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II. Answer these questions below based on the passage above.

1. What makes people feel better when they’re feeling stressed or depressed?
= We often eat to calm down or to cheer up when we’re feeling stressed or depressed.
2. Can certain foods make people better?
= Yes, certain foods can make people feel better.
3. Who said that food can help people to get better?
= Nutrition experts say yes.
4. What do recent researchers suggest people to outsmart stress?
= Foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as bread, rice and pasta can help you calm
5. Why the researches suggest those foods?
= Researchers said that carbohydrates cause the brain to release a chemical called
serotonin. Serotonin makes you feel better.
6. Do many people drink coffee when they’re stress?
= Many people drink coffee when they feel stress.
7. Why do the researchers suggest people not drinking too much coffee?
= If you drink too much, you may become even more anxious and irritable.
8. What can people eat to soothe the blues?
= More lean meat, chicken, seafood and whole grains into your diet.
9. Why do the researchers suggest people to eat Brazil nut when they’re sad?
= These foods have a lot of selenium. Selenium is a mineral that helps people feel more
relaxed and happy.
10. Can people comfort their feeling eating a bar of chocolate?
= A chocolate bar may make you better at first, but within an hour you may feel worse
than you did before.

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