically ‘geared to your organisation. ‘COMMISSIONED RESEARCH Erwin van Veen Senior Research Fellow Closest to Ethiopia, the war in Yeren shows no signs of abating. There indications that Saudi Arabia wants to pullout, but this willbe hard given the ‘205, factionalism and the humanitarian catastrophe intervention has helped to «cate, «shat connects these developments? {Ghe critical tnks the regional rivalry between Saud Arabia and iran. This less Bout Sunn versus Sha divisions and morea classic competition for power and influence. Worrying itis about to get worse. President Trumps decerticaion

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