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Discuss any two elements of organisational structure (10marks)

Firstly, the element of organisational structure is a chain of command. Chain of command is an

organizational system where instructions are passed from one person to another. It means that the
command from the upper position will go down pass to the lower position. As example, the CEO or
the business owner, will be share about the strategic plan for the development of their organization
to manager to share with the supervisor and then explain to the employee or any intern. To make
this chain of command be effectively, they must have a responsibility to carry out the task
competently. They also must have an accountability to being held by any pressures from good or bad
results. The chain of command precisely makes the organizational become better with the support,
encouragement and motivation.
Next, the other element is centralization and decentralization. These two elements have a
different meaning where centralization is the how much of an organization’s power is hold at the
top. It means that the organization will be controlled by a few people at the top level because they
are important and they don’t trust their subordinates. An example, the organization want to make to
make their name bigger so they just proceed the idea to make the marketing increase at 20%
without discuss the idea with lower management. It will give a negative impact for centralization in
decision making because the lower management cannot speak up and they will slowly be stress and
high possibility for them to quit the job. For decentralization, everybody from the lower to higher
levels will get an authority to speak up and can give an idea for the organization. With this kind of
elements, they also can increase their solving skills and hearing better point from another. As
example, the project in the organizational will be easily done without stressful thought because
everyone giving their idea to make the project successful. The balance between centralization and
decentralization will facilitate the decision making and control.

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