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to new graduate students, or to undergraduates in their final year. At a less sophisticated level, Dr Becker describes how energy is
Each topic for a book is chosen on the basis that the subject has not u~. A central feature of the operation is the Krehs Cycle which
already been treated in sufficient detail and depth by standard is introduced, as is traditional, in the chapter concerned with
texts, so that a student is not able to read a specialist review without aerobic metabolism, whereas giycolysis is dealt with in the section
a good deal of further study. The books in the series are outlines on anaerobic metabolism; and yet, of course, O 2 does not
rather than monographs, and this one by C. W. Jones accomplishes participate directly in either sequence. Indeed, the exclusion of O2
its objective most effectively. It will be a great help to students in the is a striking feature of most metabolic reactions, and I am sure that
categories mentioned, and to teachers attempting to keep up to this would fascinate students who were entirely new to the subject
date in an area outside their own specialities. The main sections and did not yet exhibit the indifference bred by familiarity. There
are: 1, introduction to bioenergetics; 2, components of the respira- would be much to be said for an initial historical approach to meta-
tory chain; 3, organization and function of the coupling membrane; bohsm: not through the history of the subject, but through the
4, the energized state, 5, mechanisms of oxidative phosphorylation; history of our planet, beginning with the origins of biochemicals.
6, bacterial systems. In section 1, it is assumed that the students R. E. Dickerson and his colleagues 3 have presented a detailed
understands the elements of thermodynamics, and discussion centers scheme for the evolution of bacterial energy metabolism in which,
upon the properties of ATP, the "league table" of energy-rich amongst many other interesting features, the component reactions
compounds, substrate level and oxidative phosphorylation, and of Krebs cycle are seen as having evolved piecemeal in the
redox aspects of photosynthesis. The small section on pyrophos- photosynthetic sulfur bacteria under anaerobic conditions. Thanks
phate might need modification in the future, since there is growing to the unique properties of 02 , this essentially anaerobic series of
evidence that its role in metabolism is much more positive than reactions was preserved in living forms throughout the development
merely to submit to hydrolysis, thereby providing reactions which of our present oxidizing atmosphere, and with this, the ability of
produce it with a thermodynamic pull to the right. In later sections, heterotrophs to substitute biochemicals as energy sources instead of
I liked the very clear line drawings and diagrams to illustrate mito- using sunlight directly. The point I wish to make now is that the
chondrial structure and function, and translocation of solutes continual operation of the carbon cycle (and those for other
through membranes. In section 5, the main features of the three elements) became an essential feature for the global harnessing of
current hypotheses concerning oxidative phosphoryiation, and the energy by living forms as they evolved. The evolution of higher plants
evidence for them are summarized with explanatory diagrams. The was contingent upon their synthesis of llgnin and other bio-
student will get, at last, a simple account of issues that have been chemicals; and these would have blocked the cycle had their break-
argued with some heat over the last 20 years. One of the few down not have been provided for by direct incorporation of 0 2 into
sentences that caused me to raise my eyebrows was: "The chemios- natural products, catalyzed by the oxygenases of microorganisms.
motic hypothesis ( 1 9 6 1 ) . . . was immediately viewed as a distinct Like glutamine synthetase and GOGAT which I l~ave mentioned,
alternative to the chemical hypothesis". I would add: except by this aspect of biochemisry is an essential, but neglected, component
some of the specialists in the area. I recall that Mitchell's advocacy in the complete education of a biologist.
was robust as well as persuasive; and it needed to be. In this book,
all the diagrams are clear and uncomplicated, and not a word is REFERENCES
wasted in the text; in summary, I gained the overall impression of a IDagley, S. (1973) Biochem. Ed. 1, 4.
perfect set of notes for an excellent sequence of lectures.
Dr. Jones has given an outline of present knowledge of how 2Dagiey, S. (1974)Biochem. Ed. 2, 16.
protons and electrons, removed from metabolites, provide energy 3Dickerson, R. E. Timkovich, R. and Almassy, R. J. (1976)J. Mo/.
that is harnessed on their journey to a final rendevous with oxygen. Biol. 100, 473.

Experimental Biochemistry. 2nd Edition elementary statistics but these are not included as such in the book.
The chapter on techniques covers most of the methods the
By J o h n M. C l a r k Jr., a n d R o b e r t L. Switzer. Pp. 336.
student is likely to encounter in the laboratory although in some
W. H. F r e e m a n a n d C o m p a n y , San Francisco, 1977. £6.50, cases no experiments are presented to accompany the theory. The
paperback. account of adsorption chromatography is thin and only a few lines
are devoted to the very important technique of thin layer chromato-
This second edition of Experimental Biochemistry is an updated graphy which according to the book appears to be a sub-section of
version of the first edition which appeared in 1964. A total of 31 partition chromatographyl Ion exchange chromatograPhY in
experiments are presented together with a useful amount of contrast is dealt with in far more detail but only one experiment
introductory theory. The experiments cover a wide range of accompanies this introduction.
biochemistry and use material from animals, plants and micro- The inclusion of redundant terms such as lysozyme, isozyme,
organisms. The diagrams are well drawn and easy to follow and the optical density and phosphatidyl choline is irritating, and should
general layout of material is aesthetically pleasing. not be used in a modern textbook.
As in the first edition, the book contains divisions based on the It is always a problem when writing a practical text to strike the
chemistry of biological molecules; amino acids, proteins and right balance between relevant theory and experimental details but
enzymology; carbohydrates; lipids and membranes; nucleic acids; in the text under review there is an imbalance with too few
and a final chapter on metabolism. A section on membranes has experiments accompanying the theory. The limited number of
been added to the lipids chapter and this is welcome in view of the experiments may make the book unsuitable for class adoption where
increasing importance of this topic in biochemistry. The second teachers may prefer to select from a greater number of experiments.
edition also contains a very useful introductory chapter on The price at £6.50 is not unreasonable for a modern textbook of this
biochemical techniques which is generally well presented. This size, and students will find the introductory theory very useful and
section starts with an account of the units of biochemistry which is may wish to purchase a copy even if it is not used directly in their
an extremely important subject that always seems to cause practical course.
problems to students. In view of this it is a pity that more space is In spite of these limitations, it is a book that would make a useful
not devoted to this topic. It is also regrettable that SI units are addition to the shelves of anyone involved in the planning of bio-
completely ignored. Additional advice could also have been given chemistry practical classes.
on how to write up an experiment as it is probably as important to D. T. Hummer
be able to communicate results and ideas to others as it is to be
technically competent in carrying out an experiment. A practical Chelsea College
text should also introduce the concepts of the accuracy and University of London
precision of biochemical measurements, biological variation and Manresa Road, London SW3, U.K.

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