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Home Care Tips for Composite Restorations

 Don’t consume large amounts of alcohol; this can potentially damage both direct bonding and the luting material
that holds porcelain to your teeth.
 Avoid biting hard objects or ice to prevent possible debonding.
 Use the clear retainer when engaging in sports or physical stressful activities
 Maintain strict oral hygiene to protect the natural portions of your teeth.

 Vacuum formed, PVC material that is custom made for the patient.
 Used to maintain the arch form and avoid relapse or tooth movement
 A lightweight alternative to wire-type retainers


1. Wear as often as possible especially in the first week.

2. Remove when it is uncomfortable during meals.
3. When cleaning, avoid using abrasive toothpaste. Place a small amount and brush carefully.
4. Always keep in a box when not worn to avoid loss.


 A removable appliance that is made of clear acrylic material

 A device used to relieve Temporomandibular Joint pain and discomfort
 Usually indicated for patients with severe bruxism resulting to ATTRITION
 It is intentionally thick on the occlusal area to increase the vertical dimension.


1. Wear as often as possible especially in the first week.

2. Remove when it is uncomfortable during meals.
3. A feeling of discomfort and pain might be felt in the first 2 weeks. This is subjective as every person
reacts differently. This sensation is due to the physiological adjustments within the TMJ region.
4. After 1- 2 weeks of wearing, you may wear it at night only or at least 8 hours in a day.

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