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1)Jazz is a music genre that originated in the

African-American communities of New Orleans,
Louisiana in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
with its roots in blues and ragtime. Since the
1920s Jazz Age, it has been recognized as a
major form of musical expression in traditional and
popular music. Jazz is characterized by swing and
blue notes, complex chords, call and response
vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has
roots in European harmony and African rhythmic

2)7000 Miles (feat. André Ceccarelli, Pierre-Alain Goualch, Diego Imbert)

3)my choice went to this song. this song is by
belgian jazz singer musician- david linx
it's a jazz ballad with, in my opinion, heartfelt lyrics.
this song always holds a special place in my
playlist and in my soul

This photo shows the main instruments involved in

jazz music such as the piano, bass guitar, guitar,
trumpet, and drums.

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