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1. Where do you study? / What do you do? / Do you work or study? Tm curently a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science at the moment. 2. Is it(your school) a good place to study? ‘Yes: Yes, itis. The faculty are great. There’s also a lot of support available for students”. There's a writing centre that can help you refine your assignments’. And there are also lots of people you can talk to if you're struggling in your program. I really enjoy studying here. No: No, my school isn’t the best place to study. When I started my degree, I found that the faculty wasn’t very wesent or helpful to students*. Plus, there isn’t a lot of support for students who are struggling. So it’s not an amazing school by any stretch of the imagination’ 3. Would you like the place where you study to make any changes? A: Um...1 would love it if’ my school installed air conditions for ow dorms. During the warmer months, [sweat like apie’ when I'm in the dorm. It’s so brutal’, Ifthey installed air conditioning, life would be a breeze*. I wouldu’t have to hang out on campus just for the cool aiz. B: Well, there aren’t many options when it comes to food in the school cafeteria. I'm so sick of gating the same threé! ®. In general, the food in the cafeteria isn’t that great, [would be better off making instant noodles at home, So Iteally hope the cafeteria will expand their selection. 4. What is your major? What do you study?/What subjects are you studying? T’mstudying computer science at Hunan University. I's an undergraduate major, and it usually takes four years to eam the degree. I feel happy being enrolled in this program, because coding is one thing I’m passionate about, Plus, I think Ihave a knack for"" it since my math is good. 5. Do you sometimes feel that you have to study too hard? Yeah, I've had that feeling before. My program can be very demanding!” It definitely takes up a lot of my time, And I find that I don’t always get the grade that I want, So I put in hours and hours of work to try and do better. It can be really exhausting. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 6. What do you like to do just after you finish class every day? really like to go for a walk or do something else to relax. Going for a walk is great becanse I can enjoy the fresh air and take my mind off of school for a while'®. If I'm not able to go for a walk somewhere, I'll just chill at home" and scroll through social media on my phone’. 7. Do you like your major/subject? Is it very interesting? Yes, Ido like my major. But you know... there will always be parts you like and parts you don’t like For example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are about as fun as watching paint dry'® because some abstract concepts are quite difficult to understand, 8. Why did you choose to study that (major)? /Have you always wanted to study this(major)? Well, as for the reasons why I decided to study computer science, I think the main one is that [have lots of passion in that field. I never feel bored and I always enjoy studying and researching things about it, and I’ve noticed that since I was still in high school. So, I told myself that if I went to a college, I would take computer science as my major 9. Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon? / Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon? [think it’s good to study in the morning. I have to wake up earlier, but when I get through the work!’, Ihave the rest of the day off. And the aftemmoon is usually a better time of day to enjoy myself. So it’s best to get studying over with’ as possible, 10. Are you looking forward to working? ‘Yes, Lam. I’ve been studying as a student for almost 16 years of my life. I really expect to have a proper job after graduating from college. It will be a huge change of lifestyle" and I will be able to support myself financially”, which will make my parents proud as well. I can’t wait to find a good job. 11, What technology can help you learn better? /What technology do you use when you study? ‘There are lots of websites aud apps that can quiz you and test your knowledge. All you have to do is input your terms”! and then you can use online flashear important terms before an exam. They’re definitely a life 24 on’ I've used a couple of them to memorize 3 when you're in a rush to catch yy some class content. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Where do you work? / What’s your job? /What do you do? / Do you work or study? / /What work do you do? I'm currently working fulltime as a programmer at Baidu; I've been working there for 5 years. 2. Is it(company) a good place to work? Yes: Yeah, I think my company is a good place to work. It's really supportive of its employees. If you need time off because of mental health, you can take that time for yourself without worrying about getting demoted or any other consequences”. Plus, there are great benefits and a good salary. No: No, my company isn’t th to work. find the atmosphere is very competitive. I always feel like Lhave to in order to keep up: Plus, it’s really hard to take days off, even ifyou're going through a lot. hope to leave this job soon. 3. Would you like the place where you work to make any changes? ‘Yes: Yeah, there are some changes that I'd like to see at my work, For one, it’s really hard to g I's based on seniority", which means that as a newbie”, you barely get any time off. I’m hoping they can change that policy and base it off of merit or something", No: No, there afen’t really any changes that T think my work 'm pretty happy with the way things are. It's easy a hing. Pd change the actual building T work at. It's not very pretty. 4. Do you sometimes feel that you have to work too hard? Yes, sometimes I get that feeling. I put in a lot of effort at my job. Sometimes it feels like no matter howmnch work I putin, I'm still behind®, So that can be really stressful. Tjust have to remind myself to do my best, and to not worry about doing a perfect job. 5. What do you like to do just after you finish work every day? When I finish work, [like to go for a run or do some kind of exercise. I get stressed very easily at my job. So it’s important for me to blow off some steam**. Going for a run helps me relieve the pressure of my job very quickly. Plus, the runner's high is really nice’, IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 6. Have you always wanted to do this kind of work? No, I haven't always wanted to do this kind of work, When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. That's a pretty popular dream job for young children, Now I'm working full-time in a much more realistic job. I think it’s a good fit for me™, even though it’s not what I expected to be doing. 7. Do you like your job?/Is it very interesting?/Why did you choose to do that type of job? ‘Yes, Iam really happy with what I do, Most of the time, it’s very rewarding to be able to help people every day. Besides, it’s a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they even hand out bonuses* twice a year! 8. Do you miss being a student? No, I don’t really miss being a student. It was fim to study something that I liked. But it was also a ot of work’. Going to school isn’t exactly a piece of cake*®. There were tons of assignments and exams to do. I like being more independent now that I've graduated. 9. What technologies do you often use at work? T don’t use anything super complex” at work. There’s an online application that we ise to chat with each other. Buf it's not difficult t@ use. Pinot a tech wizard by any means", [just use standard word-processors"” aid other typical offiee Software. Most of my job involves phone Calls and emails It's nothing fancy 10. Do your coworkers help you at work? Who is the most helpful co-worker? I work for an IT company as a HR specialist, so I offen need my coworkers to help me with the group tasks. When I was new at the job, my co-worker Penny was really helpful. She often reminded me how to process the files. She also worked on“ hiring tasks with me. I'm so grateful to her because she taught me everything I know. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Where are you living at the moment? / Please describe the place where you live. live in the quieter part of a big city. Meaning I can take transit downtown very easily but all the hustle and bustle isn’t part of my normal day to day". There are lots of grade schools and bakeries in my neighborhood, And a lot of families live here too, 2. How long have you lived there? I've been living there for over three years and [love it. Even though I have to share a room with three roommates, luckily they’re all easy-going and nice, so we get along really well with each other. 3. Do people of all ages live in your area? Yes: Yes, definitely. IS a good MiXOPpEOplE”. There are lots of elderly people, but there are also lots of ‘young people and everyone in-between". T think having a variety of people helps the area feel diverse and full ofrich experiences No: No, there aren’t really people of all ages living inmy area. It’s mostly young people. [live in the downtown area of my city, so I guess that makes sense" Older people don’t enjoy how busy and crowded it is here. I's ‘more suited for young people who want to enjoy the nightlife and atmosphere. 4. Is the area where you live a friendly place? ‘Yes: Yes, I’d say [live ina friendly place. It’s aneighbourhood with a mix of people:including elderly people, single people, and fainiies, So I think that helps keep the atmosphere welcoming, It’s nice to be close with my neighbours. There’ ood No: No, I don’t think the area I live in is a friendly place. It’s mostly young people or older single people who all keep to themselves, You know, this generation’ isn’t always super social, So there isn’t really a sense of community. We aren’t very close with each other. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 5, What do you like about the area you're living in? /Where do you like to go in that area? There’s actually a mall that’s not too far from my Louse. It’s only a ten-minute drive for me, which, isn't bad at all. [like going there to hang out with my friends. Other than that, there’s a gym just down, the road", I definitely don’t go there as often as I should though. 6. Do you know many other people who live nearby? /Do you know any of your neighbors? Yes: Yes, I know someone who lives close to me. Her name is Sarah. She lives in an apartment building just a couple blocks away from me*”, We both have dogs, so we like to meet in the middle™* and take our dogs for a walk together. It’s a great way to socialize and get some exercise No: No, I don’t know anyone who lives close to me. I live in an apartment by myself. And I don’t really know my neighbours because I haven't even made small talk with them yet, even though I hhave to share an elevator with others in the building from time to time. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but Lean handle it okay. 7. What kind of house or apartment are you living in right now? / Do you live in a house or an apartment?/ What kinds of accommodation do you Tive in? Right now, I'm living in an apartment by my university. It'S not that big: it only has two bedrooms But it’s cozy enough for me. Plus, the apartment is part of a newly developed high rise. It has a really nice view of the city. 8, What is your favorite room? / What part of your home do you like the most? /Please describe the room you live in. My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I think it’s where I spend most of my time. It has all my favorite stuff in it, ike my books, and I got to decorate it myself. That really makes me feel at home ~ literally®! It’s important to have somewhere you can blow off steam and just relax, IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 9. What room does your family spend most of the time in? I think we spend the most time in the living room. It’s a comfortable place where we all have room to kick back and relax®®. My mom and dad sit on the couch together. I ike sitting in the loveseat. We all watch TV or just have quiet time as a family. 10, What are your roommates like? /Who do you live with? Well, currently, I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty cool. And I’d say I'm glad to live with them since all three of us love playing video games, so we have a lotto talk about and do together. It's really a blast for us having a game night together every Saturday. 11. What do you usually do in your flat? ‘Well, when I have some time to myself‘, I like hanging out in my room. It’s probably where [feel most at home® After all, I got to decorate it myself, So everything is to my taste”. I usually just sit and read, or scroll through social media on my phone. It’s a nice way to kill time 12, Will you move home in the near future? / Will you live there in the future? / Will you live there for a long time? ‘Do you plan to live there for a long time? Well jt’shardo tell”. Right now [live here because I go to school nearby. But after 'm done with school, I might find a job that’s far away. If that happens, 1 would move withowtasecond:thought, But I do like this area, soit mightb 13. What kind of house or apartment do you want to live in in the future? / Do you prefer living in a house or an apartment in the future: I'd really love to live in a big tose in erie ofa It might sound a little lonely, but I think having a family there would be awesome. You would have xecause you don’t have any nosy neighbours. And if it was somewhere nice, you could probabl the stars IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 14, What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area needs? / Are the transport facllities to your home very good? neighborhood is pretty close to perfect, but it would be better if there was a subway station within walking distance of my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers away, which isn’t exactly a hop, skip, and a jump away. I heard the city has a plan of extending a subway line to the street next to my home in the next few years. I hope it’s true. 15. What things make your home pleasant to live in? My house has lots of big windows, which means there’s a ton of natural light”. I think that’s one of the best features. Plus, there are also lots of comfy places to sit. I have a really nice couch and a loveseat as well. [also try to keep fresh flowers around so it smells nice. 16, What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? Well, I used to live in a smaller city for college, but now I live in a big city. I moved to the city just a few months ago fora job I found here. One significant advantage of this big city is that there are more job opportunities than the city T moved from. There are a,lot more differences between them like public facilities, traffic, and lifestyles. I's been a big change to adjust to”, But really like living in the city. It’s pretty exciting. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 17. Do you think it is important to live in a comfortable environment? Yes, it's very important to live in a comfortable environment. Your mental health is greatly affected by your surroundings. So in order to have a positive mindset”, you should live in a place that you feel safe and secure in. Is important to feel at home. It improves your quality of life. 18. Do you know any famous people in the area you live in? No, I don’t know any famous people who live near me. It would be so cool to live near a celebrity. But as far as Tknow, there aren’t any famous people around me. I'll have to keep an eye out’ though. I would definitely love to hang out with a celebrity. 19, What are some changes in the area recently? Well...When it comes to the changes to my neighborhood, I think there’ve been more high-rise buildings built nearby so the area is denser” than before. Besides, my favorite improvement of this area is the building of an outdoor gym where people can work out”, IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? / Which city are you living in? My hometown is Jinan, which is a city in Shandong province. [really love it because there're tons of amazing attractions in the inner-city”, and people living in Jinan are very warm and friendly. 2. Do you like your hometown? / What do you like most about your hometown? /Please describe your hometown a little. ‘Yes, Ido. I'm from Harbin, which is a city in the northeast of China. It’s famous for the Ice & Snow Festival there, which is a really cool annual event in my hometown. Tons of visitors come to my city to see it every year. I love being a tour gnide and showing my friends from other cities this tourist attraction. 3. Can you tell me some of the history (history story) of your hometown? /Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school? Well, it’s a shame that®°1 really don't,know much about the local history of my:hometown, but 1 remember my grandpa told me that a lull i’ my hometown was named aftera war"! that happened there 2000 years ago during the Han Dynasty, whieh was a major historical event inthe history of my hometown. 4. What is your hometown famous for? Well, my hometown is well-known for*? many things, but I think the most famous feature is the hot springs" there. There are always tons of tourists coming to my hometown for a hot spring bath. A lot of people who've been there give glowing reviews of the hot springs on the intemet, which make them more popular IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 5, How long have you been living in your hometown? / Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? I've been living in my hometown since Iwas born. I've never thought about leaving my hometown because my entire social circle is there and the cost of living is pretty low. However, I also want to work ina different city fora few years to broaden my horizons“, 6. Is that a big city or a small place? My hometown isn’t a major city in China but it’s not small either. As far as I know, ithas a population ofS million people. So the urban area is always crowded with people. It’s also the largest city of the province by land area*? 7. Do you like the city you are living in now? /Do you like living there? ‘Yeah, [really love it. When I moved here, I thought it was overwhelming’, But now I can’t imagine living anywhere else. There are always cool things happening here. For example, a lot of singers come to our city for their concerts. It definitely keeps me on my toes®. 8. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown? ‘Yes, I suppose $0. One thing I’m n6t satisfied about with my hometown is the traffic there. Lots of drivers don’t follow'the traffic niles and/often have road rage”, so road accidents. in my hometown are common and often fatal. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topic 5 Staying up late 1. Do you sometimes go to bed very late?/Do you often stay up late? A: Yes, sometimes I go to bed preity late, The evenings are when I finally have some time to myself after a long day of work/school"!. So I'd rather scroll on social media” or play some games on my phone instead of sleeping. Sometimes T don’t go to sleep until midnight or even later. B: No, I don’t like going to bed late, Lhave good self-discipline”*, so I always go to bed ata decent time™, ‘Usually, I'm asleep before 1 1pm. I find that if I stay up too late, I fee! really tired and grumpy” in the morning, That's not fin for anyone, so it's better that I go to bed early. 2. Did you stay up late when you were a child? ‘A: Yeah, I liked to stay up as a kid. My parents would always check on me to see if I was sleeping. But I ‘would often just pretend to be asleep. I'd hide under my covers and read comies with a flashligh®. I had a retty rebellious spirit” fiom an early age. B: No, L always went to bed on time. My parents were really strict about my bedtime. They said that I wouldn't be as smart if I didn’t get enough sleep” I didn’t want to fall behind, so I made sure to go to bed when they told meto. 3. What do you like to do when you stay up late? A: When T stay up late, [like to watch movies or TV shows. Most of the time, I'l seroil on social media while I watch something. | also like texting my friends. We're all a bunch of night owls®, so it’s easy for us to chat into the wee hours of the night! B: I’ve stayed up late studying quite a few times. When T was getting ready for exams, I would stay up until ‘hwo or three in the morning prepping my notes", Twas so tired, but [wanted to make sure that I was prepared. mean,” J almost fell asleep waiting for the exam to start, but I did okay"™. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4, After a late night, how do you feel the next morning? / How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before? A: ['m usually pretty slow to get going in the moming" I tend to sleep in until ten or eleven""*, which is pretty late for me, On most occasions, I don’t get out of bed until noon, So I end up skipping breakfast, which throws me off my routine™. I always feel guilty for being so lazy B: I'm so tired in the morning. I have to get up early for work/school, so [can’t afford to sleep in!” Tend up being really tired throughout the day" You know, it’s hard for me to focus. always have to take a nap when I get home. Then I make sure to go to bed early. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. What kind of music do you enjoy? A: [really like pop music. It might be basie, but pop songs always have catchy melodies"? and good lyrics that get stuck in your head". Pins, pop is usually upbeat and fun to sing along to. Whenever I g0 for karaoke with my friends, I always sing a pop song. B: It’salittle unusual, but I really like heavy metal, Some people absolutely hate this genre. They say it’s just noise. But I think it’s really cool, Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I like to listen to metal with the volume tumed up'**, It helps me blow off steam'"?. 2.1s there any kind of music that you don’t enjoy very much? A: [really don’t like heavy metal. Whenever I hear it, I immediately want to tum it off. can't stand how it sounds! yelling... ‘You can barely even hear what the singer is saying because they're basically just B: Ireally dou’t like pop music. I now it’s really popular, as the name suggests!™. But that doesn’t mean it’s good. The lyrics aren’t clever and the melodies) are just/so-so./I’d-rather fisten to more complex musie like rock or R&B, 3. Are there any musicians you would like to see in alive concert? I would really like to see Taylor Swift in person. Not only is she an amazing performer, but she seems like a genuinely kind and intelligent person. It would be so cool to see her sing live. She’s made some of the most popular hits''5 over the last decade or so. [would die to!" see her perform in real life. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4.Have you always listened to the same kind of music as your friends? A: Yeah, my friends and Ihave always had the same taste in"? music, We all like pop and hip-hop. With pop, you can sing along to the simple lyrics. With hip-hop, you can enjoy the strong beats and the clever rhymes", I think both genres have a lot to offer. B: No... Ever since I've known my friends, they've all liked heavy metal and rock. I don’t really enjoy those genres. I mean, you can’t even hear what the singer is saying. I just can’t put up with"! the extreme sound and aggressive lyries!”? 5.Do you often listen to one type of music? Yes: Yeah, I pretty much just listen to classic rock. You know, those classics from the 70s and 80s ve tried 121 still hold up!" I love to tum the volume up and just sing along at the top of my lung: listening to other music, but I just keep coming back to rock. It’s definitely my favourite genre. No: No, It to listen to all types of music. I find that I get bored if I just stay in one lane™*. It's nice to switeh things Up. In general, I like listening to gemres like rock, pop, R&B, and EDM"*, It’s cool to see how different singers have influenced their respective genre. 6.What’s the most popular type of music where you live? A: [think pop is probably the most popular type of music, Lmean, pop literally stands for popular'?> So that makes sense. The radio always plays whatever music is at the top of the charts. B: I think R&B is probably the most popular type of music. The popularity of music is mostly determined by the younger generation. Nowadays, it’s common for lots of young people to be into R&B. They like the strong beats'”* and how clever and fast the raps are. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi ‘Topic 7 Small businesses 1. Are there many small businesses where you live? A: Yeah, there are lots of small business where Hive, For example, there are a bunch of family-run diners!” where you can enjoy a nice, simple breakfast. There are also fun shops to get something sweet at, like milk tea shops. Plus, there are many street vendors to check out. B: Well, [live on campus at my university, so there aren’t too many small businesses near the dorms. There's only the school cafeteria, plus some supermarkets for students to grocery shop at", But, it takes about ten minutes to get to the shops and restaurants off campus!. Once you leave the university, there’s lots to check out. 2. Do you prefer to buy things from a large company or small business? ‘A: [prefer buying things from a small business. Usual pies cpa it's 1. Plus, in general, small businesses are really’ which means ag ehaemeorseraion wel SGGP 1 ike supp B: I prefer buying things from large compa a small business. Plus, their products are: just feel more reliable to me. » that you just can’t find at ey a agaaemtagsagg Tr 3. Have you ever worked for a small b A: Yes, I've worked for a small business befor seasons a last year was ity. Itwas really interesting to al B: No, I've never worked for a small business before, I've had summer jobs, butthey were mostly with chains'™. I often wished that I had a job at one Of the family-owiied businésses in our city. 1 think it would’ve been a totally new experience 4, Would you like to start your own small business one day? A: Yes, that’s my dream! I think I've always had an independent and entrepreneurial spitit. So having iy own business would let me be creative. I would also be able to build my career according to my schedule and no one else’s!®* B: No, I don’t have any interest in starting my own small business. Owning a business takes a lot of time and effort. I don’t think I hav something like that. I would prefer to isiness that’s alrea IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. How often do you wear jewelry? /Do you often wear jewelry? A: L wear jewelry pretty often. I find that it makes me feel more confident when I have some nice accessories on", I especially like cute earrings. have a pair that look like zippers, and another pair that are tiny fish. They’re really fiun and I always get compliments when I wear them. B: I never wear jewelry. I find it unnecessary. Honestly, it’s kind of a burden. I would always be worried about losing it, and that would stress me out. So for me, wearing jewelry just isn’t worth it. If I got married, I wouldn’t even want to wear a wedding ring. 2. What type of jewelry do you like to buy? Ireally like buying earrings. There are so many pretty designs. But I also think it’s fim to get silly ones. I have a pair of earrings that look like goldfish in little plastic bags. I also have some in the shape ofa rainbow. I get lots of compliments when I wear them. 3. Have you ever bought jewelry for someone else? / Do you usually buy jewelry? A: Yes, Ihave. One time, I got my fiiend a beautiful gold bracelet for her birthday. She was really touched by the gesture™™*, I think that in general, jewelry makes for a very thoughtful gift. It shows that you care about the person and want them to have Something nice that also lasts long « B: No, I’ve never bought jewelry for someone else, That seems too personal to me. Jewelry can be 19 interpreted as a big gesture'®®, After all, you don’t get someone a gold bracelet or a fancy necklace as casual gift. So I think I'l save that kind of gift for someone very special. 4, Why do you think some people keep a piece of jewelry for a long time? T think some people hang onto™® jewelry for a long time for sentimental reasons! or because it’s important to them. For example, many people will keep family heirlooms!” for ages. Besides, married people wear their wedding rings for their whole lives because the rings symbolized their loves. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topic 9 Chocolate 1. How often do you eat chocolate? /Do you like eating chocolate? Why or why not? A: Leat chocolate pretty often, It’s one of my favourite sweets. You know, I could always go for a g00d chocolate bar. I also really love brownies and chocolate chip cookies. I have such a sweet tooth", I know it’s not the best for me, but I usually have some chocolate every couple days. B: Lrarely eat chocolate. It’s a great treat, but it’s not very healthy. So I try to avoid it on a regular basis, Tonly eat chocolate on special occasions. I think it’s nice to treat yourself sometimes. But you shouldn't make a habit out of it", especially if you're trying to stay in shape 2. Do you think it is good to use chocolate as gifts to others? A: Yeah, I think that in general it’s a good call!*® to get chocolate as a gift for someone. It’s a pretty popular treat. I don’t know anyone who would pass up!“ a nice chocolate bar. So I think that if you want to get someone something nice but l -key'"”, some good chocolates would be a great gift. B: No, [don't think chocolate makes a good gitt for people, Tmean, not everyone likes to eat chocolate, Even if it is a popular dessert, it is tnheatthy and usually contains milk, whieh a lot of people have difficulty digesting*/ I think it’s good f6 piit a little more effort into the gift!” 3. Did you like chocolate when you were a child? A: Yes, Late chocolate pretty often when I was a kid, Sometimes, after dinner, my parents would let me have a bow! of chocolate ice cream. Other times, would get a chocolate bar as a treat! It always made me happy because I loved how sweet chocolate was. [still love it to this day. B: No, I didn’t eat chocolate that often when I was a kid. My parents really wanted me to eat healthy food. So having sweets of any kind was very rare. Of course, it made it all the more special when'® I finally got to have some chocolate. On my bisthday, my parents always gave me a chocolate cake Tt was amazing. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4. Why do you think chocolate is so popular in many parts of the world? I think chocolate is popular around the world because it has such a nice, rich, sweet taste to it!*?, Unless it’s dark chocolate, which is pretty bitter. But in general, chocolate is appealing to people with all kinds of taste preferences. Phus, you can use it in so many ways, like in ice cream and baked goods. 5. What’s your favorite flavour? My favourite flavour has to be white chocolate with caramel'**, however, I have a ‘sweet tooth’ so T enjoy all flavours! 1 also really enjoy dark, mint and toffee flavoured chocolate". Actually when I was younger, I didn’t like many of these flavours, so maybe my taste has matured!**1 IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Have you ever learnt anything about space and the stars when you were at school? A: Yes, I once took an astronomy course in university. It was pretty challenging material, but it was also fascinating to leam about outer space and the stars. I was amazed by just how big the universe is. It almost makes me feel insignificant, and like nothing T do matters!** B: No, I've never leamed about it. I'm really interested in that subject, but I’ve never had the chance to study it in-depth'*”. I think that if I had the opportunity, I would definitely take a class on it. I'd ove to know more about the universe. 2. Would you like to find out more about space and the stars? A; Yeah, I'm really fascinated by space and the stars, There's so much we don’t know about the universe, So it would be interesting to leam about what we do know and go fiom there. I think that, tse learning about those things really puts life on Earth into perspective’ B: No, I don’t have any interest in learning more about space and the stars. I mean, they’re cool, but I wouldu’t want to spend my time studying them. Astronomy is a really complex subject. I think would honestly get too confused by all the terminology involved in studying that stuff! 3. Do you enjoy watching science-fiction films/movies set in space? A: Yes, | find those films really ifteresting! It’s fascinating to think about how-Inuch exists in outer space, Tlove to see the visuals of outer spacein films'®, Even if it'snot real, it makes for an amazing. viewing experience, I definitely love this genre'®! B: No, I don’t really care for films about outer space and the stars. I think it’s pretty nerdy, to be honest. I’m more interested in what's going on down here on Planet Earth, So watching a movie set in space doesn’t really strike my fancy'®. I'd rather watch a rom-com'* or something like that. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4. Do you want to go into outer space in the future? A: Yes, it's a bucket list activity for me for sure**! I think it would be a beautiful experience to see Earth from space. It’s also a secret wish of mine to come face to face with an alien @. Plus, if could visit another planet, it would be such an eye-opening" and unforgettable experience. B: No, outer space really freaks me out! You know, there’s a lot of risk involved!®7, Something could 20 wrong very easily. Plus, outer space is unpredictable and there’s so much we don’t know about it. I mean, what if there's something out there that could get me? @ I'll leave space travel to the astronauts‘. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. How often do you visit a library? / Do you often go to the library?/What do you usually do in the library? A: I'ma hnge bookworm", so T go to the library pretty often, It’s the cheapest way to read new books, so the library is basically my second home at this point. [love checking out a new book, then curling up with it in the reading area and burning through it!” It’s pretty nerdy, but I love to read, B: Unfortunately, I'm not much of a reader!”!. My parents are always SGHtinglOn my ease about! trying to read more books. I get their point, but I just don’t have the time for books. So I rarely go to the library. I'm pretty sure the last time I went to the library was to use the bathroom there. 2. Would you ever like to work in a library? A: Yes, I'd love to work in a library. I think it would be really cool to help people \d ch bodks. Pus, you could rin some fun programs and activities for patronsofallages'™ es are really important for communities. So it'd be great to work at one. B: No, I don’t think I'd wantto work-ima library; In my opinion, libraries are-very bering. They're also supposed to be very quiet, soit’s not like it’s the most engaging environment, Think Iwould get bored if [had to work behind a desk just helping people get their books. 3. Did you use a library more when you were younger? / Did you go to the library when you were a kid? A: Yes, I went to the library a lot when I was a kid. My mom and dad wanted me to be an avid reader'”* So they would take me there pretty often. We checked out books"”s together, then when we got home, we would each read our own book while sitting together. It was really nice. B: No, I didu’t go to the library when I was a kid. I was a pretty loud, disruptive'”® kid. Honestly, 1 must’ve been a pain for my parents to deal with"”?, But in any case!S, they didn’t want to take me to the library because they were worried I'd be too noisy. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4, How common is it for children to visit libraries in your country? / Do Chinese kids often go to the library? A: It’s pretty common for children to visit libraries in China, There are lots of eduestional activities and programs at libraries for them to enjoy. Plus, a lot of parents encourage their kids to be avid readers'”. So they bring their kids to check out books and read in the designated reading areas'® B: It’s not too common for kids to visit libraries in my country. Even though the libraries host lots of activities and programs aimed at children, I think there are other things that capture their attention'®! better. For example, kids prefer playing outside or playing video games. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. What things made you happy when you were a child? A: When I was little, [loved being in the outdoors, There was a small cteek near my house that Lwould often g0 to play at. [loved to catch tadpoles'*, small fish, and even some shrimps. I brought a bucket with me so that I could bring them home. But my parents always told me to put them back B: Growing up, I didn’t get to see my mom and dad too often. They were usually really busy with work. So honestly, Twas happy when they could play with me. Even if't was just a simple activity like throwing a ball back and forth’*, I was so glad to spend time with them. 2. Do you feel happy when you buy something new? A; Yeah, T usually feel happy when T buy something new. Its a really nice feeling to treat yourself to something". Of course, it can also be stressful when you spend money. But when it’s something that you really needed, or even just something you wanted, it makes you feel pretty good. B: No, I don’t really feel happy when T buy something new. Tt can be nice to have something that Twanted or needed. But I get too stressed out about spending money. I'm on a very tight budget"**. So buying things doesn’t make me happy, it just makes me worried. 3. What makes you feel happlest at worksin your studies now? ‘A: I think the thing that makes me feel happiest is when I genuinely connect with people in my job. It’s really nice to know that your work is having a good effect on people: It also feels good witen you bond with someone over! shared interests or the work that you're both doing. It makes you feel like you're part of a team, B: I think what makes me feel happiest in my studies is when I make some kind of breakthrough'*, My program can be very challenging at times. But when I push myself and figure out a new topic all by myself, I on the right path”. feel very accomplished. I also feel happy because I know I’ IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4. What do you think will bring you happiness in the future? A: think I'll feel happy when I have a stable job and a good income" It night Souaid 8 bie shattow™ bat ‘making more money would really help me feel more settled in life!” They say that money can't buy happiness, ‘but I think it can make you comfortable enough to pursue the things that do make you happy. B: I think that in the future, I'l be happy when I can do what I love. Being able to pursue my passions will keep me content. I don’t need to have the flashiest car or the highest-paying job. I just want to be able to do things that make me happy, like making artworks or doing Yoga. 5. Is there anything that makes you feel happy late! | graduated from university with top honours" just a few months ago. It was the result of years of hard work. Iwas really proud of myself for making it through my degree". But even better, it made my friends and family so happy. They were so glad to see me succeed, IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Do you usually carry a lot of keys with you? A: Yes, Lalways! id. Thave one for my mail my car!®6, Some people find a lot of keys to be |. It makes it easy to B: No, I don’t really need keys. Modem technology as totally replaced them. For example, I have an electronic keypad" for my apartment's door. Plus, my car has a keyless entry feature'™®, So don’t need to carry around house keys or car keys. It makes ifembreeze™®, I never have to worry about losing my keys 2, Do you often forget to take keys with you when you go out? A: Yes, I'm super forgetfill when it comes to my keys. I've tried putting them on a keychain and hanging it by the door” so I take it with me when I leave, But that still doesn’t work. I’m just so absentminded sometimes, B: No, I'm pretty good at remembering to take my keys with me when I go out. I hang them on a hook by my door so I always remember to grab them on my way out”. It’s such an inconvenience to forget your keys. So I try to keep things organized so that never happens to me. 3. Have you ever lost any keys? When? A: Yes, I’ve definitely lost my keys before, Just a few weeks ago, I set down my car keys" while T was shopping. Lput them on a shelf, and then I walked away without them, When I got to my car, I panicked because I couldn’t find them anywhere, Thankfully they were at the mall's lost and found area B: Nope, I've never lost my keys before. I'm a preity organized person. I like to keep track of where [put all my belongings, even when I'm out and about”*. Plus, I have key rings to keep my keys on. That way, they're not just floating around in my pockets or bags” 4. Do you think it’s a good idea to leave a key to your home with a neighbor? A: Yes, I think it’s a great idea. If you ever lock yourself out, then you dou’t have to go though the trouble of calling a locksmith’®”, Not only is that inconvenient, but it’s also pretty expensive. So it’s much better to have a backup plan’ B: No, I don’t think it’s a good idea, For one, your neighbor might lose the key so you'll end up having to go to a locksmith anyways. For another, you never know if they’I! abuse their privilege” and go into your home someday without your permission. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topic 14 T-shirt, 1, How often do you wear T-shirts? /Do you like wearing T-shirts? A: I don’t wear T-shirts very often. I think they’re a very boring clothing choice. They don't add merlin sau Sor Lok So I don’t wear them much, Actually I prefer to put more effort into my outfits, [really lke nice shirts and blouses B: I wear T-shirts almost every day. Some people might think they're a boring clothing choice. But they go well with most things because they're so basic. Plus, you can always dress them up a little by adding a nice sweater or cardigan’"”. I think theyre an essential item to have. 2, Do you like T-shirts which have pictures on them? ‘A: Yeah, some of them are funny. T-shirts with jokey pictures on them always éf@6k Mme up?. Ihave some hilarious T-shirts in my wardrobe. They're ales qulitefobmect-ins wih fiends B: No, I prefer to wear blank T-shirts?” It might sound boring, but I just don’t get the point of”! adding lots of visual elements to something simple like a T-shirt. So instead of having graphic tees, 1 just have plain T-shirts in lots of different colours. 3. How fashionable are T-shirts for older people in your country? A: [ think T-shirts are a pretty fashionable choice for older people in my country. Some people think that older people should only wear a certain type of clothing. But I think T-shirts can help them look younger. So they’re a good choice for older people who still want to keep up with modern styles?! B: T-shirts aren’t very fashionable for older people in-mny,countiy. I think: that, when older people wear them, they lookllike they're tryitig foo hard to look young, The general consefigns is that”'’ they should wear more formal clothes, like shirts with longer sleeves. T-shirts are mostly for young people. 4, Have you ever bought a T-shirt as a souvenir from a holiday/vacation? : Yes, I've gotten lots of T-shirts as souvenirs while on vacation. You can get T-shirts with the name of the country or city you're visiting. So whenever I travel somewhere new, I always get a T-shirt ‘With the name of the place on it mags lo seuggatmy ny travels by" B: No, I've never bonght a T-shirt as a souvenir while on vacation, I prefer to take photos and buy smaller items as souvenirs. In touristy places, you can usually find T-shirts with the name of the place on it, I think those are kind of tacky°"”, to be honest. So I can't see myself getting” a T-shirt as a keepsake. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topic 15 Weekends 1. Is the weekend your favourite part of the week? / Do you like weekends? Yes, I really like weekends. It’s the only time I have during the week where I have absolutely no commitments”? I can just kick back and relax. You know, when you work a full-time job, your weekends become very precious to you. There’s nothing I ove more than just chilling for two days straight?” 2. What did you do last weekend? =a . Iremeber I went to a street market with my friend, We had a great time looking nothing too Last weekend, um. at all of the stalls". We also had some great street food. It was just chicken skewers’ exciting, But they really hit the spot??? 3. Do you prefer to plan how to spend your weekends? A: Yes, I'm definitely the type of person who loves to plat miVilife down fo\the minute?”*. Weekends are the only time I don’t have any responsibilities. So I try to make the most of them. [like to schedule hangouts with friends and family. I also enjoy trying new restaurants and going to new places in the city. B: No, [like to play things by ear””’. Lever know what the weekend will hold??s. Sometimes I'll get an invite to hang out from a fiend. ‘Then we'll spend the evening either getting diner at a restaurant or doing a fun activity like karaoke, Othertimes, I dou’t have any plaus so I'll just relax at home. 4, Do you ever work or study on the weekends? A; Yes, sometimes I have to study on the weekends. When I'm racing to finish an assignment on time, [can’t afford to take the weekends off”. That’s giving up precious time to revise and finish my homework. I also study on the weekends when I'm preparing for an exam, It’s helpfal to have that extra time. B: Yeah, sometimes I have to work on the weekends. have the kind of job that f compl siojeetsawithtight dendlines”*, So Thave to take the extra time to finish them. Sometimes th ng overtime and doing tasks on the weekend. It’s worth it ‘emanate eter IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Do you prefer modern or traditional art? A: [prefer modem art. I think it’s a lot more abstract, but it’s also really interesting. For example, I recently saw an interactive exhibit that used speakers to mimic the sound of a voleano erupting?” It ‘was so cool to let the sound wash over you” and imagine that experience. B: Well, [think that modem artis too weird and abstract. Traditional art is more aesthetically pleasing to me. I really love impressionist paintings with beautiful, layered colours, Realist paintings from hundreds of years ago still hold up really well’. I like that style a lot more than modern stuff. 2, Did you do much art when you were a child? /Do you like art? Yes: Yes, I did a lot of art when I was a kid. I was a very creative child, [liked all forms of artistic expression”, But my favourite was painting. I liked to make paintings for my family members. Once Tpainted my mom’s favourite flower for her. She really appreciated it and still has that painting to this day No: No, I didn’t do much art when I was a kid. I wasn’t very creative in that way. I preferred to be active, So instead of staying inside and drawing or painting, I'd just play outside with my friends. I tried to make art a couple times, but it just wasn't up my alley”**. 3.Do you think you would like to be an artist? A: Yes, it’s my dream fo be a professional artist. Imostly like painting. [love how many possibilities there are, I really hope that mny art will be displayed in a gallery someday. That would be so amazing to see B: Well... [ike to make art from time to time, but don’t think I'd want that as my career. You know, it’s very hard to earn a stable income hard to set yourself apart and achieve suecess”™* There are so many artists out there. You have to work really 4. Would you go to an art gallery if you had some free time? A: Yes, [love visiting art galleries. I could honestly spend an entire day just sitting in front of art and taking it all in. Some of them are absolutely breathtaking, And others are simply beautifill and amazing to look at. B: No, I'm not a fan of going to art galleries. Honestly, I get bored super quickly. Sometimes it’s nice to look at pretty paintings for a while. But that gets old pretty quickly"*6 Art galleries just don’t hold alot of appeal for me” IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. How much sports did you do when you were at school? A:T didn’t do a lot of sports when I was at school. I wasn’t very coordinated as a child™*. So I didn’t do well with physical activities. I remember I was probably the worst at soccer. I couldn’t kick the ball very far, Once, when I played a game, I almost kicked the ball into my own team’s net. B: I played a lot of sports when I was at school. I especially enjoyed sports like soccer and basketball. When I ‘was young, I had really good coordination and endurance”®. So I could handle running up and down the court or the field™®, Tremember I had a lot of fun playing on teams, 2. What was your favourite sport while you were at school? /Did you do some sports when you were young? A; IEmemory serves correctly, my favourite sport was basketball. I thought it was so fun to play. It always. oon the cour. I got tired from mmning, but the adrenaline ‘went by really fast. There’s so much back-and-fort of getting to make a shot would make it all worth B: My favourite sport was definitely soccer. It required lots of running up and down the field, which was really tiring, But I always felt like I was on top of the world™ when I scored a goal. I had really good aim, so I always did well on the field 3. Do you think it’s important for children to do sports at school? /Do you think students need more exercise? ‘Yes, I think it’s really important for kids to do sports at school. Not only does it keep them active and improve their physical health, but it also helps them develop important skills. By playing sports together, they can learn cooperation and teamwork. It helps them bond in different ways. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4, Were any of your school friends very good at sports? ‘Yes: Yes, a lot of my school friends were really good at sports. Iwas actually the odd one out™*. Some of my best friends were the school’s top athletes. I remember they were always busy competing in toumaments. I liked going to their games and cheering them on from the sidelines, No: No, my school friends weren't very good at sports. That was fine by me™” since I wasn’t exactly the most athletic child. But even though we didn’t play sports, we always liked watching our classmates compete in tournaments, We would cheer them on from the sidelines and be supportive whether they won or lost. 5, Which sports do you enjoy watching or playing?/ What sports do you like? really like basketball and badminton. Those sports require you to be quick on your feet. I's a lot of back and forth, especially badminton, but I think that makes it entertaining. There’s such a small space to play in. You have to make every move count”. I love how fast-paced both of those sports are, 6. Where did you learn how to do it? It was actually mytnele who got meinto sports*. I would go over to hiis hotise and we would play basketball on his driveway. He taught me lots of techniques. Then Ijoined a basketball team when I was in elementary, school. It was lots of fan, T still remember it fondly: IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topic 18 Puzzles 1. Did you enjoy doing puzzles when you were a child? Yes, I really enjoyed doing puzzles when I was a kid. I sometimes had trouble staying focused. But when T started working on a puzzle, I got totally sucked into it?*!. It was like the rest of the world didn’t exist’. I was completely focused on putting the pieces together”. I wouldn't rest until T finished 2. Would you ever do a puzzle when you’re travelling?/When do you do puzzles, during your trip or when you feel bored? (7S) Trip: Tusually play puzzle games on my cellphone when I’m travelling. I find that it’s a good way to help t jonestly, I could spend hours on those puzzle games. They're just so addictive. When I’m ona train ride and I don’t have anything else to do, playing these games makes the time fy be Bored: Tusually do puzzles when I feel bored. Puzzles are a great activity to do when you just want to kill Solving a puzzle doesn’t require too much attention. But it’s just engaging enough®®> to ‘cep you focused for a few hours at a time. So I think it’s a great way to stave off boredom’**, 3. Which do you find easier to do: word puzzles or number puzzles? Word puzzles: definitely find word puzzles easier to do: Pim not very good at mumber puzzles. My brain just doesn’t work like that. Wordpuzzles come much more naturally to me**”. [ also find them-more satisfying. They require a lot of creativity. You also have to have-a pietty Good Vocabulary, especially with crosswords, ‘Number puzzles: I think number puzzles are easier for me to do. I’m not much of a wordsmith’*, You know, I don’t have the extensive vocabulary that you need to be successful at those puzzles. So I prefer number puzzles. I’ve always been good at math and arranging numbers. So umber puzzles come very easily to me. 4, Do you think doing puzzles is a good way for older people to spend their free time? Yes, definitely. Puzzles are a relaxing activity because they don’t require a lot of physical energy. But they're just engaging enough that they stimulate vour mind”. I think for old people especially, that’s a valuable benefit. It keeps old people active, but it doesn’t tire them out’ IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. How often do you use social m Luse social media pretty often. I’m active on lots of different platforms, so I like to go through?! each one and see what's new. I love to check in with my friends in particular. They're also pretty active on social media, so they often post about what's going on in their lives. I's a good way to stay 2/ Do you or your friends like using social media? connected, 2. Did you use social media more in the past? No, I think I used social media less in the past. I wasn’t as involved with social media or anything like that. When Iwas in high school, I wasn’t allowed to use a cellphone, which restricted my access to social media”, But now social media platforms have become a big part of my life. 3. Do you think your friends use social media too much? Yes: Yeah, I think my fiends definitely use too umch social media. In theory, social media is a great way to destress “and connect with others. But in practice”®, it often becomes an overwhelming distraction that people waste too much time on. I know my friends are on social media almost constantly. I don’t think it’s good for them. No: No, I don’t think my fiends usé too much social media, They only have a couple of different social media accounts:"And they don’ticheek them constantly. They manage to spend a healthy amount of time offline™®. So I think they have their tisige in check”* That's good because social media can quickly become a huge time-waster®? IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4.Would you like to work in social media in the future? Yes: Yes, I'd love to work in social media. | think it’s a very interesting field that involves a lot of flexibility and creativity. After all, social media is always changing. There are always new trends to jump on”**, So I think that makes it a really unique area to work in. I hope to lean more about it. No: No, I don’t want to work in social media, Social media is so unpredictable, and everything moves at such a fast pace. I think I'd get overwhelmed very quickly if my job revolved around tracking new °* They come and go so fast””. It’s really hard to keep track of things?” when you're working in such an unstable field. tren 5. What’s the most popular social media in China? Why? WeChat: I think the most popular social media in China is WeChat. It’s basically the Chinese version of Facebook. You can text and video-call people. Pins, you can upload photos and share your posts with your friends. It’s really versatile”. Basically everyone I know is on it, which is pretty impressive Weibo: The most:popular social media in China is definitely Weibo, It’s basically the Chinese version of Twitter. You ean share your thonghts on anything, from news and polities to your personal life to celebrity gossip. T can waste hours scrolling through people's posts”, Everyone likes Weibo because it has posts and updates on the latest trends’. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Did/Do you study geography at school?/ Have you ever studied geography at school? Yes, once took a geography class in high school. I honestly didn’t do that well. I found it hard to grasp some of the concepts’”*. For instance, we had to learn about the physical properties of the earth?”*, I was so confiised about some of the natural processes we discussed. 2, How good are you at reading maps? /Are you good at reading a map? Good: I'm pretty good at reading a map. It's not that hard to understand if you know what you're looking at. So I could definitely help someone navigate in a pinch?”’, Paper maps may be going out of style, but I think it's good to know how to read them just in case electronies fail?* Bad: I'm not good at reading a map. I'm already pretty bad with directions. But maps are really confusing to me. I don’t know how to orient myself”, especially when I'm looking at a paper map. 250 So I mostly rely on my phone’s GPS to get around, I would be so lost?®? without it 3. Is there a country you'd like to visit because of its geography? Yes: Yes, there are some countries I'd love to travel to due to their geography. For instance, Scotland is a beautiful country with lots of rolling hills and mountains’. I think it would be really breathtaking”® to seeithose sights. I wouldilove to go for a long hike-and enjoy the gorgeous scenery. No: No, I don’t really think about geography when it comes to what countries I want to visit. I'd rather go to a country because of the cultural aspects’, For instance, I really want to visit India because there are lots of beautiful temples. I'm more interested in manmade things” than natural scenery. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4. Do you enjoy learning about the geography of other countries? Yes: Yes, it’s really fascinating to leam about other countries’ geographies. The Earth is such a diverse place, No two countries are alike”**, They all have different environments, which leads to different weather patterns”** and landscapes. It’s so interesting to see how nature comes in all different forms. I love seeing pictures and videos in particular No: No, I don’t like leaning about the geography of other countries. It’s cool to look at pictures, but Lwouldn’t want to do any further investigation”. I'm more focused on other countries’ cultures. I think that’s a lot more interesting than whatever their landscapes look like. [just find that stuff really ay, 5. Do you like Geography? Yes: Yes, I find geography really fascinating. So I love studying it. It’s really cool to leam about different environments. For instance, I’m fascinated by the Arctic tundra”. | also like learning about things like all the layers of the Earth”®, such as the core and the mantle”, I could study that stuff all day long” No: No, I really don't like geography. None’of that stuff sticks in my head”. It just seems so boring to me. T would rather study more artisti¢ things, like literature-or drama. I find’that a lot more interesting than Studying where different countries are. That subject has no use to me IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Did you learn to sing when you were at school? ‘Yes, I did. When I was in elementary school, [had two or three music classes a week in my ewriculum. ‘The music teacher taught us how to read sheet music?S 15296 taught us different singing techniques*. I got all my music knowledge from those music classes and how to play some instruments. They also 2. Would you ever sing with other people now? Yes, I would love to sing with other people. Honestly, it’s more fun when you share the experience Whether it’s in a professional choir” or just a night of karaoke with your friends, I think that singing with others is a great way to spend your time. 3. Do you like listening to other people sing? ‘Yes, I love listening to other people sing. I’m not the most talented singer, so T really enjoy hearing professionals because they’re so amazing at what they do. T listen to nmusie all the time just to appreciate others’ natural talent?®8. Especially, I love going to concerts and seeing a singer perform live. 4. Do you think singing can make people feel happy? ‘Yes, I definitely thik singing can make people happy. It can help you selax. If you let yourself ent loose and jam with the music”, you'll usually feel a lot better. Singing is also lots of fun, especially with fiiends or family IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 5. Do you like singing? Why? Yes: Yeah, I really love singing. I may not be the best singer in the world, But I have a lot of fun singing along to my favourite songs. I find that it helps me destress a Jot. Whenever I’m feeling really uptight or anxious, I blast music*® and sing along. It makes me feel way better after. No: No, I don’t like singing. It draws way too much attention to me. Plus, I'm definitely not a gifted singer, I can’t carry a tune to save my life. In general, I try to avoid doing things I'm not good at, Singing is not one of my strong suits™, which I'm totally okay with. 6. Who do you want to sing for? I just like singing for myself, honestly. But if I had to sing for an audience, I'd pick my family and friends. I'd love to have a karaoke party” and just have everyone jam out to their favourite songs”. I think singing is something casual that can bring lots of people together. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1, When you were a child, did you have a favorite snack?/ Did you often eat snacks when you ‘were young? When I was young, I really liked fruit snacks. They’re just cute little fruit gummies*°” that are usually made with real fruit juice. thought they were semizhéalthy*"*, So I told my friends that Iwas basically eating vitamins as a snack. But\lookinig’back*”, T realize that they were probably fall of sugar. 2. When do you eat snacks now? T usually eat snacks between meals/especially when Pil Slarvinig!/So T'll just have alhandful of!° (chips, or I might have a granola bar". It’s nice and convenient to just snack on something instead of 3. Would you choose a snack that is healthy, or a snack that tastes good? To be honest, I’m more likely to choose a snack that tastes good. I try to be healthy in my daily life But most of the time, healthy snacks rarely taste good. When I eat a suack, I want it to taste great. 1 don’t want to struggle to eat something because it tastes bad, butit’s technically good for me*! 4. Do people in your country often eat snacks between meals? ‘Yes, it’s pretty common to eat snacks between meals in thy country. Sometiges we have a long gay between meals’4, so you need a little bite in-between. Of course, you have to be careful not to fin -ylurappelite™®. But in general, a snack is great way to feed your appetite IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 5. What snacks do you like to eat? [like to eat lots of sweet and salty snacks. For instance, I love chocolate bars and gummy worms*"*. Talso love all kinds of ice cream. Itreally hits the spot, especially on a hot summer day”, But I also love salty snacks like chips and pretzels"*. Those can satisfy my cravings on most days. 6, Do you think it is healthy to eat snacks? I think it can be healthy to eat snacks, depending on what the snacks are and how often you're snacking on them”. For example, a snack of plain almonds can be healthy since it’s low in calories" and fills your appetite quickly snacks, like chips and popcorns, obviously that’s not great for you. 2%. It’s also great to have a bowl of fiuit. But if you're eating unhealthy IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Does your name have any (special) meaning? Girls: Yeah, it does. My name came from a poem from a work of ancient Chinese literature**? that refers to a young lady who is clever and beautiful I think my parents wished forme to be as g60d- {ooking and intligenta tne gin the poem. Boys: Yeah, definitely. My name came from a poem from of ancient Chinese literature that refers to a general’™* who is brave and clever. I think my parents wished for me to be a man with courage and intelligence like the general in the poem 2. What name would you choose to give a child? Well, I’ve never thought about it yet. But I think I would definitely choose names that will camry my best wishes for their future***. And I'd like to select a name from ancient Chinese literature. That would be both meaningful and unique. 3. Does anyone in your family have the same name as you? ‘No, I don’t have any family member who has the same name. In Chinese culture, we tend to avoid giving babies the same name as other family members, especially the elderly ones. Otherwise, it might be considered as being disrespectful tothe elders and other family members. So you rarely see Chinese parents name their children after other people in the family. 4, Are some names more popular than others in your country? ‘Yes, even though Chinese people tend to give their children unique names and avoid giving them the same name as others, lots of people do have similar preferences”. So some names are more popular than others. For example, Xuan is one of the most common given names for males, while Yuan is a popular name for females. 5. Are there any differences between how Chinese people name their children now and in the past? ‘Yeah, the naming culture changes over time and names can be a mark of an era2?®, Like dozens of years ago, for my parents’ generation, newborn babies in China were often given names related to revolution and our country, like Jianguo, which means founding of the country. But nowadays, parents prefer stylish names, especially the ones that mean happiness and health IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. What kinds of things do you write during a typical day?/What do you like to write? Why?/Do you write a lot? Version A: I like writing in my journal about how my day went. It's nice to look back on later as a record of all my memories. [also like making up stories. It’s a good way fo exercise my imagination Writing as a way to escape into fantasy worlds® is really fun for me, Version B: Well, I'm not creative, so Ldon’t know what | would write about. The most I write is when I'm texting my friends about how my day was. I think writing is a great activity, but it's not something I enjoy doing. I prefer to just read books instead of trying to write them. 2. Did you like writing when you were a child? Yes: Yes, I really enjoyed writing when I was a child. I liked to write litle stories about any life. I even shared them with my family and friends. They were very kind about my writing. They gave me lots of encouragement to keep it up. It was great to have a creative outlet™® like that No: No, I didn’t like writing when Twas a child. Twas very active, so [preferred to play sports instead found writing boring) I dida’t even want to keep a journal’! and waite about iny own life. It seemed like a waste of time tome. I liked playing basketball or soccer instead. 3..Do you think the kinds of things you write will change in the future? Yes: Yes, I guess so. Right now, I keep a pretty detailed journal of everything that goes on in my life. But I think that as time goes on, I'll probably outgrow that habit™?, I might write about just the important things. No: No, I think the things I write about will stay the same. I’ve always loved writing down every detail of my day. It’s a great way to preserve my memories so I can look back at them later. It captures what my life is like, which I think is really valuable IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4.Do you prefer typing or writing things by hand? Handwriting: [ prefer handwriting. Ifit’s for other people, like a letter or a card, handwriting is much more personal’ and shows that you care. But in general**, handwriting can help you remember things better. If you're taking notes for class, handwriting is more effective than typing on your phone or computer. As the saying goes, the palest ink is better than the best memory™*6 ‘Typing: I prefer typing. It’s a lot quicker and way more convenient than handwriting. Instead of getting cramps in your hand**’, you can just type and save yourself a lot of trouble, Plus, typing makes a8 for neater writing. Handwriting can get sloppy™S, especially if you've been writing for a long time. 5. Do you think people will write more by hand in the future? No, I don’t think people will write more by hand in the future. As technology develops, handwriting becomes increasingly redundant. Why would you want to waste your time writing by hand when you can type it up, or even dictate it to a computer to write for you? I think that handwriting is honestly a thing of the past™®. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topie 25 Birthday 1. What do you normally do on your birthday? Male: Ou my bisthday, I like to hang out with my friends. We'll go out to a restaurant and enjoy a nice meal together. Afterwards™®, I usually invite them over for a beer. It’s great to sit around and shoot the breeze. It’s fim to just stay up late? and have a few drinks together Female: I really like treating myself on my birthday. I'll normally go get my nails done™? with some of my friends. Or we might go on a shopping spree. It’s fin to get pampered and feel like royalty for a day*>. | also like ending the day by going to a nice restaurant and sharing a meal with my family. 2.What did you like to do on your birthday when you were a child? Male: When I was young, my parents would take me to the zoo for my birthday. I loved seeing the big animals, like the lions and tigers. For a special treat™”, they would let me pick out a toy from the gift store. [had a ton of fun rnning around and looking at all the exhibits. Female: When Iwas little, my parents/always threw me a birthday party*” with all'iny friends. It would usually be like a tea party®®. Everyone would bring their stffed animals and we pretended they were special guests. Ivemember that my mom always made little snacks forus-It was so special 3. How important are birthdays to you now? Honestly, birthdays aren’t that important to me now. When I was a kid, I was always so exeited about ny birthday. But as T've gotten older, I've realized that it doesn’t need to bea imge oceasion. Instead of big parties with all my friends and family, I usually just treat myself to a nice meal®*! on my birthday, IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4. Which birthdays are most important in your country? 18: would say that a person’s 18" birthday is the most important in my country. It marks becoming an adult, which is a really exciting milestone. You have a lot more privileges as a citizen, which is very important, It also marks more responsibility. 18 is the age when most people go to university and start making their own decisions. 80: think that a person’s 80" bisthday is the most important in my county. It’s a significant milestone*** because it marks that you've lived a long and healthy life. Reaching that age means that you have a lot to look back on and be thankful for. It’s important to also respect the elderly and make sure that they're celebrated. 5. Whose birthday do you think is more important to celebrate in China? Tthink it’s more important to celebrate children’s birthdays. They're so young that every year is tnily huge milestone forthem. Plus, children are easily excitable™. They love to celebrate things. When you're older, your birthdays don’t mean as much. But as kid, your birthday feels like the best day of the year IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topie 26 Public transportation 1. Do you often travel on public transport?/What kind of public transportation do you usually take? Yes: Yes, Itake public transport all the time, I commute to work, so on the weekdays Ttake a subway and a bus. On the weekends, I like to go to different places around the city. So I often take multiple buses or subways**. I've never bothered to get a car* because my city has great public transport. No: No, I don’t often take public transport. Ihave a car, so there’s no need for it. Lonly drive to work on the weekdays. Then, on the weekends, I like to stick around my neighbouhood*”. I only take public transport if parking is too much of a hassle™®, like if 'm going somewhere downtown 2. Do many people use public transport in your country? Yes: Yeah, I think most people prefer public transport. It's really convenient. And it’s cheaper than buying a car and paying for gas*®. Instead of driving and looking for a place to park, you can just take a bus or a subway. Plus, it’s better for the environment, which makes people feel better about their choice™® No: No, I don’t think most people prefer public transport Public! transport can be very crowded, especially during rusizhour. Plus, buses and subways often have delays**, which ean make you late for work or school, It adds a lot of stress" to your daily Touting, So Tthiiik nidst people prefer driving themselves. 3. Did you use public transport when you were a child? Yes: Yes, I took public transport as a child***. My parents didn’t have a car because they commuted to work every day. So on the weekends, when we went to different parts of the city, we would just take the bus together. Lremember being nervous on* my first bus ride. But I quickly got used to it No: No, I didn’t take public transport as a child. My parents had a car, so they just drove everywhere. Tonly started taking the bus when I started a part-time job. My parents were too busy to drive me all the time, so I had to commute there by myself. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4, Will you use public transport more in the future? Yes: Yes, definitely. Right now, Ijust walk to work because it's so close. But I’m going to be moving soon, so I'll need to commute“ I think I'll enjoy taking the bus. It might be crowded, especially during rush hour, but itll be nice not to walk everywhere. No: No, I don’t think so. Actually I just got a new job that's within walking distance of*” my apartment. So I don’t need to couunute anymore, which saves me a lot of time in the momings especially. It’s a really nice step up from*** taking a crowded bus every day. 5. Will there be more people taking public transportation? Yes: Yes, I think mote people will be taking public transportation in the future. The price of gas has skyrocketed recently. So I think that even people who own cars will opt to take public transportation instead. Overall, it’s cheaper and more efficient, especially considering how backed- up?” the roads can get during rush hour. No: No, I don’t think more people will be taking public transportation in the future. Public transportation is great in theory, but it becomes crowded very easily and there are always delays Especially after the pandemic*”!, people are nervous about being on crowded trains or buses. So I think a lot of people still prefer driving by themselves, 6. Do you take public transport when you travel?/When do you usually take public transportation, in your everyday life or when you are travelling? Yes: Yes, I love taking public transport while travelling. Sometimes it can be confusing to navigate ina new city. But it’s always an interesting experience. Instead of paying for cabs, I just look up bus routes*” and figure out how to get fiom place to place. I’m very independent that way No: No, I don’t take public transport when I travel. It’s really confusing when you're in a new city and trying to figure out how to get around”. Sometimes the signs are even in another language. So Tjust save myself the trouble’ and get a taxi if Tneed to go anywhere. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi Topic 27 Weather 1. How often do you check the weather forecast?/Do you get in the habit of checking the weather forecast? When/How often? Since I go outdoors a lot, [try to check the weather every few hours or so. I check it at the start of the day, then I look again to see if the weather's changed, It might be sunny in the morning, but raining. later in the aftemoon. So it’s good to stay up to date. 2, Do you generally prefer hot weather or cold weather? Hot: I definitely prefer hot weather. Ihate being chilly. When the sun’s out, you can enjoy some fresh air and exercise outside. It's nice to go for a walk or a run, Then you can cool off by going swimming. Warm weather makes me feel more active and energetic Cold: I definitely prefer cold weather. Ihate being sweaty, so hot weather is not my cup of tea” Cold weather is nicer because you can stay cozy inside, Or you can enjoy a nice brisk walk?” in the cold air. I think it’s a lot more refreshing" than hot weather 3. Has the weather changed much in recent years im'your country’? No, I don’t think the weather has changed too much in recent years. My county has pretty average weather pattems, If anything, Twould say that’”? the suimers have gotten hotter and they last longer than they used to. That’s definitely due to climate change, whiich ia worldwide phenomenon. 4, Would you like to live in/visit a place that has a very different climate from your country? ‘Yes, I think that could be interesting. My country doesn’t have very exciting weather. It has four main seasons, but it could be fun to live somewhere where the weather doesn’t change as often. For example, in some countries in Europe, they pretty much have summer all year round, I love the heat, so I might enjoy that. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 5, What's the weather like where you live? Do you like the weather where you live? Dry: The weatheris pretty dry where I live. We hardly get any rain™. Instead, we mostly have warm. and sunny days. Sometimes the heat can get overwhelming’, especially since it’s so constant. But I don’t mind it, Tike spending lots of time outside soaking up the sun. It’s relaxing for me Wet: The weather is pretty damp'*! and rainy where I live, Some people get sick of it, but [really like it. 1°s so fun to sit inside and watch the rain. I especially love it when we get big thunderstorms Te makes me feel cozy to watch it from my bedroom, 6. What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years? ‘There have been plenty of effects of climate change. For one, the heat has gotten worse in the summer ‘There have been heat waves all over the world, which has caused power outages™® and all kinds of problems. There have also been more natural disasters, such as hurricanes and tsunamis*”. 7. Do you prefer dry or wet weather? Wet: Iprefer a lmmid place over adry one. Even though that weather can really gét tinder your skin™*, it's way better than a totally dry area. I'm the type that loves raifiy days, so Llik¢ living in a place where they come more often than once in a blue moon’, Dry: I prefer a dry place over a humid one. Even though low humidity” can really be annoying sometimes, it’s way better than a totally humid area. The humid weather always makes me sweat and feel like I'm sticky", while dry days are more comfortable for me. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. What types of technology do you use most? / What technology do you often use, computers or mobile phones? Computer: Lbasically can’t be separated from my computer for even a single day*”. I can use it for research, talking to my friends, and everything in-between’. It’s really convenient. ‘use my computer lot. It has everything I could need on it. Plus, Luse it for school. So Phone: I often use my mobile phone. In faet, I have it with me at all times. Tse it to stay up to date with the latest news, chat with my fiends and family, and even pay my bills with it. Mobile phones are just so light and convenient to use 2, What electronic devices have you bought lately? What made you choose the last piece of technology you bought? just moved to a new apartment, so I've bought some basic electronic devices like a printer and a scanner. Those are pretty essential for a home office. Even though most things are online, you still need paper copies" from time to time™*. So I think those devices come in handy". 3. Is there a piece of technology that you would like to buy? Yes: Yes, I'd really love to get a new laptop with the most up-to-date software. I've had my current laptop for seven years. It still works, but it’s definitely slower than the newer models out there**. And it doesn’t have as many features. I'd love to get a laptop with touch-screen technology”. That stuff is so fancy. No: No, there’s no technology that I want to buy. I’m pretty satisfied with the devices I already have All [really need is a cell phone and a laptop. Beyond that™, 1 can’t really think of anything that I need. Plus, technology is so expensive. I don’t have that kind of money. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4. Is technology important in your life?/ Do you like using technology? Yes, definitely. There are so many benefits of technology. For me, the most important oue is that it helps us stay connected with each other. Through phones and computers, we can message people from all over the world. We can stay in touch with family and friends, and we can keep track of what they're up to over social media’! 5. Is there any technology you don’t like? ‘Yeah, [really don’t like home assistants. You can control appliances in your home by talking to those devices. They're cool, but I don’t like them because they feel very invasive". It’s weird that a device is always listening to you. It makes me feel like my house is bugged", which is so creepy 6. What do you think are the trends in technology (digital produets like cellphones and computers) today compared to when you were young? I think that cellphones are increasingly becoming more and more like computers, Imean, they started as portable phones. But now you can do everything from sending emails to paying bills. In contrast, computers are becoming simpler. ‘They're more like extensions of your phone’, just on a bigger screen. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Do you do a lot of cooking at home now? Yes: Yes, [love to cook! It's a great way for me to express some creativity. When you cook, you can usually be flexible with the ingredients you use. [love trying new combinations of flavours. It makes eating a really fin occasion No: No, I don’t like cooking. I find it really tedious. I mean, you have to eat every day. It gets boring when you have to prepare food for yourself all the time, Plus, T get stressed out*"* when T have to follow a recipe. If don’t get it exactly right, I feel like I've failed at it “°° 2. Do you help your family cook at home now? Yes: Yes, I love to help my family cook at home. It’s a fun activity for us all to do together. When it’s time to make dinner, we cook together and talk about how the day was. It’s a great way to catch up with each other“ while we're making food. No: No, unfortunately I’m usually too busy to help my family cook at homies Tdon’t get home until late because of my work. So by the time I get there, food is ustally ready. Itwould be fun to help cook, but if they had to wait for me, we would never eat at a decent time'* 3. Did you do anything to help at home when you were younger? Yes: Yes, I often helped clean the house when I was a kid. My parents gave me a couple chores to do every week. It helped keep me busy. Plus, it taught me about the importance of maintaining a nice household®. It was good for me to have some responsibility. No: No, I didn’t really help with chores when I was a kid. I probably should've taken on some responsibility”. But my parents really wanted me to focus on my homework. They said that as long, as I kept up my good grades", I didn’t have to worry too much about doing chores IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4, Do you like everything to be very tidy at home? /Do you think your home is clean and tidy? Yes, [really like to keep things very tidy at home. I get overwhelmed when things are messy. So I like to keep my home clean and tidy. Sometimes it can get tiring to constantly maintain a high standard of cleanliness*”, But I think that it pays off", It definitely improves my mental state when my house is clean. 5. Is there a job at home that you really don’t enjoy doing?/What housework do you like or dislike doing? really don’t like doing the laundry. It feels like it takes up so much of my time. First you have to put your clothes in the washing machine, then you have to switch them over to the dryer’, And then afler all that, you still have to fold your clothes and put them away. It’s really tedious 6. Do you want to learn how to cook well? Yes: Yes, I'd love to take cooking lessons. It would be great to be able to cook well. Icould definitely impress my friends and family by making them delicious meals. Plus, I’m always interested in trying new things. Cooking lessons would be a great way to try different flavours and learn important techniques‘! No: No, I’ not interested in it. Honestly, cooking is oue of the least important tasks in muy life. 1 don’t really put that much effort into it. I know how to make a few basic meals, and I'm happy to stick to those. I don’t need to make anything fancy. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 1. Do you like getting up early in the morning? Yes: Yes, I really like getting up early in the morning. It’s a great way to make the most of your day", It might be hard to wake up early, but then you have the whole day in front of you’. You don’t waste half the day by sleeping in No: No, I don’t like getting up early in the moming. I'm more of a night ow!*"®, I do all my best work atnight. So I prefer staying up late, and then sleeping in late as well. It may not be the most productive ? for everyone. But it really works for me eyele’ 2, Do you have breakfast at home every morning? Yes: Yes, always eat breakfast at home. It saves me money. Instead of buying a bagel*? or a snack on my way to work/school, I just prepare breakfast at home every day. It’s a nice way to start my day. Teven have time to enjoy a cup of coffee before heading out?! No: No, I don’t eat breakfast at home every day. Most of the time, I buy something on my way to work/school. It may not be the best financial decision’”. But it honestly saves me a lot of time in the ‘moming. It’s nice to just buy. something instead of making, food at home 3.Do you have the same morning routine every day of the week?/What do you uisually do in the morning? Yes: Yes, Ihave the same moming routine every day. I get up at seven in the momning, then Imake breakfast for myself and get ready for work. I usually take a shower, since it helps me wake up for the day. Even on weekends, I like to get up early so that I can make the most of the day. No: No, my moming routine varies every day". I'm a college student living in a dom on campus. Depending on my schedule for the day, I'l either get up early and get ready to go to class, or [might sleep in and go to a study room in the library later in the day. On the weekends, I definitely IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI THAT KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi 4. Are there any differences between what you do in the morning now and what you did in the past? / Are your mornings very different now from when you were younger? In the past, I didn’t like to get up in the morning because I didn’t like to go to school. So I was always tired and cranky. Ididn’t have nmich of a routine. I just got up, got dressed, and went about my day*?* But now that I'm older, I enjoy waking up early. [like to make myself coffee and check social media or the news over breakfast*°* 5S. What did you do in the morning when you were little? Why? Iwas a pretty early riser*?” when I was a kid. So once I woke up, I liked to play with my toys. I would often wake my parents up by running into their room and jumping on the bed. It wasn’t the politest thing for me to do. But my parents had a lot of patience with me. IELTS GIGI LUYEN Dé THI GOC - TANG BAND THAN TOC LGP LUYEN BE IELTS CAP TOC 10/208, CAM KET TRUNG DE KHI THI TH. KHONG TRUNG HOAN 100% HOC PHi

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