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Writing an argumentative essay

1) Mention the topic and give the necessary background information
2) Present the thesis statement that summarize the main point/argument of the
3) Give an outline of the essay
*define only key concepts and technical terms

1) summarize the key arguments raised by the question
2) restate your position on the question
3) comment on the significance of the main idea in a wider context
4) recommendation/suggestion

1) glimpse = glance/ a short look
2) paralyze = immobilize
3) uncanny = mysterious
4) appeal = interest
5) remotely = distantly
6) far-fetched = not likely to happen
7) audacious = daring
8) vibe = a feeling of
9) lag = fall behind
10) skeptic = doubter
11) hinge(v.) = depend entirely on
12) shepherding = give guidance to someone, especially on spiritual matters
13) emeritus(adj.) = having retired but allowed to retain their titre as an honor 名
14) blob =一滴
15) revamp = remake 翻新
16) undulating =使起伏
17) upkeep =維持
18) propping =支撐

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