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Q.1 Explain the process of reading data from web form controls like textboxes,
radio buttons, checkboxes, lists and image maps in PHP with an example
Q.2a) Write a PHP script to connect to mysql database and retrieve & display the
information of students.
b) Discuss about various operators used in PHP with examples.
Q.3a) Write about XHTML with an example program to display employees
information in a table.
b) Define DTD. Illustrate in detail about XML DTD with example

Q.4a) Define XML Parser. Compare are contrast DOM parser with SAX Parser.
b) Illustrate in detail about Common Gateway Interface.


Q.1a Define Session and Cookies. Explain in detail with example program.
b List and explain the control structures (conditional statements) used in PHP
with example.
Q.2a What is DTD? Distinguish between internal DTD and external DTD with
an example.
b What are the XML namespaces and how are they declared?
Q.3a Discuss about various functions used in PHP with examples.
b Write a PHP script to add and remove users from a MySQL table

Q.4a Discuss the differences between XML and HTML with example
b What is Servlet? Explain in detail about the advantages of Servlets over
applets and CGI. Also explain the benefits of servlets.


Q.1a) Explain about various file operations on text files in PHP.

b) How Strings are declared in PHP? Explain String methods.

Q.2a) Illustrate with PHP Program how cookies can be added and retrieved

b) Write a PHP script to read data from password, list boxes, image map
Q.3a) Illustrate XML document structure, elements and attributes with example.

b) Write an XML file that holds the Book information which includes: title of
book, author name, publisher name, edition and price. Each book has
mandatory attribute id and an optional attribute category
Write a DTD to validate the above XML file (internal or external).
Q.4a) Define XML Parser. Illustrate in detail about SAX Parser with an example.
b) Explain the differences between GenericServlet and HttpServlet with


Q.1a Describe about database connectivity in PHP with reference to MYSQL.

b Write a PHP script to connect to MySQL database (creating database,
create table, insert values, display records).

Q.2a Write a PHP script to open, close, read and write into a file.
b Create a PHP script to list the directories.

Q.3a Write an XML file that holds the Book information which includes: title of
book, author name, publisher name, edition and price. Each book has
mandatory attribute id and an optional attribute category
Write a XML schema to validate the above XML file.
b Illustrate in detail about Document Object Model (DOM).

Q.4a Discuss the differences between XHTML and HTML with example
b What is a servlet? Explain the life cycle of a servlet with an example
servlet program to display "Hello World".


Q.1 Define Session. What is the need of session tracking? Compare the various
session tracking techniques
Q.2a) Develop a PHP program for a simple calculator.

b) Write a PHP script to display employee details whose id is '1267'.

Q.3a) What is Well formed XML and Valid XMl? Explain with examples

b) Discuss the various types of XML schema data types and their applications.

Q.4a) What is an XML DOM? How DOM parses the XML file?
b) Illustrate in detail about Servlet architecture and Servlet API.

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