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# 1. Write a python script to accept two numbers and display thier addition, difference, difference # remainder and exponent (raise to power). a-eval(input(""Enter the first number : ")) b=eval(input("Enter the second number : ")) print("Addition of "+str(a)+" & "+str(b)+" is "+ str(ab)) print("Subraction of "+str(a)+" & "+str(b)+" is "+ str(a-b)) print("Multiplication of "+str(a)+" & "+str(b)+" is "+ str(a*b)) print("Division of "+str(a)+" & "+str(b)+" is "+ str(a/b)) print("Integer Division of "+str(a)+" & "+str(b)+" is "+ str(a//b)) print("Remainder of "+str(a)+" & "+str(b)+" is "+ str(a%b)) print("Exponent of "+str(a)+" & "+str(b)+" is "+ str(a**b)) Cp Enter the first number : 100 Enter the second number : 5 Addition of 100 & 5 is 105 Subraction of 100 & 5 is 95, ‘Multiplication of 100 & 5 is 500 Division of 100 & 5 is 20.0 Integer Division of 100 & 5 is 20 Remainder of 100 & Sis 0 Exponent of 100 & 5 is 10000000000 #2.. Write a Python script to accept marks in three subjects (out of 100) and display its total mat marks! =eval(input("Enter your marks in Maths(out of 100) : ")) marks2=eval(input("Enter your marks in Seience(out of 100) :")) marks3=eval(input("Enter your marks in English(out of 100) : ")) print) print("Total Marks : "+str(marks1+marks2+marks3)) print("Your percentage is : "+str((marks1+marks2+marks3)/3)) Enter your marks in Maths(out of 100) : 98 Enter your marks in Science(out of 100) : 97 Enter your marks in English(out of 100) : 94 Total Marks : 289 Your percentage is : 96.3333 33333333 43. Write a Python seript to accept principal amount, rate of interest and time in years and displ principal=eval(input("Enter the principal amount : ")) intrest_rate=eval(input("Enter the rate of intrest : ")) time=eval(input("Enter the time(in years) : ")) Si-(principal*intrest_rate*time)/100 print("Simple interest is "+str(S1)) Enter the principal amount : 10000 Enter the rate of intrest : 20 Enter the time(in years) : 3 Simple interest is 6000.0 #4, Write a Python script to accept a number and display square and cube of a number. num-=eval(input("Enter any number : ")) square—num**2 cube=num**3 print("The Square & Cube of "+str(num)+" is "+str(square)+" & "+str(cube)+" respectively.") Enter any number ; 37 The Square & Cube of 37 is 1369 & 50653 respectively. 45, Write a Python script to accept side of a square and display its area and perimeter. side=eval(input("Enter the side of the square : ")) area=side**2 perimeter=4*side print("The Area & Perimeter of "+str(side)+" is "+str(area)+" & "+str(perimeter)+" respectively. Enter the side of the square : 9 ‘The Area & Perimeter of 9 is 81 & 36 respectively. #6. Write a Python script to accept length and breadth of a rectangle and display its area and pe Jength=eval(input(""Enter the length of rectangle : ")) breadth=eval(input(""Enter the breadth of rectangle : ")) area=length*breadth perimeter=2*(length+ breadth) print("The Area & Perimeter of Rectangle is "+str(area)+" & "+str(perimeter)+" respectively.") Enter the length of rectangle : 20 Enter the breadth of rectangle : 30 ‘The Area & Perimeter of Rectangle is 600 & 100 respectively. #7. Write a Python script to accept radius of a circle and display its area and circumference. radius=eval(input(""Enter the radius of the circle : ")) area=(22/7)*(radius**2) circumference=2*(22/7)*radius print("The Area & Circumference of Rectangle is "+str(area)=" & "+str(circumference)+" respec Enter the radius of the circle : 49 ‘The Area & Circumference of Rectangle is 7546.0 & 308.0 respectively. #8. Write a Python script to accept base and height of a triangle and display its area. (Area=1/2* base=eval(input("Enter the base of the triangle : ")) height-eval(input("Enter the height of the triangle : ")) area=(1/2)*base*height print(""The Area of Triangle is "+str(area)) Enter the base of the triangle : 30 ter the height of the triangle : 20 #9. Write a Python script to accept three sides of a triangle and calculateitsareausing Heron's fo # s=(atbtc) /2 A=(s*(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))**(1/2) a=eval(input("Enter the length Ist side of triangle : ")) b-eval(input("Enter the length 2nd side of triangle : ")) c=eval(input("Enter the length 3rd side of triangle : ")) sH(atb+e)/2. #Semi-Perimeter area=(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))**(1/2) print("The Area of Triangle is "+str(area)) Enter the length Ist side of triangle : 12 Enter the length 2nd side of triangle : 17 Enter the length 3rd side of triangle : 25, ‘The Area of Triangle is 90.0 # 10.Write a Python script to accept temperature in Fahrenheit and display it in Celsius. # C=(F-32) * 5/9 temp_f+eval(input("Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit : ")) temp_c=(temp_f-32)*(5/9) print("The temperature in C sius is" +str(temp_c)) Enter the temperature in Fabrenbeit : 0 ‘The temperature in Celsius is =17.77777977777778 #11. Write a Python script to accept temperature in Celsius and display it in Fahrenheit. # FHC * 9/5 +32 temp_c=eval(input("Enter the temperature in Celcius :")) temp_f=(temp_e * (9/5)) +32 print("The temperature in Fahrenheit is "+str(temp_f)) Enter 0 ‘The temperature in Fahrenheit is 32.0 #12. Write a Python script to accept time in minutes and display corresponding time in # hours and minutes. Example, if Input is 75 minutes, the output is | hour 15 minutes. time=eval(input("Enter the time(in minutes) : ")) hours-time//60 minutes=time%60_ print("The Time is "+str(hours)+" hour " +str(minutes)+" minute: Enter the time(in minutes) : 145 ‘The Time is 2 hour 25 minutes. #13. Write a Python script to accept the height in inches and display it in feet and inches. height=eval(input("Enter the height(in inches) : ")) feet-height//12 inch=height%12 print("The Height is "+str(feet)+" feet " +str(inch)+" inches.") Enter the height(in inches) : 69 ‘The Height is 5 feet 9 inches. #14, Write a Python script to swap (interchange the value) of two numbers. Display two number num1=eval(input("Enter Ist Number : ")) num2=eval(input(""Enter 2nd Number : ")) print("Memory location of Ist Number :",id(aum1)) print("Memory location of 2nd Number :",id(num2)) #Swapping num! ,num2=num2,num1. print("Ist Number is",num1,"& its memory location is ",id(aum!)) print("2nd Number is",num2,"& its memory location is ",id(num2)) Enter Ist Number : $ Enter 2nd Number : 12 ‘Memory location of Ist Number : 11256192 Memory location of 2nd Number : 11256416 Ist Number is 12 & its memory location is. 11256416 2nd Number is 5 & its memory location is 11256192 # 15, Write a Python script input a number and assign this number to three variables. Display thr num=eval(input("Enter any Number : ")) a-b=c=num print(""Ist Number is",a,"& its memory location is ",id(a)) print("2nd Number is",b,"& its memory location is ",id(b)) print("3rd Number is",c,"®& its memory location is ",id(c)) Enter any Number : 5 Ist Number is 5 & its memory location is. 11256192 2nd Number is 5 & its memory location is 11256192 3rd Number is 5 & its memory location is 11256192 16. Write a Python script to input a string and display it with a # at the end. Input: Courage is grace under Pressure #Output: Courage is grace under Pressure#t string=input("Enter any string : ") print("#"+string #"#") Enter any string : Hello, How are you? ##Hlello, How are you?# 17. Write a Python script to accept marks in five subjects display the following output using a si Example, if the input numbers are 90 70 69 77 99, then output is Mathematics = 90 English = 70 Science = 69 Social Studies = 77 Sanskrit = 99 ml=eval(input("Enter Marks in Mathematics : ")) m2=eval(input("Enter Marks in English : ")) m3=eval(input("Enter Marks in Science :")) m4=eval(input("E : mS=eval(input("Enter Marks in Sanskrit : ")) print("Mathematics = "ml," , English = ",m2," , Science =",m3," , Social Studies =",m4," , Sans Enter Marks in Mathematics : 98, Enter Marks in English : 9 Enter Marks in Science : 99 Enter Marks in Social Studies : 95 Enter Marks in Sanskrit : 98, Mathematics = 98 , English = 9 , Science = 99 , Social Studies = 95, Sanskrit= 98. 18. Write a Python script to accept your name, class, section and display the output in the follow NAME: < yourname> CLASS: < Your class> SECTION: < Your section> section=input("Enter your section: ") print("\nNAME : "+name+"\nCLASS : ",class_,"\t SECTION : "+section) Enter your name: Vishesh Aggarwal Enter your class: 11 Enter your section : H NAME : Vishesh Aggarwal CLASS: Il SECTION: H 19. Write a Python script to display the following message on the screen a) "The professor said, "Please don't sleep in the clas #b) "Opportunities don't happen. You create them." ry not to become a person of "success" but print("""a) "The professor said, "Please don't sleep in the class" ™ print( ) 4b) "Opportunities don't happen, You create them." Try not to become a person of "suc: 4) "The professor said, "Please don't sleep in the class" #b) "Opportunities don't happen. You create them." Try not to become a person of "success" but try to become a pe < » 20. Write a Python script to accept first name, middle name and last name and display the full ne Input: first name is Ankit middle name is Kumar last name is Jain Output: Ankit Kumar Jain f name=input("Enter your First Name : ") m_name=input("Enter your Middle Name : ") |_name=input("Enter your Last Name : ") print("Your name is",f_name,m_name,|_name," Enter your First Name : Vishesh Enter your Middle Name Enter your Last Name : Aggarwal Your name is Vishesh Aggarwal 21. Write a Python script to accept your name and a number. Display your name so many times « Input: Name is Ankit Number is 3 Output: AnkitAnkitAnkit name=input("Enter your Name : ") num=eval(input(""Enter a number : ")) print(name*num) Enter your Name : Vishesh Enter a number : 4 Vishesh Vishesh Vishesh Vishesh 22, Write a Python script to accept five subjects you have taken in class 11 and display all the su Input ENGLISH, MATHS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, COMPUTER SCIENCE Output ENGLISH*MATHS*PHYSICS*CHEMISTRY*COMPUTER SCIENCE sub1=input("Enter your Ist Subject :") sub2=input("Enter your 2nd Subject : ") sub3input("Enter your 3rd Subject :") sub4=input("Enter your 4th Subject : ") subS=input("Enter your Sth Subject : ") print(sub 1, sub2,sub3,sub4,sub5,sep=" *") Enter your Ist Subject : Eng Enter your 2nd Subject : Maths Enter your 3rd Subject : Phy Enter your 4th Subject : Chem Enter your Sth Subject : CS. Eng * Maths * Phy * Chem * C.S. Colab paid products - Cancel contracts here

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