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Choose one deep learning algorithm (MLP, ANN, CNN, or RNN) for a resturant

recommender system.
Ans = ANN

Ans = B

Ans = D

Ans = D

Ans = True, False, True, False, True

Which of the following is NOT a type of RNN model?


Bidirectional RNN



Ans = CNN

Ans = A

The Google Magenta MusicVAE network uses which architecture to encode musical
information into a latent space?

a.Convolutional network

b.Simple RNN

c.Hierarchical RNN

d.Long, short term memory network

e.Transformer network

Ans = C

What is the main difference between a feedforward neural network and a recurrent
neural network (RNN)?

1. In a feedforward network, data flows in both directions. In an RNN data flows in

one direction only.

2. There's no difference. RNNs are an example of a feedforward neural network

3. RNNs contain cycles or loops in their connections. Feedforward networks do not.

4. RNNs are acyclic networks. Feedforward networks are not.

Ans = 3

Ans = True, False, True, True, True, True, False

Ans = A

A reverse direction RNN is compared to a forward direction RNN with the same
capacity on a text classification task

Select one:

a.The performances of the two RNN's will be similar because although word order
matters, which order is not crucial

b.It is impossible to make a prediction without performing the trials

c.The forward direction RNN will outperform the reverse RNN because text is
meaningless when read backwards

d.The two RNN's will have comparable performance because word order carries no

Ans = D

Ans = A,C,D

Ans = A,B,D


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