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Max Elmore



Hands can be a very beautiful thing; they can hold almost anything. They can hold all the weight
of your emotions when you’re writing something, you're passionate about. I feel like hands are
the most under-rated part of the body, they do everything for you, even me typing this, it's my
hands. Hands can be a beautiful thing when handled with care. When drawn you can see the
emotion that they are trying to produce without words. You can see the pain that they've been
through with all the small details on them. What you may see as imperfections, I could see as
marks from a previous battle. Well, they can either be a good thing or a bad thing, they can be
the most predominant part of an argument, or the gentle touch on your face. One of the
downsides of having hands is the person abusing their power. The pain they can inflict onto
6other people can just end up hurting themselves in the end. Having hands can be a burden on
people. They don’t know what to do with them and they end up terrorizing the other parts of
their body.

Hands are a masterpiece that everyone looks over. Hands can be a difficult thing to manage
sometimes. They have a mind of their own, moving when unwanted, bleeding when
unprovoked. Or some hands can be soft and delicate. Like rose petals, or your mothers’ hand
when you are born, wiping the rolling tears down your face. Each hand is different from one
another, they may have similarities, but they are never the same. Like snowflakes, some
drastically different, some parallel. Hands are like the pages of books. They’ve been all over the
place, recording everything in their life. Starting at the beginning of life, fastening onto their
mothers’ hand, hoping to themselves that they can be likewise to their parents.

They can bear emotions to conversations that the mouth has no ability to say. Hands are a
prized possession. They need to be handled with care. Hands can be a guidance throughout life
and a passageway to out passions. If you think about it, everything is hands on. We wouldn’t
know what our favorite blanket feels like if we didn’t have hands. We wouldn’t know what soft
or rough. We wouldn’t know that it feels like to hold someone’s hand without them. Without
hands, we would be nothing.

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