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CS 111T - Lab

Programming Language 2
Computer Science

Lab Objectives:
In this lab, a student will practice
• Reading part of a UML class diagram • Implementing is-a relationship.
• Creating a class. • Overriding methods.
• Declaring instance variables. • Writing a test application to
• Declaring a constructor. demonstrate the capabilities of another
• Declaring accessors and mutators classes.
Lab Exercise:
Given the following UML implement all the classes in the same package with all needed instance variables,
accessor and mutators methods and constructors; then write a test application to demonstrate the classes

+<<Constructor>> (Full Arguments)
+<<all setter>>
+<all getter>>
+ CalculateArea(): double

+<<Constructor>> (Full Arguments)
+<<all setter>>
+<all getter>>
+ CalculateArea(): double

Consider the following points:
Link the class Circle with class Shape by is_a relationship and add any needed suitable methods.
In Shape Class:
• CalculateArea() return zero.
In Class Circle:
• Use constructor call chaining to refer to the superclass using the keyword super.
• Override the method CalculateArea() to calculate area for each class, use @Override
In main:
• create object Shape1 of type Shape,
• create object C1 of type Circle.
• Then call method CalculateArea() for the two objects Shape1 and C1 and print the
• Area of a circle: 𝜋 ∗ 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠 2

Write a Java program that demonstrate Inheritance, “is-A” relationship. Your program must
logically represent the relationship. DO NOT use the examples from the lecture
In your program, design and implement 3 classes ( one superclass and two subclasses ) in the
same package with all needed instance variables, accessor and mutators methods and
constructors; then write a test application to demonstrate the classes capabilities.
Consider the following points:

• Declare 2 instance variables in each class

• Create full Argument constructor in each classes
• Create a getter and setter methods in each classes.
• Create a method in superclass , then Override the same method in both subclasses
• in each class: Override method toString that display class information.
• in main create an object from both subclasses
• call method toString for each object
• call the (Override) method for each object

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