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Before starting Let’s Understand Some useful things!

MASM or Microsoft Assembler is an application which converts Assembly Program (.ASM) to object Program (.OBJ), it is a 16-
bit program and can be run on operating system that supports execution of 16-bit program, Windows XP supports 16-bit and 32-bit
program execution. so it runs flawlessly on windows XP, where as ‘Windows 7 32-bit’ supports only the execution of 32-bit program
and ‘Windows 7 64-bit’ supports both 32-bit and 64-bit program execution, if you are running a ‘windows 7 64-bit’ version, you
can always look up in C:\ (C drive) you have two folders present.
1.)Program Files - stores 64-bit installed software.
2.)Program Files(x86) - stores 32-bit installed software.
The Program which you require to run an Assembly program (.ASM) are
EDIT(Program Editor- To Edit Program),
MASM (Microsoft Assembler- Converts Assembly program to object program .obj),
LINK (Linker- Links all necessary environment for conversion into .obj program),
DEBUG (Debugger- Checks if the program has any error,and displays memory allocation details in registers)
these all are 16-bit programs and can’t be run on windows 7 or above versions of Windows directly, so we need an
emulator called DOSBOX which is used to run 16-bit program on 32-bit Operating or 64-bit operating system.

Let’s Get Started.

Step 1 :
Download and Install DOS-BOX.
Download MP (Microprocessor) Zipped folder
Step 2:
Extract the ‘MP’ folder and Paste it on your C:\ Drive

Step 3 :
-Open DOS-BOX from your desktop.
Type in the following Commands ,the default terminal drive is set as Z:\> ( Press Ctrl+Enter to go Full Screen)
Z:\>mount c c:\MP
(Sets Virtual ‘C:\’ C Drive as the path C:\MP )
(changes the drive terminal)
(we are in our Virtually allocated C:\ which is the path C:\MP)

Let’s start with Executing our first Program, Type the Command to Open Editor Window.
This opens you the Editor with the filename ‘PGM.ASM’ as given.

Write down you program here and save the file,Go to File>Exit
Type the Commands,you use for Executing your Assembly Program, it works like a charm.
to run the Program.
To DEBUG your Program type
When GUI Debugger Window Opens, Press “Alt” button from your keyboard to display the top Menus.
Click on File>EXIT to return to prompt window.
Note : If you have some other style or flavor of Debugger, don’t panic. Copy the specific DEBUG.EXE from your set of files and
replace it with DEBUG.EXE present in C:\MP.
Okay, so if you are fed up with typing the command for mounting C Drive as Local Directory and Changing the
Executingterminal again and again, you can Configure Settings of DOS-BOX,which can automatically run theses Commands.
To do this simply look out for the directory where DOS-BOX is installed
C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74 or C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.74
Since, it’s a 64-bit Windows 7 it’s Present in C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74
Now,you’ll see different files in this directory, Search for ‘DOSBOX0.74 Options’ , and double-click on it.
-A Notepad Editor Window Opens, Scroll Down to the bottom,you’ll find,
Type the automatically executing command here
After you typed in the command it should look like
mount c: c:\MP
-Click on File>Save on the Notepad editor
-Now Run the DOS-BOX
Also there are different lists of option available to configure DOS-BOX, you can set ‘fullscreen=true‘ if you want to get a full screen
window at the starting of DOS-BOX.
Also, If your screen gets stuck when switching to full-screen mode, it is advised to change the output mode, by
setting‘output=overlay’ from ‘output=surface’.
Comment Below if you are still facing any difficulties,We’ll be delighted to help you!

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