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1) The 2 types of Service Discovery only includes Client-side & server-side

discovery ?
2) Microservices based architecture prefers _
No Dependency on any perticular db
3) In __ each external request is tagged with unique identifier which is passed to
all services involved in handling the request and included in application logging
Distributed tracing
4) Caching helps in improving the performance of the system ?
5) Agile development & Deployment is difficult in case of ____
6) Which of these represent the drawback of Multiple Services per Host pattern
Faulty deployment
7) Amazon EC2 Container Service is an example of __
8) Netflix OSS is example
Client side
9) When any single application function or component fails, then the entire
application goes down. (Single point of failure ) This is primary disadvantage of
*wrong 10) Which among these helps in developing a microservice quickly _
service deployment
11) Microservice Chassis takes care of all except __
token generation
12) API Gateway ensures _
all the options
*wrong 13) Software built as microservices can, by definition, be broken down into
multiple component services ?
14) Which of this does not represent caching types_
server cache
15) Microservices supports different kinds of databases and this is called .
poliglot persistence
16) Monolithic is identified by all these disadvantages except____
quick initial development
17) Which ensures to insulate the applications by acting as barrier
API Gateway
18) Spring Boot is example of _
chassis framewok
*wrong 19) Complexity of developing, testing & deploying distributed system,
Handling partial failures account to disadvantages of
20) Service Instance per Container pattern include all except ___
slow deployment

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