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Positive effects:

1. Community spirit: Easter brings people together through events like Easter egg hunts,
parades, and other activities. This strengthens social connections and helps people feel
like they belong.
2. Charity: During Easter, people often give to charities and help others in need. This can
have a positive impact on those who receive the donations.
3. Cultural celebration: Easter has a rich cultural history, and celebrating its traditions can
create a sense of pride and identity for people who feel strongly about the holiday.

Negative effects:

1. Exclusion: Easter traditions can be exclusionary to those who don't celebrate the holiday
or don't have access to certain activities.
2. Pressure to conform: Easter can create pressure to spend money on gifts and
gatherings, which can be tough for those who can't afford it.
3. Religious tensions: Easter has a significant religious meaning for Christians, but this can
create tensions between people of different religions or beliefs.
4. Consumerism: Easter has become a commercialized holiday, and many retailers use it as
an opportunity to sell their products, which can lead to excessive spending.

Overall, Easter has both positive and negative effects on society in the UK. While it
brings people together and promotes generosity and cultural celebration, it can also
create exclusion, pressure to conform, religious tensions, and consumerism. It's
important to be aware of these effects and work to promote the positive aspects of the
holiday while reducing the negative ones.

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