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Output of Training Needs Assessment

 Nontraining Needs – it includes needs that show no KSA deficiency and those
characterized by a KSA deficiency but for which training is not the nest solution.
 Nontraining needs have no KSA deficiency:
1. These performance gaps are not result of a lack of KSA, but result of
a. Reward/punishment incongruences
b. Inadequate or inappropriate feedback
c. Obstacles in the system
 Nontraining Needs that have KSA deficiency:
a. Job Aids – set of instructions, diagrams or other form of providing
information that is available at the job site. Its purpose is to provide
guidance to the worker.
b. Practice
c. Change the job itself
 Training Needs – are performance gap that result from employee lack of KSA
and for which training is a solution.
 Classification of Training Needs
According to Job:
a. Conceptual training Needs
b. Skills training needs
c. Behavioural or Attitudinal training needs

In terms of people:

a. Rank and file training needs

b. Newly recruits training needs
c. Supervisory training needs
d. Managerial training needs
e. Executive training needs
Approaches to Training Needs Assessment
 Proactive TNA – it focuses on future HR requirements. HR must develop
strategies and tactics to ensure that the organization has employees with required
KSAs in all its critical jobs.
Two approaches can be taken to develop the needed KSAs;
 Prepare employees for promotions or transfers to different jobs.
 Prepare employees for changes in their current jobs.
 Reactive TNA – it only begins with the existing discrepancy in job performance.
It concerns the following:
 The focus is primarily on the one department.
 Those who demonstrate the discrepancy and the key persons to be
 The discrepancy focuses the issue on a particular part of the job
Advantages of conducting Training Needs Assessment
1. Training should solve existing problems,
2. Training should prevent future problems.
 Conducting TNA is useful in identifying the following:
a. Organizational Goals and its effectiveness in achieving these goals;
b. Gaps or discrepancies between employee skills and skills required for
effective job performance.
c. Problems that may be solve by training.
d. Conditions under which the training and development activity will occur.

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