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Hydrodynamic Forces Generated on a Spherical Sediment

Particle during Entrainment

Ambuj Dwivedi1; Bruce Melville, M.ASCE2; and Asaad Y. Shamseldin3

Abstract: The objective of this research is to study the relationship between the coherent flow structures and the hydrodynamic forces
leading to entrainment of a spherical bed sediment particle for a rough bed uniform turbulent flow. Two types of experiments, namely,
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movable and fixed balls, were conducted using spherical roughness-element beds with particle image velocimetry to measure the instan-
taneous flow-velocity field. Miniature piezoelectric pressure sensors were used to capture the instantaneous pressure on the surface of the
sphere. Movable ball experiments reveal the predominance of large sweep structures at the instant of entrainment. Fixed ball experiments
carried out at entrainment conditions show the importance of both vertical and horizontal pressure gradients on the ball leading to
entrainment. Probability distribution function plots of pressures based on quadrant analysis of velocities also reveal the higher probability
of occurrence of high magnitude force induced by sweep 共Q4兲 events.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲HY.1943-7900.0000247
CE Database subject headings: Hydrodynamics; Drag; Sediment; Entrainment.
Author keywords: Flow structure; Particle entrainment; Hydrodynamic forces; Drag; Lift; Protrusion.

Introduction particle to the flow, which is related to the particle protrusion

effects 共e.g., Fenton and Abbott 1977; Chin 1985兲.
Concerted efforts have been made in the past 8 decades to under- The variability associated with the flow is due to local flow
stand the mechanics of the movement of sediment in running turbulence structures, which are termed coherent flow structures.
water and the attempts made to apply this knowledge to solve The adjective “coherent” is used because these flow structures are
various related problems such as flooding, meandering, silting of repeating and organized in the near-bed region of fluid flows
reservoirs, degradation, aggradation, local scour, stable channel 共Kline et al. 1967兲. Statistically, these coherent flow structures
design, and navigation. Despite these efforts, the precise determi- can be defined according to quadrant analysis, which involves the
nation of the criterion that identifies the flow conditions respon- decomposition of Reynolds stress into four quadrants 共Q1 – Q4兲
sible for sediment movement remains elusive. based on the signs of the velocity component fluctuations u⬘
Sediment entrainment in a turbulent flow is a complex process. 共streamwise兲 and w⬘ 共vertical兲. Quadrant Q1 is characterized by
Entrainment is taken here to mean the first detected particle mo- u⬘ ⬎ 0 , w⬘ ⬎ 0, quadrant Q2 by u⬘ ⬍ 0 , w⬘ ⬎ 0, quadrant Q3 by
tion, which results in the particle moving out of the recess formed u⬘ ⬍ 0 , w⬘ ⬍ 0, and quadrant Q4 by u⬘ ⬎ 0 , w⬘ ⬍ 0, where for the
by neighboring particles. Previous laboratory experiments, using streamwise components, u⬘ = u − ū, u = instantaneous velocity, ū
stones and spheres as roughness elements 共Cameron 2006; = mean velocity, and u⬘ = fluctuation of the instantaneous velocity
Hofland 2005兲, have shown that entrainment is a sporadic event from the mean. Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 correspond to outward inter-
and is related to the variability of flow. actions, ejections, inward interactions, and sweeps, respectively.
The sources of variability with respect to entrainment are as- Many researchers have related the movement of sediment par-
sociated with bed geometry and the flow. Variability associated ticles to specific turbulent-flow structures, based on quadrant
with the bed is due to pocket geometry and friction angle, which analysis, and have tried to explain phenomena such as particle
affect particle resistance to entrainment 共e.g., Buffington et al. uplift from the bed in view of the existence of these structures.
1992; Johnston et al. 1998兲, and to the exposure of an individual Sumer and Deigaard 共1981兲, Rashidi et al. 共1990兲, and Ninto and
Garcia 共1996兲 provided the first experimental evidence of the in-
Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, fluence of coherent structures on the incipient movement of solid
The Univ. of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand 共cor- particles. Cleaver and Yates 共1976兲, Sumer and Deigaard 共1981兲,
responding author兲. E-mail: Grass 共1983兲, Dyer and Soulsby 共1988兲, Rashidi et al. 共1990兲,
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Univ. Ninto and Garcia 共1996兲, and Kaftori and Hetsroni 共1998兲 sug-
of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail: gested that sweeps cause the initiation of sediment motion.
Nelson et al. 共1995兲 supported the opinion that sweeps 共i.e., Q4
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The events兲 are not the only events responsible for bed-load transport
Univ. of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail: of gravel; they found that outward interactions 共Q1兲 are also re-
sponsible. Nelson et al. 共1995兲 clearly showed that when the mag-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 7, 2008; approved on
March 29, 2010; published online on April 7, 2010. Discussion period nitude of the outward interactions increases comparatively to the
open until March 1, 2011; separate discussions must be submitted for other events of a bursting cycle, the sediment flux increases too,
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engi- although the magnitude of the Reynolds stress decreases.
neering, Vol. 136, No. 10, October 1, 2010. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/ Hofland 共2005兲 used a 15-Hz particle image velocimetry 共PIV兲
2010/10-756–769/$25.00. system to measure the flow field over a 30-mm instrumented tar-


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

p2 e
p1 p3
Flow FD

Flume bed

Fig. 2. Enlarged view of the target sphere, fitted with three pressure
Flume recess
transducers attached to the sphere, with the remaining transducer
positioned below the sphere

Fig. 1. Hydrodynamic forces on a spherical sediment particle as sure above it, a high lift event will occur. Raudkivi 共1990兲 postu-
viewed from the side of the flume lated that even sheltered particles could be entrained by this
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mechanism. A high drag event will occur if there is a high pres-

get particle in a gravel bed during actual entrainment. From their sure upstream of the particle and low pressure downstream of it.
experiments, they concluded that the particle movement was as- Therefore, indicators of drag and lift events can be obtained by
sociated with periods of high streamwise velocity, with the initial measuring the pressure above and below, and upstream and
movement often caused by fluctuating vertical velocities. The downstream of a sediment particle.
fluctuating vertical velocities were found to be associated with Fig. 1 shows the hydrodynamic forces acting on a single
clockwise vortices 共ejection兲. Cameron 共2006兲 conducted 100-Hz, spherical sediment particle. In this figure, FL is the lift force, FD is
two-dimensional PIV measurements using 40-mm-diameter the drag force, WS is the submerged weight of the particle, and e
spherical particles as roughness elements. He concluded that the is the protrusion of the particle above the top of the surrounding
start of particle motion corresponds to the tail end of the hairpin particles 共see Fig. 2兲.
vortex and the high streamwise velocity reaching the particle. In As shown in Fig. 2, p⬘1, p⬘2, p⬘3, and p⬘4 are the fluctuating
contrast to Hofland 共2005兲, where ejection flow events were indi- components of the instantaneous pressures on the surface of the
cated to provide the initial particle uplift before a sweep entrain- sphere at locations upstream of, above, downstream of, and below
ment, Cameron’s 共2006兲 entrainment experiments did not indicate the particle. The high values of the instantaneous pressure differ-
an ejection flow event. Rather, the particle started to move only ences D⬘ = p1⬘ − p3⬘ and L⬘ = p4⬘ − p2⬘ based on point pressure mea-
when a sweep flow structure reached the particle. Detert 共2008兲 surements can be used as quantitative indicators of high “drag”
carried out experiments in a laboratory flume using 4-Hz PIV, force and high “lift” force, respectively, because they are mea-
roughened with spheres of diameter of 25.4 mm. In a streamwise sured at points where high positive and negative pressures are
vertical plane, large-scale wedgelike flow structures were ob- expected to occur. The contribution of shear stress to total drag is
served, where in the sense of a sweep event, a zone of faster fluid assumed to be of minor importance in this study as Wang 共1999兲
over-rolls a zone with slower fluid. showed that the wall shear stress fluctuations contribute negligi-
As noted above, various researchers have correlated near-bed bly to the unsteady drag forces on a sphere compared to the
turbulence structures with sediment flux. While this provides sup- surface pressure fluctuations in a steady uniform flow in the range
port for the hypothesis that the details of near-bed turbulence 3 , 000ⱕ Reⱕ 370, 000.
structures are important for predicting entrainment and motion, it A particle may be entrained if the instantaneous fluctuating
does not make a direct link between the flow structures and fluid pressure difference L⬘ = 共p⬘4 − p⬘2兲 is large relative to the mean pres-
forces on the sediment grains making up the bed. The goal of this sure difference, i.e., when the pressure at the bottom of the sphere
paper is to provide some information on that more direct linkage. is increased and that at the top is decreased relative to their mean
In the next paragraph, we discuss how these structures can affect values. In a similar manner, high values of the instantaneous pres-
the lift and drag forces and cause entrainment. sure difference 共p1⬘ − p3⬘兲 may induce or aid entrainment.
Coherent flow structures impose rapid and significant pressure
fluctuations on the bed. In turbulent flows, these fluctuations are Experimental Setup
considered to have a significant influence on the entrainment of
sediment particles from the bed. For example, if the local flow The experiments were designed to examine the hydrodynamic
structure produces a high pressure below the grain, and low pres- forces acting on a sediment particle and the roles of coherent flow

Table 1. Flow Configuration

e H ␯ ⫻ 10−6 Ū uⴱ
共mm兲 共mm兲 Sb ⫻ 10−3 共m2 / s兲 共m/s兲 R ⫻ 103 共m/s兲 Dⴱ ␪c Fr
17 187 1.410 0.984 0.401 160.4 0.047 404.4 0.049 0.296
17 187 1.410 0.984 0.405 162.0 0.048 404.4 0.051 0.299
17 187 1.410 0.984 0.394 157.6 0.047 404.4 0.049 0.291
17 187 1.410 0.984 0.398 159.2 0.047 404.4 0.049 0.294
11 187 1.985 0.984 0.563 225.2 0.055 404.4 0.067 0.416
11 187 1.985 0.984 0.575 230.0 0.052 404.4 0.060 0.425
11 187 1.985 0.984 0.568 227.2 0.055 404.4 0.067 0.419
11 187 1.985 0.984 0.570 228.0 0.055 404.4 0.067 0.421


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

Table 2. Local Velocities for Entrainment group of movable spheres 共7 long, 3 wide, and 1 deep兲 was filled
e ū uc w̄ wc with plaster, so that they would remain in place under their own
共mm兲 共m/s兲 共m/s兲 共m/s兲 共m/s兲 uc2 / ⌬gD weight.
The movable spheres allowed flexibility for a lightweight en-
17 0.309 0.429 0.001 ⴚ0.04 3.9
trainable target particle to be added. The target particle, located 4
17 0.307 0.419 0.000 ⫺0.03 3.7 m downstream from the start of the spherical roughness section,
17 0.305 0.485 0.000 ⴚ0.05 4.9 had a diameter of 38.3 mm and was made of polyurethane, with a
17 0.308 0.410 0.001 ⫺0.001 3.6 density of 1.12 g / cm3. The target particle could be placed to
11 0.414 0.576 0.009 ⴚ0.078 7.0 protrude above the surrounding spheres by placing a smaller di-
11 0.436 0.618 0.001 ⫺0.068 8.1 ameter sphere beneath it 共Fig. 2兲.
11 0.425 0.610 0.002 ⴚ0.088 7.9 Two types of experiments were undertaken, using a movable
11 0.420 0.595 0.004 ⫺0.051 7.5 and a fixed ball, respectively. The fixed particle was fitted with
the three pressure sensors as discussed earlier. It was not possible
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to attach a pressure sensor to the movable particle, the latter being

structures in the process of particle entrainment. Experiments used to capture the flow structure responsible for entrainment. In
were carried out using spherical particle beds as roughness ele- this case, the bottom pressure sensor was attached to a particle in
ments, with PIV used to measure the instantaneous flow-velocity the second layer of fixed particles immediately below the target
field. particle, as shown in Fig. 2, allowing measurement of the pressure
The 0.43-m-wide by 0.3-m-deep glass-sided recirculating fluctuations below the sediment particle during its entrainment.
flume used in the present experiments is 11.8 m long. The flume For the fixed target particle experiments, the fluctuations in pres-
contains a 0.26-m-deep and 0.90-m-long recess section situated sure above and below, and upstream and downstream of the par-
7.0 m downstream from the start of the open channel section. A ticle were measured as well as the flow field. This setup provided
5.5-m length of the water flume was covered by a layer of information on the influence of the flow structure on the fluctua-
39.7-mm average diameter spheres glued to aluminum sheets in a tions of the drag and lift forces acting on the sphere.
hexagonal close-packed structure. The particle bed, comprising Honeywell piezoresistive transducers 共24PCE series兲 were
one layer of fixed spheres over most of the bed, was increased to used for the differential pressure measurements. One side of the
three layers of spheres over a 1-m length in the flume recess 共see transducer was connected to atmospheric pressure and the other
Fig. 1兲. In the center of the increased thickness test section, a side to the point on the surface of the sphere at which the pressure

Fig. 3. Time series of instantaneous streamwise and vertical velocities, pressure fluctuations of the bottom sensor, and particle elevation during
entrainment 共Run 1, e = 17 mm兲


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 4. Time series of instantaneous streamwise and vertical velocities, pressure fluctuations of the bottom sensor, and particle elevation during
entrainment 共Run 2, e = 17 mm兲

was to be measured. Due to signal conditioning by the purpose- on the typical pixel/mm calibrations used in this study. The bias
built amplifier, the guaranteed maximum measurable frequency is error associated with nonuniform beam scan velocity, lens distor-
100 Hz. To avoid aliasing effects, the measurements were done at tion, and refraction at the fluid-air interface velocity component is
a rate of 500 Hz. Measurements were performed simultaneously less than ⫾1% 共Cameron 2006兲.
using the four pressure sensors. This study considers rough-boundary flows of relative submer-
PIV was used to record the flow velocities, using the scanning- gence, H / D = 4.67, where H is flow depth and D is particle diam-
beam technique to generate up to 200 PIV images per second. eter. In line with the indications of literature 共e.g., Einstein and
The light source is a frequency-doubled 5-W continuous window El-Samni 1949; Chin 1985兲, the origin 共z = 0兲 of the beds of
共CW兲 Nd: YVO4 laser 共Spectra-Physics Millenia, www.newport. spherical particles is taken at 0.2D below the particle tops. The
com兲, which has a wavelength of 532 nm. An iterative experiments were undertaken for a range of flow Reynolds num-
continuous-window-shift, cross-correlation algorithm with a lin- ber 共Re= ŪH / ␯, where Ū = depth-averaged streamwise velocity
ear velocity-gradient correction was used. Cross correlation was
and ␯ = kinematic viscosity兲 from 160⫻ 103 to 228⫻ 103 and with
performed using the fast Fourier transform method, and the cor-
grain-size Reynolds number 共Rⴱ = uⴱD / ␯, where uⴱ = shear veloc-
relation peak location was estimated with a three-point Gaussian
ity兲 ranging from 1,800 to 2,200 indicating fully rough turbulent
function. The PIV light sheet entered the water through a stream-
lined window, which skimmed the water surface to prevent scat-
tering of the laser beam due to water surface undulations. The The applicability of this study can be extended to prototype
motion of the movable sphere was recorded in the same images as scales using similarity laws relevant to sediment entrainment such
the flow field patterns. The position of the target particle was that a range of flow depth, particle size, and slope can be modeled
detected at the same time as cross-correlation processing of flow 共refer to the Appendix兲.
velocities using a technique similar to the intensity-gradient-based The experiments were performed under uniform flow condi-
Canny edge detector 共Canny 1986兲. tions for two different particle exposures, e = 17 mm and e
The software for PIV image analysis calculates approximately = 11 mm. The exposure e is the distance between the top of the
2.5 vector maps per second using a two-pass discrete window- target particle and the top of the surrounding particles, as shown
shift algorithm, and 0.11 vector maps per second using the four- in Fig. 2. Movable ball experiments began by incrementally ad-
pass continuous-window-shift shear-corrected algorithm 共based justing flume slope, pump speed, and the overflow water level to
on 59⫻ 59 vectors per frame and a 2.0-GHz Athlon64 processor兲. determine the flume settings that caused particle entrainment to
The present PIV velocity estimates have a random error compo- occur approximately once every 2 min for uniform flow at the
nent of ⬍ ⫾ 0.2 pixels, which is equivalent to ⫾0.014 m/s based required flow depth. Flow depth was measured using a pointer


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 5. Time series of instantaneous streamwise and vertical velocities, pressure fluctuations of the bottom sensor, and particle elevation during
entrainment 共Run 1, e = 11 mm兲

gauge attached to a carriage on top of the flume, and the flume Results and Discussion
slope was measured from a gauge on the side of the flume. The
uniformity of the flow was ascertained by measuring the flow The time-averaged local velocities 共ū, streamwise velocities and
depth at two positions along the flume 2.5 m apart. With the flume w̄, vertical velocities兲, instantaneous critical local velocities
settings determined, the particle was placed back in its cavity. The 共uc , wc兲, and the ratio of inertia force per unit area 共⬀␳u2c 兲 to
PIV system was aligned with the flume centerline and the center submerged weight of the particle per unit area 关共Ss − 1兲␥D兴 for
of the target particle to capture streamwise and vertical velocity each experiment are listed in Table 2, where the critical velocities
components, and left running until the particle was entrained correspond to those occurring at 共⫺30 mm, 6 mm兲 at the time of
naturally by the flow. Short PIV records 共⬍30 s兲 were discarded, first detected particle movement. The data shown in bold in Table
and longer records were trimmed with just the last 30 s prior to 2 are those plotted in the figures included below. Although the
entrainment retained for analysis. Pressure recordings were syn- other data are not included in the plots due to space limitations,
chronized with PIV recordings. Four runs were carried out for they showed the same trends.
each protrusion of the particle, which was sufficient to ensure Figs. 3–6 show local velocity time series, for two runs 共shown
consistency of the results. in bold in Table 1兲 at each protrusion. The velocity data were
The fixed ball experiments were carried out at entrainment extracted from the PIV flow field records at a point 共⫺30 mm, 6
conditions 共similar to movable ball experiments兲 consisting of mm兲, relative to the top center of the target particle. This location
5-min synchronous pressure and velocity recording for each pro- is only 0.75D upstream of the target particle, so that the instan-
trusion. Table 1 shows the flow conditions obtained from the fixed taneous velocity measurements are representative of velocities in
ball experiments, in which the variables are flow depth 共H兲, bed the vicinity of the particle, but not so close that the velocities are
surface slope 共Sb兲, fluid kinematic viscosity 共␯兲, depth-averaged affected by the presence of the particle. The velocity measuring
streamwise velocity 共Ū兲, flow Reynolds number 共Re兲, critical location at 0.15D above the top of the particle was chosen be-
shear velocity 共uⴱc兲, dimensionless particle size 共Dⴱ = D关g共Ss cause Xingkui and Fontijn 共1993兲 found maximum correlation
− 1兲 / ␯2兴1/3兲, critical Shields parameter 共␪c兲, Froude number 共Fr兲, between the instantaneous velocity at this height and the drag
particle size 共D兲, and specific gravity of sediment 共Ss兲. The criti- force. Einstein and El-Samni 共1949兲 also found a constant CL 共lift
cal shear velocity was determined from the slope of the logarith- coefficient兲 for different flow velocities at this height. The red
mic velocity profile from fixed ball experiments at the colored plus sign in vector plots of Figs. 7–10 shows the velocity
entrainment condition. measuring location. Each time series shows the streamwise 共u兲


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 6. Time series of instantaneous streamwise and vertical velocities, pressure fluctuations of the bottom sensor, and particle elevation during
entrainment 共Run 2, e = 11 mm兲

and vertical 共w兲 velocity components prior to entrainment at time were identified at entrainment in the remaining four sets of ex-
t = 0. Time-averaged streamwise 共ū兲 and vertical velocities 共w̄兲 are perimental results suggesting their importance in the entrainment
shown by dotted lines in these figures. The time of particle en- process.
trainment is determined by examining the records of particle el- At the instant of entrainment, the destabilizing forces on the
evation versus time, extracted from PIV images, and tracing particle must equal the stabilizing forces. The destabilizing forces
entrainment events back to the time of first detected vertical are lift and drag forces. The lift is generated by the pressure
particle movement. Figs. 3–6 show that critical streamwise difference between the top and the bottom of the grain. The lift
velocities are significantly higher than time-averaged streamwise force on the particle is a maximum when there is low pressure at
velocities 共uc ⬎ ū兲 and critical vertical velocities are lower than the top of the particle and high pressure at the bottom of the
time-averaged vertical velocities 共wc ⬍ w̄兲, suggesting that en- particle. The occurrence of a sweep event, that is, high-speed fluid
trainment velocities are associated with Q4 sweep events. This moving toward the bed, may decrease the pressure at the top of
finding is consistent with the experimental results of particle as well as creating high pressure at the bottom of the
Hofland 共2005兲, Cameron 共2006兲, and Detert 共2008兲 for the par- particle in the form of stagnation pressure. At the same time, this
ticles of sizes 40, 30, and 25.4 mm, respectively. The ratio ␪ms event creates large drag force due to high pressure at the front of
= u2c / ⌬gD shown in Table 2 increases with decrease in exposures the particle and low pressure behind it.
suggesting that higher entrainment velocities 共hence higher iner- Figs. 3–6 also show the time series of pressure measured
tial force兲 are needed for entraining the particles with low expo- below the particle during entrainment. At the time of entrainment,
sures. the increased pressure below the particle is found to coincide with
Figs. 7–10 show spliced images consisting of 25 consecutive the occurrence of sweep events in each case. This indicates that
images just before entrainment in each case. From top to bottom, sweep events are probably responsible for inducing destabilizing
contours of u⬘, w⬘, and vector field plots are plotted in these lift on the particle, as discussed above. The pressure at the bottom
figures. Entrainment of the particle is found to coincide with the of the particle for e = 11 mm is four to five times higher than that
occurrence of an intense sweep event in these figures. The size of for e = 17 mm, indicating that higher lift force is required for
these sweep events, identified visually, is 2 – 4D in the streamwise entrainment of particles at lower protrusion. This might be be-
direction and 0.5– 1D in stream-normal direction. Detert 共2008兲, cause of higher mean flow and critical shear stress for lower
Cameron 共2006兲, and Hofland 共2005兲 reported similar findings in exposure of the particle 共see Table 1兲. The pressure signals for the
recently concluded studies in a bed of comparable roughness size lower exposure 共Figs. 5 and 6兲 show that the high pressure below
to the present experiments. The same large-scale flow structures the sphere lasts significantly longer than that for the more ex-


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 7. 共Color兲 Contours of u⬘ 共top兲, w⬘ 共middle兲, and vector plots of u⬘, w⬘ 共bottom兲 at entrainment 共Run 1, e = 11 mm兲

posed particle. This implies that the duration, as well as the mag- particle. In the following discussion, these data are used to show
nitude of the applied hydrodynamic forces, is important, the more how drag and lift forces on sediment particles vary during differ-
so for the particles with less exposure and hence impulse might be ent flow events 共Q1 – Q4兲.
an important parameter in entrainment studies as proposed by Fig. 11 shows the pressure measurements above 共p⬘2兲 and
Diplas et al. 共2008兲. below 共p⬘4兲 the fixed particle for the period from 19 to 20.45 s
The first series of entrainment experiments, with the movable
during the experiment for e = 11 mm. The measurements shown
particle, provides information about the pressure below the target
in Fig. 11 span a period when each of the Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4
particle and the flow structure at the time of movement. The ex-
periments using the fixed spheres provide pressure measurements events occurred. Also shown in the figure is the pressure differ-
at points upstream of, downstream of, above, and below the target ence between points in front of and behind the particle 共p⬘1 − p⬘3兲. A


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 8. 共Color兲 Contours of u⬘ 共top兲, w⬘ 共middle兲, and vector plots of u⬘, w⬘ 共bottom兲 at entrainment 共Run 2, e = 11 mm兲

vertical downward velocity of about 0.1 m/s and an instantaneous weight of the sediment. The quantity ⳵ p / ⳵z / 兵␳g共Ss − 1兲其 is equal
streamwise velocity significantly higher than the mean local to 1.88 at the instant t = 19.33 s. It may also be noted that the
streamwise velocity at t = 19.33 s are indicative of a sweep event. streamwise pressure difference between the upstream and down-
At this instant 共t = 19.33 s兲, an increased pressure 共60 N / m2兲 at stream measurement points 共p⬘1 − p⬘3兲 shows a peak value exceed-
the bottom and a negative pressure 共25 N / m2兲 at the top of the ing 100 N / m2 at the same instant, confirming the capability of
particle are observed resulting in a total “lift” pressure of approxi-
sweep events to entrain the particle by both drag and lift.
mately 85 N / m2, i.e., 关60− 共−25兲兴 N / m2, the submerged weight
For a shear velocity of 0.055 m/s 共Table 2兲 for 11-mm expo-
of the particle being 0.0346 N. Teruzzi et al. 共2009兲 showed that
the lift force due to vertical pressure gradient is significant in the sure, the shear stress is 3.02 N / m2, which is only 3.02% of D⬘
entrainment process when it is comparable with the immersed 共p⬘1 − p⬘3 = 100 N / m2兲 at t = 19.33 s implying that skin friction


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 9. 共Color兲 Contours of u⬘ 共top兲, w⬘ 共middle兲, and vector plots of u⬘, w⬘ 共bottom兲 at entrainment 共Run 1, e = 17 mm兲

drag due to shear is relatively small compared to the wake- for the particle to be lifted up and then entrained by drag force.
induced form drag 共Hofland 2005兲. Also, Constantinescu and An outward interaction at time t = 19.52 s 共Fig. 11兲 features re-
Squires 共2003兲 using large eddy simulation and detached eddy duced pressure above and below the particle but such events can-
simulation studies of hydrodynamic forces on a sphere found that not entrain the particle because of insufficient uplift. Inward
the contribution of skin friction to total drag is only 8.5% at interaction and ejection events alone are not capable of entraining
Reynolds number 1 ⫻ 104, reducing to 5.5% at higher Reynolds the particle because of reduced drag due to reduced streamwise
number. velocity as can be seen in Fig. 11. Also, the pressure below and
As discussed above and demonstrated in Figs. 7–10, a sweep above the particle is too low to entrain the particle during Q3 and
event was found to occur for each experiment during particle Q2 events.
entrainment. This flow structure produces a favorable condition In order to investigate the role of coherent flow structures re-


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 10. 共Color兲 Contours of u⬘ 共top兲, w⬘ 共middle兲, and vector plots of u⬘, w⬘ 共bottom兲 at entrainment 共Run 2, e = 17 mm兲

sponsible for entrainment, probabilistic analysis of drag for e due to their higher probability of occurrence as seen in the log
= 17 mm and lift force for e = 11 mm was carried out. The pres- plots 关Figs. 12共b and d兲兴 for both exposures. This complements
sure time histories were subjected to quadrant analysis based on the observation made earlier in the movable ball experiments
the sign of u⬘ and w⬘ fluctuations. Probability distribution func- 共Figs. 7 and 10兲 regarding the predominance of sweep events
tion 共pdf兲 plots of the sorted force time history data are shown in responsible for entrainment. As seen in Figs. 12共a and c兲, the pdfs
Fig. 12, both in normal and logarithmic scales 共to visualize the of the forces corresponding to the Q4 events are skewed posi-
probability of extreme forces兲. The extreme forces responsible for tively, implying that the mean forces corresponding to the Q4
entrainment mainly corresponded to the occurrence of Q4 events events are higher than the other events with the exception of the


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 11. Time series of instantaneous pressure and velocity on a fixed particle; the velocity is measured at a point 共⫺30 mm, 6 mm兲 relative to
the top center of the target particle

extreme values. This suggests that Q4 events have a higher prob- event. The vertical pressure gradient is found to be significantly
ability of generating the impulse required for entrainment through higher 共1.88 times in this study兲 than the submerged specific
an optimum combination of force and duration. weight of the particle during sweep events. At the same time,
The pdfs of the hydrodynamic forces 共drag and lift兲 corre- relatively high wake-induced form drag occurs, while skin drag is
sponding to Q2 events are negatively skewed and show a higher relatively small.
probability of occurrence of forces of magnitude less than the pdf plots based on quadrant analysis of the dominant hydro-
mean. The mean and extreme values of forces corresponding to dynamic forces reveal the higher probability of occurrence of
events Q1 and Q3 have lower probability of occurrence and hence high magnitude force induced by sweep 共Q4兲 events. Ejection
are of little importance in sediment entrainment. 共Q2兲 events are found to be mainly responsible for extreme forces
below the mean. The mean and extreme values of forces corre-
sponding to outward interaction 共Q1兲 event and inward interaction
Conclusions 共Q3兲 events are found to have a lower probability of occurrence
and hence are of little importance in sediment entrainment.
Flow field visualization using PIV and pressure measurements on The findings of this study apply to rough bed uniform
movable and fixed spherical sediment particles were undertaken turbulent flows. The results of the study are applicable to proto-
in order to investigate the linkage between coherent flow struc- type flows of similar configuration following the laws of similar-
tures and hydrodynamic forces leading to entrainment for a rough ity relevant to sediment entrainment as shown in the Appendix.
bed uniform turbulent flow. Movable ball experiments reveal the
predominance of large sweep structures of size 2 – 4D in the
streamwise direction and 0.5– 1D in the stream-normal direction Acknowledgments
at the instant of entrainment.
Fixed ball experiments carried out at entrainment conditions The writers gratefully acknowledge the support of Professor
show the cooccurrence of high vertical and horizontal pressure Arved J. Raudkivi in encouraging the research, suggesting the
gradients on the sphere coinciding with the occurrence of a sweep experimental setup and reading the first draft. The writers also


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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Fig. 12. Probability density of drag force 共a兲 in normal scale; 共b兲 log scale for e = 17 mm; and lift force 共c兲 in normal scale and 共d兲 log scale for
e = 11 mm based on quadrant analysis

acknowledge the support provided by Tushar K. Guha, Graduate

Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University
of Auckland, New Zealand, in preparing response to reviewers.
冉 冊
共Ss − 1兲m Dm
共Ss − 1兲 p D p

For a bed material of specific gravity of 2.65 in the prototype and

model bed material of specific gravity of 1.12, Eq. 共1兲 reduces to


The field applicability of the study is guided by the similarity

冉 冊
1 Dm
13.75 D p

laws relevant to sediment entrainment in rough bed uniform flows

For uniform, open channel flow, the shear velocity can be ex-
such as similarity of Shields parameter ␪ = u2ⴱ / 共Ss − 1兲gD, which is
pressed in terms of bed slope and flow depth as
of the same form as Froude number and the grain-size Reynolds
number Rⴱ = uⴱD / ␷, geometric similarity, which includes similar-
ity of relative roughness ks / z0 共where ks = sand-grain roughness uⴱ = 冑gHSb 共3兲
and z0 = roughness length兲 and relative exposure e / D. The cosimi-
larity of Reynolds and Froude numbers of a flow is possible only Thus, the ratio of the shear velocities of the model and prototype
if the length scales are equal, meaning that similarity for both flow is
viscous and gravity effects can be maintained only at full scale.
Since this study deals with turbulent flow, Froude number simi- uⴱm HmSbm
= 共4兲
larity is appropriate. u2ⴱp H pSbp
Considering Shields parameter similarity between the model
and prototype 共hereafter referred to by subscripts m and p, respec- Combining Eqs. 共2兲 and 共4兲, the relationship between the nondi-
tively兲 mensional quantity 共H / D兲Sb for model and prototype is


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

Hp Hm H ⫽ flow depth;
Sbp = 13.75 Sbm 共5兲 ks ⫽ equivalent sand-grain roughness height;
Dp Dm
L⬘ ⫽ instantaneous pressure difference= 共p4⬘ − p2⬘兲;
Since the critical shear stress 共uⴱ兲 at entrainment condition varies p⬘ ⫽ instantaneous fluctuating pressure;
with exposure both in model and prototype scale, the nondimen- Rⴱ ⫽ grain-size Reynolds number;
sional quantity 共H / D兲Sb varies accordingly. Eq. 共6兲 represents the Re ⫽ flow Reynolds number;
variation of 共H / D兲Sb with e p / D p obtained from regression of the Sb ⫽ bed surface slope;
experimental results Ss ⫽ specific gravity of sediment;
ū ⫽ time-averaged streamwise velocity;
Hp 1
Sbp = − e p/D p + 0.20 共6兲 u c, w c ⫽ instantaneous critical local velocities;
Dp 4 w̄ ⫽ time-averaged vertical velocity;
In theory for a given exposure, this study can thus be extended to u ⬘, w ⬘ ⫽ instantaneous velocity fluctuations in
a large number of prototype flow configurations for a range of streamwise and vertical directions, respectively;
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particle size based on flow depth and slope such that Eq. 共5兲 is Ū ⫽ depth-averaged streamwise velocity;
satisfied. uⴱc ⫽ critical shear velocity;
The smallest particle size 共D pmin兲 to which this study can be z ⫽ stream-normal distance;
extrapolated based on the condition that the grain Reynolds num- zo ⫽ roughness length;
ber is greater than 70 for a rough bed flow is ␪c ⫽ critical Shields parameter;
␬ ⫽ von Kármán constant;
70␯ ␯ ⫽ fluid kinematic viscosity; and
D pmin = 共7兲
uⴱp ␴ ⫽ standard deviation.
Using Eqs. 共3兲 and 共5兲 in place of uⴱp and D p, respectively, Eq. 共7兲 Subscripts
reduces to
m ⫽ model;
D pmin = 冉冑 22.32␯
H p/D pSbp
冊 2/3
p ⫽ prototype; and
min ⫽ minimum.

It can be noted that the value of D pmin increases with increase in

exposure for a given bed slope and flow depth as evident from
Eqs. 共6兲 and 共8兲 such that the study can be held applicable to
bigger size particles at increased exposures.
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J. Hydraul. Eng. 2010.136:756-769.

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