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[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:29:57

Yeah. So you've got to ease that, loosen it up.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:08

The whole world. It seems to have a.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:14

Ages a desire to get rid of the feminine.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:30:27

We without them any email.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:27

Yes, they from the politicians to the governments, to the finances.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:34

It's all that assertive male pushiness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:45

But they do it in an underhanded way.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:30:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:52

Yes, it's a form of black magic, actually.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:02


[Alicia Codas] 12:31:03


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:06

It's a form of manipulation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:12

So from that controlling A in its destructive side.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:31:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:27

It tends to be manipulative.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:37

Yes, I wonder if you can. I wonder if you can each see that in yourselves?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:31:43


[Alicia Codas] 12:31:51

Yes, Michael, in my case I was very manipulating and not yes, manipulative.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:57

Manipulative, huh!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:32:01

Any not to fall in that candidacy to one to money billed.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:02
Yeah, you can see that right?

[Alicia Codas] 12:32:04

Yes, and and I I I am vigilant not to be in that way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:15

Right. You're watching.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:24


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:33

Right manipulating from a from a preset idea and agenda preset.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:51

Yes, when I come to do these these talks with all of you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:33:00

The best place for me to to enter. Our conference is in the feminine.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:33:15

Yes, I'm not trying to push an idea, because that prevents the spirit and my
persona from entering.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:33:24

Hello! So!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:33:33

For example, if I brought a whole script and try to control everything I was

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:33:49

Maybe I I would be motivated by fear of making a mistake or something.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:06

Yes, fear of letting go of the control and and the allowing right, allowing the
great intelligence to come.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:24

Okay, hold on. I have to turn to page 3, and my script.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:33

Yes, where was I, Carlos? Which paragraph?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:34:37

Go to? Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:40

Right. See? It doesn't. And so you might each be coming into your life each day
with with a preset script.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:35:01
But all of this work you're doing is to be able to to be genuine, spontaneous, and
in freedom.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:35:18

Yes, and right, if you're bringing that intellectual agenda.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:35:25

You won't let that happen.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:35:34

When I come to these things I'm I have no idea what I'm going to say.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:35:40


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:35:48

Sometimes an hour before, or maybe I'm talking to beloved Karen, and and I haven't
a sort of idea of what I want to share.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:10

But 99% of the time. No, I.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:21

It has to be appropriate where all of you that are here, many of you are struggling
with things, and so what needs to be said needs to be appropriate.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:42

It needs to be appropriate to your growth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:48

Yes, if it's truly serving you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:55

Oh, if it's serving me, then I'm going to come with some agenda right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:05

But if it's if you are desiring to serve life, you cannot come with a program. A
preset agenda.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:24


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:26

Good, Alicia. I think you're your understanding a little better. Perhaps.

[Alicia Codas] 12:37:31

Yes, Michael. Yes, thank you very much.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:35

And, Alicia. If you, if you at some point want to attract a nice, healthy man, you
need to be able to be in the feminine.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:37:45


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:37:48

[Alicia Codas] 12:37:48
Yes, I know that. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:50


[Alicia Codas] 12:38:00

I am a VoIP I am avoiding. Yes, yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:02

Yes, yes, you're avoiding it right. Well, well, look, you know they, the men of the
world might be polarized in a lot of masculine and denying the feminine.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:24

And if you're walking this path, you you're probably that would not be too exciting
to be with a man that is so polarized.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:45

Yes, that kind of masculinity it it believes it already knows everything.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:57

Maybe it comes here and starts telling me what it's doing.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:39:00

No! No! Hey!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:06

Maybe it's seeking approval, or it wants to be in control.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:15

But those of you who who really want to take a risk and grow.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:27

Just put yourself forth into into the conference without a preset idea or a agenda.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:43

That would be like the spirit of discovery.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:51

Allowing new knowledge, instead of always bringing the your what you already think
you know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:40:05

Just to allow the miracles to happen.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:40:12

Yes, you need to be in the, in the sincerely genuine open.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:40:26

Good Alisia. Thank you, honey.

[Alicia Codas] 12:40:29

Thank you. Michael.

[Alicia Codas] 12:40:38

Go ahead!

[Alicia Codas] 12:41:00

I wanted to share that these days I was working a lot with the I am and they and it
then came to me a lot of ideas and philosophies and personal person personal and
ideas and philosophies.

[Alicia Codas] 12:41:36

And I had to confront with anti-.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:41


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:41:44

Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:45

Alicia. Carlos really knows what he's doing here, doesn't he?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:41:49

Here we go!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:50

He's very spiritual.

[Alicia Codas] 12:41:52

Yeah, one of the things that I realized that I value to do the things by myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:57

Yes, tell us some more, mayestro.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:42:16

Oh, yes, very independent, right.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:42:16

Hey? Yes, yes, but a, and that I ask, and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:42:24


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:42:32

Not only where do I get?

[Alicia Codas] 12:42:33

And I have some values that they they are not too good.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:42:40

Yeah, no, I don't know why I I am, you know, laughing, you know.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:42:50

But I, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:02

So so allow that feminine to come forth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:11

That's your emotion that you're trying to repress.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:13


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:19

Let it go. Let your control. Let yourself be out of control.
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:43:26

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:43:28


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:30

You began this conversation, doing exactly what I mentioned not to do.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:43:38


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:43:41

Here. Sorry.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:45

Well, you're delaying your own progress, delaying.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:55

Yeah, and this is where Alicia Carlos is.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:58

Yes, Michael, I know.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:44:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:11

But it would be better for you to just let it in.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:16

Let it in without having to appear like you have your act altogether.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:30

Yes, this shift for you has been coming for 5 years.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:36

We've been working on this.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:44:40


[Alicia Codas] 12:44:42


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:49


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:56

You are actually most happy when you allow the feminine Carlos.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:44:56

I am late.

[Alicia Codas] 12:45:07

Go ahead!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:07

I've seen that with you you enjoy the spontaneous of what happens.

[Alicia Codas] 12:45:14

No money, that is, I only want to thank you because I am realizing that Michael.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:22


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:31

Yes, less defensive and apprehensive. Right, you say.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:45:35

Yes, Mark.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:37

Yes, it's a question of fear and control.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:45

Yes, remember, in the course we were talking. We're we've been talking about
defending error from truth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:00


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:46:01


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:46:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:07

And exactly the option needs to occur. You need to defend truth and be vigilant of

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:23

To different defending truth.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:46:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:29

And be yes, and observe not. Be loyal to your errors.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:46:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:39

So, Carlos, if you look very closely, all of what you brought forth today is
motivated by certain things.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:57

And just to give you further, it's motivated by certain images, and God has said,
Place no idols before me.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:47:21
There are. There are outer physical forms of idols, and then there are, you know,
ideas, ideologies, idols, images.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:47:22


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:47:42

And to become a more unconditioned being for each of you those idols and images
must fall away.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:00

Oh, you yes, you will all be so much happier!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:10

Humanity in its will, fullness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:18

Yes, it believes that if it brings, if it has control and brings these images that
it will be happier. And it's it's not true.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:37

Yes, place no idols before.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:44

No images.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:48

Learn to come into each moment without a preset agenda.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:01

Yes, let go of the need to control it. It's an artificial need.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:13

You are handing your control over to the indwelling.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:24

Yeah, this is the big evolutionary. It preparation for you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:42

What are you seeing, Carlos? Anything?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:49:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:59

Tell me what the that is. So we can talk. Make sure that we're talking about the
same thing.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:50:15

One on!

[Alicia Codas] 12:50:33

All is about sex and the things of the code.
[Alicia Codas] 12:50:38
The worldly things, and daily that in which and we pull the control.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:41


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:46

Yes, so you you you carry into each moment that agenda of what you're saying.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:50:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:55

The worldly, the sexuality, all of that.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:50:58


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:04

And you're I would imagine your trying to find some fulfillment with those things
you carry them into each moment.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:21

Yes, there's a part of you in being unconscious.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:25

You believe those things will give you what you see.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:51:36

Hmm, yeah, I am realizing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:37

Yes, it's.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:51:44


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:51:48


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:51:54

Yeah. So you take Greg right here.

[Alicia Codas] 12:52:00

Certainly is like. I want to understand all of that. In one moment.

[Alicia Codas] 12:52:17

And sometime it's difficult for me to get those unconscious parts.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:52:31

Yes, but, Carlos, oh, all of these things that you're doing even now, trying to
appear so smart and using and.

[Alicia Codas] 12:52:42

Go ahead!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:52:42

It keeps you away from becoming child like free.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:52:57
Yeah, yes, you had emotion occurring a few times here in this conversation, and you
pushed it away.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:53:15

Yes, in one. In one moment you're saying you want God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:53:20

You want. I'm not sure what you want. Actually, right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:53:30

And then and then the next moment, you you're pushing away the very transation
that's offered.

[Alicia Codas] 12:53:40

I don't want to push more. How can I change that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:53:59

That's exactly where were you today when I spoke 20 min ago about this very topic?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:13

Were you chanting the IM as you were missing the I am you are chanting.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:54:13

Yes, good.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:18

I am, I am, and the I am couldn't even get through.

[Alicia Codas] 12:54:26

Get through!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:54:28

Right? Okay, yeah, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:29


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:32

Couldn't enter.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:37

I am, I am the violet I am. Oh, Pedon Dios! I'm very busy now.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:54:40


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:43

Don't disturb me.

[Alicia Codas] 12:54:47

I am for me was new. When you say that the power of invitation is to.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:54:54


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:54

Yes, that's why I don't use that approach with some of you, but I give it.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:59
It's one of the powers. It's a beautiful thing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:55:03

It's just that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:55:07

It has not produced the kind of transformation that's needed because of the human

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:55:13


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:55:32

Right. It allows the intellect to grab that I am stuffed, and it's all control.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:55:42

And and it's the reverse that needs to occur.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:55:55

Yeah, of course, you are looking to be identified and and give yourself to the

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:56:03

I am. Call it what you want.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:56:14

But the human intellect. Then they just start pushing with all that control.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:56:26

And it is that self that pushes, that actually needs to completely dissolve.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:56:35


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:56:44


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:56:52

So you don't hear me teaching that approach. But a number of you are.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:57:00

Those ideas have been around, but unfortunately they have not produced the degree
of transation that was hoped for.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:57:22

The hope for the transformation that that was hoped for.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:57:32


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:57:47


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:58:10

Or to invite.

[Alicia Codas] 12:58:13

Invite the IM.
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:58:14
I am not sure I am not I would have given that correct, though

[Alicia Codas] 12:58:19

I am not sure if my understanding is correct.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:58:24

That's right. And you've been around how many years. And you're still. You're
coming with your own agenda, Carlos, and learning, and you can be learning much
more quickly.

[Alicia Codas] 12:58:35


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:58:42


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:58:44

They know that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:58:44

Yes, it's valley, this idea. These ideas are valuable for many of you here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:58:56

Yes, it it is the little self that has to ease.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:03

It's managing and controlling.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:12

It needs to to loosen up.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:59:17


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:19

It needs to be less controlling.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:27

The more controlling you are, everyone, the less. Faith you're demonstrating.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:59:41

Okay. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:44

Let me go to the next person, if there is one, and just hold on to your question,
we come back to you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 12:59:51

Okay. Thank you.

[Marina Bellelli] 12:59:58

Tell me good.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:02


[Alicia Codas] 13:00:14

I only I want to to came for I don't know what I came for.

[Alicia Codas] 13:00:21

Come, for!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:22

Good good! That's the best place.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:25

Yes, you're not bringing any preset agenda.

[Alicia Codas] 13:00:31

Sometimes better and sometimes worse.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:34

You just want more of what God has prepared for you.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:00:38


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:42


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:47

So how is your relationship with that man you live with that this is, I'm beginning
to work with you now.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:00:55


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:56

I'm beginning to give you what you want. You have to pay attention.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:14

So okay, that's nice that it's better sometimes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:20

But you need to look closely at why you're struggling with that. Why?

[Alicia Codas] 13:01:25

Hey! What are you to conflict?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:34

What? Well, I didn't say that exactly, but.

[Alicia Codas] 13:01:38

Struggle is. Yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:40

So I want Marina for you to look at.

[Alicia Codas] 13:01:45


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:52

What occurs that makes it pay, or, worse?

[Alicia Codas] 13:01:57

Sometimes I feel that I have to complain him in things that I don't want.
[Alicia Codas] 13:02:27
And I feel inner pressure.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:02:30

Okay. But before you even complain, what's occurring that that compels you to have
to complain?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:02:41

What's occurring? What's coming to you?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:02:58

You know, to to be time with him, to be to do what he wants.

[Alicia Codas] 13:03:02


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:03:10

You know he needs.

[Alicia Codas] 13:03:11


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:03:13


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:17


[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:03:17

Accomplished, accomplished.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:03:25

Hey? Regardless.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:26

Is, is that what you're okay? So what's occurring that makes you feel uncomfortable
with that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:36

What's taking place?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:49

What's the behavior that the Senora of the House is is expressing?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:01


[Alicia Codas] 13:04:17

I feel a dependence to him. I feel dependent.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:23

Okay, you, you feel dependent upon him.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:04:28


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:32

And we're not talking financial in this way. But we're talking emotionally.
[Alicia Codas] 13:04:46

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:48

Okay, and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:56

And you don't like that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:00

Being dependent on him.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:15

Yes. Why?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:05:16


[Alicia Codas] 13:05:23

Sometimes it doesn't annoy me, but sometimes yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:31

The emotional dependence.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:05:35


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:35

And what does that mean? Emotional dependence? You are hoping to have so-called
peace emotionally between you.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:05:58

I feel that sometimes I must.

[Alicia Codas] 13:06:17

And sometimes I think that I have to do things to.

[Alicia Codas] 13:06:25

For for to please. Thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:06:27


[Marina Bellelli] 13:06:28

Yes, and that is no.

[Alicia Codas] 13:06:34

And sometimes is good, but in other times not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:40

Well when it's not good.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:45

The things that you have to do? Are they hurting you?

[Alicia Codas] 13:07:27

I have moved to put and limits not to hurt myself through him.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:35
Okay. Is he still forcing you to go up in an airplane and jump with a parachute?

[Alicia Codas] 13:07:43


[Marina Bellelli] 13:07:50


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:50

No right, but we're talking the intimate things.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:07:56


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:00

We're talking, joining him socially and things you prefer not.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:08:04


[Alicia Codas] 13:08:13

And travels.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:17


[Alicia Codas] 13:08:26

Alive to go out and to go to the oh!

[Alicia Codas] 13:08:35

Shows in the night.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:08:38

Yes, and why not I? I don't like that.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:08:49

We are doing that more lately, because I think I cannot be so so.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:49

Okay. But.

[Alicia Codas] 13:09:08

I think I I don't want to be more to alright.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:09:17

Yes, I try to go on, but not so much in a in a in the middle.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:09:17

It's hard.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:19

Right. Right. You go along with it. You go along.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:28

But really you yes!

[Marina Bellelli] 13:09:41

And we have A.
[Marina Bellelli] 13:09:47
We always have a some in our house, and in one way this is beautiful because we
have a an open house, and much of our friends like to come in our house, and this
is beautiful, but I like in a way.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:10:16

and I don't like in other way, because.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:10:21

Too much for me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:34

Well, it is a good opportunity for you to study humans.

[Alicia Codas] 13:10:39

And people! Oh, my God!

[Marina Bellelli] 13:10:43

Hey? Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:46

And to see what reactions you might have and.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:10:55


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:56

Yes, because.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:00

If you are not vibrating in that way, it would never happen.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:10

There's something there for you, Marina.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:11:13

Yeah, say, yes, I reckon. Yes, yes, I thank you.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:11:21

Now I can see.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:22

What are you seeing?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:11:24

That all that these people bring to me I am, must learn from that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:34


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:39

Yes, to observe, to study yourself and the people.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:11:40


[Marina Bellelli] 13:11:45

Yes, to find.
[Marina Bellelli] 13:11:50

[Marina Bellelli] 13:11:54

Today. Yes, I was talking with them with our friends that came to our house. And
yes, I I think I must find my way in all that. Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:17

Yes, so that's a kind of reflection of you, avoiding your own humanness.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:12:25


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:31

Do you tend to do that?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:12:31

Yeah. Okay, yes, I can.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:37

So you've got to go into the human, but I'm sure you how to approach it.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:12:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:53

I can feel your energy. You want to disappear into the mountains.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:03

Oh, Mikael, I was hoping you tell me something different.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:03


[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:08

No, no, because?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:13


[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:13

Because to be so alone I don't like even that.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:16


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:17

Right, right.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:22

No, I suffer in in that way.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:24

Yes, I don't like.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:25

Yes, to be 2 isolated.
[Alicia Codas] 13:13:26
So for that, yeah.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:28

To isolate.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:33


[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:36

But, Marcos, if the the opposite of me in that sense yes!

[Alicia Codas] 13:13:42

The other extreme. Micro. Wait a minute.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:44


[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:48

Which is what describe the other extreme?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:53

Yes, he always want to be with some friend, and if he he has a lot of friends, and
he always is thinking in some trip with some friend, or to go to have dinner or
lunch with some, and and.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:14:30

And to invite them at our home house.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:14:36

Yeah, we have people inh at house every weekend every week.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:14:43


[Marina Bellelli] 13:14:47


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:14:47

So the universe must know what it's doing.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:14:51


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:14:54

Yes. What would you prefer to be doing?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:15:05

No, I don't know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:08

Oh, but but you must! You must have to know something. What would you prefer to do?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:15

Would you prefer to be in your pajamas, meditating alone?
[Marina Bellelli] 13:15:18
No, no!

[Marina Bellelli] 13:15:24

No, I don't like that. No, no!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:27

What would you prefer to be doing?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:15:29

Well for me to be here in the conference, for example.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:35


[Marina Bellelli] 13:15:35

And I, now!

[Alicia Codas] 13:15:44

For me!

[Alicia Codas] 13:15:47

For me to be here in the conference that, for example, there were in at home here
with me some friends that come to have lunch.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:58

Okay. And then, and you had to.

[Alicia Codas] 13:16:06

And I in in the hour that this began.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:16:06


[Alicia Codas] 13:16:13

I tell them, hey? Bye-bye. I have to go up to the conference.

[Alicia Codas] 13:16:22

And I feel bad to let them.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:16:31

Leave them! Leave me!

[Alicia Codas] 13:16:35

Leave them, and I feel bad, too, if I don't. I'm here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:16:40

Yes. So that's reflecting to you that inner division in you.

[Alicia Codas] 13:16:45

To serve.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:16:45


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:16:54

What's the inner division? What is that?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:17:07


[Alicia Codas] 13:17:09


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:17:12

And masters.

[Alicia Codas] 13:17:14


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:17

God and the world.

[Alicia Codas] 13:17:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:22

That's the division you have in you. It's manifesting.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:17:24

Yes, yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:31


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:34

Marcus is really helping you by kind of presenting, so that you you also embrace
the world.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:17:53

Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:55

God and the world.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:00

They can become integrated, so that you're with people sipping wine.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:06

And you are awake to the formless Christ.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:18:16


[Marina Bellelli] 13:18:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:20

Let me still

[Alicia Codas] 13:18:23


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:25

Yes, you can practice the presence of God in the midst of social activities.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:41

Not one or the other, but to to blend the 2.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:55
So if I were you, I would look at some of the more rigid ideas you carry.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:18:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:09

You know the rules. You might carry rules.

[Alicia Codas] 13:19:13

Hey hey Kenneth, God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:18

God is good and the world is bad.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:26

Yeah, that's an oversimplification. But you understand.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:19:33


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:40

All those people that are in your house. Who are they?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:19:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:51

Well, and who are you?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:19:52


[Marina Bellelli] 13:19:55

Then then.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:19:59

Got it?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:01

And where is that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:08

Oh, the end! The intellect! Now it knows some things. Oh!

[Marina Bellelli] 13:20:15

Everywhere is that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:18

Yes, now can you be come? Can you gain the consciousness of that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:26

Not just the intellectualness of it. Right?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:20:28


[Alicia Codas] 13:20:29

I would love, I would love this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:33

Yes. Can you be sipping wine and and realizing?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:41

Oh, I am in this consciousness that's inclusive of everything.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:55

Yeah, right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:01

Can you go on the trips with Marcus, and every step of the way you are entering
that communion with the fallless?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:33

Right. You don't feel the division.

[Alicia Codas] 13:21:33

And I would. Yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:37

Right. There is no division. There's a absolutely none.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:21:38


[Alicia Codas] 13:21:42

Hi! And this I don't want to lose.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:21:47


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:49

Yes, something different occurs here with us like this versus, maybe some social
activities that you have. Okay.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:22:08

Hey Sean!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:08


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:14

Yeah. So when we have something like this, you choose this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:23

But we don't have this all the time.

[Alicia Codas] 13:22:26

Hey? Anthony!

[Marina Bellelli] 13:22:26

No yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:28

Yes, every every weekend. You have people, but maybe we're here for 2 h today we
will be, what time is it?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:38


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:46

Right? Right? Maybe 40 more. Minutes.

[Alicia Codas] 13:22:49

Alright alright yourself! They don't ask me.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:22:50

Yes, but now they left. I don't have Harry to go.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:55

Right, right.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:22:59


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:59

Right? Okay, yeah.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:23:02

Yes, but I will see them again. Yes, okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:23:06

Yeah, yes. When you see them, tell them, tell them sorry. I was just talking with
the Creator of this universe.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:23:20

I wonder if you said that completely, seriously, what would happen?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:23:35

They don't ask me, they the because at home and they it came.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:23:55

That's all. No, they don't ask anymore.

[Alicia Codas] 13:24:08

They are! Oh!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:24:16

The couple with 2 2 sons, 2 children.

[Alicia Codas] 13:24:19

A couple of okay. And they went. When they wake up, woke up.

[Alicia Codas] 13:24:24

They saw me writing and.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:24:30

But instead, when I stay alone with one of the children.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:24:47

He asked me a lot what I am doing, what I do in the in the week. I told him
something, and he asked, yes.
[Alicia Codas] 13:24:53

[Marina Bellelli] 13:25:06

But not he doesn't ask too much, but a little.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:25:11

He asked.

[Alicia Codas] 13:25:16

The he asked some not not too much, but comparing with with her, with his parents.

[Alicia Codas] 13:25:28

He was asking.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:25:30

Okay, you're talking about a younger person.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:25:35


[Marina Bellelli] 13:25:37

Yes, 20 years old.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:25:41

And and what about all those old people that come around you?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:25:51

They don't ask. I sometimes I say something, but they don't ask, and then I
stopped, and then I stopped.

[Alicia Codas] 13:25:52

I will!

[Alicia Codas] 13:25:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:03

Do? Do they tell you about what they're doing?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:26:06

Yes, yes.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:26:10

I ask them. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:12

Yes, and and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:18

Why not tell them about what you're doing? Not waiting for them to ask?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:26:28

Well, some things. I told him them.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:26:35

For example, this morning I told him that hey?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:26:56

I had a conference this last right, and that was, if we for.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:27:01


[Alicia Codas] 13:27:07

And it was, is so revealed for me.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:27:13

For me!

[Alicia Codas] 13:27:28

And I was writing in my in my journaling with the all that revelations that I

[Marina Bellelli] 13:27:38

And what, and stop the I stop there then, because they don't.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:27:45

I don't see in them the interest to for that.

[Alicia Codas] 13:27:50

Hey! Hmm!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:27:50

That's but that's yes. You don't see the end.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:27:56


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:01

I'm not suggesting that you be responding to them.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:06

I'm suggesting that you'd be acting in you.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:28:11


[Marina Bellelli] 13:28:16

I don't. I really understand.

[Alicia Codas] 13:28:21

And , notice, okay?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:25

It will take confidence. Everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:33

You need confidence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:38

Yes, we've been doing this a while, and well, I might as well tell you my thought.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:03

You, you all must become better.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:08

Representatives of what we're doing.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:17
Your misrepresenting, and it's causing a problem, I'm told.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:30

Yes, you don't know how to to talk about what you're doing, and you you're ashamed
and embarrassed about what you're doing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:47

Yes, what will it take? If, for example, for Marina to to to sit with a glass of
wine and say, Do you want the existence of the universe is right in front of you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:01

Could you tell those people that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:15

Yes, because you are more you are. You have more knowledge than they do.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:23

They don't even know the question to ask.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:36

What if, Marina? I never did a lecture, and I just waited for you to ask me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:47

And you never learned anything that I'm giving. You would not know what to ask.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:01

I would wait for you.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:31:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:07

Even now, most of you, you don't know what to ask.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:17

Right, wasn't it said to everyone, ask, and you shall receive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:23


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:30

You must understand how to ask everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:36

But it, but at the same time, Marina, we're talking about you, not asking, or
perhaps asking, the people stimulating.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:46

There their existence. You, stimulating their existence, will take confidence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:59

I'm not. I'm not suggesting you speak in a dogmatic way.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:32:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:10

Yes, my friends, do you not know the adjuster lives in you?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:32:11


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:15

Huh! Who?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:32:15


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:21

But because you are each not not communicating, not representing things. It's been
very difficult to expand this work.

[Alicia Codas] 13:32:39


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:48

Yes, many of you. You're blocking the opportunity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:52

That's what I wanna say to you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:59

You are, you are betraying what we're doing because you're not understanding how to
represent things.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:13

And so this, which is a very good thing for humanity, and there are many that are

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:28

But you must understand how to represent things.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:37

If people have a preset idea, they.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:41

If you talk dogmatically, they already have a preset opinion.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:02

So you need to learn how to present things, not through the the already known

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:17

Because these things are the answer to what? What the human beings are looking for.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:24

But but they don't expect it to be in this way.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:34:29


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:38

They are all starving to death.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:47

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:52
Yes, Marina, what kind of wine is this? That we're drinking?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:57

It's very tasty.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:35:08


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:11

No, what kind I'm asking you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:16

It's a red wine. It's a red wine from.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:35:16

Hey? The red wine and the Malbeck maybe.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:22

Yes, okay, Malbeck, right? Argentina makes a lot of wines.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:35:24


[Marina Bellelli] 13:35:28

Argentina makes a lot of wine, good wines.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:30

Yes, we get them up here.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:35:33


[Marina Bellelli] 13:35:37


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:37

Yes, Marina, it's a good wine.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:41

I like this.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:35:42


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:44

Now, what do you say to me? I'm in your house.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:48

I'm socializing.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:36:05


[Alicia Codas] 13:36:10

I said to you that at night. It's nice.

[Alicia Codas] 13:36:15

Think about all one to have here this wine in the process.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:23

No, Aliceia, not exactly English.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:36:27

Hey? He said, Michael. She said that it wouldn't be very nice to see or to

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:36:36

What are the implicants? Yes, to produce the wine?

[Marina Bellelli] 13:36:44

All that is behind that wine to arrive at that point.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:36:46

Yes, yes, yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:49


[Marina Bellelli] 13:36:50

When it's good, is.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:37:01

All the people, all the like.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:03

Oh, everything that everything that must come together to produce this wine you're

[Marina Bellelli] 13:37:11

Yes. Yeah.

[Alicia Codas] 13:37:12

Oh, okay.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:37:16


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:18

Oh, yes, very interesting. What you say, senora. Tell me something more.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:37:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:30

Now, can can you make all the outer things?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:36

Just a metaphor for the inner existence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:48

Yes, oh, yes, all the things that!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:54

Came together to produce this wine. Oh, yes!

[Alicia Codas] 13:37:58

Okay? Yeah. Who?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:03


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:06

What, what they're really, what they are really reflecting upon is all the things
that came together to produce their existence.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:38:07


[Marina Bellelli] 13:38:16


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:27

Everyone is looking for connection, meaning, understanding.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:38:33

The balls, the balls! Oh!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:42

Yes, oh, interesting, Signora, all the things. Yes, okay. Now, now, that's an
opening for you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:52

To speak truth, Marina, have the to speak truth.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:39:16


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:16

Yes, the courage to speak your mind.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:20


[Alicia Codas] 13:39:21

Yes, I I I would say that everyone put our oh, oh, our own qualities or.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:23

But not in in a stupidity of fanaticism, but in a sharing of the joy of existence.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:39:34


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:40

The reason you're not enjoying your time, Marina.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:45

During those moments is because you are. You're not sharing what is meaningful to

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:02

You're hiding. You're hiding.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:07

All of you. You're all hiding, and and you are lacking confidence, and you're
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:21
I say unto each one of you, Thomas, before the clock strikes 3, you shall betray

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:29

Deny me 3 times.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:39

That man. Oh, I don't know him. I have nothing to do with him.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:47

Oh, those ideas! No, I don't believe that ideas!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:54

Yes, so many of you. You must grow. You must act with more confidence, but not

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:10

Oh, Sixora! Yes, this wine! Yes, I like what you say.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:15

All the things that had to come together to produce this wine, and allow me to sip,
to drink this wine.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:35

What would you say to that, Senora Bellle?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:42

How can you bring forth your what's valuable and meaningful to you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:49

Into your social setting.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:41:58


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:06

Tell me!

[Marina Bellelli] 13:42:15

Oh! In the!

[Marina Bellelli] 13:42:19

Our own.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:42:22

Yes, our own, given in this.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:42:32

I go. I our own.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:45

I don't know what you're saying.

[Alicia Codas] 13:42:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:51

I. I need some more wine, maybe, to understand that I'm drunk.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:00

Exactly. How will you? How do you know how to each of you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:07

Everyone here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:09

It's intended that you bring an invite in 2 or 3 people in your atmosphere.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:24

But you're hiding. You're judging them.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:28

You're judging what you're doing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:39

You judge them that they don't want to hear about it, but it's your responsibility
to convey it in a certain way.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:44:00

Hey? Thank you.

[Alicia Codas] 13:44:00


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:00


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:05

Yes, to to present it in a way where your communication can reach them.

[Alicia Codas] 13:44:14


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:21

But in arrogance. Everyone you judge the people. You think they are too stupid to
understand, or they're not interested, and is not necessarily true.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:44

You must learn to communicate with others to reach them.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:44:47


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:55

Yes, and you need to be confident.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:44:58


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:03

Yes, Marina confident. Right.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:45:04


[Marina Bellelli] 13:45:05

And yes, that I have here. Yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:12

You have a terrible fear. Everyone that that they're going to judge you. Their
little self, which is unreal, is going to judge you.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:45:14

Yes, yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:33


[Alicia Codas] 13:45:39


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:42

Yes, everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:47

Normally in a community such as ours, it can only grow.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:56

One heart reaching another.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:09

Yes, is very important to attempt to to open the door to reach humanity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:23

There's a vision that wants to to expand here, and it cannot, because,
unfortunately, you are okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:35

I just say it. You know you each are way too cowardly.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:50


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:46:50


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:46:56

More Giles here!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:58

Yes, Margie Marina, we're good for the moment.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:01

Yes. Okay. More gill.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:47:02

Yes, yes, we can thank you.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:47:06

Reaching out to others. So I found that they go all we've been warned about this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:13


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:47:13

The false profits. And so you!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:16

Yes. And what do you think about that? What do you think about that?

[Alicia Codas] 13:47:18

Okay, Carlos, can you continue?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:47:23

Okay, okay, I will try. Yeah.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:47:24

I try to tell them that it doesn't make any sense.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:47:29

This man is doing everything for us nonprofit.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:47:34

I will not be able sorry.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:43

That would not be the best approach. Yes, I'm to be included in it, but it's but
I'm not asking you to lead with this man type of thing.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:48:01


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:06

I'm asking you to. I'm asking you to lead with an engaging idea.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:21

Yes, there may come a time, they say. Who's telling you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:25

Then you talk about a man that's fine, but the idea will is more important to
engage them initially.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:49

Now Carlos more. Gil. Does Coca-cola.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:53

Do you think they have a few receptive people in the world?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:58


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:49:04

Oh yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:05

Pepsi, Pepsi, Coca-cola!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:08

They have a lot of drinks right? They have a lot.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:15

They have a lot of customers and potential customers.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:20


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:26

I'm telling you. Yes, they have. They present it in a way that's appealing.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:49:26

A terrific sales, staff.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:40

Yes, Coca-cola, it will kill you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:43

But you'll enjoy it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:51

Do they present it like that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:56

No, I don't think so. It is inviting people into an idea.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:49:59

Go ahead. Absolutely. The main thing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:08

If someone is still more. Gil, do you say, Mr. Coca-cola?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:14

In 1841, he and and they're thirsty.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:19

Just give them the Coca-cola.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:31

Yes, the Coca-cola. It satisfies their thirst.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:36

These ideas will begin to satisfy the thirst.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:52

Yes, you!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:55


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:50:55

Okay, I'll have to work on my approach.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:03

Who are you talking to, for example?

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:51:07

Well, your ranch a bunch that are in the area.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:11

Okay, your ranch, a bunch and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:17

This is a study group in Arizona.
[Morgiel Morgan] 13:51:21
Yes, and a.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:23

And how are you there? Are you attending the study group?

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:51:27

I had in the past.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:30


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:33

And when you talk to them with, if you go to their zoom conference or or physical,
you know their physical study group.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:45

Whatever. What do you say?

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:51:59

That I've discovered Christ. Michael!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:01

Oh, very good. That's gonna go over very well. You've discovered Christ, Michael.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:52:09

Available for everybody.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:09


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:14

Not not the best approach? No, no!

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:52:17


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:22

That's the that's being a follower.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:52:22


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:31

I want you to be more.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:37


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:44

Yes, more. Gil, do you see that in the study groups?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:51

Probably there's not much spirit, and they are just mentally reading.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:55


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:08

Are they hungry? Are they still thirsty?

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:53:12

Yeah, they're following up a chandler.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:17

Following a channeler who's channeling? Probably someone from the super universe.
Something silly like that.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:53:25

Yeah. Calls himself Gabriel of Urrenchia.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:30

Oh, even better. Yes, yes, I know who you're talking about.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:53:35


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:39

So I will tell you that that is a cult.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:53:46

That's what I got out of it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:49

Yes, I, that is not Gabriel of Salvington, he says, Gabriel, of your all of that
he's he's just confused, but they are following that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:07

You see the problem?

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:54:08

Yeah, and he is losing some of his followers.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:10

What do you see?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:15


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:54:16

Oh, he's lost! Some of his followers!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:19

Okay, he's lost some of his followers. Then.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:54:23

Hmm! Including me. I used to go there just to have somebody to read your answer
book with on Sundays.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:30


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:35

And why not continue?
[Morgiel Morgan] 13:54:43
They don't seem receptive, but that's probably my fault.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:49

No, why not?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:53

Why do you still go there? Do you still enjoy it?

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:54:59

No, I'm enjoying my time with you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:03

Right. You found something a bit more truthful.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:55:07


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:10

And those people, those people, are following something that is not exactly the

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:55:19


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:55:24

Okay. And I have a neighbor I've approached, and he invited me to his.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:55:31

I guess a Bible study and I'm thinking that I should actually go and listen.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:55:38

Have a chance, maybe to.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:38


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:40


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:48

And without even mentioning any person here or any organization. I want you to
mention what you are becoming.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:59

I want you to speak about the fruit that they're all starving for.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:24

The people that are thirsty for Coca-cola.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:28

They don't care about who invented it, who brought it forth?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:32

They don't care.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:56:33

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:40
Maybe they're interested much later in that.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:56:47


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:48

They would love to drink a Coca-cola.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:56:57

Thank you. That's the kind idea I was looking for.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:00

Tell me what you understand.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:57:01

But yup!

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:57:06

To explain what's actually going on in me and what I'm learning and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:10

Yes, yes, you are the representative. The fruit is blossoming upon you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:28

And you won't get any resistance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:35

Oh, tell them you are in a Sunday conference with Jesus Christ.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:41

You wanna get resistance to approach it that way.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:57:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:55

But if if you share, if you but share with them what you are, what you are
receiving, the fruit of your existence, and no one, no one, will resist you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:10

They all want the same.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:58:23

Thank you very, very much.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:25


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:58:27

Hey, Shiva, I go!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:29

Yes, don't look, of course our my person here. I have taught all of you many

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:37

My person here, and you call upon the comforter. Okay, that's a that's that is a
simultaneous thing.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:46
But what you're learning is coming from a man.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:58

Yes, a man that is at one with something greater. Right? You know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:07

But so so at some point, that is part of the whole process.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:15

But I wouldn't lead. With that I would lead with what you are finding inside of

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:36

Yes, you cannot take the organization away, or the person that I am, because you
didn't come to these ideas completely on your own.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:02

Yes, so it's not a self-help movement where you're coming to your own conclusions.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:16

But you cannot lead with those things, because that brings up the most fear and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:32

But again, no resistance will come to you. Everyone, if you begin to live.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:40

These ideas, and you produce the fruit. Everyone will be jealous of you in a good

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:06

Mr. Morgill. So you're here in this Uranja group, and what what are you do?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:13

What do you do with your time? What are you learning? What are you becoming?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:26

Now you can share what's what you are discovering for yourself.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:01:39

That there's a great piece within, if you just allow it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:44

Wow! That is much more powerful, and brings me to tears, much more.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:51

Than talking initially about Christ, Michael Salvington. That just what you said.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:01:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:01

You said it better than I could ever say it.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:14
You will get no resistance. With that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:21

No, you will make people really ponder and think, and be a little jealous, and say,
Oh, if he can do it, I want to know how.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:40


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:45

Yes, but then the next thing you say should not be well, why don't you join and
come to a no, don't do that either.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:02:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:03

Right. Of course you all understand that the commitment to your education in this
it has to be there, but but you need to learn how to present these.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:17

Ideas without talking organization, and Christ Michael immediately. That will not
win that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:39

Wow! Wow! Margie, are you telling us there's a piece that's from within.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:48

If we only allow it. You know I thought I was allowing it, but really I'm not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:55

I'm struggling more gill right, they might say.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:11

What are you doing? What are you doing inside?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:16

Your is what the question is, you know.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:04:18

It's a single tomorrow again. What is, you know?

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:04:24

It's simply the recognition of the truth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:29


[Morgiel Morgan] 14:04:30

That surrounds all of us.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:33

Okay. And and what do you mean by the truth?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:38

Right. They're asking even further.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:42


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:45

Yes, if there you're at you mean the adjuster within you mean God within.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:56

Yes, but we pray, and we do that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:00

But when if I'm being honest, right as one of these people, they might say, but but
we're not, we're not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:08

We're not obtaining the fruit. We're not getting there for some reason.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:23

And you are saying more, Gil, that you are, you're able to get to that piece. Is
that right?

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:05:34


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:40

Wow! Can you tell us one idea of yours? Right? Speak everyone in terms of ideas and
understandings of how to approach all of this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:52

That's what you're learning here. The the the eternal way of approaching all of
this, so that you produce the real fruit.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:02

That's all.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:12

And and we have more thirsty customers. Then Coca-cola, Pepsi, and a 1,000 other
soft drink companies.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:24

Every human is a customer.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:34

Yes, they just.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:38

But many. They don't realize that they're thirsty.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:49

What are you doing more, Gil? Can you tell us one thing to help us?

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:07:04

Recognition of all life but my breath, everything I see, everything.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:07:11

I feel all comes from the same place.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:16

Wow! Right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:28

Yes, beautiful. And the way your expressing it is non dogmatic, not the jester, and
all these terms, but just a very organic thing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:51

Okay, more, Gail. So tell us you said, recognizing. Did you say?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:03

Recognition. Is that what you were saying?

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:08:05

Yes, comes from within.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:10

Recognizing, reckon recognition of what's within us, you say within me. Is that
what you're saying?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:08:11

I love Michael. Sorry.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:08:27

And that it's available for everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:31


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:35


[Morgiel Morgan] 14:08:36

And there's a problem that comes with that. If you use it with immaculate purity,
it'll spread like a beautiful garden.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:08:46

And if you don't use it, it receives from you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:49


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:52

Yes, it. There's a what did you say?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:55

There's a a process or a.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:02

Can you say a little more?

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:09:05

The recognition of what is pure and within us all.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:14

The recognition of what's pure and within everyone.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:09:14

If that's it.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:09:18

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:09:22
It wants to grow like a garden.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:24

It wants to grow like a garden. Beautiful!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:33

Yes, and if you don't spend the time recognizing it, it recedes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:39

You said right. It goes apparently further away.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:09:40

Correct. Yes.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:09:50

It seems to dial off if you don't.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:56

Yes, you might say everyone. The connection with that, the awareness of that it

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:03

It seems to go further away unless you invite it, unless you give your recognition,
and all of that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:25

And then everyone. What's more, Gill said, and then you step back and you just

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:32

Let them come to you towards you. Don't flood them with a whole lot.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:38

But but what more Gil said was perfect plenty, and then listen.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:58

Yes, they're thirsty for the Coca-cola, but if you give them 10 bottles you're
going to choke them.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:13

Yes, so initially. They're thirsty. You satisfy their thirst.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:19

But if if you don't approach this correctly, you give them too much, then you turn
a good thing into a bad thing.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:11:48

Yes, I.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:48

Yes. So you have to be sensitive that they're digesting what you're sharing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:54

The little bit initially. Please tell us, Margie.

[Morgiel Morgan] 14:11:56

Yes, yes, if you get who gush you, which is easy to do in your enthusiasm, do you
see them back off?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:03

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:05

Yes, that's a kind of fanaticism. It's it feels unsafe.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:28

Yes, you need to be everyone confident, but not arrogant.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:42

Straightforward and simple, but not fanatical.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:50

And you need to know when to shut up and let them digest, drink.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:56

The Coca-cola instead. You're going to kill them.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:08


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:11

Yes, they're a little thirsty, and you deliver to them with your so-called passion
a dozen bottles of Coke.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:21

They cannot digest that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:35

Tell us, Margie.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:43


[Morgiel Morgan] 14:13:45

Well, thank you. I've got stuff I can work on now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:53

Beautiful Margie. Thank you. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:07

This work, these ideas, the school it wants to extend right, extend every one.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:23

Apparently I'm showing you how to extend existence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:29

The ideas of it, the ideas.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:14:31

Yeah, but I think many user in frame of then they're like, see?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:39

Yes, in most situations you might extend it just by your loving heart.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:14:39

Tens. Yeah, he there!
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:53
But there are those times when you can share the ideas.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:06

With confidence and and a sense of well-being inside you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:21

Good Margie, thank you. Who else?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:15:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:33


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:15:42

I am being blank. I am. Yeah.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:16:04

I have a lot of question how to assume the responsibility, to co-operate with you
and ask you here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:13

Right, right you each. You don't want to be a a hindrance to the expansion of these

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:16:26

I don't know. I don't remember. Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:31

An obstruction.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:16:33

Hey? However, I can't, Michael. I however, I would like to know how I have to focus
on that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:03

Yes. Well?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:08

What is one of the fruits that that are blossoming within you?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:17:17


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:22


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:17:34

I find more calm.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:17:54

And I feel better with my family. I don't feel so anxious.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:59

Yes, you feel more of a wellness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:07

You're becoming healthier. Emotionally, mentally.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:11
Maybe physical. I don't know.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:18:19

Yes. Michael C.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:18:27

Yeah. Then.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:18:32

I have. I feel like great difference in the 3 aspects you know you have mentioned.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:38

Right? Right? That's everyone is searching for that.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:18:53

For the Year Search Important.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:19:09

I have a review seat there, which I which I pray with Sarah, and sometimes she is
asking me.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:19:19


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:19:27

And she's always saying that she doesn't have zoom, and she doesn't know how to

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:36


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:19:57

And he always asking me questions about.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:20:11

He's asking about you, Michael.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:12

Yes, and.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:20:17

But she's becoming curious.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:20

Yes, terrific. Now, what? How will you respond?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:20:24

The approach would be, the things I am enjoying to be in more calm.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:35

No, Ramona. No, no, I've been just telling you not to do that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:48

I've been telling you. You need to know how to present some ideas.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:04

But initially to present the fruit, and then give them one idea that is helping the
fruit to ripen.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:21:55

To to be more steel, etc.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:03


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:22:05


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:09

Now, what do you tell her?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:22:11

Oh, my! One of the things also!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:15

Oh, oh, I I want some of those things right.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:22:28


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:32

I see? Yeah, yes.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:22:50

I will tell her. And also she perceiving me, that transformation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:57

And do. Do you care about her?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:09

Would you? Would would you like her to to be able to have a better life?

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:23:22


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:23

Then then you have to learn how to present these things.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:23:28

Yes, I have to learn. It's true.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:38

Well, you've already been learning.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:44

You tell her your more calm and all of that. Then she says, Oh!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:56

Now, what do you tell her?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:23:58

I I would say to her that if she would like to lay there the idea to taste the new

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:25

Oh, that's probably poison! Ermana!
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:24:28
Where's that to get to?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:34

What do you mean? The new wine?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:41


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:43

Give her!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:46

An idea how she can have more peace, how?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:05


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:25:11

To get in touch with herself. I haven't learned review that Michael.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:15

No, but Ramona to get in touch with her.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:26

The that's not telling her anything.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:25:26


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:25:30

Yes, I don't get the idea, Michael.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:33

Right. This. It's a nice idea that belongs up in the clouds.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:47

To get in touch. Oh, thank you very much, Ermana.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:52

I'm going to go get in touch with myself now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:54

Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:02

How does she do that? How do you do that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:12

Now you have to be able to to give her a few sips of the Coca-cola.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:32

What would you tell her?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:37

Right. That's yes, that's where most of you are getting stuck.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:26:52

Okay, just get a robot space.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:54

How are? How are you getting in touch? How are you getting in touch with yourself,

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:27:00

Almost they connect that ticket. A.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:27:18

Where to zoom. I said, to do my inquiry, why I had so much anxiety.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:31

So you use the principle of inquiry.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:36

The power of inquiry.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:27:39

I I will show. I would show her if she asked me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:45

Armana, that sounds good. How do I do? Inquiry?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:59

Can you help me?

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:27:59


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:07

What does that mean? To inquire?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:14


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:18

Now, what do you say?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:29

Wait a minute, wait!

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:28:29

I can.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:39

No, no, no, no, no! In a 100 years she'll ask you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:28:44

And I was saying that I show her.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:48

She's already saying, How do I do? Inquiry?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:03
Everyone. Can you see that you use the masculine assessment?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:11

For in the wrong way, and then you don't use it when you need to use it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:32

Yes, she's asking you, Ramona, what about inquiry?

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:29:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:56

Okay. Show me Ramona.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:30:00


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:06

Ramona. You want to dance on the ballroom floor, but you have to step on the floor.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:17


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:22

Yes, so so!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:29

What do I do? Inquiry?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:42

Wait! I don't know anything of what that means, not the Spanish.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:52

The concepts of it.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:31:02

Getting that a few.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:03

Yes, you're speaking to dogmatically. You're not communicating.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:13


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:16

You're introducing the concepts. It's all about you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:23

You must reach them.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:31:25


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:33


[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:31:35


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:38

Can anyone help Ramona here? Anyone?

[Neni] 14:31:50
And then there's Yup!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:01

Wait! Wait! Outoria's circumstance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:06

Oh, I'm scared now I'm leaving.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:13

What's that? Circumstanceia? What is this?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:22

Yes, I'm teaching it in a structured way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:27

So it's a little bit dogmatic, but I want you to convey it just in the most natural
way from your experience.

[Alicia Codas] 14:32:39


[Alicia Codas] 14:32:52


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:56

So, Nanny, try again.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:32:59


[Neni] 14:33:00

[Neni] 14:33:08

[Neni] 14:33:11
Would you like to understand?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:33:15


[Neni] 14:33:19
The cows is their original. The regions of.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:23

What what originally causes, what?

[Neni] 14:33:25
Okay. I'm.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:32

What about inquiry?
[Neni] 14:33:35
Yeah, but I'm trying to introduce the inquiry about try.

[Neni] 14:33:40
I am trying to bring the concept that first is to understand.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:42

What do you do know you're in your mind, Nanny, go into your heart.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:53

Inquiry, and you are. You are feeling better in your life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:58

Yes, Nanny.

[Neni] 14:33:59

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:33:59


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:00

And you said something about inquiry or journal. I don't know what that means.

[Neni] 14:34:03

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:10


[Neni] 14:34:11

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:15

What do I do? What do you do?

[Neni] 14:34:17

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:34:17


[Neni] 14:34:22
Alright, to understand!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:25

You right in. You have a blog.

[Neni] 14:34:30
No, it's a personal. It's a personal.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:32

Where do you write?

[Neni] 14:34:40
A paper or notebook, a personal space for me to write only myself, to see.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:43

Okay, I can do that.

[Neni] 14:34:50

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:50

Yes, I can do that. And and what do I write?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:01


[Neni] 14:35:04
To. I write first. I write my emotions, I to understand what is moving there inside
of me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:10

Moving there. What moving there I don't understand moving there.

[Neni] 14:35:12

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:16

Emotions. Maybe I understand moving there. What moving!

[Neni] 14:35:20

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:35:20


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:27


[Neni] 14:35:30
First I write my emotions, my feelings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:35


[Neni] 14:35:36
Umhm it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:43

Okay, what does that mean? I write my emotions.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:54


[Neni] 14:35:56
For me to understand what I'm feeling, so I write so I can start seeing, to
understand, to go, to explore.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:07

Oh, oh, really, that will need a difference. I don't understand the connection, but
but I trust you.

[Neni] 14:36:08
What is there for me to see? Uhhuh? What else is there?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:21
I need to write, to see, to explore, to understand.

[Neni] 14:36:30
Yes, to.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:31


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:33

That will help me. Really I had. I had no idea that would help me.

[Neni] 14:36:45

[Neni] 14:36:46
Yes, to to allow to to see, to know you more.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:53


[Neni] 14:36:57
And because, for example, I can see that some things, I repeat, small.

[Neni] 14:37:05
So I write more, and one moment I say, wow! This keeps repeating.

[Neni] 14:37:11
So there is.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:11

What repeating! I'm lost! Now, what do you mean?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:14


[Neni] 14:37:23
Okay, let's say, let yesterday I write. I wrote one thing, and that thing repeats
again today.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:23


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:37:33

Yeah. Hey?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:33

What you!

[Neni] 14:37:33
And I write.

[Neni] 14:37:37
And I write today this almost the same thing, right? That happens.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:37


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:40

What do you mean? What do you mean? I write and it repeats, I'm lost.

[Neni] 14:37:52

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:53

You see, everyone, a we apparently are in a cult, because you have language that is
keeping you imprisoned. And that's not the intention, right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:17

Yes, you can receive the terminology, but you must translate it into the ideal.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:38:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:26

In such a simple way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:39

No dogma.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:46

You're talking to Emma. Actually, Emma would understand more quickly, right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:53

She's yeah. She's gotten a little older.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:55

She's right, right so, but it is but simple.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:03

What do you write that repeats itself. I'm lost.

[Neni] 14:39:14
Yeah, how can I explain? Because I would say, Okay, then it's just that come back.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:17

That's right, exactly.

[Neni] 14:39:23
But if I say that!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:25

The what that comes back.

[Neni] 14:39:26

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:30

Energies. What's an energy? What does that really mean?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:42

You said you said my emotions. I write.

[Neni] 14:39:42

[Neni] 14:39:47
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:49
And then you said, If it keeps coming back, what is it?

[Neni] 14:40:02
Everything that I create.

[Neni] 14:40:08
First thing, my thoughts.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:11


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:14

Okay, wait. Everything that you 8. I'm not sure what you mean by create.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:21

But in your thoughts.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:29

I didn't ever think I create. And then thoughts, I'm lost again.

[Neni] 14:40:42
What we. We are all creators, you and I, and then everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:51


[Neni] 14:40:53
Yeah, so everything that we?

[Neni] 14:40:59
Put our attention on, we create.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:02

Put our attention on.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:06

Okay, thank you, Nanny. I need more help. Yes, yes, Ramona, what are we gonna do
with Elena?

[Neni] 14:41:11

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:23

Yes, Ramona, right.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:41:35

I I would say to her that we have to investigate inside of us.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:42

Okay, investigate? Inquire. Oh, okay. You mean to to look at my things inside me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:55

My feelings.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:41:58

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:02
Oh, feelings, sentimentos, and emotions!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:42:09


[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:42:09


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:11

There's 2 things.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:16

Now I'm confused.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:22

Yes, everyone you. This is because the intellect wants to make it so sophisticated.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:32

But it's okay. In the school where you're learning.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:37

But to convey it to someone who doesn't know about the school.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:43

You need to be simple.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:03


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:06

Yes, you need to communicate is to be in communion with their mind.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:13


[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:43:20

Let's see Michael tea.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:20

Yeah, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:24

If yes, if you really want to be useful.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:33

Yes, you need to take the ideas and turn it into the ideal.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:40

In such a natural way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:52

So I need to inquire. Look at my feelings.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:43:59

Hi, I need to observe myself, and to see how that anger produces and where it come

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:04

Ramona, I have to, under damned my feelings. Really.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:16

What! What do you mean by that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:24

Give me an example.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:31

Of understanding.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:39

Okay, when when I when I'm angry.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:47


[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:44:51


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:12

Understand my anger, what it produces and where it comes from.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:22

Okay, I I think I can understand that. Right?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:45:26


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:30

What it produces. Yes, when I'm angry at my my friend.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:45:31


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:39

It produces a conflict with us.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:52

Okay, and how I don't want to create a conflict.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:05

And yes, and then you say I need to know where it comes from.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:46:08

Hello! Also, I don't.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:16


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:46:18

In those days. 2 days we heat ticket.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:46:24

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:26

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:46:30

I need to share myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:32

Observe myself where it comes from. What do you mean where it comes from?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:46:55

Some training produced that hunger, maybe an emotion.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:47:05

Would be to feel unworthy or.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:47:11


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:47:15

Important. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:16

So you are saying that inquiry the point of inquiry is to understand myself better.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:26


[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:47:35


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:36

And wait, wait, and and if I understand myself better, I can become more.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:48

I can have some of the fruits that you have.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:48:02

Of course.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:03

I can. That makes sense to me. But I'm gonna need some support.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:48:29

Of course we need a support button, and there is where the holy speed.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:38

Oh, but Ramona! Holy Spirit acts!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:53

How I'm I'm confused. No, I'm confused now.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:49:08

With its assistant. If I ask her here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:12

What's that, Carlos? What!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:49:15

She will help me.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:21
So I've of course I've I've known about the Holy Spirit, but I haven't known how to
use it or heard.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:45

You're telling me that you are learning how to use the Holy Spirit to help you
understand yourself better.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:55


[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:50:06

Thank you. See. My, thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:50:09

Yes, like that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:11

Oh, okay, good Ramona. Thank you. Thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:50:16


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:20


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:50:20

Because I can learn with you. There's that way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:24

Yes, yes, you want to be able to extend God's kingdom.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:30

The ideas.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:40

Yes, what other? What other crazy student will come forth after all, of this?

[Alicia Codas] 14:50:56


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:59


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:03

Yes, yes.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:51:05

I recognize my!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:08

Yes, yes, too complicated, too complicated.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:15


[Inga] 14:51:17
I think we need to write a children's book.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:21
Okay in that. Do you want to say?

[Inga] 14:51:25
No, I just thought to make it simple to. It's almost like we need a children's book
and simplicity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:33

Okay. So I'm not asking. I'm not asking for that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:38

But I want you to help me, Inga. You are.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:42

You are looking younger these days.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:51:45

Is that one of many here? No!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:47

Happyier, more tranquil and happy.

[Inga] 14:51:54
I, interrupted Alisha. I think she should go before me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:59

No, Inga, is that the manipulation?

[Inga] 14:52:02

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:03

Come on!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:08

I'm asking you.

[Inga] 14:52:10
Okay, well, it's.

[Inga] 14:52:14
It's true. I I do feel better about my life and happier.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:27

Okay, and.

[Inga] 14:52:27
And it's that's because I've done certain things with my life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:35

Okay. So you're, you're still okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:39

You're you've done some things with your life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:43

Okay, do what?
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:52:43
Okay, do I hit the other one to here?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:46


[Inga] 14:52:46
Yes, I've made some changes.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:52:50


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:50

Yes, but in that you. So you've said 3 different things, but it's still a mystery.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:57

So I want to invite you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:01

To reveal the mystery. What are you doing?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:12

Right. You've seen a little happier. I would like to be happy.

[Inga] 14:53:13
I real.

[Inga] 14:53:21
I, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:21

A little bit, please.

[Inga] 14:53:25
I realized.

[Inga] 14:53:29
That I wasn't happy, and that I need.

[Inga] 14:53:36
Then I needed to make some changes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:42

Okay. But I've tried to make changes. How do you make changes?

[Inga] 14:53:54
By changing what's not making you happy. I'm happy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:59

Bye, I'm lost now, that's just too convoluted for me, senora.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:11


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:54:14

I don't use it. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:17

You've made some changes. How do you make changes?
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:54:20

[Inga] 14:54:24
I had to be honest with myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:30


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:33

Okay. So honest with myself, I I thought I was being honest with myself.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:54:38

Okay, over that over. I mean.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:44


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:49

How do I know?

[Inga] 14:54:51
I I can't do this by myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:53


[Inga] 14:54:55

[Inga] 14:54:58
What I was doing it on my own. I kept making the same mistakes.

[Inga] 14:55:13
I needed a different strategy.

[Inga] 14:55:20
Cause mine wasn't working.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:20

Okay, so yes, but too long, too long.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:25

You've lost me by now because yours yes, I want you to give me something concrete,
not something abstract.

[Inga] 14:55:28

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:43

I would like to be a little happier, too.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:50

What are you doing to make changes?

[Inga] 14:55:55
Well, first I had to identify that I wasn't happy.
[Inga] 14:56:04
And what it was that.

[Inga] 14:56:12
That? What? What was I doing in my life?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:56:17

It'll be a that if you go with that you know me either.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:21

I have to be honest with myself. Is that what you're saying?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:27

Is the first thing.

[Inga] 14:56:29

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:34

Really be willing to look at myself.

[Inga] 14:56:41
Really be willing to look at yourself. Yes, absolutely. And it's not easy.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:56:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:51

And that will make me happier.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:56:51

After the main thing. I see.

[Inga] 14:56:52
It's not. It's not easy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:56

But if I look at myself, that will upset me, how will that make me happy?

[Inga] 14:57:08
Cause. That was the first thing I was so honest with myself about.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:57:14

Hey? Is that the main thing?

[Inga] 14:57:19
Taking responsibility for myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:26

Oh, I thought I was. What what do you mean? Taking responsibility?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:37

I'm L. Oh, let me just think about that a moment.

[Inga] 14:57:38
Nobody can make me happy but myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:58

All the things I've been trying to do to get others to make me happy, or the world,
and that hasn't worked.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:13

And it's not. It hasn't worked for me.

[Inga] 14:58:16
Exactly, exactly.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:25

And you're catching on to this.

[Inga] 14:58:32
Well, it's something's working.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:41

Yeah, I would like to know more. I want to know more how.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:47

What you're doing to make changes. And you said, Be honest and realize no one can
make me happy.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:58:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:07


[Inga] 14:59:07
It's it's all within to make that change.

[Inga] 14:59:16
It's a choice.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:17

Well, it's yes, but as soon as I find my perfect partner, then I know I'll be happy
in that.

[Inga] 14:59:32
I thought that too.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:38

Oh hmm! Oh!

[Inga] 14:59:40
It didn't happen, and I can tell you how many times I tried that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:49

Oh, you sound very wise!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:56

From all that experience. Right?

[Inga] 15:00:02
Their Lessons. Life Lessons.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:00:07


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:11

Hmm! I'm gonna think about this. And I'll reconact you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:17

Can I call you again?

[Inga] 15:00:18

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:26

Thank you. Thank you, senora. Thank you.

[Inga] 15:00:29

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:32

Yes, you see, staying, everyone staying within your personal fruits.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:42

Each of you have come forth with different fruits.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:52

Yes, speak from your you the wisdom of what you've transmuted in you by experience.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:11

Yes, then you can be confident.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:17

If you're in your intellect trying to remember concepts. That's not what I'm
talking about.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:35

Yes, Senora Nanny.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:40

You seem to be less anxious lately.

[Neni] 15:01:49

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:50

I would like to be less anxious.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:58

But I don't know where to begin.

[Neni] 15:02:06
Yeah, I can share about my own experience, about my own anxiety.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:13


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:19

Yes, I would like to understand that. Maybe it will help me understand me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:30


[Neni] 15:02:33
Yeah, it's being a process. And I'm still working on.
[Neni] 15:02:38
But I have it. I have a found out that I I lack of faith on myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:48


[Neni] 15:02:53
And the tendency to.

[Neni] 15:02:58
Kind of like outside there, out! Give the power out there!

[Neni] 15:03:09
Looking for authority out there.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:12


[Neni] 15:03:13

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:15

Oh, looking out there for someone and for some authority. And is that what you're

[Neni] 15:03:24
Yeah, or they happen is out there.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:27

Happiness out there. Yes, I've been trying all of those things, and I'm still

[Neni] 15:03:36
Right and.

[Neni] 15:03:42
And I was in robot mode in a habit.

[Neni] 15:03:55
Trying to please everybody there outside of me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:01


[Neni] 15:04:06

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:06

Oh, you're describing my life!

[Neni] 15:04:12
And when I lose control, when I could not do that, and I felt anxious in the fear.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:20


[Neni] 15:04:29
Because yeah.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:29
So where are you living? Upside down, maybe backwards.

[Neni] 15:04:38
Umhm, like Islave.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:44

Oh, you mean doing for everyone that sounds like me, Nanny.

[Neni] 15:04:54

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:54

Trying to please everyone, and I'm just more and more anxious.

[Neni] 15:05:01

[Neni] 15:05:05
And that, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:05

And how. And you realize this.

[Neni] 15:05:11
Not by myself alone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:14


[Neni] 15:05:17
Because I had a hard time to see myself, and I accept myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:29


[Neni] 15:05:29
To take the responsibility.

[Neni] 15:05:34
But with help is better. I think it was easier.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:05:41


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:43

Yes, I'm open for people's help.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:47

I like receiving help. I'm not afraid of help or organizations, or anything.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:52

I like that.

[Neni] 15:05:55
Yeah, okay.

[Neni] 15:06:04
And it's a process it's not like one day or next next day disappear.

[Neni] 15:06:14

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:14

So just that insight alone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:22

That could really help me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:27

And you are like a guide because you've been doing this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:32

And it's working. However, you're doing it right.

[Neni] 15:06:44
I still have the tendencies inside of me, but I'm learning to master them.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:51


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:58

Oh, I can understand. I believe I understand everything you're saying.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:03

You've put it in such a natural way, Nanny. Thank you.

[Neni] 15:07:07

[Neni] 15:07:16
Yeah, it's like getting a how.

[Neni] 15:07:21
You say, out of an addiction like to get to change a habit?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:25


[Neni] 15:07:32

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:32

Wow! Yes, and the help that you're getting it allows you to change your habits.

[Neni] 15:07:45

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:46

But it sounds like Mark, but I'm not afraid to work hard.

[Neni] 15:07:54

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:54

I just need to understand how to do it.
[Neni] 15:07:58

[Neni] 15:08:03
If that's the key to understand. Yeah. And that's how we change it for me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:05


[Neni] 15:08:10
When I understood the what, what was the calls?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:21

You mean understanding what was causing these things in me? Yes.

[Neni] 15:08:28
Yeah, how how I was doing that.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:08:33


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:41

Wow, yeah. How I'm doing this to myself. Is that what you're saying?

[Neni] 15:08:48

[Neni] 15:08:53
Yeah. In the beginning I was blaming outside until I could understand that I I was
a start. It.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:18


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:20

Yes, you're saying you were blaming out there the way I blame my ex husband. Oh!

[Neni] 15:09:39
That doesn't make them cling of saying. But but to see my part.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:50


[Neni] 15:09:51

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:53

Right hmm!

[Neni] 15:09:54
And how I attract the this type of people in my life.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:09:57

Hey, Joe! Hey! I hear!

[Neni] 15:10:00

[Neni] 15:10:04
Because if I if I had a inner dynamic something's side of me different different
beliefs, different energy, I would not attract that type of person.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:27

Oh, kind of like a traction or something.

[Neni] 15:10:36
Not. Maybe not. That was not the right word.

[Neni] 15:10:43
But it's how can I put this playing help? Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:52

Yes, you just go slow, Danny. This is Michael. Right? You just yes.

[Neni] 15:10:56
Sorry. For example, okay, for example.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:59

Tell me I'm your girlfriend.

[Neni] 15:11:04
When when many people write or call me.

[Neni] 15:11:11
I have the anxiety.

[Neni] 15:11:18
The anxiety the before. I would just blame them.

[Neni] 15:11:24
Oh, this people!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:11:27


[Neni] 15:11:32
And now I can understand that they are only my own field.

[Neni] 15:11:39
They are my experiences in my life.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:11:43


[Neni] 15:11:50
And they. I only feel affected because they could still be there.

[Neni] 15:11:55
But I would. Maybe I would not feel anything right. Other person would not feel

[Neni] 15:12:14
But if if I am feeling something, and that they are there, and I get a affected.

[Neni] 15:12:27
It's because is inside of me something.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:12:31


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:31


[Neni] 15:12:33

[Neni] 15:12:35
And when I started to understand that why that was affecting me.

[Neni] 15:12:50
2 things start happening like less people complaining or asking me things around

[Neni] 15:12:57
Around around my field. I have less people demanding.

[Neni] 15:13:12

[Neni] 15:13:15
And the people that I still doing, that it doesn't affect me so much.

[Neni] 15:13:22
And when it affects a little, I know where that is coming from is when I'm still in
going to the old tendency and trying to to give them the authority.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:25


[Neni] 15:13:40
And and be pleasing. Fear of break the image of good.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:47

Oh, well, Nanny, I gotta go now. My kids are needing me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:54

I'm feeling a little tired, too.

[Neni] 15:13:59
Yeah, that was too much sorry.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:03


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:14:04


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:07

I'll call you in about 7 months from now.

[Neni] 15:14:11

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:17

Oh, 8 months from now! Sure! Why not?

[Neni] 15:14:17

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:25

Yes, I have to digest everything you just gave me.

[Neni] 15:14:26

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:14:31


[Neni] 15:14:35
Yeah, yeah, it was too much. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:37

Beautiful Nanny. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:46

Good everyone. Well, today I think we're, I think we've, you know, just tapped upon
a couple of things touched.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:58

As you take these ideas where they can tend to be structured and dogmatic.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:15:07

But as you take it, and you make it your ideal, I'm hoping you'll simplify and then

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:15:16

Hey! Oh, nice!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:15:38

Those who served today. I thank you and all of you participating much appreciated.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:15:50

I don't know everyone. I pray that you can represent these ideas for the world.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 15:15:58

Thank you so much, Mike.

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