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Four concepts I learned this quarter:
I learned about the Common Electrical
I learned about the different Architectural
Working Drawings and their uses.
I learned about the Elements of Architectural
Working drawings, this lesson was a bit
difficult because there are many sheets I need
to memorize.
Last, I learned about Draft Ste Development

Three concepts I need more time practicing:

I need to have a better way of memorizing the
symbols and sheets given to us.
I still do need to have better time management
during our classes.
I need to focus more during the discussions
and be more active.

Two things that you liked about the Teacher's

I liked how he specifies and explains the
lesson every time.
I liked how his presentation is always
presentable and is visible to anyone in the

One way I am proud of myself as a student:

I am proud of myself because I am confident in
this field of learning. I am quite familiar with
the activities we're making in this subject, I
know how to do them because I am exposed to
these works in our home.

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