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Maddy Pokorny

MNGT 5560-001
Coat of Arms

My coat of arms is a good representation of who I am. Two things I value that impact my
decisions are love and health. The image of the head with flowers being watered represents
prioritizing health; you have to take care of yourself to grow. The word love is there to show
that it is one of my core values in life. One of my biggest accomplishments in life so far is
coming to Auburn for college all the way from my hometown in New Jersey. It was a big change
and I experienced a lot of culture shock. I was able to come out on the other side of this huge
change in life a better version of myself. To add to this, I added an image of the map of the NJ
shoreline with Long Beach Island pinned. This is my favorite place in the entire world. My dad
grew up going to LBI every summer with his family. He carried on the tradition with our family.
One of the quotes I heard once that stuck with me is “grow through what you go through.” I
think it is a great motto to always remember that no matter what you are going through, you
can learn something from it and become stronger. Lastly, the image of the two girls holding
hands represents my friendship with my sister. She is my best friend in the entire world and I
feel so lucky to be so close with her.

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