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10 September 1991
8 August 1979



This speclflcatlon is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Coimnand,
Department of the ?lavy, and Is avaflable for use by all Departments and Agencies
of the Department of Defense


1.1 &x)J).e. This specification covers the design, development, construction,

analysis, test and documentation requirements for aircraft nose gear launchlng
systems on carrier-type aircraft for which detail speclflcat!ons or other pertinent
contractual documents require nose gear launching systems on aircraft.


* 2.1.1 ~- The”followfng specifications and standards

form a part of this s,pecificationto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise
specified, the”’ Issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the
Department of Defense Index of Si)eciflcations and Standards (DODISS) and sumlement
thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2)


Mi I Itary

MIL-D-8708 Demonstration Requirements for Airplanes

141L-A-8860 Airplane Strength and Rigidity; General Specification for

Beneficial comments (recommendations, addltlons, deletlons) and any perttnent

data which may be of use In Improving this document should be addressed to:
(hnsnandlng Off$cer, Naval Air Engineering Center, Systems Englneerlng and
Standardization Department (SESD), Code 53, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100, by using
the Standardlzatlon Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at
end of s o- Or v ew.


N ST ATEM ENT d. Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited.
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; “!WMWY ●
MIL-A-8863 Airplane Strength and Rigidity Ground Loads for Navy
Acquired Atrplanes
MIL-P-15024 Plates, Tags and Bands for Identiflcatlon of Equipment
MIL-T-81259 Tle-ihjwhj ‘Airframe Deslgni Tlequlrements’’’for
MIL-B-8511O 8ar, Repeatable Release Holdback, Aircraft Launching
General Design Requirements for



MIL-STD-130 Identification Harking of U.S. Military Property

MIL-STD-203 Aircrew Station Controls and Displays; Assignment,
Location and Actuation of, for Fixed Wing Aircraft
MIL-STD-411 Aircrew StatIon Signals
MIL-STD-889 Dlssimllar Metals
MIL-STD-970 Standards and Specificat~ons, Order of Precedence for the
Selection of

(Unless otherwtse Indicated, copies of federal and military speclflcatlons, and

standards are available from the Standardtzatlon Documents Order Oesk, Building 40,
700 Robblns Avenue, Phlladelphla, PA 19111-5094.)

2.1.2 r Gov_nt docwts. drugs. an~ubllcat 1- . The following

other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this documen @
to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwfse specified, the Issues .are those
cited In the sollcitatton.

Haval Alr Engineering CWer (NAV&WEfWXN )

504633 Catapulting Arrangement Drawing Requirements for

607770 Design Requirements, Catapulting Arrangements, Nose Gear
Type Launch

(Copies are available from the Naval Alr Technical Services Faclllty (NATSF)
(Code 312), 700 Robbins Avenue, Phlladelphla, PA 19111-5097.)


al Alr Englneerlng Center (F+AVIWW!iKW

NAEC-ENG-7481 Numerical Index (Drawing List) for Mk 2 Nose Gear

Launch Equipment
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AD-1350 ‘ Englneerlng’ Drawings and Associated Data

(Copies are available from the Standard~zatlon Section, (Code 51122E),

,,,.,,,..............,.:.”,, . . ... .... ... . . ,.. .. . .
W~Shl’ngton; ”’K’’””’2O36l-sTlu;’y “’’”” ‘“’’”’””““ ““ ““”’” ‘~’”
,, .,. ,. ,, ,, .,, ,,, , ,., . . .. . . .,, ,,,
., .. ,{;~..,tic~nti.,,requ,i~~d.:by. contractors #n cmnect~~.,w:lthl$~ci.file
procurement functions should beobtalned from’the procuring actlvlty or”;as directed
by the ccmtract$ng officer.) ~~ ~ , - : ‘ U ~ : ~
,, ;!’ ,,, ..:,
* 2.3 order of nre~. In”theevent. M a conflict between the textof this
document and the references cited herein (except for related associated details
speclflcatlons), the text of this document takes precedence. ?lothlng In this
document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unlessa speclflc
.,, .,
exemption has been obtatned.

* 2.4 ~ Th~s documant has been streamlined, Append!x A to

MIL-L-22,589(AS) list; those documents required for acquisition and 1s a mandatory
part of MIL-L-22589(AS). All other documents, referencedthrough ttering, may be
used as guidance and information to supplement MIL-L-2258!I(AS).


3.1 Natw#als shall confiorm to a~lt~ble--’~citcationsns and shall

i, be as specified
w, W2$l.f ! ca~~m$.,
herein and on applicable drawfngs. Materials
Qr.. are,, not ,.specif described
which are not covered
.Wmln, shal 1. be. of the
best qua4ity, of the Ilghtest practicable we+ght, and suitable for the purpose

● 3.1.1 Protecti e treaidnW Materials exposed to environmental conditions

during service usevshall be protected against deterioration in,a manner that wIII
in no way prevent compliance with the performame requirements of thls ~~
speclflcatlon. Unl&ss suitably protected agatnstel .ectrolytlc corroston,
dissiml lar anatertals, as defl ned ,in %Il&STD=889, sM1”I not be ‘USW #n ctitact with
each other. The protective sy,stem shall. be inaccordancewlth the aircraft detail

* 3.2 ~. Specifications and standards

for necessary commodities and services not specified herein shall be selected In
accordance w~th WL-STD-970 or as specified in tbe detail specification. Parts
which are not covered by specifications or mllltary. standards, or which are not
specifically described herein, shall be completely described on manufacturer’s
drawings submitted fO:approval. (3ee3;4)0 ‘ ~

3.2.1. &@ardmrt&. MS and ANstendard parts shall be used where they suit
the purpose. They shall be identified on the drawings by their part number;.

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3.3 Design. construe tion and Install ation The design, constrhctton and
~nstallatlon of the launching system shall pe~mit satisfactory operation of the
aircraft with all specified stores with the catapults spe’clfled in the detail a
speciftcatlon for the aircraft,- No devlatlon from any part of’the reqltlrements of
this specification and applicable drawings shall be permitted unless specif~cally
authorized in writing by NAVAIR.

3.3.1 uncbln~ system The aircraft nose gear Iaunch’iystern shall meet the
requirements of this speci~ication and any amendments thereto specified in the
detail specification for the aircraft. The launching system shal”l consist of a
Iaunlch bar installation, cockpit controls and components, and a holdback and
release installation. The aircraft launch system shall conform to the ileslgn
requirements of NAVAIRENGCEN Drawing 607770 while loads and strengths must meet the
requirements of MIL-A-8860 and MIL-A-8863.

3*3.1-1 ~. The aircraft nose gear launch system shall be

compatible with the Mk 2 Nose Gear Launch System as shown on the drawings listed In
the report NAEC-ENG-7481. ~. The launching system shall be designed to preclude

the need for manual assistance by the deck crew during trackina. - ., hookuD.,.
tensioning, suspend, and abort o-~rations.

* 31.3.1 ●3 ~. The launching system shall be designed to permit

hookup with the nose gear launch deck hardware at a maximum speed, which shall be
the smaller of:

(a) Four knots, or

,.. ,, (h),. .That. speed which will cause a+maxlmum load in the boldback bar, -
during buffing, equal to the mtnhumrel ease load specified In
NIL-A-8863. Buffer load vs displacement curves for W 2 the system
can be obtained from Naval Alr Engineering Center (NAEC)

* ~. The launching system shall be such that the

aircraft will be capable of being launched satlsfactorl?y from any applicable
catapult, through the full range of launching weights and critical center of
gravity positions spectfied in MIL-A-8860 under the following conditions or as
specified in. the aircraft detail spec’ificat:lon:

(a) The main gear off-center locatlon at the time of holdback release
shall be the lesser of (also see Figure 1).

(1) 24 inches from either side of the centerline of the

catapult or,

(2) The final main gear locatlon that results when the aircraft
initially enters the wye-section of the catapult at a maximum
angle of 15° (Between Aircraft and Catapult Centerline) with
the Launch Bar aligned with the longitudinal axis of the

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● 3.3.1 .5.1 ~~)Wnlmum clearanre The aircraft and’’ftf specified exte,rnal ’’stores
sha~lbe -de:ignedtoclear the ~atapulttowTftt9ng stiutt”le spreacier~ ,catapult deck
hardware, and the holdback bar from the beginning of tracking at the entry wye to
the end of the launching run for the following conditions simultaneously:

(a) The most critical tire and strut flat: the remaining struts and t~res
in accordance with MIL-A-8863 and under the nbst critical dynamic
load. ~

(b) The aircraft and store deflection cortesponding”to (a)’ above.

Note: For clearance purposes, it will be assumed that the holdback bar
(see has no recoil and w~ll come to rest on top of the
nose gear launch deck hardware (see 3.3.1,1) after release.

‘ 3.3.1 .5.2 ~. The launch bar may contact the deck, the
catapult deck hardware and the catapult shuttle spreader as required during normal
trackfng. hookup, tensioning, release, power run, suspend or abort procedures (see, through The launch bar shall not strtke the flight
deck after it has moved. out of the catapult towfitting at theend of the power
run. The launch bar ~nstallation ciesign shall-not restrtct”360° nose gear
swiveling with the launch bar in the up or retracted position for deck ’handling
with a min~mum clearance of 1 inch between the launch bar and all aircraft
structure, stores, and attached ground handllng equipment for all strut and tire
conditions. ,..,
● 3.3.1 .5.3 el tires @stWture The nose gear tires shall clear the
gatqpvlit :deck.h.acd?are and..tie. ctiapu?t-tow,~ ittlng In Muaaxhtinflat tire
condition. There shallbe a mtnimumofl/8 knch clearance between thealrcraft
nose gear structure and catapult deck hardware and the catapult shuttle spreader in
the maximum flat tire condition during all phases of catapult operations.

3*3*1 .5.4 MWUWkhK. Sufficient clearance shall be provided to permit the

holdback bar tobe attached readily to the aircraft holdback fitting wtth the most
critical store loading. MmkmaMk. A dynamic analysis shill be made to sh’bw the

Interactlonof tb launch bar and the catapult towfitting for the condition
specified in The analysts shall show the following for critical
conditions of launch bar loadings as approved by the procuring activity:

(a) Resisting nments and side reactions developed at the catapult tow
fitting to react launch bar torsional and bending loads.

(b) Attitude of the aircraft.

(c) Launch bar axial load.

(d) Maximum misalignment between the aunch bar and the catapult
shuttle spreader slot.

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. WL-L-22589D(AS)

● 3.3.2 nch bar Instal 1atto~ The launch bar installation consists of the
launch bar; launch bar extension,
uplock; launch-bar
”holddown and retraction
and ’suc’h auxil”lary
the launcfitng
equ’1’pmmt as’ls
launch bar
centerin”g arid nose


whed steering must be inoperatlv.e when entering, tracking and Imoklng up to the
catapult shuttle spreader except that the design loglc shall permit the pilot to
select nose wheel steering upon command.
,,, ,.,, ,,, ..,,,.
* :J.3.2.1 LzumkhL The Iaunctbar ‘shall provide the means of steering the
noso gear during tracking and shall couple the aircraft to.the catapult durtng the
poww run. The design of the launch bar shall conform to the requirements ofNAEC
Drawing 607770 or as approved by ‘IWMREWCEN. NIWAIRENGCEi! perBonnel should be
contacted to ascertain a proper design for optimum interface of launch bar and
,sproader. !,

● ~. The holddown device shall provide andmalntaln a posltlve

downward, force. ~:, the launch bar to keep the launch bar tn contact with the gu~de
track durtng tracking and buffing. .The force shall be malntadnecuntllt~e
tensioning. operation Is,completed. The effect of this force plus gravftys hall
result In a vertical deckc ontact load of 30 to 50 pounds at the-end of the launch
bar,. Appllcatlon of Intermediate or maxtmum takeoffpower shall not cause
mlsposttioning or dfsengagemeot.of the. launch bar frcxwthe catapult shuttle

* ~. klhen the end of the power run has been reathed
and the launch bar-has been moved out of the catapult shuttle spreader, the launch
bar shal 1 automat~cal ~y,, ~etnact captdly WI thout :strlkimg the f 1Ight deck and shal 1 e
eff{!ct, lotiing,l,n,the up position..., .;,,dependent cm Iandtng; gear
retract~on. Tbestowedpositi.on of the launohbarwhm.~heww gear \s fully
retracted need not be the same a$ the up,or retracted posftlon.

* ~. Independent means. separate fr~ the aut~tic

retraction system, shall be provided for emergency retraction and Iocklng of the
launch bar In the up posl tlon should the automatl c ret~actlon system ,fal:l. The
emergency retraction system shall be automatic.

:J.3.2=2=4 ~.. The retractlcm device shall allow

retraction of the launch bar by the pilot “from tts on-the-deck posltlon to the up
poslltion to perm~t taxllng or removal of the aircraft fronthe launchlng ar~a
without damage to the launch system and w!thout deck crewman ass’lstance. In the up
pos!lt~on, the bar shall clear deck obstructions up to8 inches in height.
Compliance with this requirement shall not require a change tn aircraft poweror
any specific power setting and shall not.resul,t in damage to the aircraft launching
system or to the deck hardware.

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. . M I L - L - 22589D ( AS )

~~3.j.2.2.5 -.. If retriaetion ds tnj tiated uht le, the Jaunch bar is st il 1
restrained by the nose gear launch deck hardware, no damage shall result to either
alrtraft or catapult components: ~ ,., ,! ,,. !,,,
,., .,, ,; l. +,, ------ ., ... .1..-,. .. . . !,”
3.~.2.3 ~. The upl”ock shall retain the launch bar in the up
position. The uplock shall prevent accidental extension of the launch bar as a
result of forces imposed on it by flight loads and during taxiing, arrested
l“andlngs,’impact of the nose gear with’fllght deck obstructions and sudde’n’
extens~on of the nose gear as :it passes 40ver flight> deckround-dcmns. Hhen the
...upl~&.iis..r .el~~edw;~h e.. launch ~rsbl:l.psittbaxadt~ly ta:the clack..:: The+uplock.
shall be releasable from the cockpit by tkpilot and:at=the uplotk by a deck
,. .,,.

3*3*3 ~

* @ntrok. Controls for the actuation by the pllotof the aircraft
launch bar extens~on,h olddown and retraction devfce and the aircraft launch bar
uplock shall be providedin thecockpitof the aircraft. Launch bar position shall
be,controlled independentlyof aircraft attitude, atrwafte ngineth~tle
position, aircraft engine thrust or any pivoting of the nose gear st~ut at anytime
prior, to catapult launch. Location and actuationof these controls shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-203. An advisorylwarning light shall be provided which,
shall glow green during deck or ground operations when the launch bar is not locked
In the up position except the “light shall be ext~ngulshed when the atrcraft ~s In
the final tension condttion. The llght shall glow red when the airplane is
airborne, the landing gear is extended, and the launch bar is not locked in the up
pm i tton. The adv$sory/warniog llghts shall incorpor,ate~a.t est feature.
Advlmry/ lwati-mss hallctiomto# IL-ST&411.. - . T
,’ :,
* .~. Launch bar COri~~O~ system
design logic shall permit the pilot to~xtend or toretrac$ the launch-bar within a
*45 degree angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the’aircraft. in addltlon
the launch bar control system design logtc shall not permit extension of the launch
bar at angles greater than 345 degrees relative to the longitudinal axis of the

. ~ ,~. Padd\ng suitable fur protection of the head and neck
against launchtng acceleration shall be provided for’all forward facing crew
members and passengers. ~. A suitable device shall be placed in the

cockpit to enable the pilot to hold the throttle in the intermediate thrust
position and alternatively In the maximum thrust position (tf the aircraft has
thrust augmentation) to prevent Inadvertent movement of the throttle during
launching. Hhen net-in use, the devtce shall not obstruct throttle operation,
other manual operations, or instrument viewing. Jiand@, Suitable handgrips or supports shall be provided to permit

each aircraft crew member and passenger, except the pilot, to brace himself against
the acceleration resultlng from the launch.

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1 ::. I MI1.-L-22589D(AS)

I ,.
* \ 3.,3,4 ~ ~~ld bask and aircrdf
t holdback ,!.f! : tting. The hdldback and aircraft
holdback fitting shall have two axes of movement - one in a “horizontal and one In
verttcal plane - to insure proper tracking of’’the ’’holc,ibacbar;r; The ’’ttoldback and *
aircrafth oldback fftt~ng shall be capable ofbeing cfisplaceti a m~nlrnumof 15
degrees on.either side of Its centered posit~on. Lateral centering force shall be
provided to recenter the holdback and aircraft holdback fftting if It Is
displaced. The-design shallpermlt the holdback bar to@erate .... ...! .#....
. . .,= .when
.... .. . . .
,. .. ......... ..!. .--. . .
`'`'~t:~AS"'rOta%e'd"!'T~:degfees''~bdut"`l~Y'''"loW9YtudfhaT ax~s .durTng lnstaHatTioiX-’”’Vhe
installed holdback:bar -shall ‘not be free’%o rotate ’about:’lts’l dngltudlnal” ‘ax’Is and
,,?. thus .prweut-pmper wsgagemwxt.uith the-buffw:$l$der. -An-cwevWad control .sec-tton
shall be provldedelther on the aircraft ‘holdback flttlng or on the aircraft end of
the Iholdback bar as dictated by the aircraft design and approved by the’’~rocuring

● 3*3*4*1 ~. An aircraft hold~ck flttlng shall be

provided that wl.11.~te with the holdback bar. The at rcraft hold back fttttng shal 1
be r~adi ly accessible and shal 1 permit rapid and easy attachment of the ho}dback
bar, preferably outside the periphery cif the nose gear tires. ‘The a’ircraft-ftttfng
shall be damped by ashock absorbtng device to preclude large accel-eratlons tn the
vertical -plane. Consideration shall be given to useof the ’holdback fitting as the
attachment point for the full power engfne runup holdback restraint” required by
MI L-T-81259 .

.3.3..4.1.1 “ -. The aircraft holdback~itting shall be designed to exclude

aoy Iholdback bar other than the one deslgnedor approved for use with It.

... .. .. . ,.. ,..,, . . ,’

3*3*4*1*3 R=@Ll=d. The
‘ ‘r”design’ ’l.&d”for tl& alr~raft holdback fitt~ng shall
be as specified 9nMIL-A-8863.” ~ . The holdback bar shall restrain the aircraft against

a~rcraft engine thrust, catapult tensioning force and ship motion.

3 . 3 . 4 . 2 . 1 j)f?St~. The holdback bar shall be of the.repeatable release type and

shal’1 be designed In accordance with MIL-B-8511O. The configuration of the lower
portion (deck end) of the holdback bar shall conform to the requirements of NAEC
Drawing 607770. After the release loads and overall length have been
determined, NAVAIR shall be contacted to ascertain whether there is an existing
equivalent holdback bar that can be approved for use. NAVAIRENGCEN shall be
cont~~cted to ascertain noninterchangeabllity with other exist?ng holdback bars of
diffor~ngre lease loads mdlor dimensions.

33*5 ~. An instrumented launch bar and an

instrumented holdback bar shall be provtcied for dynamic tests as requlredby the
contract (see 4.6.6). The contractor shall confer with NAVAIRENGCEN and NATC
representatives concerning instrumentation requirements. A calibration shall be
conducted by the contractor and the results forwarded to NAVAIRENGCEN and NATC.

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M I L - L - 22589D ( AS )

● 3.4 l)rawin~. The,aircraft nose landing gear Installation and detail drawings
shall be submitted to NAVA I R for approval and to NAEC (Code 514 and 54) and NATC
C!D Gode SA-70for
information and-review fsee 6;’3).
:The dratilcngs- s’haTl’’”i’nclude
iietaf?s ‘and nwterlal’and nrocess
features. Drawing requirements-shall be as specified in AD-1350. - r -

(a) Aircraft Catapult Arrangement

,,, Drawing
,,, (see, NAEC Drawing 504633).
(b) Aircraft Nose Landing Gear Installation and Detail Drawing.
.. . . . ..,. . ,. ...,. f., . ,!,

(c) Alrc;aft
,.: .,.? 7, -
,“! !..

.1,. . .~! ,~
,., . . \

(d) Atficraft Launch Bar and’Launch Bar Extension: Holddown. ..—and

Retraction System.Detail Drawings. -

(e) Atrc,raft Holdback Fitting Installation and Detail Drawings.

(f) Repeatable Release Hol:dback Bar Assembly and Detail Wawlngs.

(g) Cockpit Components.

(h) Control System Schematic. “

(i) Identi$.tcat~on plates required by 3.8.1.

sod-l ~. The aircraft Catwult

arrangement drawing shall be submitted at the earliest possible date(see6.3).

m Acceptance-of+waa,tning
catapult arrangement,
shall, .be submitted
for ,each wers$on of :the haskmndej
‘th~ aircraft
and foraach
catapulting arrangement proposed for the d~ffe~ent versions of tihe basic model.

3.4.2 UD dating drawl ngs It Is essential that all draw~ngs be kept up-to-date
during the, d~slgn and construction of the aircraft. The contractor shall submit
drawtngs of all new design and construction provisions Including accessories, as
they occur, to NAVAIR for approval with copies toWAEC and NATC,(see 6.3). Changes
In Iaunchlng provls~ons or acc~ssory des’igns shall be resubmitted to”~AVAIR for
approval with copies’to’-NAEC amltiATC. ‘~ “ “ ‘ “ : ““”’ “’ “ ‘“’ ‘: ‘“
3.5 51i~ All parks having the same manufacturers part number
shall be functlortally and< dlmens?onally Interchangeable In accordance with the
detail specification.

3.6 perf~. The launching system shall meet the performance requirements
specified when subjected to the applicable tests In SectIon 4.

‘ 3.7 ~.’ “’Unle’ss otherwise ’speclfled, all tests shall be

conducted at room temperature of 60° to 90° and at atmospheric pressure.

3.8 Marking. Assembles and parts shall be marked for identification in

accordance with MIL-STD-130.

T) 9
;, ,. Downloaded from

1 WL-L-22589D(AS)

,, s.~~
1 ~.
(, and holdback
Each launch bar(3.3;2.1),’at:rcraft
bar ( shall bear a metal plate In
accordance wtth MIL-P-15024, Type A,G or’H on’, which a serial number (6.3.’1’) and a e
part nuW@r+ar@sta~edx The ’plate shatl ’provi~sufffcient+bl ank sui%ceto
permit’ the stamping of symbols by InspectIon/overhaul activlties”to record the
numbler of InspectIon and overhaul cycles as required and space to record accessory
changes incorporated. In addition, serial numbers must be permanently affixed to,
ormarked’on; the above components in noncrltlca? areas,

3.9 HQWWMLQ. The workmanship displayed in fabrication and assembly of the

launching system shall be such as to,assure abtltty of the launching system to meet
its performance requirements under all applicable environmental condttlons..
Unauthorized repair, welding, loose rivets, heawy,burrs, indtscrlmlnate placement
of fasteners, and parts assembled by Introduction of high stresses not prescribed
in d~sign, are typical signs of inferior workmanship. The standards of workmanship
exhibited in any,approved sample, subject to any qualification stated in the
Government’s”n otice of approval, shall be determinative of the requirements of the
contract relative to workmanship insofar as not specifically covered by applicable

4.1 ~. Unless otherwise specified in the contract

or purchase order, the contractor ts responsible for,the .performance of all
insp~ction requirements (examlnatlons and tests) as specified herein. Except as
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractormay use his
own or any other facilities suitable for the.performance of the inspection
~~ requhmwits
rgserves.t he, rigM, toperforma~&
+ s p e g ’ l f ! c p~ l qn

wh, e. r e . . , $u c f i , , j n s pq c $ iarg
pn s deemed
the 6overment.
,th@ imspect$ons
TM- -
set’ fortl? ’in this
t o : e n s t we s upp l i e s a nd

services conform to prescribed requirements. .

* 4.1.1 nsibil#ty for comp lianc~ All Items shall meet all requirements of
sect’ions 3 and 5. ‘The” inspection set f&thin this speciftcatlon shall become a
part of the contractor’s overall inspection system or quallty program. The absence
of any inspection requirements In the spectftcation shall not relleve the
contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that. a!l products or supplies
subm’ltted to the Government for acceptanc~ wnnply~wltha”l? Fequtfements’ofthe
contract. Sampling fnspect~on, as part of manufacturing operations, Is an
acceptable practice “to ascertain conformance to requirements, however, this does
not i~uthorize submission of known defecthre material,elther tndicated or actual,
nor ‘does it commtt the Government to accept defective Mter-ial.

* 4*2 ~. The inspections requirements specified i

herein are classified as follows:

(a) First articletmpect$on (see 4:4)” ~~ ,,- -. ..

(b) Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5)

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* ,4.3 w~ectlon ctiltlon s Unl.essotherwise specified, al 1, Inspections shal 1

be performed In accordance wl~h the test conditions speclfled in 3.7.

* 4.4 First a rtlcle insnect ion. ~ First

article Inspections
shall corrsistof the
following inspections:

(a) Compatlblllty
,,, ,., review (4.6.1)

(b) Development tests (4.6.4)

(c) Structural tests (4.6.5)

(d) Dynamic tests (4.6.6)

4.5 Itv Con f o r w lrls~ ‘.

The qualltyconformance inspection shall

consist of Naval Acceptance Tests (4.617).


4.6.1 -atlbillty review. In order to Insure compatlblllty of the launching

system provided under this specification with appllcabl.e catapults, the contractor
shall submit preliminary documentation to demonstrate compatibility of the proposed
launchlng system with the applicable catapult and deck hardware no later than sixty
days after award of contract. The documentation shall be submitted to the
addressees of paragraph 6.6. Upon submission of such.documentation NAVAIR may, at
their option, convene a conference to discuss the proposed launching system and
recommend changes if necessary. Subseqttent to approval of the prellatnavydesign
and thirty days prior to submissicwi oi--fina+ approval ~raw~ngs; the contractor

shall resubmit
paragraph, 6.6.
the documentation, updated as necessary,
A. second. conference may be required
to the addressees
at the, option
of NAVAIR to
review the final design for compatibility with applicable catapults. Any changes
required as a result of this conference must be reflected in the final approval

4.6.2 ~. A launch system descriptive

narrative shall be prepared by the contractor and submitted to AIR-551 for approval
no later than 30 days after completion of design. The launch system narrative
shall be a written description, Illustrated as necessary, containing, but not
limited to the followlng components and functions:

(a) Launch bar mechanical, electrical and hydraulic/pneumatic systems

and components.

(b) Normal extension and retract.

(c) Abort/suspend

(d) Emergency retract

(e) Cockptt controls and launch bar indicator system

(f) Holdback and release system

(g) Redundancy/fail safe features.

0 11
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.:,, 4.6.3 .l~tiilure tie . A failuke tie and

effects analysis report shall be submlt~ed on the complete aircraft nose gear
launching system described here~n. The analysis shall cover the eptire cycle of e
operations from hoidback,~bar-bo kup, launch barmtenslon, tracking; catapult
hookup, tensioning, catapult launch, launch bar retraction, to nose gear
retraction. Holdback bar failure, and suspend and abort conditions shall be
included. Both normal and emergency modes of operation shall be covered. The Ft4EA
report’ shall be preparedly the’ cohiir~ctor”and subm”ltted ‘to AIR-551 ‘for approval no
laterthan 30 daysafterJcompTetton40f de~tgn:’: ‘;”-’”’ “ ‘; “ :
,, ,, ,,
4.6.4 Pe elwmnt tests The contractor shall condwct such tests as are
necessary tovdevelop alrcraklaunchlng features and aircraft launching
accessories. Development tests may be conducted at Naval facilities made available
upon request. A report shall be prepared by the contractor and submitted to
AIR-551 for approval no later than 30 days after completion of development tests.

4.6.5 strucmal testi . The contractor shall conduct structural tests on the
aircraft and associated Iaunchimg accessories in orderto verify.that thk nose gear
1aunch system requ! rements of MI L-A-8860 have been complied with.
,. “;
4.6.6 c t- .,. SiMsfactory launching characterlstjcs; Includlng
compatlblll~ with speclf,led, nose gear, launch catapult .systents, shall:be
demonstrated ~n accordance with the requlremant.s of -M

4.6.7 accwce tes& The aircraft launching character,lsttcs,

1auncht ng structural tntegrity, ~aunching accessories, and its compati bl 1 ity with
,dppltcakil~ @takpul@ wtl~ ~testWtdwri~’.acc@pta~e Wialslin acc~dance.with


4=6.E . WbaL.mWi,
- - - ~~ :

..A W ] s c a l e : . h a r $hod mod e l o f t h e launch bar. sbal 1 be

provided to the- NAVAIRENGCENC ode.5143. The model s h a l l , b e that .configuration as
determined durl ng f Inal Naval acceptance test of paragraph 4.6.7.


5.1 . This section Is not applicable to this specification.

,. ,.
● 6. N&s f “’ ~~
(This section contains Information of a general or explanatory nature that may
b e helpful, butls not mandatory.~

6.1 mended W. The requirements specified herein are Intended for use by
aircraft manufacturers In the design of aircraft to provide a nose gear launching
sys tern.

* 6.2 ~ts~tlon r e qu i r - . Acquisition documents must specify the fol lowing:

(a) Title, number and date of this specification.

(b) Issue of DODISSto be cited In the solicitation, and if required,

t h e s p e c i f i c i s s u e of Indlvldual documents referenced (see 2.1.1).

* 6.3 ~. The followlng data requirements shoul

be cons dered when this s~eclflcatton Is acmlled on a contract. The aD~liCable m
Da t a - I t e r n - De s c r l p ton
l s ( D I D ’ s ) s hou l d b e r e v f ewe d I n c on j un c t i on w i t h t h e s p e c i f i c –

,. -.. .,,. ,!,, -;, .! .,, -,s .! .,.

. ,,, ,.

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~ MIL-L-22589D(AS)

acqul St tlon to ensure that only: essent~al data ~ate+ requested/ provided” and that the
DID’s are tailored to reflect the requirements of the specific acquisition. To
1’ ensure correct contractual appl)lcatton ofthe- data”:requirements, a Contract Data
Requirements L~st (DD Form 1423) must be prepared too btatn:’the data, except where
DOD FAR Supplement 27.475-1 exempts the requirement for a ‘DD Form 1423.

,,- , ,. ,., , .
Referertce Paraar~ Nti r DID’ T i t k ted Tai lorlng
,, ,., ,. ,.,, ,,, ... ..,,!
,,, ,.. , -i,,,.!! .,, ,.,$,.,, ,,, ,., , ... $?,r!>.,,
3.4 DI-DRPR-81000 Productdr aw.lngs.wd- : ‘ ~~:- —
assoclated llsts
3.4.1 C$I-DRPR-81 001 ~ceptu~l’’dest~’d~tilwgs’: --
and llsts
3..4.2 DI-DRPR-81002 Dewelopniental design drawings --
and a.ssoclated lists
4.6.1 DX-MISC-80711 Sclentlflc and technical reports --
4.6.2 DI-MISC-80711 Sclent~flc and teciinlcal reports --
4.6.3 DI-R-7085 Failure modey effects, and --
,cr.itlcal ly:analysls report
4.6.4, mlDh4i0809 Testllnspeetion reports ‘“’

The above DID’s were those cleared as of the date of this speciflcatlon. ‘The
current Issue of DOD 5010. 12-L,:Acquisltlon Management Systems .and Data
llequlrements Control List (AMSDL), must be researched to ensure that only current,
cleared DID’s are cited on the DO Form 1423.

6.3.1 ~~n. Serial numbers requ~red by 3.8.1 sha~l be obta~ned from

NAVALRWGCEH. - - ~ ,-. ,- ~~~ -;- ..-,.—r,,7-. —.:!: -.. ,:r .,.. .
CD‘“ * 6.4 ~: .. For, MIL&
“’ qu.ts~tlon,
., .,,

the re.quired,$ortl,ons
:of all
-. ..’

MIL-L-22589 tier reference documents shall be limited to the portion described in

the “Applicability” coluti of Table I in”Appendix A.

* 6.5 Tallorinq. Nhen 141L-L-22589(AS) is tailored In an acquisltfon, Appendtx A

must be ta~lored accordingly. In partlcular,:wtten Appendix A ista~lored, spectfic
attention mustbe given to the chatn:of: refe~nclng.- Forexa@leP’:if ~,,,flr;t tier
refetenc~ docijmimt in MIL-L-2”2589 fs tal’lored’out~ all df;the referenced ocuments
which are tiered to that first tier reference document must also:be ta~lofeil out.

● 6.6 NAV~ and NATC Hhere reference is~de tn this

spectf~cation to NAVAIR correspondence: where required, l’t shall be addressed to:

Naval Air Systems (kxmnand
Code AIR-551 . : ,:
,. ,,
Hashtngton, DC 20361-’5SJ~
.,, ,.. . .. .. .!!. . . . .
Where NAVAIRENGCEN is to be contacted the address shall be:

CXnmnandlng Officer
Naval Air Engineering Center
Code 514 and 54
Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100

‘1 ‘
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Where NATCis to be contacted the address shall be:

Strike Atrcraft Test Directorate o

,. Ii
,, Wde SA70 ~~ “,,..,,+, ,! ’-,... ,:, . ,., ,;,.
Naval A~r Test”&nter”’ ““ “ ““”““
Patuxent River, FK--20670
- . .. ......
6.7 Peflnl’tlons. The fol’Tdiitng”’’rloinenclature””ls to belised when ’ to
shipboard catapult installations, the aircraft’s launching provfslons, and
launchlng accessories., ~ ~~ ~ . : .
t ,.
6.7.1 ~ lcl~.i The load applled’ tothe’dlrcraft holdbaci( fitting. The
loacl results ’frcim the buffing force.dMring deceleration of the aircraft from
taxi-in vel~clty.m orfrom the simultaneous application of catapult tensioning
force, atrcraft full takeoff power, and ship motlort before firing the catapult, or
from the,appltcation of release load. For destgn purposes, the holdback load “H”
shall be as speclfted In MIL-A-8863’.

6.7.2 -se load The maximum load applled to the aircraft holdback fitting
by a~ppllcation of,the~atapu~t..f ?lrlngforcetm add~tlon to the ex’isting holdback
Ioadl . The release load of predeterm~ned magnitude disengages a repeatable release
holdlback bar, thereby allowingthe alrc-raft to be released. For design purposes,
the release load “R” shall be as specified in MIL-A-8863.

61.7.3 “Tra&&. The movement of the aircraft under Itsown power from entry
into the aft section approach ramp, to the hookup condition.
. . ,, ,,,.
6.7.4 “J)uff$ng. “ The &eration, dur#ng tracking, Whfch results im--tiwalrcraft
being decelerated to zero velocity at hookup condition, by the engagem@of the e
$01 dba$k,,wl
tb ....$bbvffmffm ;Jmok.&. the catapult deck harkhmx: . .
,.” ... ,-
‘6.7.5 &up condition . The-condition in which the aircraft is spotted on the
catapult ready for tensioning.

6.7.6 ~. That operation prior to firing the catapult during

which a specified tensioning force is applied to the launch bar by moving the
catapult shuttle spreader forward. Power application may occur before, during or
after tensioning’. , : ‘ :- - “ - “ “ “ ‘ ““ “ -

6.7.7 final te-. That condition in which the tensioning force is act< ng
and full takeoff power is applied to the aircraft, ‘

6.7.8 Wend. A halt in the launch sequence which results from the need to
ascertain whether the launh can be safely accomplished. A susDend condition may
occur at any point from the beginning of ~racking to just prior’to firing the
cata~pult. Aircraft power may be at any level from “Idle” to “full take-off” and
may or may not be reduced during the suspend. If necessary to evaluate the
situ,atlon, the catapult is placed in a safe condition by detensioning the catapult
to disengage the launch bar from the catapult tow f+tting and then moving the tow
fitting forward of the raised launch bar. If it 1s determined that the launch
sequlence can safely proceed, the catapult tow fitting is again moved aft to battery
posi<tion and the aircraft returned to the hookup condition for retensioning.

,.. l:,
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6.7.9 ~bort. That proce’ss following suspend by which the aircraft is removed
from the catapult area. If In a hookup or suspend condltlon, (a) aircraft power Is
reduced; the a~rcraft
~ bldback;~a y:~:s;dfsep~~dfr+
Is-towed a~tby
tw b~fer;
the nose gear launch buffer ‘system, and the
o r : a l t e r p a t e ! y ; ( b ’ ) ” ’ a i r c r a fpowe
t r Is
r e du c e d a nd t h e “ r e p e a t a b l e r e l e a s e ho l db a c k b a r a bo r t me c h a n i sm i s a c t u a t e d t o
e f f e c t r e l e a s e o f t h e b a r from the atrcraft.
. ,.
“’6.7.1’0’” RiilEi@.” ‘The point’in’t!ie”launchlng opet’at’lon’at iihlch the”flnal
tenstontng process has been completed,the catapult ftred arid the catapult tow
force such todi-wngage the repeatable release holdback
bar and effect release,.of the aircraft. “’ ,,,
6.7.11 J ?QW I UM . “’
“.That part of the launch~ng run after release In which the
applled catapult towing force is accelerating the aircraft.

6.7.12 Peck run. That partof the launching run from the end of the power run
to the end of the carrfer deck or the point at which the a!rcraft leaves the deck.

6.7.13 ~. The extent of aircraft travel from release to the end of

deck run. It Is the sumof the power run and deck run.

* 6.8 wect term (ke~rd) llst~na. ‘ :

Bar, catapulting
Catapult, deck hardware


tow fittlkg

~ ~
Ho]dbackflttings . .
Launch bar, axial load
Landl,ng gear system
Tow flttlng
TOW! ng
Shuttle spreader
‘ilhee~ ‘strut system ‘ ~
● 6.9 from pfevlous Issue . The tiarglns of this speclflcatfon are marked
with asterisks to I’ndlcate where changes (additions, modlflcatlons, corrections,
deletlons) from the previous issue were made. Th\s was done as a convenience only
and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any Inaccuracies in these
notations. BI alders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requ~rements of
this document based on the entire content Irrespective of the marginal notat~ons
and relat~onshlp to “the last previous IsSue.
Preparing Act~vity:
Navy - AS
(Project No. 1720-N019)

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1, 441L-L-22589D(AS)

.63 ‘,

fiPPENDIx A’ ~~

.,. ,,..
., .
10 . ,.,,

10 . 1 a Th i s App e nd i x i s a llst of documents referenced tn

M I L - L - 22589D ( AS ) or tiered to documents referenced In MIL-L-22589D(AS). These
documents have thesame status as those referenced directly In
MIL-L-22589D(AS) (first t~er documents). This Appendlxi samanilatory part of
thjs speclficatl:on. The.tnformatbn contained herein is_tntendecl For
10.2 &)Dli:catlon This Appendix \denttflei the appllcab~~ityof the
documents referen~ed tn 141L-L-22589D(AS) or tiered to documents referenced in
MIL-L-22S89D(AS) through the third-tier. Only that portion(s) of a document
l~sted In Table I of this Appendix, and described tn the “Appicabil~ty”
column, ts ;perttnent In the use of MIL-L-22589D(AS). If MIL-L=Z2589D(AS) .iS
t a i l o r e d t n a c qu l s i t l on , t h ! s App e nd~ x mu s t a l s o b e t a i l o r e d . .


20.1 ~ The documents Itsted herein and corresponding applicabtlty

o II
data have been identified
tlerlng are not considered
\nforinatlon. ,.
as required.
All other documents referenced
and may be used for guidance and


d) ,1

TABLE I. Required documents and corresponding applicability data.


First Tier (1 of 16 Documents)

M I L - D - 8708 Demon s t r a t i onRe qu i r eme n t s f o r Re qu i r eme n t s : Lo c a t i on s f o r M I L - L - 22589 ( AS )

A i r p l anes ,, t e s t s , e qu i pme n t d emon s t r a t ~on
Re qu i r eme n t s :Ge n e r a l , c a r r i e r
s u i t a b i l i t yd emon s t r a t i on t e s t s :
Ge n e r a l j c a t a pu l t i ng , c a t a pu l t
a c c e s s o r i e s ,c a t a pu l t s po t t i ng ,
c on t r o l l a b i l i t y ,boo s t o r po k e r
sys t e i ns .
Se c ond a nd Th i r dT i e r s
A l l s e c ond a nd t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o WL - O - 8708 , a r e . f o r gu i d a n c e and information.

F i r s t T i e r ( 2 o f 16 Do c ume n t s )
4 M I L - A - 8860
w A i r p l a n e S t r e ng t h a nd R i g i d i t y ; Re qu i r eme n t s : . Oe f o r ma t i onS , . M I L - L - 2~589 ( AS ) ~
Ge n e r a l $p e c i f f c a t i on f o r g r ound t e s t s , .f l ” i gh t t e s t $ ” . ~
Se c ond T i e r .- . . s
. . w
Downloaded from

M I L - O - 8708 Demon s t r a t i onRe qu i r eme n t s . f o r Re qu i r eme n t s : . Lo c a t f on f o r t e s t s , M I L - A - 8860

A f r p l anes s t r u c t u r a l f l f gh t t e s t s . - ..
M I L - A - 8867 A i r p l a n e S t r e ng t h a nd R f g i d i t y ~ Re qu f r eme n t s : -$ t r u c t u r a l f l i gh t M I L - A - 8860
G r ound T e s t s d emon s t r a t i onp” l a nn i ng c on f e r e n c e ,
s t r u c t u r a l d y n am i c t e s t s , a c c e s -
so r i es . “
The r ema i n i ng s e c ond t i e r r e f e r e n c e s t i e r e d t o H I L . A - 8860 , a r e f o r gu f d a n c e a nd i n f o r n i a t i on .

Th i r d T i e r

A l l t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o M I L - A - W60 , a r e f o f gu i &e a nd i n f o r ma t i on .
e e)
TABLE 1 . Re qu i r e d do c ume n t s a nd c o r r e s pond i ng a pp l i c a b i1 f t y d a t a ( c on t i nu e d ) .


F f r s t T i e r ( 3 o f 16 Do c ume n t s ) ,
M I L - A - 8863 A i r p l a n e S t r e ng t h a nd R i g f d l t y - Re qu i r eme n t s :T a k e o f f , ho l db a c k M I & - L - 22589 ( AS)
G r ound Lo a d s f o r Na v y P r o c u r e d l o a d s , t e n s f on i n , r e l e a s e ,
A i r p l anes m f n i mum r e l e a s e 7o a d , we i h t
d i s t r i bu t i ona nd c e n t e r o !
g r a v i t y po s i t i on s , m i n i mum ,:
c l ea r ance .

Se c ond a nd Th i r d T f e r s

A l l s e c ond a nd t h f r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o M I L - A - 8863 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on .

F i r s t T t e r ( 4 o f J 600 c ume n t s )
M I L - P - 15024 P l a t e s , T a g s a nd Ba nd s f o r I d e n t - Re qu i r eme n t s : A i r c r a f t l o a d i ng M I ~ - L - 22589 ( AS ;
w i f f c a t f ono f Eq t i i , pme n t da t a p l a t e .

Se c ond a nd Th j r d~ j e r s

A l l s e c ond a nd t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t oM I k - P - 15024 , d r e - f o r gu f d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on ;
Downloaded from

F f r s t T f e r ( 5 o f 16 Do c ume n t s )

M I L - T - 81259 T i e down s , A i r f r ame Oe s i gn , Re qu i r e - Re qu i r eme n t s :E n9 i n e r un - ug WE - L - 22589 ( AS )

me n t s f o r restraints, “ - ‘

Se c ond T i e r

M I L - A - 8867 A f r p la n e S t r &~ t h a nd R i g~d l t y Oe s t gn c r f t e r i a ; MXC - T - 81259

G r ound T e s t s

NAYA I R 17 - 1 - 537 A i r c r a f t Se c u r f ng a nd l i a nd l l ng Land based ahd shipboard deck Hlti-T-81259 :

tie-down fftting.


TABLE I . Re qu i r e d do c ume n t s a nd c o r r e s pond i ng a pp l i c a b i l i t yd a t a ( c on t i nu e d ) . ~

NAVA I R Owg . , Ca n c e l l e dw / o r e p l a c eme n t . Eng i n e r un - upr e s t r a i n t s . M I l &T - 81259
9 I 6AS1OO

NAVSEA Dwg . A i r c r a f t Se c u r f ng a nd Eng i n e : L a nd~b a s e d a nd s h i pb , o a r d e c k M I L - T - 81259

805 - 1916300 Run - Up F i t t i ng s t i e down f i t t i ng d i me n s i on a l
r e qu i r eme n t s .

NAVA I R Dwg . F i t t i n As s emb l y , A i r c r a f t Ru f i - Up L a nd - b a s e d ” a nds h i pbo a r d d e c k k i I $T - 81259

993AS1OO T y p e X ! I I L a n~b a $ e d t i e down f f t t i ng . ,.,
Th i r d T i e r ~~ .

Al l t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d wM I L - T - 81259 , a r ~ f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on ,
F i r s t T i e r ( 6 o f 16 - Bo c ume n t s )
o M I L - B - 8511O E a r , Re p e a t a b l @<Re l e a s H
e o l db a c k , Re qu i r eme n t s : De s i gn a nd M I L, - L - 225W ( AS )
A i r c r a f t L a un c t j i ng . . c on s t r u c t i on ,e n v i r onme n t a l , ,+
t emp e r a t u r e , l ow p r e s s u r e , du s t ,
hum i d i t y , s a l t f og , v i b r a t i on ,
r ough u s a g e , op e r a t i ng c h a r a c t e r -
i s t i c s , u l t i ma t e . Qu a l i t a t i v e :
Downloaded from

Huma n e ng i n e e r i ng ,

Se c ond T i e r .

M I L - A - 8863 A i r p l a n e S t r e ng t h a nd R i g i d i t y - Re qu i r eme n t s : 14 i n i mumr e l e a s e M I ; - B - 8511O

G r ound Lo a d s f o r Na v y P r o c u r e d l oad . . .
A i r p l anes

M I L - STO - 1472 HuinanEngfneerfngDesign Criterta Ge n e r a l r e qu i r eme n t s : Human t i d - B - 8511d ~

far Military Systems, Equfpment e ng i n e e r i ngdesign.
a nd F a c f l f t i e s

. ,.,1
e) e
TABLE 1 . Re qu i r e d do c ume n t s a nd c o r r e s pond i ng a pp l i c a b i l i t yd a t a ( c on t i nu e d ) .


M I L - H - 46855 Huma n Eng i n e e r i ng”Re qu i r eme n t sf o r Re qu i r eme n t s : Equ i pme n t s e le c t fon , M I L - B - 85110
M i l f t a r y Sy s t ems , Equ i pme n t a nd huma n e ng i n e e r i ng i n e qu f pme n t
Fac f l i t f es d e t a t l d e s f gn .

Th e r ema i n f ng s e c ond t ~ e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o M I L - B - 85110 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e and i n f o r ma t i on .

Th i r d T i e r

M I L - STL ) - 1472 Huma n Eng~n e e r i ngDe s i gn C r f t e r i a I n f o r ma t i on a nd gu f d a n c e . M I L - B - 85W I

f o r M f l f t a r y Sy s t ems , Equ f pme n t
a nd F a c i l i t i e s

Th e r ema i n i ng t h i r d tier references, tiered t o M I L - B - 85110 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd n f d r r n a t i ono .

F i r s t T i e r ( 7 o f 16 Do c ume n t s )
NAEC Dwg . 607770 De s i gn Re qu i r eme n t sCa t a pu l t i ng Con f i gu r a t i on s , d i me n s i on s M I i . - L - 22589( AS ”
A r r a ng eme n t , No s e Ge a r T y p e L a un c h r e qu i r eme n t s , L a un c h b a r , :.

Se c ond a nd Th i r d T f e r s

A l l s e c ond a nd t h i r d t i e t i , r e f e r e n c e st ,i e r e d t o NAEC Dwg . 607770 , a r e f o r gu f d a n c e . a nd i n f o r ma t i on .

Downloaded from

F i r s t T i e r [ 8 o f 1600 c ume n t s ) ,

M I L - s TD - 130 I d e n t l f l c a t i om?Wk f ng o f U . S+ C t e t a l lm a r k f ng r e qu f r e n i e n t s M I ~ - L - 22589 AS )

M i l i t a r y P r op e , r t y ,’ p a r t s , ma r k f ng i n f o r ma t i on . . .

Se c ond a nd Th f r d T f e r $

A l l s e c ond a nd t h i r d t f e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o - M I L - STO - 130 , i we f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n?on ’ n a t f on~

F i r s t T i e r ( 9 o f 1600 c ume n t s )

t + I L - sm - 970 , Standards and 5peciffcatfons, Order Ge n e r a l r e q@mm t s : General I@-L-22589 (AS}

of Precedence fcr S e l e c t i on o f c oh s i d e r a t f on s .
TABLE 1 . Re qu f r e d do c ume n t s a nd c o r r e s pond i ng a pp l i c a b i l i t yd a t a ( c on t i nu e d ) . “ ~


BY :

Se c ond a nd Th i r d l i e r s

A l l s e c ond and third tier references, tiered to MIL-STD-970, are f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on .

F i r s t T i e r ( 10 o f 16 Do c ume n t s )

M I L - STD - 203 A i r c r a f t S t a t i on Con t r o l s a nd D i s - Ge n e r a l r e qu i r eme n t s s e l e c t i on o f M I L - L - 22589 ( AS )

p l a y s f o r F i x e d W i ng A i r c r a f t c on t r o l s a nd d i s p l a y s , l o c a t i on o f
c on t r o l s a nd d i s p l a y s .

Se c ond T i e r

M I L - C - 81774 ” ‘ Con t r o l Pa n e l , A i r c r a f t , Ge n e r a l Pa n e l l o c a t i on ( s ) ,crew station M I L - s TD - i o3 .

Re qu i r eme n t s f o r p a n e l s a r r a ng eme n t , c on t r o l s ,
c on t r o l a c t u a t i on .

M I L - STD - 1333 A i r C r ew S t a t i on Ge ome t r y f o r Ge n e r a l r e qu i r eme n t s : Location ~IL-sTo-203

Military Aircraft and actuation of controls.
E ,“
Th e r ema i n i r i gs e c ond t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o t 41L - STD - 203 ,a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on .
.i )
Th i r d T i e r 1 ,,
Downloaded from

M I L - STD - 250 A i r c r ew S t a t i on Con t r o l s a nd l ) i s - Ge n e r a l r e qu i r eme n t s : Lo c a t i on M I L - STO : ,1333

p l a y s f o r Ro t a r y M i ng A i r c r d f t a nd a c t Ua t i on o f c on t r o l s .

Th e r ema i n i ng t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o M I L - STD - 203 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on ,

F i r s t T f e r ( 11 o f 1600 c ume n t s ) .

M I L ” STD - 411 A i r c r ew S t a t i on S i gn a l s ~ De ” a t l r e qu i r eme n t s : Wa r n i ng M I L - L - 22589 ( AS )

l i gh t s , a d v f s o r y l i gh t s . ,!
. . -, ;
Se c ond a nd Th i r d T i e r s ;.’
A l l s e c ond &d t h i r d t i e r references, tiered $o~L-STll-411. are f o r gu j d a n c e a nd j n f o r ma t i t i n .
e.— 63 6?3
TABLE I . Re qu i r e d do c ume n t s a nd c o r r e s pond i ng a pp l i c a b i l i t yd a t a ( c on t i nu e d ) ,


F i r s t T i e r ( 12 o f 16 Do c ume n t s )

M I L - STD - 889 D i s s i m i l a r Me t a l s De t a i l r e qu i r eme n t s : M i n i m i z i ng t 41L - L - 22589( AS )

d i s s i m i l a rme t a l c o r r o s f on .

Se c ond a nd Th t r d T i e r s

A l l s e c ond a nd t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o M I L - STO - 889 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on .

F i r s t T i e r ( 13 o f 1600 c u r n e n t s )

NAEC Dwg . 504633 . A i r c r a f t Ca t a pu lt A r r a ng eme n t App r o v a l , i n f o r ma t i on a nd r e v i ew . M I L - L - 22589 ( AS )

D r aw i ng

Se c ond a nd Th i r d T i e r s z
A l l s e c ond a nd t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o NAEC Dwg . 504633 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on . ~
E m
F i r s t T i e r ( 14 o f 16 Do c ume n t s )
NAEC - ENG - 7066 Nume r i c a l I nd e x ( Dwg . L i s t ) f o r As s o c i a t e d d e t a i l ,s p e c i f i c a t i on . M I L - L - 22589 ( AS ) ;
MK1 no s e Ge a r L a un c h Equ i pme n t w
Downloaded from

Se c ond a nd Th i r d T i e r s

All s e c ond a nd t h f r d t f e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o NAEC - ENG - 7066 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on .

F i r s t T i e r ( 15 o f 1600 c ume n t s )

NAEC - ENG - 7481 Numerfcal I nd e x ( D r aw f ng L f s t ) As s o c i a t e d detail specification. M I L - L - 22589 ( AS )

fcw14K2 Nose Gear Launch Equipamt

Se c ond a nd Th f , r d l t e r s

A l l r ema i n i ng s e c c nd a nd t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s, ~< e r e d ‘ A NAEC - ENG - 7481 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a r i di n f o r ma t i on .

.. .
TABL E I . Re qu i r e d do c ume n t s a nd c o r r e s pond i ng a pp l i c a b i l i t yd a t a ( c on t i nu e d ) .


F i r s t T i e r ( 16 o f 16 Do c ume n t s )

AD - 1350 Eng i n e e r i ngO r aw i ng s a nd As s o c i a t e d As s o c i a t e d d e t a i l s p e c i f i c a t i on . M I L - L - 22589 ( As )

Oa t a

Se cond and Th f r dT i e r s

A l l r ema i n i ng s e c ond a nd t h i r d t i e r r e f e r e n c e s , t i e r e d t o AO - 1350 , a r e f o r gu i d a n c e a nd i n f o r ma t i on .

Downloaded from

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m ,, ,,,,,,
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Ti t le . Paragraph No. Page

Abo r t 6.7;9 14
Ac qu l s l t l on r e qu i r eme n t s 6.2 12
A i r c r a f t c a t a pu l t a r r a ng eme n t d r aw i ng s 3.4.1
A i r c r a f t ho l db a c k f i t t i ng ‘“ :
App l i c a b i l i t y ‘5.1’”$’ “ 12
APPL I ~BLE m~N~S ,., ,,.... ‘~o,+
“ Au t oma t ~ c r e t r a c t ~on
3.3;2. ~.2;’ z ‘: ~ ;
Bu f f i ng : 6.7;4 14
Ca t a pu l t t h r o t t l e grip 3.3A3.2.2-. 7
Changes from previous Issue 6.9 15
Classification of inspections 4.2 10
Cockpit controls and components 3.3.3 .;
Compatlbtlity rev~ew 4.6.1 11
Components 7
Consideration of data requirements 6.3
Controls , ;:
Damage 7
Deck run 6.7.12 15
Definitions 6.7 14
Design (Holdback fitting) 8
Design (Holdback bar)
Deslgn9 construction, and installation 3*3 “ :
Design load 3;3>4.Ic3-- ~~~8
Development tests > 4.6.4
Dynamic analysls %1;6 5
Dynamic tests 4.6J6 12
Emergency retraction
Engagement speed . :
Environmental conditions 3.7 9
Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) report 4.6.3 12
Final tension 6.7’;7 ‘“ 14
First article inspection 4:4” 11
Government documents (normally furnished) 2.1
Handgrip ;
Hardwood model 4.6.8 12
Headrest 7
Holdback and aircraft holdback fitting 3.3.4 8
Holdback bar 3.3.1 .5.4 5
Holdback bar 8
Holdback lbad 6.7.1 14
Ilol ddoun 6
Hookup condition 6.7.5 14
Hookup operation 3.3.-1.2 4
Identification plates 3.8.1 10
Indicator device 8
Inttlal tension 6.7.6 14
Inspection conditions 4.3
InspectIon methods 4.6 1:

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$W l e ; , . . . , .,..., ., . . 7 .
. ,. ,. , , ..
. .
No. o -Page ●
, . )8
Instrumented launch and holdback bars 3.3.5
Intended use 6.1 12
Inlterchangeabtll ty
.~a,”nt~.~ar. ~~..? . ... . ., , .,...,. ,,:;.:.2;1 . ... ,.,.,-..., .:
Launch bar clearance 3.3.1 :5.2 I S
Launch bar holddown and retraction device 3.3.2:2 .6
La,unch bar Installation ‘3.3.2
Launch bar retrattlon control system :“ ‘:” ;
Launch bar uplock 7
Launch system descriptive narrative 4.6.2 11
La.unchlng crlterla 4
La,unchlng run 6.7.13 15
La,unch~ng system 3.3. ? 4
Ma,rklng 3.8 9
Ma.terlals 3.1
M~nimumclearance 3.3.1 .5.1 :
Mk”and Mk2 compatibility 4
Naval acceptance tests 4.6.7 12
Nose wheel tires and structure 3.3.1 .5.3 5
NOTES 6. 12
Order of precedence 3
other Government documents, drawings ;::.2 2.
and pub-llcati~s
,Pcnter run , ., ,.
6.7.11, ,
‘“ ‘9
.,, ..,, ’15

Protective treatment 3.1.1
~~~~~~ conformance InspectIon 4.5
Release load 6.7.2
Flesponslblllty for compliance 4.1.1
,. ,:.1 :
Rasponslblllty forlnspectlon
Sellect~on of specifications and standards ;:;
Serial numbers 6.3.1
Spleclftcations and standards 2.1.1
Standard parts 3.2.1
Streamllnlng 2.4
5treamllnlng 6.4
Structural tests 4.6.5
$ubject term (key word) lfsttng
Sulspend ~:;.8
Sulspend or abort retraction 6
Taltlorlng 6.5 13
Tracking 6.7.3 14
Up-dating drawings 3.4.2 9
W+manship 3.9 10 e

.,-, ,---- -.! ’.” .,
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from .! :,: ,.



Pa r a g r a ph No . Title Page

Se c t i on 1 . SCOPE ‘1
1.1 Scope 1

Se c t $on 2 : kPPt’KABIWDOWMENTS ,,.,..,,. ,,,, -,, .,,, .,

2.1 @vernmentdocuments “ ~~ 1
2.1.1 Spectficatlons and standards
2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawings :
and publications
2.3 Order of precedence 3
2.4 Streamlining 3
Se c t i on 3 . REQUIREMENTS 3
3.1 Ma t e r i a l s 3
3.1.1 P r o t e c t i v e t r e a t me n t 3
3.2 Se l e c t t on of speclfl[ atlons and standards
3.2.1 Standard parts :
3.3 Design, construction and Installation 4
3.3.1 Launchfrtg system 4 Mkl and Mk2 compatlb’ llty 4 Hookup operation 4 Engagement speed Launching criterta :- Clearance 5
3.3.1 .5.1 14ifItmum clearance 5
3.3.1 .5.2 Launch bar clearance 5
3.3.1 .5.3 Nose wheel t i r e s a nd structure ,5
3.3.1 .5.4 Ho l db a c k b a r 5 Dy n am i c a n a l y s t s 5
3.3.2 Launch bar installation 6 Launch bar 6 Launch bar holddown and retraction device 6 Hol ddoun 6 Automatic retraction Emergency retraction ‘: Suspend or abort retraction Damage ; Launch bar uplock 7
3.3.3 Cockpit controls and components 7 Controls 7 Launch bar retraction control system Components ; Headrest 7 Catapult throttle grip Handgrip ;
3*3 . 4 Holdback and aircraft holdback fitting 8 Aircraft holdback fitting 8 Des~gn 8

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1 MIL-L-22589D(AS)


Paragraph No. T#tle (! Page

,,! I n c u l c a t o rd e v i c e 8’ Design load Holdback bar :
,,,,....,., ._, ,,,~.:3:4;”71,,. ,. ,,Deytm. .,.,.,...,.... ,,,,,..,,X.,. ... ... .. . .,,.,..,..OK,”-.,”.
....,.-.,....,,!,.. .!! .:,...:.? . ...... , ... ,,,..-
3.3.5 Instrumented Iaunchand ho~dbaclc bars
3.4 Drawings ., . 9
3.4.1 Aircraft catapult arrangement drawings 9
3.4.2 Up-datlngdrawings ~ 9
3.5 Interchangeability ~ 9
Performance 9
::! Environmental condttlons ,.
Markl ng ;
:::.1. Identlflcation plates ‘ 10
3.9 Workmanship 10


4.1 Responslblllty for InspectIon 10
4.1.1 Responslbllity for compliance 10
4.2 Classtficatlon of ~nspections 10
4.3 Inspection conditions 11
4.4 First article inspection 11
4.5 Quality conformance inspection 11
4.6 Inspection methods 11
4.6.1 Co+npatibility revtew --- ~~ 11
4.6.2 Launch system descr~ptlve narrative 11
,, 4.6.3 Failure.npde and effects,analysis 12
(FMEA) report
4.6.4 Development tests 12
4.6.5 Structural tests 12
4.6.6 Dynamic tests 12
4.6.7 Naval acceptance tests 12
4.6.8 Hardwood mdel 12


5.1 Appllcabtlity 12

Section 6. NOTES
6.1 Intended use
Acquisition requirements
::: Consideration of data requirements
6.3.1 Serial numbers
I 6.4 Streamllnlng
6.5 Tailoring

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Paragraph No. Title Page

Definitions 14
::;.? Holcfback load 14
6.7.2 Release load 14
6.7.3 Tracklnq 14
6.7.4 Bufffng- 14
6.7.5 Hookup condition 14
6.7.6 Inltlal tension 14
6.7.7 Final tension 14
6.7.8 Suspend 14
6.7.9 Abort
6 . 7 . 10 Release 1:
6 . 7 . 11 Power run 15
6.7.12 Deck run 15
6.7.13 Launching run 15
6.8 Subject term (key word) listing 15
6.9 Changes from previous issue 15


Appendix A. Streatnllnlng Information 17

Fig. 1 Nose and Main Landing Gear Off-Center Distances 16

f!!!!) 29

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